作者 人物列表
海伦·凯勒 Helen Keller哈雷特·阿班 Hallett Edward Abend
鲁思.本尼迪克特 Ruth Benedict明妮·魏特琳 Minnie Vautrin
何天爵 Chester Holcombe戴尔·卡耐基 Dale Carnegie
罗曼·文森特·皮尔 Norman Vincent Peale查尔斯·哈尼尔 Charls E. Haanel
乔治·克拉森 George S. Clason亨利·福特 Henry Ford
凯瑟琳·卡尔 Cathleen Carl埃尔文·布鲁克斯·怀特 Elwyn Brooks White
伊迪丝·华顿 Edith Wharton海明威 Ernest Hemingway
弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德 F. Scott Fitzgerald威廉·福克纳 William Faulkner
亨利·米勒 Henry Miller亨利·詹姆斯 Henry James
杰克·伦敦 Jack London詹姆斯·凯恩 James Mallahan Cain
玛·金·罗琳斯 Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings马克·吐温 Mark Twain
欧·亨利 O. Henry德莱塞 Theodore Dreiser
亨德里克·威廉·房龙 Hendrik Willem van Loon房龙 Hendrik Willem van Loon
厄尔·斯坦利·加德纳 Erle Stanley Gardner达希尔·哈米特 Dashiell Hammett
拿破仑·希尔 Napoleon Hill阿尔伯特·哈伯德 Elbert Hubbard
卡尔顿·约·亨·海斯 Carlton J. H. Hayes帕克·托马斯·穆恩 Parker LeRoy Moon
I·T·赫德兰 I.T. Headland赛珍珠 Pearl S. Buck
塞缪尔·乌尔曼 Samuel Ullman奥里森・马登 Ao Lisenmadeng
雷蒙德·钱德勒 Raymond Thornton Chandler爱迪生 Thomas Alva Edison
霍华德·菲利普·洛夫克拉夫特 Huo Huadefeilipuluofukelafute
海明威 Ernest Hemingway
作者  (1899年7月21日1961年7月2日)
Ernest Miller Hemingway

阅读海明威 Ernest Hemingway在小说之家的作品!!!
欧内斯特.海明威,Ernest Hemingway,1899 - 1961,美国小说家、诺贝尔文学奖获得者。



1923年发表处女作《三个短篇小说和十首诗》,随后游历欧洲各国。1926年出版了长篇小说《太阳照样升起》,初获成功,被斯坦因称为"迷惘的一代。1929年,反映第一次世界大战的长篇巨著《永别了,武器》的问世给作家带来了声誉。 30年代初,海明威到非洲旅行和狩猎。1935年写成《非洲的青山》和一些短篇小说。


1941年偕夫人玛莎访问中国,支持我国抗日战争。后又以战地记者身份重赴欧洲,并多次参加战斗。战后客居古巴,潜心写作。1952年,《老人与海》问世,深受好评,翌年获普利策奖。1954年获诺贝尔文学奖。卡斯特罗掌权后,他离开古巴返美定居。因身上多处旧伤,百病缠身,精神忧郁, 1961年7月2日用猎枪自杀。海明威去世后发表的遗作,主要有:《海流中的岛屿》(1970)和《伊甸园》(1986)。他那独特的风格和塑造的硬汉子形象对现代欧美文学产生深远的影响。

Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) was an American writer and journalist. His distinctive writing style, characterized by economy and understatement, influenced 20th-century fiction, as did his life of adventure and public image. He produced most of his work between the mid-1920s and the mid-1950s, and his career peaked in 1954 when he won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Hemingway's fiction was successful because the characters he presented exhibited authenticity that reverberated with his audience. Many of his works are classics of American literature. He published seven novels, six short story collections, and two non-fiction works during his lifetime; a further three novels, four collections of short stories, and three non-fiction works were published after his death.

Hemingway was born and raised in Oak Park, Illinois. After leaving high school he worked for a few months as a reporter, before leaving for the Italian front to become an ambulance driver during World War I, which became the basis for his novel A Farewell to Arms. He was seriously wounded and returned home within the year. In 1922 Hemingway married Hadley Richardson, the first of his four wives, and the couple moved to Paris, where he worked as a foreign correspondent. During his time there he met and was influenced by modernist writers and artists of the 1920s expatriate community known as the "Lost Generation". His first novel, The Sun Also Rises, was written in 1924.

After divorcing Hadley Richardson in 1927 Hemingway married Pauline Pfeiffer; they divorced following Hemingway's return from covering the Spanish Civil War, after which he wrote For Whom the Bell Tolls. Martha Gellhorn became his third wife in 1940, but he left her for Mary Welsh Hemingway after World War II, during which he was present at D-Day and the liberation of Paris.

Shortly after the publication of The Old Man and the Sea in 1952 Hemingway went on safari to Africa, where he was almost killed in a plane crash that left him in pain or ill-health for much of the rest of his life. Hemingway had permanent residences in Key West, Florida, and Cuba during the 1930s and '40s, but in 1959 he moved from Cuba to Ketchum, Idaho, where he committed suicide in the summer of 1961.

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