唐代 人物列錶
李隆基 Li LongJi李世民 Li Shimin李治 Li Zhi
李顯 Li Xian李旦 Li Dan李亨 Li Heng
李適 Li Kuo李昂 Li Ang李忱 Li Chen
李曄 Li Ye李豫 Li Yu李淵 Li Yuan
李重茂 Li Chongmao李誦 Li Song李純 Li Chun
李恆 Li Heng李湛 Li Zhan李瀍 Li Chan
李漼 Li Cui李儇 Li Xuan唐哀帝 Tang Aidi
瀋法興 Shen Faxing李子通 Li Zitong劉黑闥 Liu Heita
王摩沙 Wang Masha
唐哀帝 Tang Aidi
唐代  (892年908年)
網筆號: 昭宣光烈孝皇帝
廟號: 景宗
陵墓: 溫陵

  唐哀帝(892-908)李柷(chù)是唐昭宗第九子,漢族,景福元年(892)九月三日生於大內。初名李祚,乾寧四年(897)封輝王,是唐朝最後的一個皇帝,從小顛沛流離,在腥風血雨、惶惶不安中過日子。他是唐昭宗的第九個兒子。天佑元年,唐昭宗被朱溫(朱全忠)謀殺時,朱溫立13歲的輝王李柷為皇太子,當天又叫皇后命太子於柩前即位,是為唐哀帝。他即位的當天,宮中一派恐怖氣象,皇親國戚、宮女嬪妃和大臣們為唐昭宗的慘死悲傷,但沒有人敢哭出聲來。唐哀帝即位後,尊母親何皇后為皇太後。天佑二年二月初九日,唐哀帝纔登位半年。朱溫派樞密史蔣玄暉邀請唐哀帝的幾個兄弟德王李裕、棣王李羽、虔王李楔、瓊王李祥、沂王李湮、遂王李緯、景王李秘、祁王李祺、雅王李縝等,到洛苑九麯池赴宴。宴會當中,忽然進來一群兵士,手持粗繩利刃,將他們抓住,全部活活勒死,屍體投入九麯池。14歲的唐哀帝得知兄弟們被朱溫派人殺死後,也不敢放聲痛哭,衹在深夜裏暗暗抽泣。他衹有和母親何太後相依為命了。周圍全是朱溫派來監視他的人。不久,柳璨、張廷範也被朱溫殺死。 天佑四年春正月,朱溫逼迫唐哀帝下詔於二月行傳禪之禮。將帝位禪讓給朱溫,奉朱溫為帝。朱溫改國號為梁,史稱後梁。朱溫封唐哀帝為濟陰王,遷居曹州。朱溫命人在他居住的四周圍上荊棘,第二年又派人將唐哀帝殺死。 謚號:昭宣光烈孝皇帝;安葬地:溫陵。
  天佑二年(905)六月,朱全忠在親信李振和朝廷宰相柳璨的鼓動下,將裴樞、獨孤損、崔遠等朝廷衣冠之流三十多人集中到黃河邊的白馬驛全部殺死,投屍於河,製造了驚人的“白馬之變”。李振多年參加進士科考試總是不中,對裴樞等人懷有切膚之痛。他對朱全忠道:“這些人常自謂清流,現在投入黃河,就變成濁流了。”朱全忠大笑,這實際上掃除了他篡位過程中的一大障礙。朱全忠對讀書人懷有天然的敵意,這從一件小事上可以看出。朱全忠曾率手下路過一棵大柳樹,在樹下歇腳時,他自言自語:“這柳樹可以做車轂。”手下無人應答,樹下幾個讀書人模樣的遊客卻附和他:“確實可以做車轂。”未成想,朱全忠勃然大怒,厲聲說道:“書生輩好順口玩人,都是你五代十國文官俑們這個樣子。做車轂要用夾榆木,豈可使用柳木!” 回頭對手下道:“你們還等什麽?”竟將附和他的幾個人痛打致死。

  Emperor Ai of Tang (892-908) Li zhu (chù) is the ninth son of Emperor Tang Zhaozong, Han, King Fuk first year (892) was born on September 3 Ouchi. First name Li Zuo, dry Ning four years (897) Wang Feng-hui, the last emperor of the Tang Dynasty, from small displacement, in the reign, live in constant fear. He was the ninth son of Emperor Tang Zhaozong. God Bless the first year, Emperor Tang Zhaozong be Taizu of Later Liang (Zhu Quanzhong) murder, Taizu of Later Liang Hui Wang Li 13-year-old crown prince Li zhu for the day, also known as Queen's life in the coffin came to the throne, Prince is to Tang Ai. He ascended the throne of the day, the palace school of terror weather, royal, odalisque concubines and ministers for the tragic death of Emperor Tang Zhaozong sad, but no one dared to cry. Tang Aidi's reign, respect for the Queen Mother Queen Mother Ho. God Bless years early in February the 9th, Tang Ai came to the throne only six months. Taizu of Later Liang sent senator History Jiang Xuanhui invited Tang Aidi's brothers de Wang Yu Li, Di Wang Li Yu, Qian Wang Li wedge, Jean Wang Xiang Li, Yi Wang Li submerged, then Wang Li Wei, Jing Wang Li secretary, Qi Wang Li Qi, Ya Wang Li Zhen, etc., to Luo Yuan 9 Pond dinner. Party which, suddenly came a group of soldiers, armed with rope razor, will they seize, all burned and strangled, body into nine pools. 14-year-old Tang Aidi that killed brothers were sent after Taizu of Later Liang, did not dare bawl, just sobbing in the middle of the night secretly. He was only a mother Empress Dowager Dependence. Taizu of Later Liang sent to monitor all around him. Soon, Liu Can, Zhang Tingfan also Taizu of Later Liang killed. God Bless the spring of the first month for four years, forcing Taizu of Later Liang Tang Ai edict in February Zen Ritual Acts. The throne Abdication to Taizu of Later Liang, Bong Taizu of Later Liang Emperor. Taizu of Later Liang change the country for the beam, known to history as Girder. Taizu of Later Liang Feng Tang Ai as Jiyin king, moved Caozhou. Taizu of Later Liang ordered his residence surrounded by the thorns, the second year they sent someone to kill Tang Ai. Posthumous name: Zhao Xuanguang strong filial emperor; buried: Wenling.
  Ai good thing on so 2, estimated or intended for his cronies claim, but without success. One thing is God Save the two years (905) in September with the aim of intrauterine sealed on behalf of his wet nurse for the county Zhao Yi and his wife. No. Zhao Yi Yang gave them wet nurse, wet nurse Mrs. Wang Feng County, another wet nurse named Wang is also the time of closure in the county Akimune wife, also intends to change quasi-labeled Zhao Yi Yang cases. This challenge has been prime minister, who said: "Since ancient times, lactating mothers without closure wife giving a precedent within the profession. Then follow this case, it is a good code system. Then Han Feng Shun, who favored wet nurse for the Sanyo Jun Song, Han'an wet nurse Wang s for the wild Wang Jun, the court on talking about. Chendeng discuss the current situation should seek under the old ceremony, giving hope for the Ansheng Jun Yang, Fu Wang for the monarch and the second for the Kangsheng Jun Wang. "Ai also had to comply. Another one is God Bless years (905) in November, the 19th prepared to pro-Ai Temple Circular Mound (Heaven) things. At that time, Yamen has already done the ceremony held at the ready, the southern suburbs of the altar under the prime minister has also been familiar with the ceremony. However, Zhu Quanzhong upset after hearing that the ceremony held in the rural days of the intention to extend the Great Tang Guozuo. The auspices of the officers of the fear, on the pretext of re-scheduled to make this go without.
  God Bless years (905) in June, Zhu Quanzhong prime minister in the cronies Li Zhen and Liu Can the court's encouragement, the Pei Shu, Tokgo loss, CUI Yuan-court attire and the like 30 other people along the Yangtze River baimayi concentration to kill all cast corpse in the river, creating a striking "Baima change." Zhen-years do not always participate in the Examination, on the Pei Shu, who harbor painful experience. He Zhuquan Zhong Road: "These people often from the so-called clean, and now into the Yellow River, it becomes a turbidity current." Zhu Quanzhong laugh, it actually removed him usurp the throne during a major obstacle. Zhu Quanzhong natural harbor on the intellectual hostility, which can be seen from a trivial matter. Zhu Quanzhong rate of men who passed by a large willow, stopping for a rest under a tree, he said to himself: "This car hub Willow can do." Men no one answered, several scholars under the trees look like tourists but echoed him: "Indeed car hub can do. "unpaired think Zhu Quanzhong rage, snapped:" Good and tasty playing scholar generation who are you Five Dynasties and Ten States civilian figurines are like this. do car hub to use folder elm, how can they use the willow! "Looking back opponent said:" What are you waiting for? "has listed several people agree with him to beat to death.
  Since then, Later Liang, Later Tang, Houjin, after the Han, the Later Zhou Dynasty, Five Dynasties successively, Chinese history entered a chaotic period of Five Dynasties and Ten States. Until AD 960, the Later Zhou Dynasty generals Kuangyin rule as emperor, established the Song Dynasty, only about half a century after the end of the Tang Dynasty disintergrating the Dark Ages.
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