唐代 人物列錶
李隆基 Li LongJi李世民 Li Shimin李治 Li Zhi
李顯 Li Xian李旦 Li Dan李亨 Li Heng
李適 Li Kuo李昂 Li Ang李忱 Li Chen
李曄 Li Ye李豫 Li Yu李淵 Li Yuan
李重茂 Li Chongmao李誦 Li Song李純 Li Chun
李恆 Li Heng李湛 Li Zhan李瀍 Li Chan
李漼 Li Cui李儇 Li Xuan唐哀帝 Tang Aidi
瀋法興 Shen Faxing李子通 Li Zitong劉黑闥 Liu Heita
王摩沙 Wang Masha
李隆基 Li LongJi
唐代  盛唐(685年762年)
網筆號: 至道大聖大明孝皇帝
廟號: 玄宗
陵墓: 泰陵

孝經類 Book of Filial Piety class《孝經註疏》
詩詞《經鄒魯祭孔子而嘆之 I Pass Through the Lu Dukedom with a Sigh and a Sacrifice for Confucius》   《過晉陽宮 Palace had Jinyang》   《行次成臯途經先聖擒建德之所緬思功業感而賦詩 Bank plays Chenggao via The teacher of teachers Thought of the Burmese capture Jiande Meritorious deeds Flu indite》   《校獵義成喜逢大雪率題九韻以示群官 Hi every school hunting Yoshinari Heavy snow Rate Question 9 rhyme to show Qunguan》   《賜諸州刺史以題座右 Chi Zhu State feudal provincial or prefectural governor Block the right to question》   《送忠州太守康昭遠等 accompany Chungju Procurator Yasuaki so far》   《送李邕之任滑臺 accompany Li yong Of any slipway》   《端午三殿宴群臣探得神字 Exploration of the three ministers Dragon Palace banquet Life-like word》   《溫湯對雪 Hot water on the snow》   《登蒲州逍遙樓 Teng puzhou Happy Building》   更多詩歌...

閱讀李隆基 Li LongJi在百家争鸣的作品!!!
閱讀李隆基 Li LongJi在诗海的作品!!!
唐玄宗李隆基。至道大聖大明孝皇帝 唐玄宗又稱唐明皇,唐睿宗李旦的第三個兒子。因平定韋氏之亂被立為太子,延和元年即位。唐玄宗開元年間,社會安定,政治清明,經濟空前繁榮,唐朝進入鼎盛時期,後人稱這一時期為開元盛世。唐玄宗後期,他貪圖享樂,寵信並重用李林甫等姦臣,終於導致安史之亂發生,唐朝開始衰落。公元712年至756年在位,在位44年。 李隆基出生的時候正是武則天主政要做女皇的時候,所以他小時候就經歷了錯綜復雜的宮廷變故,這也許促使他形成了意志堅定的性格。他小時候就很有大志,在宮裏自詡為“阿瞞”,雖然不被掌權的武氏族人看重,但他一言一行依然很有主見。 在他七歲那年,一次在朝堂舉行祭祀儀式,當時的金吾將軍(掌管京城守衛的將軍)武懿宗大聲訓斥侍從護衛,李隆基馬上怒目而視,喝道:“這裏是我李傢的朝堂,幹你何事?!竟敢如此訓斥我傢騎士護衛!”弄得武懿宗看着這個小孩兒目瞪口呆。武則天得知後,不但沒有責怪李隆基,反而對這個年小志高的小孫子備加喜歡。到了第二年,李隆基就被封為臨淄郡王。 在奶奶武則天死後,中宗懦弱無能,結果朝政大權落到了韋皇后和安樂公主之手,原來發動政變恢復唐朝的功臣、宰相張柬之也被他們貶官驅逐,太子李崇俊被殺。韋皇后效仿原來武則天的做法,讓自己的兄長韋溫掌握大權,對於女兒安樂公主的違法賣官鬻爵也不加製止,大加縱容。在公元710年,中宗終於死於韋皇后和安樂公主之手,被她們合謀毒殺。然後,韋皇后便想學習婆婆武則天,做第二個女皇。 沒有等韋皇后動手,一直靜觀時變的李隆基和姑姑太平公主便搶先發動了兵變,率領禦林軍萬餘人攻占了皇宮,把韋皇后一派全部消滅。然後,由睿宗李旦重新即位,李隆基也因功被立為太子。 但父親李旦也和中宗一樣是個軟弱的皇帝,不願和太平公主發生正面衝突,總是忍讓。而太平公主則認為是自己給了他做皇帝的機會,功勞巨大,所以她掌握了朝政大權。隨着自己勢力的強大,太平公主的野心也膨脹起來,想像母親那樣也做做女皇。 太平公主的主要對手便是太子李隆基,開始她沒把他放在眼裏,覺得他還年輕,但後來瞭解了李隆基的英勇果斷之後,就開始防範他。她製造輿論說,李隆基不是長子,沒資格做太子,更不能繼承皇位。太平公主的目的是要廢除李隆基的太子身份,為自己以後做女皇帝開路。 到公元712年,睿宗厭煩了做皇帝的生活,把帝位讓給了兒子李隆基,但是太平公主仍然掌握了朝政大權:朝廷三品以上官員的任免權和軍政大事的决定權。睿宗的讓位加劇了李隆基和太平公主的矛盾。雙方都在積蓄力量,準備除掉對方。 在公元713年的七月三日,唐玄宗李隆基果斷地先下了手,親自率領兵馬除掉了太平公主和她的手下骨幹幾十人,將傾嚮太平公主的官員全部罷官廢黜。唐玄宗終於掌握了皇帝應有的權力。當年,唐玄宗把年號改為開元,表明了自己勵精圖治,再創唐朝偉業的决心。 唐玄宗雖然在清除太平公主之後,徹底鞏固了皇權,但當時的形勢不容樂觀:兵變大大地傷了朝廷元氣,吏治的混亂、腐敗亟待治理。所以,唐玄宗表示要量纔任官,提拔賢能人做宰相。在這方面唐玄宗還是有伯樂眼光的。如著名的宰相姚崇、宋璟、張九齡都是唐玄宗時期的宰相,著名大臣。 姚崇辦事果斷,他因為嚮唐玄宗提出了十條建議而被器重,做了宰相。十條建議包括了勿貪邊功、廣開言路、奬勵正直大臣、勿使皇族專權、勿使宦官專權等,唐玄宗基本上都按照姚崇的建議執行了。 對於皇親國戚,姚崇也不進行照顧。當時薛王李業的舅舅王仙童欺壓百姓,為非作歹,姚崇奏請玄宗批準後,懲辦了王仙童。 姚崇還主持了開元初年的對蝗災的治理工作。當時在黃河的南北地區都發生了嚴重蝗災,蝗蟲飛起來遮天蔽日,對莊稼的破壞異常嚴重。姚崇深知如果不能及時消滅蝗蟲,不僅會導致經濟的重大損失和百姓的災難,而且對於國傢穩定也至關重要。他親自指揮,下令各郡縣要全力以赴消滅蝗蟲,有功的進行奬勵。在他的大力推動下,蝗災沒有再繼續蔓延,很快被製止住了。 姚崇之後是宋璟,他也很重視對人才的選拔任用,雖然他掌握朝政大權,但他决不徇私枉法,相反,對自己的親屬還更加嚴格地要求。一次,他的遠房叔叔宋元超在參加吏部的選拔時,對主考官說了自己和宋璟的特殊關係,希望能予以照顧,弄個好官兒做做。結果被宋璟得知後,不但沒有給他說情,反而特地關照吏部不給他官做。 張九齡是廣東人,當時的廣東被稱為嶺南,還不是發達地區,犯罪的人也經常被流放到那裏,以示懲罰。所以在人們眼裏,那裏是荒涼、艱苦的地方。出身於廣東的人由於歷代在朝中做官的很少,所以那裏出來的人很難在朝中做到宰相這麽高的官。但是張九齡卻憑藉着自己出衆的才華被玄宗相中。 張九齡在做宰相之後,也像玄宗那樣看重人的品德和才幹,而不是看重其背景。在吏部參與選拔官吏時,他一直主張要公正選纔,量纔使用。同時,對於玄宗的過錯,他也及時地指出,加以勸諫,不因為玄宗對自己有知遇之恩就隱瞞實情。 唐玄宗不僅慧眼識賢相,還對吏治進行了整治,提高官僚機構的辦事效率。他采取了很多的有效措施,第一,精簡機構,裁減多餘官員,把武則天以來的許多無用的官員一律裁撤,不但提高了效率,也節省了政府支出。第二,確立嚴格的考核制度,加強對地方官吏的管理。在每年的十月,派按察使到各地巡查民情,糾舉違法官吏,嚴懲不怠。第三,重新將諫官和史官參加宰相會議的制度予以恢復。這本是唐太宗時期的一種制度,讓諫官和史官參與討論國傢大事,監督朝政。到了武則天主政之後,提拔了許敬宗和李義府等人做宰相,有的事不敢再公開,因此將這種制度也就廢除了。第四,重視縣令的任免。唐玄宗認為郡縣的官員是國傢治理的最前沿,和百姓直接打交道,代表了國傢形象。所以,玄宗經常對縣官親自出題考核他們,確切地瞭解這些縣官是不是真正地稱職。如果考試優秀,可以馬上提拔,如果名不副實,也會馬上遭到罷黜。 唐玄宗知人善任,賞罰分明,辦事幹練果斷,這是他能開創開元盛世的主要原因。 唐玄宗不僅對內政進行有效的治理,對於邊疆也進行了有成效的治理,將原來丟失的領地重新奪了回來。 早在唐玄宗即位之前,北方邊境已是危機四伏。在武則天做皇帝的初期,即公元686年(萬歲通天元年),契丹的李盡忠利用當時的民族矛盾,煽動部下反叛唐朝,而且攻占了營州。武則天派兵反擊,結果失敗。此後,在公元703年,安西地區的碎葉鎮也被突厥攻占,致使絲綢之路最後斷絶,嚴重影響了唐朝的聲譽和外貿經濟。 北方的領土在唐朝初年曾經統一,而且設置了單於、安北都護府,分別管轄長城內外到貝加爾湖的廣阔地區。到了武則天主政以及做皇帝時期,突厥人經常騷擾邊境,還攻占了蔚州(現在河北的蔚縣)和定州(現在河北定縣),迫使唐朝將安北都護府南遷。 為了重新統一北方,唐玄宗采取了很多措施,為收復北方領土做準備。這主要是對於兵製進行了改革。原來的府兵製由於均田製的破壞,致使農民逃亡,影響了軍隊的兵源。高宗和武則天時期,對於軍事不太重視,到了唐玄宗做了皇帝時,士兵逃跑現象極為嚴重,軍隊戰鬥力也很低,無法和強悍的突厥軍隊抗衡。 在公元723年,即開元十一年,唐玄宗接受了宰相張說的改革主張,建立雇傭兵。從關內招募到軍士十二萬人,充當衛士,這就是“長從宿衛”,也叫做“長徵健兒”,這次改革是從府兵製到雇傭兵製的轉變。此後經過十多年的努力,玄宗將這種制度推廣到了全國。這種制度使原來的府兵輪番到邊境守衛的做法取消,解除了各地人到邊境守衛之苦。同時,這種雇傭兵還為集中訓練、提高戰鬥力提供了保證。 除了對兵製進行改革之外,唐玄宗還采取了其他很多的整軍措施,如頒布了《練兵詔》,命令西北的軍鎮擴充軍隊,加強訓練。同時,任命太僕卿王毛仲為內外閑廄使,全力負責軍用馬匹的供應,這使短缺的馬匹及時得到了補充,提高了戰鬥力。另外,為徹底解决軍糧問題,玄宗又命令擴充屯田範圍,在西北和黃河以北地區大力發展屯田,增加糧食産量。 在做好了充分準備後,唐朝逐步把營州等地收復,長城以北的回紇等族也自動取消了獨立割據的稱號,重新歸附唐朝。安北都護府也恢復了,唐朝重新行使對長城以北土地的管轄權。 西域地區政權的恢復經歷了兩個階段,第一個階段是收復碎葉鎮,第二階段是重新恢復了絲綢之路。唐朝的威望在西域重新建立起來。 為了增加國傢的收入,打擊強占土地、隱瞞不報的豪強,唐玄宗發動了一場檢田括戶運動。當時的豪強霸占了農民的土地之後,稱為“籍外之田”,他們還將逃亡的農戶變成自己的“私屬”,在土地和人口兩方面逃避國傢稅收。 公元712到725年之間,唐玄宗的檢田括戶運動收到了實效。他任命宇文融為全國的覆田勸農使,下設十道勸農使和勸農判官,分派到各地去檢查隱瞞的土地和包庇的農戶。然後把檢查出來的土地一律沒收,同時把這些土地分給農民耕種。對於隱瞞的農戶也進行登記。這樣下來,一年增加的客戶錢就高達幾百萬之多。 通過這些有效的措施,唐玄宗使唐朝的經濟又步入正規,減輕了農民的負擔,同時也增加了國傢的財政收入,促進了國傢經濟的繁榮。 佛教在唐朝初年雖然沒有被查禁,但發展受到了儒教和道教的限製,特別是對道教的提倡,使得佛教的發展沒有取得至尊的地位。但是到了武則天時期,為了從宗教上來打擊李姓,武則天對佛教采取了縱容態度,這使得佛教發展迅速。在全國的各個州基本都有佛教寺院。僧侶們不僅在國傢的包庇縱容下兼併土地,還極力逃避國傢稅收。和尚數目的大量增加,使國傢承擔賦稅和徭役的人數減少,影響了國傢的收入。 在開元二年,唐玄宗下令削減全國的僧人和尼姑數量,最後使全國還俗的僧尼達到一萬二千人之多。然後,玄宗又下令,禁止再造新的寺廟,禁止鑄造佛像,禁止傳抄佛經。對於官員和僧尼的交往也進行禁止,這使佛教在玄宗時期受到了很大的打擊。 唐玄宗的一係列有效措施使唐朝的政治、經濟、文化都得到新的發展,超過了他的先祖唐太宗,開創了中國歷史上強盛繁榮、流芳百世的“開元盛世”。 開創了盛世之後,唐玄宗逐漸開始滿足了,沉溺於享樂之中。沒有了先前的勵精圖治精神,也沒有改革時的節儉之風了。正直的宰相張九齡等人先後被罷官,小人李林甫爬上了相位。李林甫病死後,又是楊國忠掌權,致使政治更加黑暗。 這個李林甫最善於揣測唐玄宗的意思,在公元736年,唐玄宗想從洛陽回長安,但宰相張九齡等人說秋收還沒有結束,這樣上路會騷擾百姓,影響生産。李林甫在張九齡走後卻對唐玄宗說,長安和洛陽是陛下的東宮和西宮,陛下願意什麽時候來往就什麽時候來往,不必再等以後,至於妨礙了農民秋收,免了他們的稅收也就行了。 玄宗很高興,照計而行。後來,李林甫就找機會誣陷張九齡等人,終於使唐玄宗將這些敢於直言的宰相罷官,由他把持了朝政。李林甫掌權之後,凡是不聽從他、不和他站在一起的人都要想方設法地陷害。李林甫嫉妒賢能之人,嘴裏說的話很好聽,但心裏卻陰險毒辣。所以,人們背地裏說他是“口有蜜,腹有劍”。 公元736年,唐玄宗寵愛的妃子武惠妃病死,玄宗日夜寢食不安。聽人說他和武惠妃的兒子壽王李瑁的妃子楊氏美貌絶倫,豔麗無雙,於是不顧什麽禮節,就將他招進宮裏,楊妃懂音律,也很聰明,還擅長歌舞,很得玄宗歡心。 為了掩蓋自己奪兒媳的醜惡行徑,唐玄宗讓楊妃自己請求進宮做女官,住進南宮,又賜號太真。為了安慰兒子壽王,唐玄宗又給他娶了個妃子作為補償。 這個時期的封建倫理觀念還沒有南宋末年朱熹理學出來之後那麽嚴格,男女觀念雖然是不平等,但對於女性的貞操觀念和改嫁等方面還是比較寬容的,封建社會對於婦女的壓製是元朝之後的明朝和清朝。武則天之所以能做女皇,和這時的這種寬容的社會心理有關,所以,到了清朝末年,同樣掌握國傢政權的慈禧太後就不敢稱女皇了,社會輿論和社會心理的作用是很重要的一個原因。 後來,唐玄宗封楊妃為貴妃,這就是歷史上有名的楊貴妃。貴妃的地位僅次於皇后,但這時候沒有皇后,所以楊貴妃實際上就是唐玄宗的皇后了。玄宗對她恩寵備至,還稱贊她是自己的“解語之花”。愛屋及烏,有了楊貴妃的關係,楊氏一族開始飛黃騰達。所以,當時民間竟有了生小孩希望生女孩,將來入宮做妃子榮耀傢族的觀念。 為了討貴妃的歡心,唐玄宗可謂費勁心機。為了迎合她喜歡服裝的心理,有專門為貴妃服務的七百多人給她做衣服。為了讓她吃上喜歡的荔枝,玄宗還下令開闢了從嶺南到長安的幾千裏貢道,以便荔枝能及時地用快馬快速運到長安,因為荔枝摘下後五天內會變味兒。而楊貴妃生在南方,喜歡吃這種東西。 有了楊貴妃,唐玄宗的奢侈之風越來越盛,大臣、貴族、宗室為了巴結皇帝,投貴妃所好,結果讓她高興的人都升了官,這又刺激更多的官僚貴族巴結逢迎,爭獻美味佳餚、珍異珠寶。 在妹妹的關係影響下,哥哥楊國忠也平步青雲,一步登天,做上了唐朝宰相。楊貴妃的姐姐們也得到了實惠:大姐封為韓國夫人,二姐封為虢國夫人,三姐封為秦國夫人。其他的兄長也有封賞,做了朝中的高官。楊國忠的權勢無人能比,兄妹二人的輝煌時期也為日後的悲慘結局埋下了伏筆。 在楊國忠的專權下,整個唐朝開始混亂起來,可以說,唐朝的轉嚮衰落固然有唐玄宗的過失,但楊氏兄妹特別是楊國忠這個哥哥沒有起到正面的作用,他的為非作歹,也沒有給妹妹帶來好運,反而把妹妹送上了不歸路。美麗並不是罪過,但美麗卻是一個起因。 在楊國忠的一手遮天之下,首先是朝政混亂。在暴雨造成災害時,玄宗詢問災情,楊國忠卻拿着大個的粟穗子給玄宗看,說雨大但沒有影響收成。下邊有的官員報告災情,請求救助,他大發雷霆,命令司法機關進行嚴懲。楊國忠能力不高,但喜歡胡亂處理朝政,正事做不好,壞事卻很在行,接受賄賂、拉幫結派等等應用自如。 朝政混亂影響了國傢的經濟。均田製在這個時期瓦解,稅收急劇減少,但朝廷的花費卻因為玄宗和楊貴妃的奢侈而逐漸增多,國庫入不敷出。政治的腐敗還影響了軍隊的戰鬥力,因為招募的兵士都是一些無賴之徒。這些人在後來玄宗發動的戰爭中不但沒有奪得勝利,反而招致了更多的失利。 玄宗對於唐朝的危機絲毫沒有察覺,反而嚮外發動了一係列的戰爭。政治腐敗與黑暗,影響了將領的貪功求官的欲望。為了挑起戰爭,並在戰爭中立功受賞,加官進爵,邊鎮的很多將領肆意挑釁,使得邊境戰亂不斷,玄宗的好戰對此又是火上加油。初期的邊境安定局面又被打破了,最終導致了安史之亂,唐朝大傷元氣。 一是西邊和吐蕃的關係惡化,開戰後互有傷亡,損害了歷來的和睦有好關係。二是西南的南詔國。由於邊境將領的驕橫跋扈,致使本該平息的衝突日益升級,結果唐朝徵兵和南詔開戰。先後戰死、病死的唐朝兵達二十萬之多 簡介 李隆基 (685-762),即唐玄宗,世稱唐明皇。玄宗精通音律,善詩詞書法。他一嚮崇尚經術,屏棄浮華,註意改革學風。登帝位後,更憑藉天子權利在政治上加以號召,對盛唐質樸文風的形成起了一定作用。 附:唐玄宗的音樂方面的才能與貢獻 李隆基酷愛音樂。6歲能歌舞,顯露出音樂資質。少年時在府中自蓄散樂一部以自娛。他精於多種樂器演奏,如琵琶、橫笛等,羯鼓的演奏技藝尤為高超。他對唐代的音樂制度做了多次重大改革,調整了原九部樂、十部樂為坐、立部伎,促進了音樂藝術的發展與提高;他設立梨園,擴充教坊,培養了許多優秀的音樂藝人;吸收和容納外來音樂,提倡俗樂,造成了前所未有的唐樂氣派。 在8世紀上半葉,就世界音樂範圍而言,李隆基堪稱是一位少有的作麯大師。唐南卓《羯鼓錄》曾說他“若製作麯詞,隨音即成,不立章度,取適短長,皆應散聲,皆中點拍”。他一生中參與創作的音樂作品甚多,其中大部分是器樂獨奏麯、合奏麯和大型歌舞麯。作品從各個不同的側面,直接或間接地反映了他的政治生涯和唐代由盛至衰的歷史面貌。其作品均已亡佚無存。根據史料記載,這些作品大都是他在710年以後創作完成的,正是盛唐到中唐轉折時期。 李隆基即位前所作《還京樂》、《夜半樂》,是為了紀念他所主持的誅殺韋、武朋黨集團的宮廷政變而作的。他即位後,任用得人,出現了“開元之治”的盛世局面,並創作和改編了為數不少的宣揚君權神授、歌頌文治武功和太平盛世的音樂作品,如《聖壽樂》、《小破陣樂》、《光聖樂》、《文成樂》等等。李隆基長於“法麯”風格,喜歡采用“遊仙”題材,他本人參與創作、改編的有《霓裳羽衣》、《凌波麯》、《紫雲回》等。藝術上,歷代多有贊賞之詞。在李隆基的音樂創作中,占比重較大的要推羯鼓麯。羯鼓原是西北少數民族的一種打擊樂器,隋時傳入中原。由於李隆基對羯鼓的特殊喜好,視其為八音領袖,故多為之譜麯,如《春光好》、《秋風高》等,多被載入史册。 李隆基晚期多思念之作。被後世稱道的追憶馬嵬坡之行的《雨霖鈴》,懷念賢相張九齡的《謫仙怨》,史料中或指其為玄宗自製,或謂樂工奉命而作,都與李隆基主持有關。 唐玄宗文學年表 唐天後垂拱元年(685)一歲 八月五日生於洛陽.睿宗李旦第三子,母昭成順聖皇后竇氏.李旦"溫恭好學,通詁訓,工草隸書'',竇氏出身名門. 垂拱二年(686年)二歲 正月,武則天下詔還政於睿宗,不敢受. 二月,新羅請<<禮記>>等書,賜之. 三月,武則天置銅甌受密奏,高密之風大起. 四月,鑄大儀,置北闋. 六月,蘇良嗣,韋待價韋文昌左右相,同鳳閣鸞臺三品. 九月,以狄仁傑韋鼕官侍郎. 垂拱三年(687年)三歲 閏正月,封為楚王. 五月,殺劉 之 七月,突厥寇朔州,遣李多祚破之. 十一月,罷御史監軍之製.本年天下大饑,山東關中尤甚 垂拱四年(688年)四歲 二月毀乾元殿,做明堂,以薛懷義為使,凡役數萬人. 五月,武則天加號聖母神皇. 六月,狄仁傑奏廢淫祠. 八月,琅琊王李衝,越王李貞起兵謀匡復唐室失敗而死. 九月,武則天大殺唐皇室. 十二月,明堂成,號萬象神宮. 永昌元年(689年)五歲 九月,遣薛懷義兩次討伐突厥,皆大敗 十一月,始用周正.武則天自名曌,改詔為製,除唐室屬籍. 周天授元年(690)六歲 正月,武承嗣,岑長倩為左右相,同鳳閣鸞臺三品 二月,策貢士於洛城殿,殿試從此開始. 七月,頒沙門撰<<大雲經>>,令諸州建大雲寺. 八月,大殺唐宗室. 九月,改國號為周,改元天授,以豫王李旦為皇嗣,賜姓武,封武氏外戚為王. 天授二年(691年)七歲 四月,令佛教在道教前,僧尼位於道士前.七月移關內雍,同等七州民十萬於洛陽. 八月,狄仁傑為相. 十月,製官人鹹令自舉. 如意元年(692年)八歲 長壽二年(693年)九歲 正月,皇嗣妃劉氏,德妃竇氏(李隆基生母),被武則天暗害,痤於宮中,不自在何處啊 十二月,降封為林芝王。 延載元年(695年)十歲 正月,突厥可汗骨篤祿卒,其子幼弟默啜自立可汗,寇靈州。三月,以薛懷義等十八將軍討默啜,大敗。本年摩尼教始傳入中國。 證聖元年(695年)十一歲 天册萬歲二月,薛懷義被殺。 四月,大周萬口頌德天樞成。 萬歲通天元年(696年)十二歲 萬歲登封九月,吐蕃請和,令山東近諸州置武騎團兵 令天下係囚及士庶傢奴驍勇者,官償其值,發以擊契丹。 十月,契丹攻陷冀州 神功元年(697年)十三歲 四月,鑄九鼎,共用銅五十六萬零其百餘斤。 聖歷元年(698年)十四歲 三月,召廬陵王李哲於房州 聖歷二年(699年)十五歲 七月,武則天令太子李顯,相王李旦與梁王武三思,定王武攸止等立誓於明堂 久視元年(700年)十六歲 閏七月,唐休璟打破吐蕃。 十月,控鶴監張易之引富商宋霸子入宮侍宴同博。 大足元年(701年)十七歲 長安元年 十月,武則天還長安,賜宅於興慶坊,亦與兄弟五人住,號稱五王宅 長安二年(702年)十八歲 正月,初設武舉 十二月,置北亭都護府於庭州 長安三年(703年)十九歲 四月,吐蕃遣使獻馬千匹,金二千兩求婚 長安四年(704年)二十歲 史載隆基“儀範偉麗,有非常之表”。歷右衛郎將尚輦奉御。 神竜元年(705年)二十一歲 正月,武則天病重,宰相張柬之、崔玄暐與尚書臺右丞敬暉、司刑少卿桓彥範、相王府司馬袁恕己等共擁太子李顯為帝 姚元之出為亳州刺史。 五月,封張柬之、崔玄暐、桓彥範、敬暉、袁恕己為王,皆罷知政事,朝歸武、韋。 六月,河南,河北十八州大水。 十一月,武則天崩年八十二。本年戶六百十五萬,口計三千七百十四萬。 神竜二年(706年)二十二歲 閏正月,太平、安樂等公主,並開府置官屬。敬暉、桓彥範、袁恕己出為滑、洛、豫三州刺史。 三月,又左遷敬暉、崔玄暐、桓彥範、袁恕己為朗、均、亳、郢州刺史。 大置員外官凡二千餘人。超受閹官七百以上。 四月,黃門侍郎宋璟貶為檢校貝州刺史。 十二月,突厥入寇靈、原、會州掠牧馬數萬。 七月,敬暉等長流嶺南,旋被武三思遣人矯製虐殺。 景竜三年(710年)二十六歲 九月,太平公主,安樂公主各樹朋黨,中宗患之。 本年鼕,中宗祀南郊,隆基離潞州入京參加大典。禮畢,復居長安。時皇室多故,隆基常陰引材之士以助。 景雲元年(710年)二十六歲 正月,金城公主赴吐蕃成親。 六月,韋後與安樂公主毒死中宗,韋後臨朝稱製,改元唐隆。李重茂即皇帝位,年十六,以外戚韋溫總知內外守提兵馬事。時韋後擬篡位.深忌相王旦及太平公主.密與安樂公主、韋溫及私黨宗楚客、武延秀等謀除之。臨淄王隆基乃與太平公主及公主子衛尉卿薛崇簡、範總監鐘紹京、前朝邑尉劉幽求、利仁府折衝麻嗣宗等密謀誅除韋黨。萬騎果毅葛福順、陳玄禮、李仙兔等皆參與密謀。 庚子夜,隆基七百殺韋後、安樂公主、宗楚客、韋溫等。 七月,以洛州長史宋嫌檢校吏部尚書同中書門下三品。 八月,罷斜封官數千人。 從本年始.於各地陸續設????池、漕運、租庸、戶口等專使。 十月.太平公主忌太子英武.欲久固已權,徽布流言說:“太子非長,不當立。”又派人偵察太子活動,事無巨細密報睿宗。 景雲二年(711 年)二十七歲 正月.任太僕卿娜元振、中書侍郎張說井同平.事。因為太平公主要陷害太子,宋璟與姚元之建議將太平公主遷出東都。張說建議令太子監國以杜流言。二月, 令太平公主徙居蒲州。 太子監國。復斜封育。左右萬騎與左右羽林為北門四軍,令葛福順統率。四月製,“凡雙事皆取太子處分。”初於河西設節度使。五月,太子請召太平公主回京,睿宗準奏。六月,設十道按察使。 十一月.令百姓二十五歲當府兵,五十五歲免。 太極元年(712 年)二十八歲 延和元年正月,改元太極 先天元年五月,改無延和 六月.幽州大都怪孫佺奚襲契丹.唐軍覆沒。 七月,製傳位於太子李隆基。 八月,太子隆基稱帝,即唐玄宗。尊睿宗為太上皇。三品以上官除授及大刑政仍决於上皇。改元先天.立妃王氏為皇后。劉幽求與張暐謀以羽林兵除太平公主, 密言於玄宗,玄宗同意。後來張暐泄其謀於侍御史鄧光賓,玄宗大俱.幾天後.處劉幽求、張暐、鄧光賓流刑。開元元年( 713 年)二十九歲 正月,府兵改為二十五歲點兵,五十歲免。二月.京城大開城門燃燈,夜以繼日.凡月餘。左拾遺嚴挺之諫.乃止。刺以嚴挺之忠直宣示百官,厚賞之。六月,時太平公主依上皇之勢擅權用事.宰相七人.四出其門.文武大臣一半附之。王琚、張說、崔日用等促玄宗速除之。 七月,魏知古密告太平公主將於六月初四作亂。前一天.玄宗與薛王業、歧王範、宰相郭元振、竜武將軍王毛仲、殿中監薑皎、尚乘奉御王守一、內給事高力士、果毅李守德等發兵,殺蕭至忠、岑羲,竇懷貞自殺。四日,太上皇浩:“自今軍國刑政,一皆皇帝處分。”太平公主賜死於傢中。初九日,賞功臣郭元振等。以高力士知內侍省事,為右監門將軍。此後宦官勢力顯著上升。十五日,以左丞張說為中書令。 十月,玄宗在驪山閱兵.以軍容不整罪貶兵部尚書郭元振。以同州刺史姚元之為兵部尚書同中書門下三品,姚元之建議十事.作為開元改革的政綱。十二月.改革開元.改尚書左右僕射為左、右丞相.中書省為紫微省.門下省為黃門省.侍中為監。以姚元之為縈徽令.元之為避開元年.復名崇。張說因文通親王.貶相州刺史.右右卜射、同中書門下三品.劉幽求貶太子少保。 開元二年(714 年)三十歲 正月,關中久早.人多饑乏,遣使賑給。沙汰僧尼二萬餘人。 三月,毀天樞及韋後所建天街石臺。 五月,悉罷員外官試官、檢校官。 六月.以長兄宋王成器、次兄申王成禮、從兄幽王守禮出任外州刺史。 七月,提倡儉約.下製銷毀宮內金銀器玩、珠玉錦綉.令後妃以下勿得服珠玉錦綉。禁鑄佛、寫經。建興慶宮。歧王範、薛王業出京任刺史。 八月,選後宮無用者送還傢。時吐蕃攻臨跳,從此連年犯邊。 九月,令各州修常平倉法。 十二月.立次子郢王嗣謙(後改書瑛)為太子。本年任周玄慶為安南市舶使(即海關).中國海關從此開始。置隴右節度大使、又置幽州節度經略、鎮守大使。 開元三年(715 年)三十一歲 正月.御史大夫宋璟貶睦州刺史。 二月.突傲十姓降者二千餘帳。 五月,山東大蝗.吏民不敢捕殺,姚祟奏遣御史督州縣捕而埋之。 九月,以馬懷素、褚無量為侍讀。 十一月,張孝騫定西域,大食等八國請降。崔子嵩等暴,旋敗。 開元四年(716 年) 三十二歲 正月,王皇后妹丈長孫昕等,以私憤毆御史大夫李傑,玄宗敕令於朝堂杖殺,以謝百官。諸王開始遙領節度等使。 五月.山東大蝗又起.姚崇又命捕殺之。 玄宗廷試縣官.退四十五人。 六月.睿宗崩,年五十五歲。回絶、同羅、奮、拔也固、僕固五部來降。 十一月,姚崇辭職薦廣州都份宋璟自代。 十二月,宋璟正式任相。是月.罷十道按察使。 開元五年(717 年)三十三歲 三月,收復營州等十二州,重建營州都份府於柳城。 九月,中書省、門下省及侍中皆恢復舊名。恢復貞觀時諫官、史官參加宰相議率會議。 十一月詔訪遺書,秘書監馬懷素奏請編校群書。本年日本的吉備真備入唐.回國後仿漢字作日本假名(日本文字)。 開元六年(718 年)三十四歲 正月,禁用惡錢,京城騷動,資易幾絶。 八月,始加稅以增官俸. 是年規定府兵六年簡點一次。 開元七年( 719 年)三十五歲 三月,渤海郡王大祚榮卒,子大武藝襲位。是年.置劍南節度使,領益、彭等二十五州。 開元八年( 720 年)三十六歲 正月,宋璟、蘇頲罷相,以源乾曜為黃門侍郎.張嘉貞為中書侍郎、同平章事。 二月,遭使括逃戶。枚以府兵役重.六十乃免,宜限以歲晚使百姓輪番負擔。 五月,又置十道按察使。以源乾曜為侍中.張嘉貞為中書令。

  Emperor Li Longji. Shido Story Xiao Ming dynasty emperor
  Emperor, also known as the Tang emperor, Li Dan Tang Yejong third son. Rebellion was put down due to stand for the Webster Prince, extension, and the first year of reign. Kaiyuan, social stability, clean politics, unprecedented economic prosperity, the Tang Dynasty into the peak, called the period after the Golden Age Kaiyuan. The late Emperor, his hedonistic, favor both with Li Linfu such a traitor, eventually led to the Rebellion took place, the Tang Dynasty began to decline. AD 712 to 756 years in office, the reign of 44 years.
  Empress Wu Li Longji was born just a Queen to do when in power, he as a child experienced a complicated court misfortune, perhaps prompted him to form a strong-willed character. He was a boy on the great ambition, in the palace self-proclaimed "A hiding", though not in power, Vu Thi ethnic value, but his every word and deed is still very assertive.
  In his year-old that year, a sacrificial ceremony was held in Chodo, then Kingo General (in charge of guarding the capital, General) Wu Yizong yelled attendants escort, Li Longji immediately glared, shouted: "Here is my Lee's Chodo, dry anything for you?! dare this lecture knight guarding my house! "Wu Yizong looked at the confused child of stunned. Empress Wu was informed, not only do not blame Li Longji, but this little blog on equipment plus high-grandson likes. The second year, are called Linzi Dukes Li Longji.
  Empress Wu in the grandmother's death, in cases of weak and incompetent, the results fell into the affairs of state power and Anle Gong Wei master hand of the Queen, the original hero coup to restore the Tang Dynasty, prime minister of Cambodia Zhang was deported them Demotion, Prince Edward LI Chong-jun were killed. Queen Empress Wu Wei follow the original practice, so that my brother Wen Wei to power, the daughter of An Legong illegal sale of public nor the Lord to stop, a large increase connivance. In AD 710, were finally died in the Queen and Anle Gong Wei hands of the Lord was their conspiracy poisoning. Then, he wanted to learn mother Empress Wu Wei Queen, the Queen made the second.
  Empress Wei did not wait for hands, has been quietly observing the time-varying Li Longji and aunt Princess Taiping will be the first to launch a mutiny, led the capture of the palace Guards thousand people, the empress Wei faction wiped them out. Then re-ascended the throne by the Yejong Li Dan, Li Longji has been established as a result of Prince Gong.
  But his father also, and in cases of Li Dan, like a weak emperor, do not want a confrontation and the Pacific Princess, always patient. The Princess Taiping is considered to be the emperor himself gave him the chance, great credit, she mastered the affairs of state power. With its powerful forces, Pacific Princess also inflated ambition and imagination, as is also doing the Queen Mother.
  Princess Taiping's main rival is the crown prince Li Longji, began her not looked down on him, that he was still young, but later learned the heroic decisive Li Longji after the start against him. She said public opinion, not the eldest son of Li Longji, not qualified to be Prince, but can not inherit the throne. Princess Taiping was intended to abolish the crown prince Li Longji identity, as do female emperor himself open later.
  To AD 712, Yejong tired of doing the emperor's life, the throne vacate his son Li Longji, but still control the political affairs of the Pacific Princess power: Mishina court appointment and removal power over officials and military and political affairs of the decision. Yejong demise exacerbated the contradictions between Li Longji and Pacific Princess. Both sides in the reserve force, ready to get rid of each other.
  In the year 713 of July 3, Emperor Li Longji decisively down the first hand, personally led the troops and horses get rid of the Pacific Princess and the backbone of dozens of her hands, will tend to dismiss from office all officials of the Princess Taiping deposed. Emperor finally mastered the power of the emperor should be. That year, Emperor into the Kaiyuan reign, that his make every effort to scale new Tang Zhaowei industry determination.
  Although the Princess Taiping Emperor clear after the final consolidation of the imperial power, but the situation was not optimistic: mutiny court vitality greatly hurt, officials in chaos, corruption urgent treatment. Therefore, the Emperor said to be only the amount of any government, the prime minister, who promoted the elite. In this regard, there are still horses Emperor vision. Such as the famous prime minister Yao Chong, Song Jing, ling Emperor during the prime minister are well-known minister.
  Yao Chong act decisively, because he made 10 recommendations to the Emperor was regarded highly, made prime minister. 10 recommendations, including a side not to corrupt power, airing, reward integrity minister, must not allow royal dictatorship, must not allow eunuchs, etc., Emperor basically implemented in accordance with the recommendations of Yao Chong.
  The royal, Yaochong not to care. Xue was Wang's uncle Wang Lee Fairchild oppress the people, doing evil, Yao Chong petitioned reign approval to punish the king of Fairchild.
  Yaochong also presided over the inception of the early years of the locust's governance. At that time in the north and south of the Yellow River have undergone a serious plague of locusts, grasshoppers fly crowded in upon, damage to crops great. Yao Chong know in time if not eradicate locusts will not only lead to a significant economic loss and the people of the disaster, but also vital for national stability. His personal command, ordered the county to go all out to destroy locusts, to reward meritorious. In his energetic efforts of the locust did not continue spreading quickly to stop living.
  Yao Chong followed by Song Jing, he attached great importance to the selection and appointment of talent, although he mastered affairs of state power, but he never bending, the opposite, their relatives Huan more stringent to ask. Once his distant uncle Super Song selection in time to participate in the Ministry of Personnel, to the interviewer that their special relationship and Song Jing, hoping to take care of, the extent to do some good guan'er. Jing Song, after being informed that the results, not only failed to intercede for him, but specially take care of the Ministry of Personnel officials do not give him.
  Ling is Cantonese, then known as the Guangdong Lingnan, not a developed area, crime, people are often exiled there, as a punishment. Therefore, people's eyes, there is a desolate, inhospitable places. Was born in Guangdong in the official DPRK because of the very few ancient, so hard for people out there to do the prime minister of DPRK-China such a high official. But ling is superior by virtue of their talent was Xuanzong phase.
  Ling in the prime minister, later, as the reign as the moral value of people and talent, not the value of their background. Officials in the Ministry of Personnel involved in the selection, he always said that just before the election, the amount was used. At the same time, the reign of the fault, and he promptly pointed out to remonstrate, not because the reign of himself helping his career to hide the truth.
  Emperor not only identify what Xian Xiang, also carried out on the Official remediation, to improve bureaucratic efficiency. He has taken many effective measures, first, the streamlining, reduction of redundant officials, the Empress Wu of many useless since all officials in the abolition, not only improves efficiency but also save government expenditure. Second, establish a strict examination system, strengthen the management of local officials. October of each year and sent around the provincial judge to inspect the people, censure law officials, severe punishment. Third, the new prime minister will attend the meeting remonstrant and historian of the system is restored. This is a system during the Tang, Expostulation and historian for the discussion of state affairs and supervise affairs of state. To the Empress Wu in power, the promotion of the Xujing Zong and Li Yifu, who the prime minister, and some things did not dare to open, so the system will be also abolished. Fourth, the importance of the appointment and removal of the magistrate. Emperor that the county officials in the forefront of national governance, and to deal directly with the people, represents the image of the country. Therefore, the magistrate personally reign often question their assessment, the precise understanding of the magistrate is not really competent. If the test quality can be promoted immediately, if unworthy of the name, will be deposed soon.
  Emperor Use of Personnel, reward and punishment, and competent and decisive, this is his main reason to create a New Century Golden Age.
  Emperor not only for effective management of internal affairs for the border have also been effective governance, the original wins again lost territory back.
  Early before the Emperor ascended the throne, the northern border is perilous. Empress Wu did the emperor in the early stages of AD 686 (Long live the first year of Babel), Khitan Lee loyal use of the then ethnic conflicts, inciting rebellion under the Ministry of the Tang dynasty, and captured the camp states. Empress Wu troops counterattack, which ended in failure. Since then, in the year 703, the Anxi region of broken leaves town was captured Turks, resulting in the Silk Road was last cut off, severely affected the reputation of the Tang Dynasty, the economy and foreign trade.
  Northern Territory have been unified in the early years of the Tang Dynasty, and set up Chanyu, Pacify the North House, respectively, both within and outside the jurisdiction of the Great Wall to the vast area of Lake Baikal. To do the emperor and Empress Wu ruled period, Turks often harassed the border, also captured the luxuriant (now Hebei Yuxian) and Dingzhou (now Henan province), forced the Tang Dynasty, will be North Dohobu south.
  In order to re-unify the north, Emperor has taken many measures to prepare for the recovery of the northern territories. This is mainly carried out for the Military System Reform. Since the original Fubing Surroundings, which has led farmers to flee, affecting the army's manpower. During Zong and Empress Wu, the military not paid much attention to the Emperor, became emperor, the soldiers escape is extremely serious, the military combat is very low, and the powerful can not resist the Turkish army.
  In AD 723, that is, eleven years Kaiyuan, Zhang Emperor accepted the prime minister said the reforms advocated the establishment of mercenaries. Related to the non-commissioned officers recruited from within the 12 million people, to act as guards, which is "long from the Old Guard," also known as "Long athletes", the reform is to mercenaries from Fubing change in the system. After ten years of effort since then, the system will be extended to reign the country. Such a system so that the original Fu Bing turns to abolish the practice of border guards, lifted over the suffering of people to the border guards. At the same time, this mercenary has also focused on training to improve combat effectiveness provided a guarantee.
  In addition to the military system reform, the Emperor has taken a whole lot of other military measures, such as the promulgation of the "training Chao," the military command northwest town of expansion of military forces to enhance training. Meanwhile, the appointment of Taipu Qing Wang Chung Mao was busy inside and outside the stable so that, fully responsible for the supply of military horses, which makes the shortage of horses in a timely manner has been added to enhance the combat effectiveness. In addition, in order to solve the issue of rations, reign also ordered to expand the scope of Farming in the northwest and north of the Yellow River develop Farming, increase food production.
  In well prepared, the Tang Dynasty and gradually recovered to Camp Prefecture, the Great Wall north of the Uighur and other ethnic separatism also canceled an independent title, re-join themselves to the Tang Dynasty. Pacify the North House also restored the Tang Dynasty Great Wall north of the land re-exercise of jurisdiction.
  Western Regional Authorities of the restoration of two stages, the first phase of the recovery of the broken leaves town, the second stage is the restoration of the Silk Road. Tang's prestige in the Western re-established.
  In order to increase the country's income, combating land grabbing, hide the Despotic, Emperor launched a campaign check field consists of households. Powerful time after the occupation of the land of farmers, known as the "membership field outside", they will flee into their own households "Si", both in land and population to evade state taxes.
  Between AD 712-725, Emperor of the inspection field include households received a practical exercise. He appointed a national follow-Rong Tian persuade farmers to consist of 10 and advised farmers to persuade farmers to judge, assigned to the land over to check to conceal and cover up for farmers. Then check out the land to be confiscated, while the cultivation of these lands to the farmers. For concealed households are registered. This way, the year the increase in customers as much money as high as several million.
  Through these effective measures, the Tang Emperor to make it into the formal economy, to reduce the burden on farmers, but also increased the state revenues, and promoting national economic prosperity.
  Although the early years of Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty was not banned, but the development of Confucianism and Taoism by the restrictions, especially on the promotion of Taoism, Buddhism makes the supreme status of the development is not achieved. But by the time Empress Wu, in order to blow up from the religion named Li, Empress Wu took connivance of Buddhism, which allows the rapid development of Buddhism. All states in the country have the basic Buddhist monasteries. Monks, not only in countries harboring connivance of annexation of land, also try to avoid state taxes. Significant increase in the number of monks so that the state assume the number of taxes and compulsory labor has decreased, affecting the country's income.
  In Kaiyuan years, Emperor ordered the reduction of the number of the country's monks and nuns, monks and nuns to flee the country last to reach as many as 12,000 people. Then, reign ordered to prohibit new temple reconstruction, prohibition of casting statues, Buddhist prohibition of private copies. The exchanges between officials and Buddhist monks and nuns were prohibited, which makes the period of Buddhism in the reign had been a serious blow.
  Emperor of a series of effective measures to make the Tang Dynasty, the political, economic, and cultural have been a new development, more than his ancestor Tang, creating a strong boom in Chinese history, immortalized in the "Golden Age Kaiyuan".
  Created a Golden Age, the Emperor gradually began to meet, and indulge in pleasure all the time. Without the spirit of the previous make every effort, no reform of the economy to wind up. Ling integrity of the prime minister, who has been dismissed from office, villain Li Linfu climbed phase. Li Linfu after illness, but also the Huang power, resulting in a more dark and political.
  The Emperor Li Linfu best at the meaning of speculation, in the year 736, the Emperor would like to return from Luoyang Chang'an, but the prime minister, who said ling harvest is not over, this road will harass the people, affecting production. Lilin Fu ling left Quedui the Emperor said, Chang'an and Luoyang is the Majesty of the Orient House and Nishinomiya, when His Majesty willing to travel on when to travel, do not wait for later, as to impede the harvest of farmers, their tax-free line also has .
  Xuanzong very happy according to the Bank account. Later, Lilin Fu ling on false charges, and others looking for the opportunity finally to Emperor of these outspoken prime minister was dismissed from office, he dominated the affairs of state. Lilin Fu came to power, those who do not obey him, and he does not stand to be trying to trap people. Li Linfu elite jealous person, mouth to say a good listen, his heart was serpent. Therefore, people privately that he is "I have honey, belly with sword."
  736 AD, the Emperor's favorite concubine Wu Huifei dead, reign spook night. Heard that he and Li Mao Wu Huifei son, the concubine Yang Shou Wang exquisite beauty, gorgeous unparalleled, so regardless of what etiquette, will he move the palace, the Yang Fei understand temperament, very smart, but also good at singing and dancing, it may reign favor .
  In order to cover up his daughter won the ugly, the palace of Emperor to Yang Fei their request to do female officer, admitted to Nangong, and he gave numbers too true. In order to comfort his son Shou Wang, Emperor married a concubine and gave him as compensation.
  The feudal period ethical values do not come out after the Southern Song Dynasty Zhu Xi less stringent, though the concept of inequality between men and women, but the concept of female chastity and remarriage and so is relatively tolerant of the feudal social oppression of women after the Yuan Dynasty Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty. Queen Empress Wu reason can do, and then the social psychology of this tolerance are, therefore, to the Qing Dynasty, also held the state power of the Empress Dowager Cixi, said the Queen would not dare, and the social role of public opinion and social psychology is very important one reason.
  Later, Emperor Yang Fei as the Royal seal, which is the history of the famous Imperial Concubine Yang. Royal's status after the Queen, but this time there is no queen, so Concubine Yang is actually the Queen of the Emperor. Reign of her sound like Grace, also praised her own "language of flowers Solutions." Love with the relationship with Yang Yuhuan, Young family started Apprentice. Therefore, when as much a folk want a girl baby, the future glory of the family palace concubine idea to do.
  In order to discuss Royal's favor, Emperor can be described as strenuous effort. In order to meet her favorite clothing psychology, there are specialized services to 700 people for the concubine to her clothes. To make her eat like lychee, reign also ordered the opening up thousands of miles from the South to the Chang-Gong Road, Lai Chi timely manner in order to quickly transported to Chang'an with the horse, because within five days off become lychee taste. The Concubine Yang was born in the South, like to eat this kind of thing.
  With Yang Yuhuan, Emperor Sheng luxury style more and more, ministers, nobles, imperial clan to curry favor with the emperor, cast concubine likes the results so she was pleased the people have got a promotion, which in turn stimulates more bureaucratic elite fawn ingratiation, offering delicious food fight, Rare Jewelry.
  Under the influence of the sister's relationship, the Huang brothers have a meteoric rise, asking for the moon, cook the Tang dynasty prime minister. Concubine Yang of the sisters have also been benefits: Sister labeled Ms. Han Guo, sister sealed the Lady of Guo State, Third Sister labeled Ms. Qin Guo. Feng Shang other brother also do senior officials in the DPRK. Unparalleled power of the Huang, brother and sister for glory in the future foreshadowed the tragic ending.
  In the Huang in power, the entire Tang Dynasty, the confusion up, can be said that while the decline of the Tang Dynasty have turned to Emperor's fault, but especially the Huang Yang Shi Xiongmei this brother did not play a positive role, he's doing evil, there is no bring good luck to her sister, but the sister brought a no return. Beauty is not a sin, but it is a beautiful cause.
  In the Huang of the hoodwink, the first is the political affairs of the confusion. In the disaster caused by heavy rains, the reign asked the disaster, the Huang Su was carrying a large ears of corn were to reign see that rain did not affect the harvest. Below some officials reported the situation and request assistance, he was furious and ordered the judiciary to punish. The Huang abilities, but like dealing with affairs of state at random, get down to business done, bad things are very good at taking bribes, cliques, etc. applications with ease.
  Affairs of state affected the country's economic chaos. Surroundings collapse during this period, tax drastically reduced, but the court but because of the cost of luxury reign and Yang Yuhuan gradually increased, the Treasury make ends meet. Political corruption also affected the military's combat effectiveness, because the recruitment of soldiers are the only rogue. These were launched in the later reign has not won a victory in the war, instead of incurring more losses.
  Reign for the crisis in the Tang Dynasty did not even notice, but a series of wars launched from outside. Political corruption and darkness, affect the generals Tangong seeking official desire. In order to provoke a war, and by the reward meritorious service in the war, official promotion into the Jazz, border town, a lot of general wanton provocation, making the border war continued, reign in the militants is fueling this. Turmoil of the early frontier has been broken, and eventually led to the Rebellion, Tang debilitating.
  First, the relationship between the deterioration in the west and Tibet, after the inter-war casualties, damage to the traditionally good relations of harmony. Second, Nanzhao southwest. As the generals of the arrogant and overbearing border, resulting in the escalating conflict in the calm, the results Tang Nanzhao conscription and war. Have died, over 200,000 dead in the Tang Zhaobing many
  Li Longji (685-762), that Emperor, the Bank said the Tang emperor. Xuanzong good command of music, good poetry calligraphy. He has been advocating through surgery, renounce flashy, attention to the reform style of study. An emperor, the emperor even more with the right to be called political, rustic style of the Tang Dynasty played a role in the formation.
  Attachment: Emperor's musical talent and contribution
  Li Longji loves music. 6-year-old could sing and dance to reveal the music qualification. Fuchu from the store when the young scattered music one to myself and others. He specializes in a variety of musical instruments such as pipa, flute, etc. Jiegu especially superb playing skills. He made the Tang Dynasty's system of several major reforms and restructuring, the original nine music, 10 music for the Sitting and Standing Kabuki, promote development and enhance the music; he set up opera, expand teaching workshops, trained a lot of good music artists; absorb and accommodate foreign music, to promote folk music, resulting in an unprecedented Tang Dynasty style.
  Half of the 8th century, the world music coverage, Li Longji called a few composers. Tang Nanzhuo "Jiegu recorded," said he, "if the production of lyrics, with music and tries to establish chapters are not degrees, take appropriate short and long, are to be scattered sound, all the mid-point shot." Participation of his life writing music many, mostly instrumental solo, ensemble and large dance song. Works from different sides, directly or indirectly reflected his political career and rise and fall of the Tang Dynasty from prosperity to the historical features. Disappearing his works have been lost. According to historical records, these works are mostly in the 710 years after his completion of its creation, and it is in the Tang Dynasty to the Tang turning point.
  Li Longji yearning for more advanced. The recall was later praised maweipo trip, "Yue Ling Ling", miss Xianxiang ling "Immortal resentment," or refer to historical data for the reign of their home-made, or that the musicians were ordered and made, with Li Longji chair about.
  Emperor chronology of literature
  Tang days Chuigong first year (685)-year-old
  Born in Luoyang, August 5. Yejong Li Dan the third son of Queen Mother Zhao Chengshun St. Doushi. Li Dan, "Wen Christine eager to learn, through annotations and training, industrial grass official script'', Doushi well-born.
  Chuigong years (686 years) old
  First month, the Empress Wu of government to Yejong edict, not by.
  In February, so please book Silla, is giving.
  March, Empress Wu played with copper bowl by the density, density of the wind effect.
  April, casting a large instrument, and placing the North tie down.
  June, Suliang Si, Wei Wei Wenchang price to be around with, with the Phoenix Court Luan Taiwan Mishina.
  In September, to Di Renjie Wei Dongguan assistant minister.
  Chuigong three years (687 years) aged
  Run the first month, labeled the king.
  In May, killing Liu of
  July, Turk Kou Shuozhou, laid off more than Li Zuo destructible.
  In November, stop the system censor jianjun. The great famine of the world this year, particularly in Shandong Guanzhong
  Chuigong four years (688 years) old
  Qian Yuan Temple destroyed in February, do Mingtang to Xuehuai Yi To, where tens of thousands of people served.
  In May, plus Our Lady of God Emperor Empress Wu.
  In June, played the waste Di Renjie Temple prostitution.
  August, Wang Clan Li Chong, king of Yue Li Zhen raised his army failed to seek Kuangfu Tang Shi died.
  In September, Royal Empress Wu Tang big kill.
  December, Ming Tang Cheng, No. Vientiane Shrine.
  Yongchang first year (689 years) old
  In September, twice a crusade against the Turkish removal Xuehuai Yi, were defeated
  In November, beginning with the Zhou Zheng. Empress Wu from the name of Zhao, Chao for the system to change, in addition to Tang Shi is a nationality.
  Zhou Tianshou first year (690)-year-old
  The first month, Wu Chengsi, Cen Changqian left and right phase, with the Phoenix Court Luan Taiwan Mishina
  February, Gongshi policy in Los Angeles Temple, and successful candidates from the beginning.
  July, awarded salmonella essays, so that states were building large Yun Temple.
  In August, a large kill Tang imperial clan.
  In September, changing the country for the week, reign title Tianshou to Yu Wang Li Dan was Huangsi, surname Wu, Feng Vu Thi Dukes is king.
  Tianshou years (691 years) old
  April, so Buddhism Taoism ago, Taoist monks and nuns in the front. July moved within the Yong Guan, the same seven million people in the state of Luoyang.
  August, Di Renjie as phase.
  October, so the bootstrap system Husband salt.
  Ideal first year (692 years) old
  Longevity years (693 years) old
  The first month, Huang Si-fei Liu, Defeidoushi (Li Longji mother), was Empress Wu stab in the back, acne on the palace, where ah uncomfortable
  In December, down labeled Nyingchi king.
  Extension contains the first year (695 years) old
  The first month, Paul Benedict bone Turkic Khan died, and his son, his little brother Mochuai self-Khan, Kou Ling Chau. March to discuss Mochuai Xuehuai Yi and other 18 generals, defeated. Manichaeism into China this year began.
  Card the first year St. (695) 11-year-old
  Long live the days of books in February, Xue Huaiyi killed.
  April, big week 10 000 Chung Cheng Tak-day hub.
  Long live the first year of Babel (696) 12-year-old
  Long live the Dengfeng September, Tibet, and requested the states were so close to home Shandong Wu soldiers riding group
  Department of prisoners and Shishu make the world who brave slaves, the official compensation of its value, made to attack the Khitan.
  October, fell to Jizhou Khitan
  Magic the first year (697) 13-year-old
  April, cast Jiuding, share its copper 560 000 zero hundred pounds.
  San calendar year (698) 14-year-old
  March, the state called Luling Wang Zhe at room
  San calendar years (699 years) 15 years old
  In July, Prince Li Xian Empress Wu that, with Wang Li Dan and Liang Wangwu think twice, and so King of Wu You only swear at Joss House
  Long as the first year (700 years) 16 years old
  Run in July, Tang Jing break off Tibet.
  October, crane control of lead supervisor Zhang Yi Song Bart palace paternity rich feast with Bo.
  Dazu first year (701) 17-year-old
  Chang first year
  October, Empress Wu also Chang, Chi house in Xingqing Square, also lived with five brothers, known as the five wangzhai
  Chang years (702) 18-year-old
  The first month, preliminary design Martial
  In December, the North Pavilion is home nursing state government in court
  Chang'an three years (703) 19-year-old
  April, Tibet sent envoys offering horse 1000, gold 2200 marriage proposal
  Chang four years (704 years) two-year-old
  History contains Longji "Miriam Fan Weili, a very table." Calendar Umori Lang Jiang Feng Yu Shang chariot.
  Shenlong first year (705) 21-year-old
  First month, the Empress Wu ill, the Cambodian prime minister Zhang, Cui Xuan Wei and Shang Taiwan You Cheng Jing Hui, Huan Yan Fan Shaoqing Criminal Division, with Yuan Shu had other Sima palace owned by Prince Li Xian as Emperor of
  YAO out for the provincial governor Bozhou.
  In May, the Cambodia Zhang Feng Cui Xuan-wei Huan Yan Fan, Jing-Hui, Yuan Shu had been king, stop all known political affairs, North Korea normalization Wu, Wei.
  June, Henan, Hebei, 18 state flood.
  November, 82 years, Empress Wu collapse. 6.15 million households this year, 37.14 million total population.
  Dragon years (706) 20 year-old
  Run the first month, peace, happiness and so the princess, and open government home Guan Zhu. Jing Hui, Huan Yan Fan, Yuan Shu has been out for the slippery, Luo, Yu-three prefectural governor.
  March, it Zuoqian King Fai, Choi Hyun-wei Yan Huan Fan, Yuan Shu had as Long, are, Bo, Yingzhoucishi.
  Members of a large home where two thousand people outside the government. More than 700 officers by the steers over.
  April Huangmenshilang degrade the calibration Pui Jing Song prefectural governor.
  December, Turk Ru Kou Ling, the original will be tens of thousands of state plunder wrangler.
  In July, King Hui, long stream of Lingnan, rotating system of murder by Wu Sansi Qianren correction.
  King Dragon three years (710) 20-year-old
  September, Pacific Princess, An Legong main cliques each tree, in the case of patients.
  Winter this year, in the southern suburbs Zongsi, Takamoto from Luzhou into Beijing to attend the ceremony. Libi, complex home Chang'an. More so when the royal family, Takamoto Changyinsha people in to help lead material.
  King Wan first year (710) 20-year-old
  The first month, went to Tibet married Princess Jincheng.
  Jun, Wei An Legong after the main poison in the case, Wei said after the Powerbut system, reign title Donlon. Li Chung-mao emperor, in 16 to Dukes wetwun keep the total raised within and outside the soldiers and horses to know something. Wei intended to usurp the throne after time. Avoid phase of deep and Princess Taiping Wang Tan. An Legong closely with owners, Wei Wen and private party were Chuke, Wu Yanxiu addition of such plan. Linzi Longji Wang Princess is a child with the Pacific Princess, and Jane Wei Wei Chong Xue Qing, Fan Zhong Shao, director of Beijing, the former chaoyi Wei Liu quiet demand, the government conciliation, Lee Yan Ma Wei Si purging of the party were so plotted. Wan Qi Guoyi Ge Fushun, Chenxuan Li, Li Xian rabbit h ave participation in a conspiracy.
  Boxer night, Lungi 700 after killing Wei, An Legong main, were Chu Ke, Wei Wen and so on.
  July to Los Zhouchang Shi Song too calibration Ministry of Personnel in the books with the Book of subglottic Mishina.
  In August, thousands of people in official strike oblique.
  From the beginning of this year. Gradually set up around the Salt Pond on, grain transportation, rent-yung, accounts and other Ambassadors.
  October. Pacific Princess Prince Hidetake bogey. For a long time has been fixed right, emblem fabric rumors, said: "Prince of non-long, improper legislation." Prince has sent reconnaissance activities, micromanager Yejong tip.
  King Wan years (711) 20-year-old
  The first month. Taipu Qing Yuan Zhen Ren Na, the assistant minister Zhang said the book well with the level. Things. Because the main frame-up of public peace, Prince, Song Jing and Yao Yuan's proposal to move out of the East Pacific Princess all. Zhang said China proposed that Crown Prince to Du rumors. In February, so Princess Taiping Xiju puzhou. Prince supervise the country. Re inclined enclosure. Wan Qi and about Habayashi around the North gate Forces, so Ge Fushun command. April system, "where Prince Double Shijie take action." Jiedushi established early in the Hexi Corridor. May, please call Pacific Princess, Prince returned to Beijing, Yejong quasi-playing. June, 10 provincial judge setting.
  In November. The people have 20-year-old when Fu Bing, 50-year-old free.
  Tai Chi Dynasty (712) 20-year-old
  Extension and the first year of the first month, reign title Tai Chi
  Congenital first year in May, without delay and change
  In June. You state blame Sun Quan Xi big attack the Khitan. Tang Jun capsize.
  July, system Mass at Prince Edward Li Longji.
  August, Prince Takamoto emperor, or Emperor. Yejong respect to the overlord. Mishina addition to the above grant and Oibara government officials still depend on the Uehata. Reign title birth. Li Fei Wang empress. Zhang Wei Liu quiet seek and seek to Habayashi soldiers except Princess Taiping, secret words in the reign, reign agree. Zhang Wei was later leaked the plan to Shi Yu Shi Deng Guangbin, reign big club. A few days later. Department quiet seek Liu, Zhang wei Dengguang Bin exile. Kaiyuan reign (713) 20-year-old
  The first month, Fu Bing-five points to 20 soldiers, five-year-old free. In February. Enlightening the capital open the gates, day and night. Where more than a month. Zuo Shiyi Yantingzhijian. Nai Zhi. Yan Ting of the righteous person stabbed to declare Baiguan, Houshang of. In June, when the Pacific Princess trend without authorization by Uehata Allusions. Prime Minister seven. Four of its doors. Wen Wu Dachen half attached. Wang Kui, Zhang, Cui daily rate, etc. In addition to promoting the reign.
  July, Wei known ancient informants Princess Taiping rebellion fourth day will be in June. The day before. Xuanzong and Xue Wang industry, differences Wang Fan, Prime Minister Guoyuan Zhen, Long Wu, General Wang Mao Chung, house supervisor Jiang Jiao, yet by Feng Yu Shou-1, within a matter Gao Lishi, Guoyi Li Shoude so his troops, killed Xiao Zhizhong, Cen Xi, Dou Huaizhen suicide. On the 4th, overlord Hao: "Since this militarism in government and an emperor were punished." Taiping Princess Prince in the home. Early on the 9th, reward meritorious Guo Yuanzhen so. By Gao Lishi know chamberlain save trouble for the right doors of the prison general. Thereafter the Eunuch forces increased significantly. On the 15th to the Zhongshu Ling Zuo Cheng Zhang said.
  October, reign in Lishan parade. Israel does not allow the entire depreciation Bingbushangshu Guo Yuanzhen crime. Yao Yuan with the prefectural governor to the same in the books for the Bingbushangshu subglottic Mishina, YAO recommended 10 things. Kaiyuan reform as a political platform. In December. Kaiyuan reform. Shang Pu She was about to change the left and right prime minister. Central Secretariat to Ziwei province. Ha province to province yellow door. Sijung to prison. To YAO Ying emblem for the Order. Element of the first year to avoid. Complex name Chong. Zhang said that the text links for Prince. Derogatory with prefectural governor. Right Right BU shot, with the book Ha Mishina. Liuyouqiubian Taizaishaobao.
  Kaiyuan years (714 years) three-year-old
  The first month, in a long time off early. More hungry people lack, sent envoys to relief.沙汰 Buddhist monks and nuns two thousand people.
  March, Shu and Wei destroyed days after the day Street Shitai built.
  May, members of foreign officials try Xiba officer, official calibration.
  In June. To brother Song Wangcheng devices, sub-brother Shenwang Cheng Li, Wang Shouli as secluded from the brother outside the prefectural governor.
  July, promoting and frugal. Intrauterine destruction of gold and silver under the system of play, bead-Fairview. The following services do not have to make Empress Fairview bead. Ban cast Buddha, written by. Building Imperial palace. Qi Wang Fan, Xue Jing Wang industry of any provincial governor.
  August, who returned home selection Temple useless. Time attack Pro Tibet jump from side committed year after year.
  In September, so that the states often open repair method.
  In December. Li Ying Wang Si Qian second son (later changed to the book-young) as Prince. Ren Zhou Xuanqing this year, the Maritime Trade to Kofi Annan (the Customs). China Customs began. Home Longyou Key Periods ambassador, but also home Youzhou Key Periods investment strategy, guarding Ambassador.
  Inception three years (715) 31-year-old
  The first month. Mu-Song Jing banished royal doctor prefectural governor.
  In February. Sudden drop those two named Ao 10 thousand accounts.
  May, Shandong large locusts. Answer to not kill, Yao Tsung Censor Governor counties playing catch and removal of buried.
  September, horse Huai Su, Chu immeasurable to Shi Du.
  November, Zhang Xiaoqian the Western Regions, eight countries, including major food Qing Jiang. Cuizai Song and other violence, spin defeat.
  Inception four years (716) 30-year-old
  The first month, Sun Xin Wang Empress Mei Zhang, to private anger assault royal doctor Li Jie, reign decree killed in Chodo stick to Xiebai Guan. Key Periods and other kings led away to begin.
  May. Shandong large locust was underway. Yao Chong killing of another life.
  Xuanzong Tingshi magistrate. Back 45 people.
  In June. Yejong collapse, the annual 50-year-old. Rejected, with the Luo, Fen, Stubbs is also solid, solid 5 servants to drop.
  November, Yao Chong Jian Guangzhou have copies of his resignation from the generation of Jing Song.
  December, Song Jing Appointed official. A month. Stop 10 provincial judge.
  Kaiyuan five years (717) 30-year-old
  March, the recovery of business state and other 12 states, states were doing reconstruction government in liucheng.
  September, Tong, Ha Province and sijung are to restore the old name. When recovery Zhenguan Expostulation, the historians to participate in the proposed rate of meeting the prime minister.
  November Chao's visit to his testament, Supervisor Ma Huai petitioned the Secretary of editing the book group. Japan this year into the Tang Kibi Mabi. After returning to imitate Chinese characters for Japanese kana (Japanese characters).
  Inception six years (718) 30-year-old
  The first month, disable the evil of money, capital, riot, never owned a few easily.
  In August, before taxes to increase government pensions.
  Fu Bing six year rule is a simple point.
  Kaiyuan seven (719) 30-year-old
  March, Rong Wang Taizuo Bohai Prefecture, Death, son of great martial arts attack position. Is on. Twice Jiedushi home, leading benefits, Peng and other 25 states.
  Kaiyuan eight (720)-old
  The first month, Song Jing, Su Ting Ba Xiang, Yao-to source for the Huangmenshilang dry. Zhang Jiazhen as assistant minister in the book, with Pingzhang Shi.
  In February, was to include families fled. Pieces of heavy military service to the government. 60 is a free, appropriate limits to the burden of year-end so people took turns.
  May also buy 10 provincial judge. Yao is sijung to source dry. Zhang Jiazhen to Zhongshu Ling.
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