唐代 高适 Gao Shi  唐代   (700~765)
A Song of the Yan Country
To Vice-prefects Li and Wang Degraded and Transferred to Xiazhong and Changsha
Dongjak prostitutes
Cyprus under the curve
Jimen line 5
Xiaoguzengcui 2
Koga donated Lee shaofu,officer's title in Tang dynasty
Tung Ping Remain to present (surname) Minister of war in ancient china Anxi charge with the field official
Government has donated over Lu Ming
Single parent Every Dengsicangfu Warehouse So A gift
Jimen Fail to achieve one's success Wang zhihuan Guo mizhi Due to Remain to present
Send Meng 5 shaofu,officer's title in Tang dynasty
Ku Yu Send Fangsikunji
fulfil Minister of public works in ancient china pendant girdle-ornaments shaofu,officer's title in Tang dynasty
Pay Lee shaofu,officer's title in Tang dynasty
Pay PEI xiucai
Feng pay Ditch (a surname) Procurator Father-in-law Summertime Pingyin Pavilion
Eight ancient horse paid See grant effective
Pei paid taken care of after the rain the main book Sui North tower See for gifts of 1 for Wang changling poem
Pay PEI Ministry councillor Verse allograph
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Send person-days Du 2 gleaning

   Gao Shi

Send Cottage poem per person per day, pity for the enemy away and think of home.
Wicker color could not bear to see get the plum Thriving empty heartbroken.
Nothing to advance the body in the far-fan, and my heart a hundred thousand worry about re-considered.
Empty memory man-days of this year, next year to know where the man-days.
A spring lying thirty Dongshan, turned out Stirring old dust.
Longzhong also honor Erqian Dan, East and West were ashamed Seoul.
  This is a high fitness later years a most touching poems. Fu received this poem, so long divine, "tears between the lines, read the final endnote" ("Chasing the state of Shu who has become increasingly high pay and send order").
  Each section of the poem four lines were divided into three. For each rhyme, at the beginning of a level tone Yang Yun, the middle is the oblique tones Royal rhyme, the last paragraph is a level tone true rhyme.
  "Man-days poem sent Cottage," from the sentence will be straight to the point turned a deaf ear. "Pity for the enemy away and think of home," "remote pity" and "pity" is a feeling that two words throughout revolved around the "pity" the word hair growth started. "Think of home", both from himself, but also from Du Fu said, devastated central China, with their homeland. Followed by "can not bear to see color wicker get plum Thriving empty heartbroken" is specific to describe this feeling of homesickness. Spring, the willow bud, plum blossom in full bloom, it should be pleasant, but in different places of the wandering mind wandering, always easy to eventually lead to nostalgia, and that people "can not bear to see" saw on the "heartbroken" not their own feelings the.
  The middle four is the expansion and deepening of poetry, there are uneven, with depression, there are boats sailing as the sea, with wave drift turn, can not be independent of the remote and the coaching, feelings are complex. With the oblique tones for rhyme, and content is very coordinated.
  "Empty man-days memories of this year, next year, man-days to know where," which means fear is a hundred thousand contractors from consideration, the body when in troubled times, a stranger from home, this time, Acacia is gone, where next year, which can expect it? The depth of this concern, consider the far more difficult step that country, who wish to Mo application. Deep in the Lament, the number of hidden heart pains!
  The poem, no fancy eye-catching flourishes, and no deliberately crafted aphorisms, there are only Hunpu natural language, the truth from the heart flows into articles. Circumflex transformation that tone, and communicates the ups and downs of feelings. Like this "straight lift chest conditions, the history of bandits near the book" excellent work, can be considered strength of character Han Descendants.
  (Xu years)


【Source】 卷213_7

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