唐代 韦庄 Wei Zhuang  唐代   (836~910)
To the Tune of P'u-san man
A Night Thought on Terrace Tower
A Nanjing Landscape
诉衷情 (一)
Complain heartfelt emotion twain
Consider place where god lived uni-
Consider place where god lived twain
Henbane uni-
Henbane twain
Henbane three
Henbane four
Henbane five
_Set_ zephaniah uni-
_Set_ zephaniah 2 Flowers _Set_s Poor crop The first
Jiang chengzai uni-
Jiang chengzai twain
Uplink cup uni-
Uplink cup twain
Jiuquan child
Woman crest uni-
Woman crest twain
Huan xisha uni-
Huan xisha twain
Huan xisha three
Multiple poems at a time
Wuyan lushi,a poem of eight lines

A Night Thought on Terrace Tower

   Wei Zhuang

Far through the night a harp is sighing
With a sadness of wind and rain in the strings....
There's a solitary lantern, a bugle-call –
And beyond Terrace Tower down goes the moon.
...Fragrant grasses have changed and faded
While still I have been hoping that my old friend would come....
There are no more messengers I can send him,
Now that the wildgeese have turned south.

    Translator: Witter Bynner

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