西周 人物列表
周太王 Zhou Taiwang周公季 Zhou Gongji周文王 Zhou Wenwang
周武王 Zhou Wuwang周公旦 Zhou Gongdan周成王 Zhou Chengwang
周康王 Zhou Kangwang周昭王 Zhou Zhaowang周穆王 Zhou Muwang
周共王 Zhou Gongwang周懿王 Zhou Yiwang周孝王 Zhou Xiaowang
周夷王 Zhou Yiwang周厉王 Zhou Liwang共伯和 Gong Bahe
周宣王 Zhou Xuanwang周幽王 Zhou Youwang周携王 Zhou Xiewang
周文王 Zhou Wenwang
西周  (前1152年前1056年)

  相关人物:周武王, 商纣王
  中国商代末年西方诸侯之长。姬姓 ,名昌。周太王之孙,季历之子。商纣时为西伯,即西部诸侯(方国)之长。亦称西伯昌。相传西伯在位五十年,已为翦商大业作好充分准备,但未及出师便先期死去。周人谥西伯为文王。其次子姬发继位,是为周武王。
  文王出狱后下决心灭商。一面向纣王献地,请求免除酷刑,取得信任,一面访贤任能,壮大国力。他出猎在渭水河边巧遇年已垂老、怀才不遇的姜尚在水边钓鱼。文王同他谈话,相互谈得很投机,文王了解姜尚确有真才,便让姜尚与他同车而归,立以为师,共同筹划灭商策略。据《尚书大传》说文王在位的最后七年中干了六件大事。头一年调解虞芮两国纠纷。虞(山西平陆县)芮(山西芮城)都是商王朝西方属国;可是他们不找商王裁决,都慕周文王的威名,求文王审断。据《诗经·大雅·绵》篇注说:虞芮两国看到周国是“耕者让其畔,行者让路”,“男女异路,斑白不提携”,“ 士让为大夫,大夫让为卿”,一派君子之风。两相对比,内心羞愧,回国之后虞芮两国都主动将所争之地做了闲田处理,纠纷从此解决。第二年出兵伐犬戎,战败西戎诸夷,灭了几个小国。第三年攻打密须(在今甘肃灵台县),解除了北边和西边后顾之忧。第四年“西伯戡黎(在今山西黎城县)”,第五年伐邗(在今河南沁阳县)。戡黎、伐邗实际上是构成了对商都朝歌的直接威胁。第六年灭崇国(在今陕西户县境)。将周的都城由岐山周原东迁渭水平原,建立沣京(在今陕西长安县沣河西岸)。(诗经·大雅》:“既伐于崇、作邑于沣。”接着又向南扩展势力到长江、汉江、汝水流域,形成了“三分天下有其二”的形势。《论语·泰伯》讲的这句话,即说明岐周实际已控制了大半个天下,而殷商已处于极端孤立的境地。
  乾﹑ 坤﹑ 屯﹑ 蒙﹑ 需﹑ 讼﹑ 师﹑ 比、
  小畜﹑履﹑ 泰﹑ 否﹑ 同人﹑大有﹑谦﹑ 豫﹑
  随﹑ 蛊﹑ 临﹑ 观﹑ 噬嗑﹑贲﹑ 剥﹑ 复﹑
  无妄﹑大畜﹑颐﹑ 大过﹑坎﹑ 离﹑ 咸﹑ 恒﹑
  遁﹑ 大壮﹑晋﹑ 明夷﹑家人﹑睽﹑ 蹇﹑ 解﹑
  损﹑ 益﹑ 夬﹑ 姤﹑ 萃﹑ 升﹑ 困﹑ 井﹑
  革、 鼎﹑ 震﹑ 艮﹑ 渐、 归妹﹑丰、 旅﹑
  巽﹑ 兑、 涣﹑ 节﹑ 中孚﹑小过﹑既济﹑未济。
  周王朝 (公元前1046 -前256)
  西周的兴起,发展及兴亡:西周(公元前1046 - 公元前771年)从武王灭商建国,到幽王亡国,共历三百多年,是中华帝国的一个重要时期,也是中华古典文明的全盛时期,他的物质,精神文明对后世历史的发展有很深的影响。
  周人以珍宝和美女将西伯赎出,此后,在吕尚的辅佐下,西伯昌表面上耽于游乐,对「殷纣」十分驯服,实际上却更为积善修德,和悦百姓,大力发展生产,使更多的诸侯前来归附,进而征讨不驯服的诸侯和商的盟国,终于三分天下有其二,成为所谓的受命之主,而自称王,即周文王,并将都城迁到丰邑(今陕西长安西南沣水西岸)。九年,周文王逝世。其子发继位,称武王。他继续以吕尚为师,「周公旦」为辅,「召公」、「毕公」等人为主要助手,继续文王未尽的事业。将都城扩至沣水以东的「镐京」(今陕西长安县境),积极作灭商的准备。两年后,武王在盟津召集八百诸侯会师盟誓。文王受命第十一年十二月,武王兵出潼关,联合各方国诸侯,挥师东向,于次年二月甲子日在牧野打败商朝的军队,杀死殷纣王,史称「武王灭商」,建立了中国历史上最长的一个朝代「周朝」。周朝经历了三十七代天子,八百多年,到公元前二百六年,才被秦国灭掉。公元前770年, 平王迁都洛邑(今河南洛阳)。丰镐二京在西,洛邑在东,习惯上称公元前770年以前的周朝为西周,以后的为东周。
  「穆王」以后,周朝逐渐衰微,「共王」、「懿王」、「孝王」、「夷王」四代,由于周围戎狭的不断侵扰,王朝陷 入长期的战争之中,国力消耗很大,不得不加重对民众的剥削,国内矛盾日益尖锐。有的贵族也开始破产,而表现出对现实的愤懑。
  长期的矛盾逐渐积累,使王朝产生了深刻的危机。在这种情况下继位的「周厉王」,不仅不采取安抚民众、发展民生的措施,反而任用佞臣,大肆挥霍,连年对外征战,变本加厉地剥夺,垄断山泽之利,引起民众的不满和议论。他就派巫师监视,杀死议论的人,使矛盾更为尖锐。三年以后,愤怒的镐京居民终于发起暴动,将「厉王」流放到「彘(音「至」 zhiˋ」,由「周公」和「召公」共同执掌政权,历史上称为「周召共和」。共和元年即公元前841年,中国历史从这一年开始有了明确而且连续不断的纪年。「周厉王」死后,他的儿子「宣王」整顿朝政,曾经使周王朝有所复兴。但到第十二代天子周幽王时,王朝的危机更为严重。关中地区发生地震、山崩和河水枯竭等严重自然灾害,周幽王不仅不抚恤灾民,反而更加奢侈腐化,贪得无厌。为了博得宠妃「褒姒」一笑,幽王举烽火欺骗诸侯前来勤王。最严重的问题是,幽王决定废去王后申氏,杀掉太子「宜臼」,另立「褒姒」为王后,立褒姒的儿子「伯服」为太子。「申」后的父亲申侯于是联合西方部族犬戎,举兵攻打周幽王,在骊山下杀死幽王,据走褒姒。幽王的儿子「宜臼」即位时,关中遭受兵火洗劫,残破不堪,犬戎又不时前来骚扰。「周平王」宜臼只得将都城迁到洛邑,史称「平王东迁」,东周开始。
  文王-> 武王 -> 成王 -> 康王 -> 昭王 -> 穆王 -> 共王 -> 懿王 -> 孝王 ->夷王 -> 厉王 -> 共和行政 -> 宣王 -> 幽王
  平王宜臼 -> 桓王林 -> 庄王佗 -> 厘王胡齐 -> 惠王阆 ->襄王郑 -> 顷王壬臣 -> 匡王班 -> 定王瑜 ->简王夷 -> 灵王泄心 -> 景王贵 -> 悼王猛 ->敬王匄 -> 元王仁 -> 贞定王介 -> 哀王去疾 ->思王叔 -> 孝王嵬 -> 威烈王午 ->安王骄 ->烈王喜 -> 显王扁 -> 慎靓王定 -> 赧王延

  Name: JI Chang
  Their age: Shang Dynasty
  Reign: 50 years (1105 BC - 1056 BC reign)
  King Wen of Zhou is a descendant of the Yellow Emperor, descent is as follows:
  Calendar quarter after the death of his son JI Chang throne, he is a famous Emperor Wen of the future. He reigned for 50 years, the main contribution is to eliminate business well prepared. He is a very new business owners as the diligent conduct of public affairs, attaches importance to developing agricultural production, courteous, Kwong Lo talent, thanks to Jiang Shang for the army, division, asked the Israeli state plans so that the "third world, the other owned by week." The reign of King Wen, to the Shang Dynasty, an "Uncle Fang" appearance as the surface to submit to the Shang Dynasty, but secretly to prepare actively destroy business. He disintegrating Shang vassal, and the National for the successful mediation of the danger, Rui Tian dispute between the two countries struggle to make a small country east of the river have come to join themselves, princes is regarded as replacing Shangzhou King Wen's "ordered the Monarch" . In Yu, Rui join themselves to the second year of King Wen to the northwest, southwest military forces, to destroy the establishment of a solid business behind. Then eastward, over the Yellow River offensive Society, Han River and other countries. Eastward along the Wei River, taking the Shang Dynasty in the middle of an important base for Chong Wei to eliminate the week on the road in the east of a barrier, and According to the fertile soil. The second year in cutting Chong, King Wen Feng Shui in the West Bank construction Fung Yap, the political center moved in abundance (now Xi'an Southwest). At this point, King Wen had completed all of the pincer business surrounded by the Zhou Dynasty Shang Dynasty have been formed on an aggressive offensive.
  King Wen determined to eliminate business after his release. 1 offer for King Zhou, the request for exemption to torture, to obtain the trust, one side's visit to the talented, growing national strength. Hunting in the Wei river, he met up a year has grown old, gifted and frustrated Jiang Shang in the water to go fishing. King Wen talks with him, each on a very speculative, King Wen Jiang Shang understanding that there really was, let Jiangshang car and go with him, that the division establish common business strategy planning off. According to "Book of mass communications," said the reign of King Wen in the last seven years, did six events. Yu Rui first year of mediation between the two countries dispute. Yu (Shanxi flat land County) Rui (Shanxi Ruicheng) are the Shang Dynasty Western vassal; but they do not find the Shang kings ruled all Muzhou Wen Wang's prowess, seek adjudication of King Wen. According to "Book of Poetry cotton," said chapter Note: the two countries to see Zhou Yu Rui was "Gengzhe let River, Walker give way," "Differences between men and women, gray is not guidance and help," "persons to the doctor, doctor to the Qing, "with one gentleman. Two contrast, inner shame, Rui Yu, after returning to the dispute between the two countries have taken the initiative to do the busy field of processing, from solving disputes. The second year of the army attack Quanrong, defeated Xi Rong Zhu Yi, destroyed several small countries. Attack close to the third year (in this Lingtai County), lifting the north and west to worry about. Fourth annual "Hebrew suppress Li (in this mountain in Litang County)", the first five years of cutting Han River (Qinyang County, Henan Province today). Kan Li, cutting Han River is actually constituted a direct threat to business are Chaoge. Chong off the sixth year of the country (in this household canton Shaanxi). The capital of the Week by the Plain Qishan Wei Zhou Yuan Moving Eastward to establish Feng Jing (Chang'an County, Shaanxi Fenghe in this West Bank). (Book of Poetry ":" not only cutting in worship, for Yap in the Symphony. "Followed by expansion of forces to the south and the Yangtze River, Han River, Ru water basin, forming a" third world, there are the other "situation." Analects of Confucius Tabor, "say these words, it is clear Qi Zhou has control of half of the actual world, and Shang have been in extreme isolation.
  King Wen of Zhou in Chinese history is a name jun saint, was later praised by the respected dynasties, "Book of Poetry" Poetry in Song.
  Only in the Zhou dynasty of King Wen gossip, as the Duke of Zhou and Confucius was born out of two great figures, through their learning, inference interpretation, leaving only pass down. The images of the so-called no good and bad of the points, the analysis shows that people in good times, the face of adversity the right attitude and behavior and ways of doing things, scholars and writers through the ages the ruling class tradition, King Wen, "The Book of Changes" has become China's Bible the source of philosophers, and even into people's daily lives are closely linked with it.
  Xiao Xu fulfill ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ Thailand has a great ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ colleagues Qian Yu ﹑ ﹑
  Escape ﹑ ﹑ Jin Lie, personal ends ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ Jian Kui family ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ Solutions
  Xun ﹑ against, Huan section ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ smaller than Zhongfu ﹑ ﹑ economy not only economic.
  Zere with a mountain breeze Gu, Ze-Pro to the wind to view the fire thunder Shì, fire Ben, mountain strip, mine rehabilitation,
  Shanze loss, wind and thunder benefits, Chak days Jue, Tin Wind Gou, ze to extraction, to wind up, Ze storm water, water, air shaft,
  Battle of King Wen of Zhou attack Quanrong
  Zhou Dynasty (1046 BC - the former 256)
  Zhou Dynasty treasures and beauty to the Hebrew ransom, then, in the Shang's adjuvant, the Hebrew Chang surface indulge in pleasure, the "Yan Zhou" very tame, in fact it is more charitable and virtue, and the Yue people, to develop production, so more come to join themselves to princes, and then campaign against recalcitrant feudal lords and business allies, and finally there is the other third of the world, to become the Lord of the so-called ordered, while claiming to be King, that King Wen of Zhou, and moved to the capital Fung Yap (now Feng Shui Shaanxi Chang'an Southwest West Bank). Nine years, King Wen of Zhou's death. Send his son to the throne, King Wu said. He continued to Shang for the division, "Duke once" secondary, "called the public", "complete the public" and other man-made main assistant, to continue the unfinished business of King Wen. Feng Shui will be extended to the east of the capital, "Gao Jing" (now Shaanxi Chang'an canton), and actively prepare for destruction business. Two years later, King Wu-chun called 800 in the Union vows princes joined forces. Ordered the 10th year of King Wen in December, Wu Wangbing out Tongguan uniting of the various countries princes commanded the troops on the east, in the following year in February Jiazi at Makino's army defeated the Shang Dynasty, the king killed Yan Zhou, known to history as "King Wu off-business ", the longest in Chinese history built a dynasty," Zhou Dynasty. " Experienced a 37 on behalf of the Zhou Dynasty emperor, 800 years to 200 years BC, was the Qin exterminate. 770 BC, King Ping moved the capital to Luoyi (now Luoyang, Henan). Fenggao 2 Beijing in the West, Los eup in the East, traditionally called 770 BC before the Zhou Dynasty to the Western Zhou Dynasty, the future for the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.
  Long-term gradual accumulation of contradictions, so that dynasty had a profound crisis. In this case, to the throne of "King Li of Zhou", not only does not take to pacify the people, the development of people's livelihood measures, instead appointing eloquent minister, spending, year after year foreign wars of conquest and step away, to benefit from monopoly Shanze aroused public discontent and discussions. He sent the shaman surveillance, killing people who talk so that conflicts more acute. Three years later, angry residents finally riots Gao Jing, the "Li Wang" banished to the "pig (sound" to "zhi", from "Duke" and "public call" common exercising political power, history, known as the "Zhou Zhao republic. "republic that is the first year of 841 BC, Chinese history, beginning from this year, with clear and continuous Annals." Zhou Li Wang, "after the death of his son," Xuan Wang "rectify affairs of state, had to Zhou dynasty had The Renaissance. but the 12th generation of the Son of Heaven Week You Wang, the dynasty of the crisis more severe. Guanzhong region earthquakes, landslides and severe natural disasters such as water depletion, Zhou You Wang not only compensating the victims, but more extravagant corruption and greed. to Chong Fei won the "concubine" smile, You Wang loyalist held war to deceive princes to come. The most serious problem is that You Wang Wang Houshen's decision to pass away, kill the prince "should mortar" separate "concubine" as the Queen, the Legislative concubine's son, "Bo-service" as the Prince. "application" after his father was co-western tribal Quan Rong Shen Hou, state sent troops across to attack Zhou You Wang, at the foot of the mountain killing You Wang Li, it was going concubine. You Wang's son "should acetabular "throne, closing the looting suffered Binghuo, dilapidated, Quanrong harassment from time to time to come." King Ping of Zhou "should only be the capital moved to Los acetabular eup, known to history as" King Ping Moving Eastward, "Eastern Zhou Dynasty began.
  Zhou Wang Zhaodi system table
  Eastern Zhou Dynasty
  Jiang Shang, Zhou Gong Dan, Zhao Gong shi
  The official system of the Western Zhou Dynasty, more complicated. Zhou Wang about adjuvant for the Grand Preceptor, Tutor, Pacific Insurance, collectively known as Excellencies. Excellencies, three things under the official (government officials, business officials and local officials), Quartet (nobility and the party States, tribes) and Qing Liu things. Dynasty officials: Osamu commanding the court politics, palm rituals ritual Taizong, palm calendar notes of Taishi, prayer Taizhu palm, artificial palm things of God, who charge of divination Pu, collectively, six ministers, six ministers of the Liao Shu, as a matter of total Qing Liu. Dynasty also palm land and the farmer's Szeto, entertainment industry for decades the ministry Sagong palm, palm army military Sima Fu, palm version of the Division membership Peerage and persons, the penalty charge of Sikou, collectively known as features. Inner court matters for the royal family service officer, the junior has Sangong three small (less division, Shao Fu, less security), hence the saying, auxiliary, Bute, bearing four secondary, there Kashihade, decorated clothing, Xiaochen, Temple who within the vertical, Hunzhe, door Yin, Wang You-Secretary, fire division, navy, large Emirates, Tai Pu, Royal, right, extraction cars, fun horse, Master's, Hu information, opinion of people, doctors, artists, belong to people , Yin and so too the uterus. Ji closure in the country outside the service, known as the Quartet, including Hou, Austin, princes and other men. Dynasty sometimes sent envoys to the country vassal state prison term. Princes in their own closed set Baiguan Yuji royal domestic modeled as independent power, mainly three things official, that Szeto, Sima, SI Kong, sub-charge of government, judicial and civil. Weeks, the main officials at all levels, are the basis of hereditary patriarchal system, and civil and military, regardless, usually rule the people, war is all levels of generals. Chou local system, there are States, have, eup, wild, vulgar. Zhou Wang and princes of the capital for the country, as the vassal state of the cities are, a small town for the eup, also known as wild or lowly place.
  Economic and cultural
  Western Zhou Dynasty, the business has become an indispensable social and economic sectors, the official monopoly, the government has the quality of people as the market manager. Slave trade of the varieties, oxen and horses, weapons, Rare, etc.. In addition to the Western Zhou currency other than shellfish, have begun to use bronze.
  Chinese science, ideology and culture of the source is "easy." As one of the Confucian Classics "Book of Changes", the earliest that "astronomical" definition. "Book of Changes" Although written in the Warring States period, but he is really the expression of type into the fate Zhou thinking. "Easy", said: "Judging from astronomy to detect time-varying," "easy. Copulative "said:" Days like hanging, see good and bad, like the saints. "And so on, thinking of the West Zhou Mengsheng of yin and yang, the development of astronomy in China has an important impact." Book of Changes, "a long process of formation and development. Be later known as the Creek map, Luo Shu things, the performance is burning Bogu is ancient ancestors long life and fortune in the practice of the sentiment of rational thinking and thinking in images to link with each other, reflect each other infiltration. According to legend, V Yi's to sum up repeatedly on the arrangement of yarrow, and painting for the gossip, the phenomenon of nature is all included in one, this is the original easily. Later, through the King Wen of Zhou is said that the careful studying, to standardized, structured oriented, interpreted as 64 hexagrams and 384 Yao, with diagrams speech, Ci, called the "Book of Changes." It is a simple image and figures to change yin and yang of the opposition to explain complex and diverse society , shows that the number of tens of thousands up to infinity, has to show little more than to simply show complex, the characteristics of change. its so called "easy" Xuan explained there are three aspects: First, Jane, second shift, three difficult. Speak of the myriad things that have changed are the same, ever-changing phenomenon, and some basic principles will not change with another, which from the objective world, the dialectical development of abstract theory, a very rich out of simple dialectics. Old said the late Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius, the "Book of Changes" interpretation and discourse, to complete 10 wing, that is, "Yi." In this way, "Book of Changes" on the development of a profound exposition of the contents of the universe of a change in philosophy.
  1 Peter Yap test
  4 Zhougongdan
  7 Cheng Shu Wu (Records as "as Uncle Wu")
  Dan quarter contained 10 (Records as "Ran season set")
  12 Gao child
  15 graduates of public high
  18 Xun Hou
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