shēng píng
1912 nián lín yǔ táng rù shàng hǎi shèng yuē hàn dà xué, bì yè hòu zài qīng huá dà xué rèn jiào。 1919 nián qiū fù měi hā fó dà xué wén xué xì。 1922 nián huò wén xué shuò shì xué wèi。 tóng nián zhuǎn fù dé guó rù lāi bǐ xī dà xué, zhuān gōng yǔ yán xué。 1923 nián huò bó shì xué wèi hòu huí guó, rèn běi jīng dà xué jiào shòu、 běi jīng nǚ zǐ shī fàn dà xué jiào wù cháng hé yīng wén xì zhù rèn。 1924 nián hòu wéi《 yǔ sī》 zhù yào zhuàn gǎo rén zhī yī。 1926 nián dào xiàmén dà xué rèn wén xué yuàn cháng xiě zá wén, bìng yán jiū yǔ yán。 1927 nián rèn wài jiāo bù mì shū。 1932 nián zhù biān《 lùn yǔ》 bàn yuè kān。 1934 nián chuàng bàn《 rén jiān shì》, 1935 nián chuàng bàn《 yǔ zhòu fēng》, tí chàng “ yǐ zì wǒ wéi zhōng xīn, yǐ xián shì wéi gé diāo ” de xiǎo pǐn wén, chéng wéi lùn yǔ pài zhù yào rén wù。 1935 nián hòu, zài měi guó yòng yīng wén xiě《 wú guó yǔ wú mín》《 fēng shēng hè lì》, zài fǎ guó xiě《 jīng huá yān yún》 děng wén huà zhù zuò hé cháng piān xiǎo shuō。
1944 nián céng yī dù huí guó dào chóngqìng jiǎng xué。 1945 nián fù xīn jiā pō chóu jiàn nán yáng dà xué, rèn xiào cháng。 1947 nián rèn lián hé guó jiào kē wén zǔ zhì měi shù yǔ wén xué zhù rèn。 1952 nián zài měi guó yǔ rén chuàng bàn《 tiān fēng》 zá zhì。 1966 nián dìng jū tái wān。 1967 nián shòu pìn wéi xiāng gǎng zhōng wén dà xué yán jiū jiào shòu。 1975 nián bèi tuī jǔ wèiguó jì bǐ huì fù huì cháng。 1976 nián zài xiāng gǎng shì shì。
zuò pǐn
zuò pǐn nián biǎo:
1928: jiǎn fú jí shàng hǎi běi xīn shū jú
1930: LettersofaChineseAmazonandWartimeEssays( lín yǔ táng shí shì shù yì huì kān) shàng hǎi kāi míng shū diàn
1930: kāi míng yīng wén dú běn( sān cè) shàng hǎi kāi míng shū diàn
1930: yīng wén wén xué dú běn( èr cè) shàng hǎi kāi míng shū diàn
1930: kāi míng yīng wén wén fǎ( èr cè) shàng hǎi kāi míng shū diàn
1931: ReadinginModernJournalisticProse( xiàn dài xīn wén sǎnwén xuǎn) shàng hǎi shāng wù yìn shū guǎn
1933: yǔ yán xué lùn cóng shàng hǎi kāi míng shū diàn
1934: dà huāng jí shàng hǎi shēng huó shū diàn
1934: wǒ de huà shàng cè( xíng sù jí) shàng hǎi shí dài tú shū gōng sī
1935: kāi míng yīng wén jiǎng yì( sān cè) lín yǔ táng、 lín yōu hé biān shàng hǎi shāng wù yìn shū guǎn
1935: TheLittleCritic:Essays,SatiresandSketchesonChina,FirstSeries:1930-1932( yīng wén xiǎo pǐn jiá jí) shàng hǎi shāng wù yìn shū guǎn
1935: TheLittleCritic:Essays,SatiresandSketchesonChina,SecondSeries:1933-1935( yīng wén xiǎo pǐn yǐ jí) shàng hǎi shāng wù yìn shū guǎn
1935: ConfuciusSawNancyandEssaysaboutNothing( zǐ jiàn zǐ nán jí yīng wén xiǎo pǐn wén jí) shàng hǎi shāng wù yìn shū guǎn chū bǎn
1935: MyCountryandmyPeople( wú guó yǔ wú mín) NewYork:Reynal&Hitchcock,Inc.,(AJohnDayBook)
1936: wǒ de huà xià cè( pī jīng jí) shàng hǎi shí dài tú shū gōng sī
1936: AHistoryofthePressandPublicOpinionChina( zhōng guó xīn wén yú lùn shǐ) shàng hǎi bié fā yáng xíng
1936: TheUniversityofChicagoPress
1937: TheImportanceofLiving( shēng huó de yì shù) Reynal&Hitchcoca,Inc.,(AJohnDayBook)
1938: TheWisdomofConfucius( kǒng zǐ de zhì huì) RandomHouse,TheModernLibrary
1939: MomentinPeking( jīng huá yān yún) AJohnDayBookCompany
1940: WithLove&Irony( fěng sòng jí) AJohnDayBookCompany
1940: LeafintheStorm( fēng shēng hè lì) AJohnDayBookCompany
1941: yǔ táng wén cún( dì yī cè) shàng hǎi lín shì chū bǎn shè chū bǎn
1942: TheWisdomofChinaandIndia( zhōng guó yìn dù zhī zhì huì) RandomHouse
1943: BetweenTears&Laughter( tí xiào jiē fēi) AJohnDayBookCompany
1944: TheVigilofNation( zhěn gē dài dàn) AJohnDayBookCompany
1947: TheGayGenius:TheLifeandTimesofSuTungpo( sū dōng pō chuán) AJohnDayBookCompany
1948: ChinatownFamily( táng rén jiē) AJohnDayBookCompany
1948: TheWisdomofLaotse( lǎo zǐ de zhì huì) RandomHouse
1950: ontheWisdomofAmerica( měi guó de zhì huì) AJohnDayBookCompany
1951: Widow,NunandCourtesan:ThreeNovelettesFromtheChineseTranslatedandAdaptedbyLinYutang( guǎ fù, ní gū yǔ gē jì: yīng yì zhòng biān chuán qí xiǎo shuō) AJohnDayBookCompany
1952: FamousChineseShortStories,RetoldbyLinYutang( yīng yì zhòng biān chuán qí xiǎo shuō) AJohnDayBookCompany
1953: TheVermilionGate( zhū mén) AJohnDayBookCompany
1955: LookingBeyond( yuǎn jǐng) PrenticeHall
1957: LadyWu( wǔ zé tiān chuán) WorldPublishingCompany
1958: TheSecretName( nì míng) Farrar,StrausandCudahy
1959: TheChineseWayofLife( zhōng guó de shēng huó) WorldPublishingCompany
1959: FromPagantoChristianity( xìn yǎng zhī lǚ) WorldPublishingCompany
1960: ImperialPeking:SevenCenturiesofChina( dì guó jīng huá: zhōng guó zài qī gè shì jì lǐ de jǐng guān) CrownPublishers
1961: TheRedPeony( hóng mǔ dān) WorldPublishingCompany
1962: ThePleasureofaNonconformist( bù jī) WorldPublishingCompany
1963: JuniperLoa( lài bǎi yīng) WorldPublishingCompany
1964: TheFlightofInnocents( táo xiàng zì yóu chéng) G.P.Putnam'sSons
1965: wú suǒ bù tán yī jí tái běi wén xīng
1966: píng xīn lùn gāo 'ě tái běi wén xīng
1967: wú suǒ bù tán 'èr jí tái běi wén xīng
1973: Chinese-EnglishDictionaryofModernUsage( dāng dài hàn yīng cí diǎn) xiāng gǎng zhōng wén dà xué
1974: wú suǒ bù tán hé jí tái běi wén xīng
1976: hóng lóu mèng rén míng suǒ yǐn tái běi huá gāng
1978:《 yǔ táng wén jí》 kāi míng
1986:《 lín yǔ táng jīng diǎn míng zhù》 (1 héng 35 juàn ) tái wān jīn lán wén huà chū bǎn shè
1986:《 wén rén jiǎn yǐng》 ( sǎnwén jí ) yǔ rén hé jí chóngqìng rén mín chū bǎn shè
1988:《 zhōng guó rén》 ( zá wén jí ) zhè jiāng rén mín
1988:《 lài bǎi yīng》 ( cháng piān xiǎo shuō ) hú nán wén yì
1988:《 rén shēng de shèng yàn》 ( sǎnwén jí ) hú nán wén yì
yǔ lù
liǎng jiǎo tà dōng xī wén huà
liǎng jiǎo tà dōng xī wén huà
yī xīn píng yǔ zhòu wén zhāng ──《 wǒ de huà》
chè wù yǔ tòng kǔ
yī gè rén chè wù de chéng dù, qià děng yú tā suǒ shòu tòng kǔ de shēn dù。──《 wú guó wú mín》
xī hǎn
rén lèi zhī zú yǐn yǐ zì 'ào zhě zǒng shì jí wéi xī shǎo, ér zhè gè shì jiè shàng suǒ néng yú rén shēng yǐ mǎn zú zhě yì shǔ hǎn yòu。──《 wú guó wú mín》
cháng wú yōu mò
méi yòu yōu mò zī rùn de guó mín, qí wén huà bì rì qū xū wěi, shēng huó bì rì qū qī zhà, sī xiǎng bì rì qū yū fǔ, wén xué bì rì qū gān kū, ér rén de xīn líng bì rì qū wán gù。──《 yī xī huà》
cháng wú nǚ zǐ
méi yòu nǚ zǐ de shì jiè, bì dìng méi yòu lǐ sú、 zōng jiào、 chuán tǒng jí shè huì jiē jí。 shì shàng méi de tiān xìng shǒu lǐ de nán zǐ, yě méi de tiān xìng bù shǒu lǐ de nǚ zǐ。 jiǎ dìng méi yòu nǚ rén, wǒ men bì bù huì jū zhù qiān piān yī lǜ de lòngtáng, ér bì zhù zài sān jiǎo mén chuāng bā jiǎo zǎo pén de fáng wū, ér qiě yě bù zhī fàn tīng yǔ wò shì zhī qū bié, yòu hé yì yì。 nán zǐ xǐ huān zài wò shì chī fàn, zài fàn tīng 'ān mián de。──《 jīn shèng tàn zhī shēng lǐ xué》
rén zhī miǎo xiǎo
rén shēng zài yǔ zhòu zhōng zhī miǎo xiǎo, biǎo xiàn dé zhèng xiàng zhōng guó de shān shuǐ huà。 zài shān shuǐ huà lǐ, shān shuǐ de xì wēi chù bù yì kàn chū, yīn wéi yǐ xiāo shī zài shuǐ tiān de kòngbái zhōng, zhè shí liǎng gè wēi xiǎo de rén wù, zuò zài yuè guāng xià shǎn liàng de jiāng liú shàng de xiǎo zhōu lǐ。 yóu nà yī chà nà qǐ, dú zhě jiù shī luò zài nà zhǒng qì fēn zhōng liǎo。
──《 sū dōng pō chuán》
yōu xián de qíng xù
xiǎng shòu yōu xián shēng huó dāng rán bǐ xiǎng shòu shē chǐ shēng huó piányí dé duō。 yào xiǎng shòu yōu xián de shēng huó zhǐ yào yī zhǒng yì shù jiā de xìng qíng, zài yī zhǒng quán rán yōu xián de qíng xù zhōng, qù xiāo qiǎn yī gè xián xiá wú shì de xià wǔ。──《 shēng huó de yì shù》
kuài lè zhé xué
zhǐ yòu kuài lè de zhé xué, cái shì zhēn zhèng shēn zhàn de zhé xué; xī fāng nà xiē yán sù de zhé xué lǐ lùn, wǒ xiǎng hái
bǐ hé zhuī
zuò jiā de bǐ zhèng rú xié jiàng de zhuī, yuè yòng yuè ruì lì, dào hòu lái jìng kě yǐ jiān rú féng yī zhī zhēn。 dàn tā de guān niàn de fàn wéi zé bì rì jiàn guǎng bó, yóu rú yī gè rén de dēng shān guān jǐng, pá dé yuè gāo, suǒ wàng jiàn zhě yuè yuǎn。──《 shēng huó de yì shù》
yǔ gǔ rén miàn tán
yī běn gǔ shū shǐ dú zhě zài xīn líng shàng hé cháng mián yǐ jiǔ de gǔ rén rú xiàngmiàn duì, dāng tā dú xià qù shí, tā biàn huì xiǎng xiàng dào zhè wèi gǔ zuò jiā shì zěn yàng de xíng tài hé zěn yàng de yī zhǒng rén, mèng zǐ hé dà shǐ jiā sī mǎ qiān dū biǎo shì zhè gè yì jiàn。──《 shēng huó de yì shù》
jǐng xǐng chí dùn
yì shù yīnggāi shì yī zhǒng fěng cì wén xué, duì wǒ men má mù liǎo de qíng gǎn、 sǐ qì chén chén de sī xiǎng, hé bù zì rán de shēng huó xià de yī zhǒng jǐng gào。 tā jiào wǒ men zài jiáo shì de shì jiè lǐ bǎo chí zhe pǔ shí zhēn zhì。──《 shēng huó de yì shù》
kě lián de shì jiè
…… rú guǒ wǒ men zài shì jiè lǐ yòu liǎo zhī shí 'ér bù néng liǎo jiě, yòu liǎo pī píng 'ér bù néng xīn shǎng, yòu liǎo měi 'ér méi yòu 'ài, yòu liǎo zhēn lǐ 'ér quē shǎo rè qíng, yòu liǎo gōng yì 'ér quē fá cí bēi, yòu liǎo lǐ mào 'ér yī wú wēn nuǎn de xīn, zhè zhǒng shì jiè jiāng chéng wéi yī gè duō me kě lián de shì jiè 'ā!──《 shēng huó de yì shù》
zuì měi de shí hòu
yī gè nǚ zǐ zuì měi lì de shí hòu shì zài tā lì zài yáo lán de miàn qián de shí hòu; zuì kěnqiè zuì zhuāng yán de shí hòu shì zài tā huái bào yīng 'ér huò chān zhe sì wǔ suì xiǎo hái xíng zǒu de shí hòu; zuì kuài lè de shí hòu zé rú wǒ suǒ kàn jiàn de yī fú xī yáng huà xiàng zhōng yī bān, shì zài yōng bào yī gè yīng 'ér shuì zài zhěn shàng dòu nòng de shí hòu。──《 shēng huó de yì shù》
chéng chuán de lǚ kè
rén shēng zhēn shì yīcháng mèng, rén lèi huó xiàng yī gè lǚ kè, chéng zài chuán shàng, yán zhe yǒng héng de shí jiān zhī hé shǐ qù。 zài mǒu yī dì fāng shàng chuán, zài lìng yī gè dì fāng shàng 'àn, hǎo ràng qí tā hé biān děng hòu shàng chuán de lǚ kè。──《 shēng huó de yì shù》
rè qíng jiā zhì yǒng
rén shēng shì cán kù de, yī gè yòu zhe rè liè de、 kāng kǎi de、 tiān xìng duō qíng de rén, yě xǔ róng yì shòu tā de bǐ jiào cōng míng de tóng bàn zhī yú。 nà xiē tiān xìng kāng kǎi de rén, cháng cháng yīn kāng kǎi 'ér cuò liǎo zhù yì, cháng cháng yīn duì fù chóu dí guò yú kuān dà, huò duì yú péng yǒu guò yú xìn rèn, ér zǒu liǎo shīzhāo。…… rén shēng shì yán kù de, rè liè de xīn xìng bù zú yǐ yìng fù huán jìng, rè qíng bì xū hé zhì yǒng lián jié qǐ lái, fāng néng bì miǎn huán jìng de cuī cán。──《 shēng huó de yì shù》
sǐ liǎo sān cì
fán shì tán dào zhēn lǐ de rén, dū fǎn 'ér sǔn hài liǎo tā; fán shì qǐ tú zhèng míng tā de rén, dū fǎn 'ér shāng cán wāi qū liǎo tā; fán shì tì tā jiā shàng yī gè biāozhì hé dìng chū yī gè sī xiǎng pài bié de rén, dū fǎn 'ér shā hài liǎo tā: ér fán shì zì chēng wéi xìn yǎng tā de rén, dū mái zàng liǎo tā。 suǒ yǐ yī gè zhēn lǐ, děng dào bèi shù lì chéng wéi yī gè xì tǒng shí, tā yǐ sǐ liǎo sān cì, bìng bèi mái zàng liǎo sān cì liǎo。──《 shēng huó de yì shù》
kuàng dá de yōu mò jiā
nà xiē yòu néng lì de rén、 cōng míng de rén、 yòu yě xīn de rén、 ào màn de rén, tóng shí, yě jiù shì zuì nuò ruò 'ér hú tú de rén, quē fá yōu mò jiā de yǒng qì、 shēn kè hé jī qiǎo。 tā men yǒng yuǎn zài chǔlǐ suǒ suì de shì qíng。 tā men bìng bù zhī nà xiē xīn sī jiào kuàng dá de yōu mò jiā gèng néng yìng fù wěi dà de shì qíng。──《 shēng huó de yì shù》
kè bǎn
yī bān rén bù néng lǐng lüè zhè gè chén shì shēng huó de lè qù, nà shì yīn wéi tā men bù shēn 'ài rén shēng, bǎ shēng huó nòng dé píng fán、 kè bǎn, ér wú liáo。──《 shēng huó de yì shù》
xiǎng zuò lìng yī gè rén
yī wèi xiàn dài zhōng guó dà xué jiào shòu shuō guò yī jù huī xié yǔ:“ lǎo pó bié rén de hǎo, wén zhāng zì jǐ de hǎo。” zài zhè zhǒng yì yì shàng shuō lái, shì jiān méi yòu yī gè rén huì gǎn dào jué duì de mǎn zú de。 dà jiādōu xiǎng zuò lìng yī gè rén, zhǐ yào zhè lìng yī gè rén bù shì tā xiàn zài de xiàn zài。──《 shēng huó de yì shù》
lǎo nián zhī měi
gǔ jiào táng、 jiù shì jiā jù、 bǎn zǐ hěn lǎo de zì diǎn yǐ jí gǔ bǎn de shū jí, wǒ men shì xǐ huān de, dàn dà duō shù de rén wàng què liǎo lǎo nián rén de měi。 zhè zhǒng měi shì zhí dé wǒ men xīn shǎng, zài shēng huó shì shí fēn xū yào。 wǒ yǐ wéi gǔ lǎo de dōng xī, yuán mǎn de dōng xī, bǎo jīng shì biàn de dōng xī cái shì zuì měi de dōng xī。──《 shēng huó de yì shù》
bù jìn rén qíng
wǒ suǒ yǐ fǎn duì dú cái zhě, jiù yīn wéi tā men bù jìn rén qíng。 yīn wéi bù jìn rén qíng zhě zǒng shì bù hǎo de。 bù jìn rén qíng de zōng jiào bù néng suàn shì zōng jiào; bù jìn rén qíng de zhèng zhì shì yú bèn de zhèng zhì, bù jìn rén qíng de yì shù shì 'è liè de yì shù; ér bù jìn rén qíng de shēng huó yě jiù shì chù lèi shì de shēng huó。──《 shēng huó de yì shù》
lǚ xíng jiā
yī gè zhēn zhèng de lǚ xíng jiā bì shì yī gè liú làng zhě, jīng lì zhe liú làng zhě de kuài lè、 yòu huò, hé tàn xiǎn yì niàn。 lǚ xíng bì xū liú làng shì, fǒu zé biàn bù chéng qí wéi lǚ xíng。 lǚ xíng de yào diǎn zài yú wú zé rèn、 wú dìng shí、 wú lái wǎng xìn zhá、 wú rú rú hǎo wèn de lín rén、 wú lái kè hé wú mùdì dì。 yī gè hǎo de lǚ xíng jiā jué bù zhī dào tā wǎng nà lǐ qù, gèng hǎo de shèn zhì bù zhī dào cóng hé chù 'ér lái。 tā shèn zhì wàng què liǎo zì jǐ de xìng míng。──《 shēng huó de yì shù》
yī gè xué zhě shì xiàng yī zhǐ tù chū suǒ chī de shí wù yǐ sì xiǎo niǎo de lǎo yīng; yī gè sī xiǎng jiā zé xiàng yī tiáo cán, tā suǒ tù de bù shì sāng yè 'ér shì sī。──《 shēng huó de yì shù》
hé tǔ rǎng xiāng qīn
ràng wǒ hé cǎo mù wéi yǒu, hé tǔ rǎng xiāng qīn, wǒ biàn yǐ jué dé xīn mǎn yì zú。 wǒ de líng hún hěn shū fú dì zài ní tǔ lǐ rú dòng, jué dé hěn kuài lè。 dāng yī gè rén yōu xián táo zuì yú tǔ dì shàng shí, tā de xīn líng sì hū nà me qīng sōng, hǎo xiàng shì zài tiān táng yī bān。 shì shí shàng, tā nà liù chǐ zhī qū, hé cháng lí kāi tǔ rǎng yī cùn yī fēn ní?──《 shēng huó de yì shù》
wēn bǎo hēi tián
wǒ céng jīng shuō guò, zhōng guó rén duì yú kuài lè gài niàn shì“ wēn nuǎn、 bǎo mǎn、 hēi 'àn、 tián mì”── jí zhǐ chī wán yī dùn fēng shèng de wǎn cān shàng chuáng qù shuì jué de qíng jǐng。 yī gè zhōng guó shī rén yě céng shuō:“ cháng mǎn chéng hǎo shì; yú zhě jiē shē chǐ。”──《 shēng huó de yì shù》
guò kè
wǒ men duì yú rén shēng kě yǐ bào zhe bǐ jiào qīng kuài suí biàn de tài dù: wǒ men bù shì zhè gè chén shì de yǒng jiǔ fáng kè, ér shì guò lù de lǚ kè。──《 shēng huó de yì shù》
měi rén yú
rú guǒ wǒ zì jǐ kě yǐ zì xuǎn zuò shì jiè shàng zuò jiā zhī yī de huà, wǒ pō yuàn zuò gè 'ān tú shēng。 néng gòu xiě nǚ rén yú( TheMermaid) de gù shì, xiǎng zhe nà nǚ rén yú de sī xiǎng, kě wàng zhe dào liǎo zhǎngdà de shí hòu dào shuǐ miàn shàng lái, nà zhēn shì rén lèi suǒ gǎn dào de zuì shēn chén zuì měi miào de kuài lè liǎo。──《 shēng huó de yì shù》
suǒ yòu kē xué de jìn bù , dōuzài hū zhè hàoqí xīn . hàoqí xīn , jiù shì qù . kē xué fā míng , jiù shì kào zhè gè qù zì 'ér yǐ。
Lin was born in the town of Banzi in Zhangzhou Fujian province in southeastern China. This mountainous region made a deep impression on his consciousness, and thereafter he would constantly consider himself a child of the mountains (in one of his books he commented that his idea of hell was a city apartment). His father was a Christian minister. His journey of faith from Christianity to Taoism and Buddhism, and back to Christianity in his later life was recorded in his book From Pagan to Christian (1959)
Lin studied for his bachelor's degree at Saint John's University in Shanghai, then received a half-scholarship to continue study for a doctoral degree at Harvard University. He left Harvard early however, moving to France and eventually to Germany, where he completed his requirements for a doctoral degree (in Chinese) at the University of Leipzig. From 1923 to 1926 he taught English literature at Peking University. On his return to the United States in 1931, he was briefly detained for inspection at Ellis Island.
Dr. Lin was very active in the popularization of classical Chinese literature in the West, as well as the general Chinese attitude towards life. He worked to formulate a new method of romanizing the Chinese language, and created an indexing system for Chinese characters.
He was interested in mechanics. Since Chinese is a character-based rather than an alphabet-based language, with many thousands of separate characters, it has always been difficult to employ modern printing technologies. For many years it was doubted that a Chinese typewriter could be invented. Lin, however, worked on this problem for decades and eventually came up with a workable typewriter -- brought to market in the middle of the war with Japan.
He also invented and patented several lesser inventions such as a toothbrush with toothpaste dispensing.
After 1928 he lived mainly in the United States, where his translations of Chinese texts remained popular for many years. His many works represent an attempt to bridge the cultural gap between the East and the West. He was frequently nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature.
His first two books, My Country and My People (吾國与吾民,吾国与吾民) (1935) and The Importance of Living (生活的藝術,生活的艺术) (1937), written in English in a charming and witty style, brought him international fame. Others include Between Tears and Laughter (啼笑皆非) (1943), The Importance of Understanding (1960, a book of translated Chinese literary passages and short pieces), The Chinese Theory of Art (1967), and the novels Moment in Peking (京華煙雲,京华烟云) (1939) and The Vermillion Gate (朱門,朱门) (1953), Chinese-English Dictionary of Modern Usage (當代漢英辭典,当代汉英词典) (1973).
His wife, Lin Tsui-feng was a cookbook author whose authentic recipes did a great deal to popularize the art of Chinese cookery in America. Dr. Lin wrote an introduction to one of her and their daughter Lin Hsiang Ju's (林相如) collections of Chinese recipes. His second daughter, Lin Tai-Yi (林太乙) was the general editor of Chinese Readers' Digest from 1965 until her retirement in 1988.
Dr. Lin was buried at his home in Yangmingshan, Taipei, Taiwan. His home has been turned into a museum, which is operated by Taipei-based Soochow University. The town of Lin's birth, Banzi, has also preserved the original Lin home and turned it into a museum.
in China, Kelly and Walsh
(1937) The Importance of Living, Reynal & Hitchcock, Inc., (A John Day Book)
(1938) The Wisdom of Confucius, Random House, The Modern Library
(1939) Moment in Peking, A John Day Book Company
(1940) With Love & Irony, A John Day Book Company
(1940) Leaf in the Storm, A John Day Book Company
(1942) The Wisdom of China and India, Random House
(1943) Between Tears & Laughter, A John Day Book Company
(1944) The Vigil of Nation, A John Day Book Company
(1947) The Gay Genius: The Life and Times of Su Tungpo, A John Day Book Company
(1948) Chinatown Family, A John Day Book Company
(1948) The Wisdom of Laotse, Random House
(1950) On the Wisdom of America, A John Day Book Company
(1951) Widow, Nun and Courtesan: Three Novelettes From the Chinese Translated and Adapted by Lin Yutang, A John Day Book Company
(1952) Famous Chinese Short Stories, Retold by Lin Yutang, A John Day Book Company
(1953) The Vermilion Gate, A John Day Book Company
(1955) Looking Beyond, Prentice Hall (Published in England as The Unexpected island, Heinemann)
(1957) Lady Wu, World Publishing Company
(1958) The Secret Name, Farrar, Straus and Cudahy
(1959) The Chinese Way of Life, World Publishing Company
(1959) From Pagan to Christianity, World Publishing Company
(1960) Imperial Peking: Seven Centuries of China, Crown Publishers
(1960) The Importance of Understanding, World Publishing Company
(1961) The Red Peony, World Publishing Company
(1962) The Pleasure of a Nonconformist, World Publishing Company
(1963) Juniper Loa, World Publishing Company
(1964) The Flight of Innocents, G. P. Putnam's Sons
(1973) Chinese-English Dictionary of Modern Usage, Hong Kong Chinese University
Works by Lin Tsuifeng ("Mrs. Lin Yutang") and their daughter Lin Hsiang Ju
In English
(1956) Cooking with the Chinese Flavor, Prentice Hall (co-written with Lin Hsiang Ju)
(1960) Secrets of Chinese Cooking, Prentice Hall (co-written with Lin Hsiang Ju)
(1972) Chinese Gastronomy, Pyramid Publications; 1977 reprint: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (co-written with Lin Hsiang Ju, with an introduction by Dr. Lin Yutang)
(1996) The Art of Chinese Cuisine, Tuttle (a retitled edition of 1972 Chinese Gastronomy, co-written with Lin Hsiang Ju, with an introduction by Dr. Lin Yutang)
Works by his second daughter Lin Tai-Yi
Biography of Lin Yutang
Golden Platter Street
The Queen and I
Lin's Second Daughter
How Do You Do?