现代中国 List of Authors
Liu YaziShen YinmoHai ZiLo FuShu Ting
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Li Jie
现代中国  (1955 AD)
Township: 上海

Novel review《论红楼梦》

Read works of Li Jie at 小说之家
  Male, Shanghai people, born in 1955. Contemporary writers, Dream of experts, well-known literary critic.
  Graduated from high school to the countryside in 1973, was admitted to Shanghai Normal University, 1978, 1984, entered the East China Normal University to study Master of Arts, 1987 Master's graduate school to teach.
  Since 1982, published papers, reviews hundreds of articles, short stories more than 100,000 words, over 200,000 word essay prose, poetry number. Was awarded the 1988 Shanghai Youth Literature Prize, the results were income, "Cambridge Who's Who in the world" 26 set (1995).
  "Literature is the study of new theory" (Flower City Press)
  "Individuality, self-created" (Zhejiang Culture and Art Publishing House "
  "History and Culture of the holographic image" (Oriental Publishing Center)
  "The wind candle sea" (prose) (Inner Mongolia People's Publishing House)
  "Li Wa River" (novel) (Inner Mongolia People's Publishing House)
  "Dances with Trees" (collection of essays that is a) (Anhui Literature and Art Publishing House)
  "Orientation to the Master" (Yunnan People's Publishing House)
  Li Jie studied under the famous scholar Qian Gurong. Year NTNU Wise people of China to the less salty long set, the top four, Professor Xu Jie, Satire, Xu Zhongyu, corresponded with this tide is 1:00 Toshihiko, which corresponded with this tide is studied under many talented people, Wang Xiaoming, Xu Zidong, Li Jie, He Qing Hu, Wu Jun Jie ... ... instructors have commented, "He's there to East China Normal University Department of Chinese Literature on the impact of unprecedented levels have been reached; their thoughts on the literary culture of the first, leading, perhaps that lets the people that the Chinese Department of Beijing University's top dwarfed. "Among the many achievements of the division each brother, Li Jie is also a brilliant light, participated in various dialogues, and scholars hou" Yellow River dialogue "limelight; written a number of novels, of which 1 "Li Wa River" direct mapping China Normal University Department of Chinese affairs of men, merry and put up, the subject of ridicule, creating a sensation. In 1998, Qinghai People's Publishing House published five volumes of "Collected Works of Li Jie ideology and culture", this is his literary criticism in the 1980s and 1990s, a stage of ideological and cultural summary. Volume 5, thin corpus will be read again, had to admire the talented Li Jie. Scope of his discourse is not confined to one article concerned, recent Chinese history, culture, the fate of the 20th century ... ... completely forgetting the "Spring to Jin Jiang World, Yu Lei clouds become ancient and modern," the momentum, it seems that not enough non-match for his knowledge and talent Most people do this kind of grand narratives is a struggle, no doubt from his superior knowledge and calmly abundant passion. From another perspective, this discourse is precisely the way of distinguished humanities scholars in the 1980s the typical domestic style, Li Jie was noteworthy. Li Jie whims and personality for the year are also many disputes, but not the personality, as well as Li Jie it? This dilemma of teacher evaluation has corresponded with this tide, "You can not have a little sophistication to understand it, so how to get along with people, what? However, you really become sophisticated, and it not like you. You completely in your own world , the invisible people are doing, what others are thinking. In short, your eyes can not see other people. but also the only way to create something. "talent, personality foundation and origin in the spirit of Li Jie of talent, personality most of the source Since he founded on the humanistic spirit. He borrowed Comment on "Dream of Red Mansions" expressed through this spirit, "" Dream of Red Mansions "and come out, both marks of the past history of subversion, but also a signal of the rise of humanism." Dream of Red Mansions "of the great because they demonstrate the traditional culture of the past, an entirely different aesthetic realm, the past is history, is "Mirror" in history, "Three Kingdoms" of history; from "Dream of Red Mansions", see the beginning of history have another talk. power struggle, moral, cannibalism, candles in the bottom of the soul of its poor showing pale. "
  Discussion of the human spirit, and other "cooperative" old things
  Li Jie
  Since been living across the ocean, looking back, warp. However, some things at the time wondering, but rather would like to get up more clearly. I was dark in the personnel of the foolish, according to a writer friend of argument, the confused people like me, cute cheat too rare. In the money on confusedly not that great value is in ordinary personal achievements of academic research and thinking, will coax the people to freely share and per share after only deprived of the joy of friendship, but because he felt being taken in rendered very depressed, and the most ridiculous is that after the frustration, but also fooled again.
  Around some informed friends that after he had asked me to put the so-called "cooperation" process, in particular the human spirit that the discussion hit the story speak out, but I always feel confused because of too gave up the idea ridiculous. Furthermore, since people have benefited, so why should people do embarrassing? Until now, because things that are past, will say it might not hurt, and I only agreed to open my experience of those ridiculous. Moreover, friends have said the truth, if the old do not speak, those details may never been known. I dare not say how many of those details to Awaken the mean, but at least allow future generations to do what I like stupid little things.
  Memories beset Which, I think the idea to start the formation of humanism talk about it.
  First, that the origin of a human spirit
  The human spirit is to say that this idea formed in my mind but the first one we all know, but it was inconvenient to say the background is eight, nineties at the turn of the historical events occurred in China. I think we all remember that after that incident, that is, in 2092, there have been a turning point, said back opening and reform. Although the transition unsatisfactory, but also early Xianduan Ni deficiency. As one, not just material civilization; Secondly, if no corresponding material cultural psychology as a basis, then it could lead to a cross-flow Moral Degeneration Desire consequences; and to the Chinese people to build a healthy cultural psychology, must first sort out the traditional, to borrow the terminology of modern psychology, the collective unconscious may heal wounds, wounds that use the words of Lu Xun, called the national character. I think this is why the eighties, many of the original steering young people engaged in literary criticism and cultural criticism reasons. In a sense, I had reason to resort to humanism as a topic in the media, it is like to start from the 80's but because of the historical events that interrupted the cultural criticism. And 80 years is different, I do not want to start from the criticism, but would like to start from the building. Over the past all the so-called locked in superstition, and later came to understand only the word established the lead, broke, can on one of them. I know that in such an effort requires a lot of free space, but that kind of space but can not wait, but only for the. Work hard is one thing, but to what extent is another matter, which is the so-called Man proposes, God disposes like it.
  In that article, I passed from Yinke to the "Dream of Red Mansions" of the back, forming later the idea of the human spirit. Although the human spirit is one that I later on "Dream of Red Mansions" in the middle of a formal, but its basic meaning, but it is formed in that article. At that time, I mean this comes down to a new humanistic tradition, a national spirit of a new chapter. Specifically described as follows:
  ----" Reading "1993 Fourth
  This idea was later wrote that on the "Dream of Red Mansions," the monograph "History and Culture of the holographic images," in, with more detail, and that the original opinion about the new national spirit of the humanistic tradition and a new chapter further define the human spirit, I launched the "Dream of Red Mansions" of the discourse, the states explicitly:
  "Dream" come out, not only marks on the history of subversion to live, but also a signal of the rise of humanism.
  -----" History and culture of the holographic image, "Introduction to the first page
  Humanistic spirit that is said in my article, the human tradition, or the national spirit of a new chapter. Monographs in that department, I called again a kind of nobility that the spirit of humanism, and explains:
  Noble word in my dictionary is not meant status, but stressed the spirit.
  ---- Ibid, p. vii.
  Meanwhile, the first sentence of the first chapter on the show:
  The reason why the so-called Dream of the past is always superficial and even vulgar, I think a fundamental reason: the premise of noble spirit as the serious lack of reading.
  ---- Ibid, the first page of text.
  Here the so-called noble spirit, it is said that is in front of the human spirit. Human pain but lack the spirit of why I think from the "Dream" to Yinke the root causes of this cultural phenomenon, and the humanistic spirit of the Chang Yang, was I the "Dream of Red Mansions" and even then the other one of the Writing is very important premise. I think I read all the ideological and cultural corpus of readers will understand this, where this subject.
  If people read my article and the "Dream of Red Mansions" of the monograph, then compare what they said Wang Xiaoming later humanism will not see each other's differences. The fundamental difference between this difference is that my human spirit is the main degradation of the Cultural Psychology of the premise of its context and discourse, also based on "Mirror" and "Three Kingdoms" of traditional Chinese culture on the psychological negative impact as a frame of reference; and Wang Xiaoming they then reset this premise into a commercial civilization, the human spirit with the commercial civilization against each other. This is a very serious misleading, it is called perpetrating a fraud can not be overstated. Because people in Taiwan culture is not the business of civilization mental decay, but I said that cultural traditions, in 54 times, cultural elite it comes down to classical Chinese tradition then, some people say that traditional Confucianism, and later, people again It is said to be the so-called feudal tradition, although I think that argument has some truth, but not accurate. As for the human spirit and the relationship between commercial civilization, but another topic. The key here is that I said the human spirit can be attributed to the words of Chen Yinke ideas of freedom, independent personality; and Wang Xiaoming said that their human spirit seems to refuse to do business means, put a pair of not and the business company of the posture of people, to frighten some people hard to do business. In fact, whether the human spirit, do not do business with are not closely related. Commercial civilization, even if unfair competition is based on characteristics of the business climate for independent thought and freedom of personality, better than what I have said that cultural traditions of the people is much smaller than the poisoning.
  Ordinarily, humanistic spirit in nature is a kind of there, no no, so nothing to say things that do not have the necessary expertise as a topic for this talk. However, due to exposure to the cultural space at the time than 80 years to become too cramped and small, that I do the magazine to some friends who suggested that it become a topic about the cultural atmosphere in this vibrant, open up about spiritual free space. Of course, the later development of things that I very romantic idea, people have already hopelessly reduced to the extent that human spirit can become the talk of the loss of the humanistic spirit of mutual admiration among the people.
  Second, how the human spirit into a topic
  Humanism, said it was the first in Nanjing into the subject. I remember when I finished the "Dream of Red Mansions," a significant (August 1993), the that year in October, Nanjing Normal University, invited me and my colleague Xiao-Ming Wang went to their school to make a speech. At that time, in Nanjing, "Zhong Shan" magazine because in the eighties made me the vanguard of contemporary Chinese fiction at length, to know one another, so I would like to make a landlord, invited me to dinner, of course, but also with the Wang Xiaoming invited to. Remember to drink tea and chat after dinner when sitting jimingsi mouth, then "Zhong Shan" Fan, deputy editor of a small day asked, can give them out with suggestions for the "Zhongshan" do a little more culture (to that effect). I thought for a moment, on a proposal made to them, to open a re-fictional part. Fan Xiao-day hearing at that time, do not understand what I was saying, and he claims that the academic re-fictional heavy gas, preferably a little popular. So I gave him the humanistic spirit of the one said. I said, it would open a Reconstruction of Humanities of the column bar. Then, I mean the human spirit and how to rebuild so that a pass. The effect is, I said earlier. Since then the Department has just completed the "Dream of Red Mansions" of writing, I think naturally the focus from the discussion of the "Dream of Red Mansions" and lead to a range of cultural phenomena. I would like to discuss by the humanistic spirit, continue to deepen the culture of thinking that. At that time, I not only "Zhong Shan" Fan magazine deputy editor, said small day on humanistic spirit, and said how the human spirit into a topic of specific practices. I suggested that he "Zhong Shan" on opening up a special column about the Reconstruction of Humanities, each made a long speech at the same time, I told him, you can then link to the "reading" magazine, in the form of dialogue with the "bell Mountain "to each other to cook several consecutive period. Fan is very interested in hearing small days, and then really opened up a column, first made me "Dream of Red Mansions" one with the last chapter, more than 30,000 words long article; later Zhu Dake then made a Long text article. This is something for the future.
  In the train back to Shanghai from Nanjing on those few hours, each talking about how to do this, and talked very speculative, as the previous co-operation that, like several times, the beginning always makes me feel very trusted. In order to express his confidence, I offered, my main idea of the whole discussion started, but in actuality, forum and links regarding the newspapers and magazines, from him to do.
  Wang Xiaoming I was surprised I have spent so much on a surprise attack, and he took the outline of my intentions have not come to respect my opinion, but I accept such a fait accompli, not only accept their outline, but also to accept those who are looking for him, including people I do not want to sit down together. If I do not accept, then I left the choice is to quit. If I insist on expressing my meaning, then, is nothing but the discussions in a different voice only, because the whole outline of the discussion those who have been first developed by them better. I read that Wang Xiaoming superimpose my outline for a long time not speak a word to. I've been unable to understand why Lu Xun year defense literature popular literature and Zhou Yang, the two slogans on them so angry, I've always felt that Lu Xun Zhou Yang, who's angry that some strange, but when I face this operation Xiaoming , I suddenly realized that something like this. However, I feel so much anger, rather disappointed, and even some despair. It was an unforgettable despair, only experienced that kind of desperate to feel a sense of helplessness. Of course, I chose after much desperate to leave, but did not like my best friend of Hu Qing, as in similar despair, the chosen style of Wang Guowei's around forever. This is also something for the future.
  I was silent for a moment, tell Wang Xiaoming, I decided to quit, not to participate in any discussions with the relevant and discussions. Because then at least I can keep a voice after the situation has changed. At that time some friends suggested I set the record straight with them, but I do not think there is no human breath, and even a little spiritual content gone. Because in my mind, humanism is not how to speak first is that while practicing, so the fundamental nature of human spirit but not indisputable, and is the more competition the more competition the more confused the more confusing. I have mentioned in the humanistic spirit of those figures, such as Cao Xueqin, Wang Guowei, Chen Yin Ke, are not you going to bickered, the glib, but for hard writing or silently doing nothing, or stand like a wall or cliff thousands of feet The stiff man, and, basically loners. Alone, but a marker of Humanism. If the me of discussions Xiaoming Shang Liangna O'clock doing wrong things, then that I had forgotten the humanistic spirit Naishigudu characteristics, or that I forgot what I call the human spirit but Yishengkuangye Hu advertising, rather than a lively discussion. I later chose not to fight, to opt out, it is also, deep down, for the recognition of this feature alone. Moreover, humanism has always been nothing to discuss. Humanism is not there you are talking about or not, but because you recognized the psychological and cultural way of life you choose. Measure of whether a person spirit, the first not to see this spirit that he has not talked about, but by the survival of his choice in the end there is no way of human breath and the spirit of tolerance. More sophisticated in existence the more shrewd choice, the more distant from the human spirit. But interestingly, it is precisely because the spirit away from the humanities, so that some sophisticated and smart intellectuals would like to talk about humanism. Said that discussion was that the scholars human spirit is too sophisticated too smart professors may be too harsh, but can not find a humane spirit in order to survive in the environment without doing not a humanities professor, it is also an indisputable fact. This was so ironic, I mean, did the human spirit as a topic, is the kind of pain on the intellectuals are learning and Dreams of Red Mansions is the article, pain in the intellectuals of the "Three Kingdoms" of But this discussion that the last but still fell to the tradition of sophisticated smart inside.
  I do not know if this is because they are too confused, or people too much, anyway, that sort of things. I became an out and out to spectators, watching other people crying and do the show humanism.
  Until the past few years, I was in an overseas Chinese-language magazine in a published article, the insinuations have expressed my views. The article is called "TO BE OR NOT TO BE", borrowing the "Hamlet" in a well-known lines, or not to be, laments:
  Only the loss of talent would call the soul of the soul, only the loss of the humanistic spirit of the people would be cries of the humanistic spirit. It is each individual's self-needs and self-rescue, once they come to a large-scale discussions, it became a strange comfort each other and deceive each other.
  This article was received in my essays "wind candle sea" in the.
  Third, "two-way homogeneous" background relationships with co-operation
  In terms of my nature, but a free undisciplined people do not like organized activities do not like to be organized together. But I also have a weakness, always say sorry to the people. I am in the East China Normal University's 10-odd years, I worked with Wang Xiaoming find many times, I have not once told him not to.
  Wang Xiaoming first approached me, or is it when I graduate. I was called two-way concept of a homogeneous mode of thinking, the idea that I actually read his own boyhood as a Hegelian philosophy of clean, linear view of history and linear thinking habits of a reflection . However, now, come to Wang Xiaoming had come to me not because of what my academic interest in this idea or any thought of recognition, but his cooperation with this matter with me his special personnel significance.
  At that time, although I am a graduate student at the time, but the teacher thinks highly indebted, the occasion comes up every day, everywhere published articles have not yet been decided how to graduate school to teach, and so on. I read the article about the phenomenon of Mao Zedong's people know, I hate cliques, very looked down on the camp in the interpersonal behavior of Gou Gou. But one was out of sympathy for Wang Xiaoming, she then when he came to me, the words between the Dao Yeting sincerity, appearance is also very honest look, also do not care what other.
  But goes on immediately place a very interesting thing. Wang Xiaoming come to me after hearing cooperation, Associate Professor Xu Zidong actually put down a shelf, and very modestly approached me, saying that he was willing to cooperate with me, but also puts me and Wang Xiaoming, as well as with me the other students in the graduate school with the kind invitation to his home. And strangely, I asked Wang Xiaoming how to do, he did not let me refuse Xu Zidong. He won the acceptance of Xu Zidong, so I told him create the impression of a timid by nature, not with the people outraged, would rather make an issue of the back or in private.
  Of course, Wang Xiaoming I have no objection, I am not sure what, because of cooperation with him would have had meaning for him disaffected, since he had no objection, Why should I let Xu Zidong embarrassed it. In this way, four people gathered together, discussed several times. Of course, the short, two-way two-way with the original structure or the same structure, but extends dendrites of many branches spread, is like Avanti rabbit, cook a big pot of soup, and finally by my annual subscription fee, everyone Share. I write in the very article written by "two-way isomorphic to the thinking and literary theory of two-way thinking" article, the Department on the four names. Article published in 1986 the third issue of "Literary Theory" on.
  At that time, with me in graduate school students who are not willing to signature, and he has repeatedly told me that said, how can these are your ideas, but also what you write. But I asked people to eat the same as to him, as it has been a big pot, and with one department with it, for me, it was no more than just a pair of chopsticks.
  In fact, among those few partners, the students are the most understanding of my ideas. Very foundation of his philosophy, clear thinking, discussing each other, his views are the most weight. In contrast, Wang Xiaoming at the time read some of the Western literary theory, Eagleton some experience. As Xu Zidong, was purely a response to Wang Xiaoming cooperation moves come to me, I said the same structure in the end the two-way what it meant, he did not know and not interested to know, I dare say, until now, he does not understand what I was talking about.
  This was several newspapers in Shanghai, made news after quite some media effect, but looks are making a fuss. In fact, the inside story behind the relationship, is a completely different thing back.
  4, The Whole Story of rewriting literary history
  Ordinarily, there was such a lesson, I should be wary of such things. However, my weakness is that people will not say never. When Wang Xiaoming second time to find my cooperation, I foolishly agreed. This second is the cooperation of the rewriting of literary history.
  Back in university, I was dissatisfied with the textbooks on the kind of literary history, initiation of the idea of rewriting literary history, and also specifically wrote an article entitled "China's new literary mainstream" of the long paper. That was two years from 1,981 to 8 things. Later, after reading the graduate, the idea of rewriting the history of literature is even more clear, and in that paper, based on re-written as "main current of Chinese Literature Introduction to" article. The article was written in 1984, that is, I attended graduate that year, was published in Hangzhou, a summary of literature review papers, and then close in my 2088 publication of the comments set "personality. Self. Creation "in.
  When the articles written after listening to their views on two amendments, a strange thing happened that made by Chen, his name should be the department first. I did not think the usual smiling, Chen Si, so care will be signed. Day after leaving home by Chen, riding a bike on the way home, I sought the views of Wang Xiaoming. Wang Xiaoming very strongly to me that this is absolutely impossible, not only the idea of the whole framework is your original, but the article itself is what you write, you should have signed a matter of course, led.
  Later, I have never seen as rewriting the history of literature by Chen. But Wang Xiaoming Chen Si contact with the ever closer together. Chen Si, where the movement, I basically listen to Wang Xiaoming tell of. Wang Xiaoming told me that was signed by Chen and articles and do not have any opinion; added that the final version of the article to the post by Chen, Chen Si says to get the "Literature Review" published up. So, I did not ask once had. Of course, the fact is that until now no one see this article published, either I still have a their own manuscripts, the so-called co-operation on such a dissipated, never hidden the.
  I do not know why the article was not published, is sent by Chen, "literary criticism" after not published or sent by Chen simply not published, or any other reason. But then I wonder that they are coincidentally two completely forgotten the article. They have not forgotten the rewriting literary history of this argument, but they forget that rewriting literary history of this article.
  However, although they worked hard to organize the article around, but they seemed to forget the thing I read all three in their hands the Department of the name of rewriting literary Shi Yiwen, not to mention even mention. They all published articles organized, which are of literary history or a local unit of work on a writer's view, not a general discussion on the macro. Ordinarily, they told me to write the article "Overview of Chinese Literature" is only a macro-discourse, but they prefer to discuss macro-column article in their absence, not to express their discussions with me several times after I will write an article. My staff is not dark it is, then ask them to go soon as no surprise, since you so eager to rewrite the history of literature, why not publish anonymous thing I read three of rewriting literary history articles? If you find my name on there, all dazzling, to publish my name is also deleted the line Well. Because after all, after all, only a complete rewriting of literary history paper ah. This article written into them from opening the column, only less than one year's time. Even if their exposure and to rapidly changing academic standards, this article will not have so quickly out of date, no published value. In short, I do not understand why they stubbornly clutching his article, and uttered not a word, they rewrite the literary history of any text in and occasions, are absolutely silent.
  Of course, if I really ask, I do not know what the answer will be. Just a matter of fact the results, they have clearly and simply placed there, that is, rewriting literary history only one that automatically names of two people with them the equal sign. In other words, rewrite the history of literature as a historical one says the words, only two people who. If you made a quiz question, 80 years who is in Shanghai rewriting of literary history? Standard answer can only be filled by Chen Xiaoming and write in any other name would of got the wrong answer and lose points. It is like the human spirit was, like, rewrite the history of literature has unwittingly become the name with the two of them together with no patents of the patents, or borrow a business term for the two of them became intangible assets. They also want an intangible asset only so, as to how to rewrite the history of literature, they are really does not matter. Apart from a rewriting of literary history shouted slogans outside, and not really serious rewrite the history of literature written an article in the macro-vision. A statement that they value the value of even a slogan. As they said later on, like a human spirit, and to regard it as a slogan shouting a pass, as to how it was humanism, the spirit of what is meant by a human, they do not care, do not care. This is the eighties of the twentieth century Chinese intellectuals to grasp the truth of a line of least resistance but the most effective way, no effort, as long as an argument or a slogan of ways to get hands all settled. There is nothing more than bread and milk have, all else had. The so-called power of discourse is how to strike, and how the so-called set of academic authority, if future generations do not understand it, read this example to understand, do not need to seriously study the "Three Kingdoms." As to the academic and ideological consequences of a bubble, now, I think we have all seen.
  In fact, how to rewrite the history of literature, I was there a new idea, and I put those thoughts in an article entitled "History of Modern Chinese Literature (1917-1984) Dynasties," the paper, is more than 30,000 words , published in 1988, the first of the "Yellow River" magazine. That is why the later Zi-Ping Huang wrote to me and asked me to give him the rewriting of literary history to write a dialogue of reason. Indeed, theory is gray, evergreen tree of life. Idea if I was now once again rewrite the history of literature, certainly not the same as before, will. Perhaps this is what Wang Xiaoming one find one of the reasons I co-operation, because he is good practice in human relations seven out eight, but shorter than life itself on the ideological and theoretical ideas to create. In the face of the so-called rewriting literary history, if that poster and slogan style Naqu topic, Wang Xiaoming but the rest of the article relating to the organization again and again. In fact, with Wang Xiaoming and Chen Si, and the good, do edit quite right, an official of course more appropriate, often hear what they became director of the Association, I am happy for them; but they have now done professors, so was that the self-inflicted pay nondescript look.
  As this is now published "Overview of Chinese Literature", I take exception to a long. Either to confirm the story then rewrite the history of literature, I do not will this old article out disgrace.
  These events sounds like a very boring, no meaning. But I am on record, perhaps the future of the people of this era of intellectuals would be helpful. There are many things I still failed to figure out all. Wang Xiaoming Chen Si and in interpersonal relations strategist is relatively deep, deep as life Dunong perhaps I do not understand. Of course, I do not want to figure out. Since people do not like do not need to understand each other. Because I look back and would like to add but, why would anyone want to Chang Yang human spirit, because of a number of intellectuals too and my peers, "Three Kingdoms", and "Three Kingdoms" to include the human spirit can be included of any topic with the Kingdoms into. I want to add that with my age generation of intellectuals, the survival effort spent on far more than any previous generation. Of course, think that they live is not easy, but do not end up like "Dream of Red Mansions" in Nagqu "A Song" sung. However, I think, is precisely because more and more people are seeking such a living law, so there's nothing unreasonable of. To say people really desperate.
  However, the reason I wrote this memo type text, it is because they have sent have a hope, that hope that the people would have talked about human spirit, Lenovo to should be "Dream of Red Mansions", Wang Guowei, There Yinque, rather than what the other person, nor is it my insignificant person.
  Thank you friends.
  September 2002, writing in New York.
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