古埃及 Ancient Egypt   托勒密王朝 Ptolemaic Egypt   埃及羅馬統治時期 Roman rule in Egypt   阿拉伯埃及 Arab Egypt   奧斯曼埃及 Ottoman Egypt   穆罕默德·阿裏王朝 Egypt under the Muhammad Ali dynasty   現代埃及 Modern Egypt   

  639年,哈裏發派出軍隊侵入埃及,與東羅馬帝國展開爭奪戰,最終奪取了埃及。埃及的信仰由科普特教轉嚮伊斯蘭教,雖然科普特教仍然艱難地生存下來,但伊斯蘭教的地位無法撼動。阿拉伯語也開始在埃及施加影響,706年,阿拉伯語成為埃及官方語言。這一時期的埃及整體處於阿拔斯王朝的統治之下,但統治者仍然可以建立幾乎獨立的小王朝,例如圖倫王朝。969年,來自突尼斯的法蒂瑪王朝徵服了埃及,建立了開羅為首都。1174年,法蒂瑪王朝大臣薩拉丁在近衛軍支持下發動政變,推翻法蒂瑪王朝,建立阿尤布王朝。自從1250年之後阿尤布王朝漸趨沒落滅亡。馬木留剋開始了對埃及的統治,直到 1517年埃及被奧斯曼帝國徵服。

  During the initial Islamic invasion in 639 AD, Egypt was ruled at first by governors acting in the name of the Righteous Caliphs, and then the Ummayad Caliphs in Damascus but, in 747, the Ummayads were overthrown and the power of the Arabs slowly began to weaken. Although Egypt remained under the nominal rule of the Abbasid Caliphate, its rulers were able to establish quasi-independent dynasties, such as those of the Tulunids and the Ikhshidids. In 969 the Ismaili Shi'a Fatimid dynasty from Tunisia conquered Egypt and established its capital at Cairo. This dynasty lasted until 1174, when Egypt came under the rule of Saladin, whose dynasty, the Ayyubids, lasted until 1252. The Ayyubites were overthrown by their Turkish bodyguards, known as the Mamluks, who ruled under the suzerainty of Abbasid Caliphs until 1517, when Egypt became part of the Ottoman Empire.

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後一朝政 >>:奧斯曼埃及

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