Viet Nam Capital:Hanoi Country Code: vn |
越南社会主义共和国(The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam)代码VN
【面积】 329556平方公里。 【人口】 8411万(2006年),其中男性4133万,占49.1%,女性4278万,占50.9%。有54个民族,京族占总人口近90%,岱依族、傣族、芒族、华人、侬族人口均超过50万。主要语言为越南语(官方语言、通用语言、主要民族语言均为越南语)。主要宗教:佛教、天主教、和好教与高台教。 【国旗】越南国旗的名称是金星红旗,自1955年11月30日开始采用。国旗的长宽比例为2:3,中心是一颗黄色的五角星(金星),标志越南共产党的领导地位,红色表示革命和胜利。五角星的五个角分别表示工人、农民、士兵、知识份子和青年。 【国花】 越南民间把莲花作为国花,以它作为力量、吉祥、平安、光明的象征,还把莲花比喻英雄和神佛。总之,一切美好的理想皆以莲花表示。 【国徽】越南国徽的中间是一个大五角星,代表越南共产党,国徽四周是稻穗和金色齿轮,代表工人阶层及农民阶层。金色齿轮下方为写着越南语“Cộng Hòa Xã Hội Chủ Nghĩa Việt Nam”(越南语汉字为“共和社会主义越南”,意谓“越南社会主义共和国”)的红底金字绶带。它的设计跟中华人民共和国国徽比较相似。 【首都】 河内(Ha Noi),人口4,000,000人(2005年)。夏季平均气温28.9℃,冬季平均气温18.9℃。 【国家元首】 国家主席阮明哲(Nguyen Minh Triet),2006年6月27日就职。 【重要节日】 越南共产党成立日:2月3日(1930年)。越南南方解放日:4月30日(1975年)。越南国庆日:9月2日(1945年)。胡志明诞辰日:5月19日(1890年)。 【简况】 位于中南半岛东部,北与中国接壤,西与老挝、柬埔寨交界,东面和南面临南海。海岸线长3260多公里。地处北回归线以南,属热带季风气候,高温多雨。年平均气温24℃左右。年平均降雨量为 1500-2000毫米。北方分春、夏、秋、冬四季。南方雨旱两季分明,大部分地区5-10月为雨季,11月至次年4月为旱季。 同北京时差 比格林尼治时间早7小时;比北京时间晚1小时 国际电话码 84 货币 越南盾 历史沿革 【历史】 上古传说与古代中国的统治。 前257年,蜀国末代王子蜀泮率领其族民,辗转到达现在越南北部,建立瓯雒国,并自称为安阳王。 秦始皇统一六国以後的前214年,派大军越过岭南占领今日越南北部和广西、广东、福建,征服当地的百越诸部族,秦朝在这一带大量移民,设立了三个郡,其中越南北部归属于象郡管理。 前203年,秦朝的南海尉赵佗在秦朝末年的混乱时期,自立为南越武王(後改称南越武帝),首都在今广州。越南北部成为南越国的一部份。前111年,汉武帝灭南越国,并在越南北部地方设立交趾、九真、日南三郡,实施直接的行政管理。在之後的一千多年时间裏,越南北部交趾地区虽然屡有反抗,但是大体上一直受到中国古代政权各朝代(汉朝、东吴、晋朝、南朝、隋朝、唐朝和南汉)的直接管辖。 占婆的独立 东汉末年(192年),占族人区连杀死汉朝的日南郡象林县令,从东汉独立,占据了原日南郡的大部份地区(越南中部),以婆罗门教为国教,建立占婆国,与东汉以顺化为界。1190年至1220年,占婆被真腊占领,後复国。 大越的独立 939年,吴权自中国五代南汉政权而独立(吴朝),越南古老的心脏地带——北部交趾地区告别了中国一千多年的统治,但是并未建立国号与使用年号。968年,丁部领(丁先皇)以武力征服境内的割据势力,建立国号大瞿越(丁朝),两年後(970年)又自称皇帝与使用年号太平,定都华闾(今宁平省宁平市),算是越南正式脱离中国而自主之始。後来接受中国宋朝太祖册封为交趾郡王,中国古代皇帝正式承认越南是自治的藩属国而不再是直接管理的中国本土。980年,黎桓建立前黎朝。1010年,李公蕴建立李朝,并迁都升龙(今河内)。1225年,陈煚(实为陈守度)建立陈朝。令越南人自豪的是,陈朝接连三次击退了蒙古大军的侵略,陈兴道是当时的抗元英雄。 越南的统一 1407年至1428年,中国明朝成祖(永乐皇帝)趁越南皇朝内乱之际,出兵占领越南,并在升龙设立了交趾布政司(行省),进行直接统治。1428年,黎利击败明朝军队,自立为帝建立后黎朝,于是明朝从越南撤兵,并承认越南独立。1471年,灭占婆。1527年,后黎朝南北分裂,北部由莫登庸建立的莫朝控制。1592年,后黎朝复辟,北部由郑氏家族控制,南部则由阮氏家族控制,1698年,阮氏家族出兵吞并下高棉(今湄公河三角洲)。1771年,爆发西山三兄弟起义,先后灭阮、郑,统一全国,建立西山朝。1802年,阮福映在法国支持下灭西山朝,建立阮朝,之後接受中国清朝嘉庆帝的更改册封为「越南国王」,正式建立新国号为「越南」,这也是越南名称的由来。 法国的占领与再次的独立 1859年,法国声称保护传教士和天主教徒,占领湄公河三角洲的主要城市柴棍(西贡),于1862年得到越南南部。又于1884年占领整个越南,并将之归入法国在中南半岛的殖民地之内,为此与越南的宗主国清朝爆发了清法战争(1883年至1885年);与此同时,法国传教士为本来采用汉字的越南,设计了一套以拉丁字母为基础的拼音文字,就是现在越南人称呼为「国语」的拉丁化越南文字。 1904年开始,越南的资产阶级民族主义革命家潘佩珠流亡海外成立越南维新会,後来在1912年见到中国的辛亥革命成功,并于中国广州改组为越南光复会,此团体成员曾先後潜回越南发动武装起义,试图推翻法国殖民政权,却因仓促的行动与装备的落後而遭遇失败。之後潘佩珠于1925年遭到法国殖民政权特务的绑架,并押解回越南而终生软禁。到了1930年,越南的共产主义革命家胡志明得到苏联莫斯科的协助,组建了印度支那共产党,并开始在北越领导对抗殖民运动。 1940年,日本进侵越南,美国为了对抗日本的侵略而对胡志明革命势力提供军事支持,并承诺战後支持越南寻求独立。1945年,日军宣布投降之际,胡志明在河内宣告独立并建立「越南民主共和国」。但美国和法国政府达成秘密协议,继续让法国殖民政权统治越南,胡志明转而向苏联寻求支助。1954年,当北越军队在中华人民共和国的指挥和援助下取得奠边府之役大胜之後,再次宣告独立,并立即得到苏联和中国更广泛的支持。为了跟以胡志明为首的北越对抗,法国政府在日内瓦和会(1954年)上宣布将权力移交给阮朝的末代皇帝阮福晪(保大皇帝),并成立名为「越南国」的南越政府而和胡志明领导的北越政府抗衡。阮福晪并且委任了吴廷琰为首相。1955年,吴廷琰在美国的支持下签署法令废除皇室,并宣布自立成为「越南共和国」的总统。 【越南战争】 受到美国等西方反对共产主义制度的国家支持,以吴廷琰为首的南越政府拒绝在最後期限1955年7月前和北越政府就普选问题进行磋商。南越拒绝遵守巴黎协定,并宣布成立共和国,北越随即由胡志明宣布建国。为保障南越政府的发展,美国在1960年代对南越的经济和军事援助从不间断,直到1973年南北双方签订停火协议为止。之後,美国从南越撤军(参考越战)。 两年後的1975年4月30日,北越军队击败南越政府,成立「南越南共和国」,翌年两越在北越领导下统一。1976年,「越南民主共和国」更名为「越南社会主义共和国」。这次战争总共导致三百八十万人死亡,其後遗症在战争结束之后二十年也未能平息。香港的越南难民直到1997年之後才全部被遣返越南。 【统一与改革】 1973年1月越美在巴黎签订关于在越南结束战争、恢复和平的协定,美军开始从南方撤走。1975年5月南方全部解放,1976年4月选出统一的国会,7月宣布全国统一,定国名为越南社会主义共和国。 越南统一后,其军队历经越战锤炼,拥有中、苏援助的大批装备及缴获的美制武器,在前苏联的强力支持下,越共的扩张思想一度膨胀。趁柬埔寨国内民怨(红色高棉)之机大举入侵,并派兵控制老挝;又排华并与中国爆发大规模边境冲突。多年穷兵黩武,导致越南经济几乎崩溃,党内外反对声浪不断。1986年越共领导人黎笋死后,长征、阮文灵先后继任,对外调整与中国及东盟邻国的关系,对内进行经济体制改革,使越南走上相对稳定的发展道路。 2006年,越通过加强党的建设、加大反腐力度、解决民生问题等举措,增强凝聚力,维护社会政治稳定。4月18至25日,越共十大在河内召开,通过《政治报告》、《2006-2010年五年经济社会发展方向和目标的报告》、《党建工作报告》和《补充和修改党章报告》决议,选举产生十届中央领导机构。认为越已初步形成革新、社会主义社会和走社会主义道路的理论体系。修改补充后的党章明确提出越南共产党是工人阶级的先锋队,同时也是越劳动人民和全民族的先锋队。 2006年6月27日,越共中央政治局委员、胡志明市市委书记阮明哲在越南第十一届国会第九次会议选举中获得94%的赞成票,当选为越南国家主席. 政治 【宪法】 越南现行宪法是第四部宪法,于1992年4月15日在八届国会11次会议上通过,是1946年、1959年、1980年宪法的继承和发展,体现了越共“七大”提出的社会主义目标与国家全面革新路线。宪法规定:越南社会主义共和国国家政权属于人民,越南共产党以马克思列宁主义和胡志明思想为指导思想。2001年十届国会10次会议对宪法部分条款作出修改,确定越南要发展“社会主义定向”的市场经济。 【议会】 称国会,是国家最高权力机关,任期5年,通常每年举行两次例会。2007年5月,越举行第十二届国会代表选举,共选出493名国会代表。现任国会主席阮富仲(Nguyen Phu Trong),2006年6月 26日当选。 【越南祖国阵线】(Mat Tran To Quoc Viet Nam)是越南的统一战线组织,成立于1955年9月,南北方统一后于1977年同越南南方民族解放阵线和越南民族、民主及和平力量联盟合并。本届祖国阵线中央主席团主席范世阅(Pham The Duyet)。 【政府】 国家最高行政机关。本届政府于2006年6月27日组成。总理阮晋勇(Nguyen Tan Dung),常务副总理阮生雄(Nguyen Sinh Hung)、副总理张永仲(Truong Vinh Trong)、副总理兼外长范家谦(Pham Gia Khiem),国防部长冯光青(Phung Quang Thanh)、公安部长黎鸿英(Le Hong Anh)、司法部长汪朱琉(Uong Chu Luu)、财政部长武文荣(Vu Van Vinh)、贸易部长张庭选(Truong Dinh Tuyen)、劳动荣军与社会部长阮氏女亘 (Nguyen Thi Hang)、交通运输部长胡义勇(Ho Nghia Dung)、建设部长阮红军(Nguyen Hong Quan)、水产部长谢光玉(Ta Quang Ngoc)、文化通讯部长黎尹合(Le Doan Hop)、教育培训部长阮善仁(Nguyen Thien Nhan)、农业与农村发展部长高德发(Cao Duc Phat)、工业部长黄忠海(Hoang Trung Hai)、计划投资部长武鸿福(Vo Hong Phuc)、卫生部长陈氏忠战(Tran Thi Trung Chien)、科技部长黄文峰(Hoang Van Phong)、资源环境部长梅爱直(Mai Ai Truc)、邮政电信部长杜中佐(Do Trung Ta)、内务部长杜光忠(Do Quang Trung)、政府总监察长陈文传(Tran Van Truyen)、国家银行行长黎德邃(Le Duc Thuy)、体育委员会主任阮名泰(Nguyen Danh Thai)、民族委员会主任克索福(Ksor Phuoc)、人口家庭与儿童委员会主任黎氏秋(Le Thi Thu)。政府办公厅主任段孟蛟(Doan Manh Giao)。 【行政区划】 全国划分为59个省和5个直辖市。 5个直辖市概况: 胡志明市 (人口)5378100 (面积)2,095平方公里 岘港(人口) 715000 (面积)1,256平方公里 河内市 (人口) 2154900 (面积)921平方公里 海防市 (人口) 1711100 (面积)1,503平方公里 芹苴市(人口) 1112000 (面积)1,390平方公里 【司法机构】 由最高人民法院、最高人民检察院及地方法院、地方检察院和军事法院组成。现任最高人民法院院长阮文现(Nguyen Van Hien),2002年8月就任,最高人民检察院院长何孟智(Ha Manh Tri),1997年9月就任,2002年8月连任。 【政党】 越南共产党(Dang Cong San Viet Nam)是唯一政党,1930年2月3日成立,同年10月改名为印度支那共产党,1951年更名为越南劳动党,1976年改用现名。现有党员约248万人,基层组织4万多个,同世界上180多个政党建有党际关系。 越共中央总书记为农德孟(Nong Duc Manh)。政治局委员(14人):农德孟、黎鸿英(Le Hong Anh)、阮晋勇(Nguyen Tan Dung)、阮明哲(Nguyen Minh Triet)、张晋创(Truong Tan Sang)、阮富仲(Nguyen Phu Trong)、范家谦(Pham Gia Khiem)、冯光青(Phung Quang Thanh)、张永仲(Truong Vinh Trong)、黎清海(Le Thanh Hai)、阮生雄(Nguyen Sinh Hung)、阮文芝(Nguyen Van Chi)、胡德越(Ho Duc Viet)、范光毅(Pham Quang Nghi);中央书记处书记(8人):农德孟、张晋创、张永仲、阮文芝、胡德越、黎文勇(Le Van Dung)、丛氏放(Tung Thi Phong)、苏辉惹(To Huy Rua);中央检查委员会委员(13人):阮文芝(主任)、阮氏缘(Nguyen Thi Duyen)、范氏海传(Pham Thi Hai Chuyen)、陈和(Tran Hoa)、范志和(Pham Chi Hoa)、范氏槐(Pham Thi Hoe)、黎洪廉(Le Hong Liem)、黎文讲(Le Van Giang)、阮文胆(Nguyen Van Dam)、沙如和(Sa Nhu Hoa)、阮明光(Nguyen Minh Quang)、裴文体(Bui Van The)、苏光秋(To Quang Thu)。 【重要人物】农德孟:越共中央总书记。1940年9月11日生于北太省纳星县强利乡,岱依族。1963年入党。1966―1971年赴原苏联列宁格勒林业学院留学。1974―1976年在阮爱国高级党校(今胡志明国家政治学院)学习。1976―1986年历任北太省林业厅副厅长、厅长,省人委副主席、主席,省委副书记、书记。1986年12月在越共六大上当选候补中央委员,1989年3月六届六中全会增补为中央委员。1989年8月任越共中央民族部部长,同年11月任国会民族委员会副主席。1991年6月在越共七大上当选政治局委员。1992年9月当选国会主席。1996年6月在越共八大上连任政治局委员。1997年9月连任国会主席。1998年1月当选政治局常委。2001年4月在越共九大上当选总书记,2006年4月在越共十大上连任。 曾于1994年2月和2000年4月率国会代表团访华,任越共中央总书记后先后于2001年12月、2003年4月和2006年8月访华。 阮明哲:越共中央政治局委员、越南国家主席。1942年10月8日生于平阳省边吉县富安乡。数学、政治学学士。1960―1973年参加南方革命活动。1974―1987年在胡志明共青团中央工作,曾任团中央书记、青联副主席,并在阮爱国高级党校学习。1988年1月―1996年12月,历任小河省省委委员、副书记、书记,期间1991年6月在越共七大上当选中央委员,1996年6月在越共八大上连任中央委员。1997年1月任胡志明市市委副书记。1997年12月在越共八届四中全会上当选政治局委员。1998―1999年任越共中央民运部部长。2000年1月至2006年6月任胡志明市市委书记,期间在2001年4月越共九大和2006年4月越共十大上均当选政治局委员。2006年6月在十一届九次国会上当选国家主席。1995年4月率小河省代表团访华,2000年7月率越南共产党代表团访华,任国家主席后于2007年5月访华。 阮晋勇:越共中央政治局委员、越南政府总理。1949年11月17日生于金瓯省泰平县。1967年入党。法律学士。1961年参军,曾任团政委、坚江省军事指挥部干部部长。1981―1994年历任坚江省委组织部副部长、常务副书记、省人委主席、省委书记,并在阮爱国高级党校学习,期间1991年在越共七大上当选中央委员。1995年1月―1996年5月任内务部副部长。1996年6月在越共八大上当选政治局委员、常委,任中央经济部部长。1997年9月任政府常务副总理。1998年4月起兼任国家银行行长。2001年4月在越共九大上再次当选政治局委员。2002年8月连任政府常务副总理。2006年4月在越共十大上连任政治局委员,同年6月在十一届九次国会上当选政府总理。1994年以来,先后6次访华。2006年10月率团出席中国-东盟建立对话关系15周年纪念峰会暨南博会,并顺访广西。 经济 【经济】越南系发展中国家。1986年开始实行革新开放。1996年越共八大提出要大力推进国家工业化、现代化。2001年越共九大确定建立社会主义定向的市场经济体制,并确定了三大经济战略重点,即以工业化和现代化为中心,发展多种经济成份、发挥国有经济主导地位,建立市场经济的配套管理体制。经过二十年的革新,越经济保持较快增长,1990-2006年国内生产总值年均增长7.7%,经济总量不断扩大,三产结构趋向协调,对外开放水平不断提高,基本形成了以国有经济为主导、多种经济成分共同发展的格局。 2006年,越正式加入WTO,并成功举办APEC领导人非正式会议,越南经济继续发展。政府采取措施调整经济结构,增加工业、建筑和服务业比重,降低农业、林业和水产品业比重。完善市场经济体制,改善投资环境。经济保持快速增长,主要经济指标均获完成和超额完成,但同时也面临增长质量和效益低、结构调整尚未到位等制约因素。 国内生产总值(2006年):约573亿美元 国内生产总值增长率(2006年):8.17% 人均国内生产总值(2006年):约722美元 货币名称: 越南盾(Dong) 汇率: 1美元≈16000越盾(2006年12月) 物价上涨指数(2006年): 6.6% 城市失业率(2006年): 4.4% 外汇储备(2006年):约120亿美元 【资源】 越南矿产资源丰富,种类多样。主要有煤、铁、钛、锰、铬、铝、锡、磷等,其中煤、铁、铝储量较大。有6845种海洋生物,其中鱼类2000种,蟹300种,贝类300种,虾类75种。森林面积约1000万公顷。 【工业】 2006年,越南工业产值490.82万亿越盾,比上年增长17%。其中,国有企业产值增长9.1%,外国独资企业产值增长23.9%,合资企业产值增长18.8%。 近年工业总产值及构成情况 2003年 2004年 2005年 工业总产值(万亿盾) 302.99 354 414.88 增长率(%) 16 16 17.2% 国有企业(万亿盾) 117.289 131.6 非国有企业(万亿盾) 75.906 96.2 外资企业(万亿盾) 91.906 109.795 126.3 (资料来源:越南统计总局) 【农业】 越南是传统农业国,农业人口约占总人口的75%。耕地及林地占总面积的60%。粮食作物包括稻米、玉米、马铃薯、番薯和木薯等,经济作物主要有咖啡、橡胶、腰果、茶叶、花生、蚕丝等。2006年越农林渔业总产值(按固定价格计算)比2005年增长4.4%,约占GDP的20.40%。农业产值同比增长3.6%,其中粮食产量3965万吨,比上年增长0.1%;林业产值同比增长1.2%;渔业产值为同比增长7.7%。 【服务业】 近年越南服务业保持较快增长,2006年服务业和商品零售总收入为580.7万亿越盾(以实际价格计算),同比增长20.9%;扣除物价因素,增长13%。其中国有经济增长8.2%,集体经济增长20.8%,个体经济增长22.4%,私有经济增长25%,外资经济增长21.5%。 【旅游业】 越南旅游资源丰富,5处风景名胜被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化和自然遗产。近年来旅游业增长迅速,经济效益显著。2006年全年接待国外游客358万人次,比上年增长3%。国内游客1450万人次。主要客源国(地区)为中国(51.63万)、韩国(42.17万)、美国(38.56万)、日本(38.39万)、台湾(27.27万)、澳大利亚(17.25万)、柬埔寨(15.50万)、法国(13.23万)、泰国(12.38万)、马来西亚(10.56万)、新加坡(10.49万)。主要旅游景点有:河内市的还剑湖、胡志明陵墓、文庙、巴亭广场;胡志明市的统一宫、芽龙港口、莲潭公园、古芝地道和广宁省的下龙湾等。 【交通运输】 近年来,交通运输业经过重组,提高服务质量,取得了较好的经济效益。但交通运输仍为越经济发展的薄弱环节。2006年客运量为13.866亿人次,货运量3.504亿吨,分别比上年增长9.1%和8.1%。 铁路:网络包括6条干线和一些支线,总长3220公里,干线全长2700公里。有410个机车头,其中150多个是蒸汽机车头。2005年客运量0.128亿人次,货运量884万吨。 公路:总长13万多公里(其中1.4万公里国道,1.5万公里省道,其余是连接各县乡的公路)。柏油路、水泥路约占10%,汽车总数7万辆,货车8.8万辆,客车6.1万辆。2005年客运量10.94亿人,货运量2.12亿吨。 水运:水路总长1.1万公里,内河水运有854艘拖船、28470艘货船、1355艘驳船,运输能力约163万吨。海运有610艘货船、6艘驳船,运输能力84万吨。交通部直接管辖的8大港口为广宁、海防、炉门、归仁、义安、芽庄、岘港和西贡港。2005年客运量1.71亿人,货运量6298万吨。 空运:全国共有大小机场90个,其中15个为民用机场。3个国际机场分别为:内排机场(河内市)、岘港机场(岘港市)和新山一机场(胡志明市)。原用客机大多为前苏联制造,近几年通过向西方公司购买和租用,正逐步由欧美机型所取代。2005年客运量为680万人,货运量10.51万吨。 管道运输:汽油管道运输建于60年代,现有275公里长的B12输油管道,设计能力为100万吨/年。 【财政金融】 2006年财政收入完成年计划,财政收入272.88万亿越盾,超出年初预算11.0%。财政支出321.38万亿越盾,超出年初预算9.2%。2006年发行政府债券106.66亿美元。2003-2006年共发行政府债券(包括外币)外债约309.80亿美元。 近年来财政收支情况 2004年 2005年 2006年 财政收入(万亿越盾) 171.03 199.42 272.88 财政支出(万亿越盾) 210.2 251.19 321.38 财政赤字(万亿越盾) 39.17 51.77 48.5 (资料来源:越南统计总局) 【对外贸易】 越南和世界上150多个国家和地区有贸易关系。近年来越对外贸易保持高速增长,对拉动经济发展起到了重要作用。2006年进出口贸易总额约为840亿美元,贸易逆差51亿美元。其中出口396亿美元,增长22.8%,进口444亿美元,增长21.4%。 服务业出口总额约51亿美元,同比增长19.6%。其中旅游业增长23.9%,航空运输业增长35.5%,航空服务业增长27.5%,金融业增长22.7%。2006年服务业进口总额为51.2亿美元,同比增长14.3%。其中旅游业增长16.7%,运费、保险费占33.7%,增长20.1%。 近年对外贸易情况(单位:亿美元) 2004年 2005年 2006年 总 额 575 691 840 出口额 260 322 396 进口额 315 369 444 逆 差 -55 -47 -51 越南主要贸易对象为美国、欧盟、东盟、日本以及中国。2006年,橡胶和咖啡的出口额超过10亿美元,使越南10亿美元以上的主要出口商品增加到有九种,分别为:原油、服装纺织品、水海产品、鞋类、电子产品、木材、大米、橡胶、咖啡。4种传统出口商品原油、服装纺织品、水海产品、鞋类均在33亿美元以上,其中原油为83亿美元。主要出口市场为欧盟、美国、日本、中国。主要进口商品有: 机械设备及零件、成品油、钢材、纺织原料、皮革、布匹。其中成品油为58亿美元,钢材为29亿美元。主要进口市场为中国、台湾地区、新加坡、日本、韩国。 【外国资本】 截止到2006年底,越南累计吸引外资协议总额604.7亿美元。外资的进入对越引进先进生产技术和管理经验,推动经济增长,解决就业起到了重要作用。 外国直接投资继续增加。截至2006年底,外国累计在越投资协议金额600亿美元,协议项目6813个。在越总投资排名前五位的国家和地区依次是台湾、新加坡、日本、韩国和香港,占所有外资的60.6%。吸引投资最多的省市依次是胡志明市(23.4%)、河内市(16.7%)、同奈省(15%)、平阳省(10%)。2006年,全年新批准外资项目797个,协议金额75.7亿美元。加上以前项目的追加投资共计吸引外资105亿美元,同比增加49.1%。实际利用外资41亿美元,同比增长18.7%。 【外国援助】 自1993年国际社会恢复对越援助以来,2006年越获得的官方发展援助(ODA)达26.66亿美元,其中贷款24.12亿美元,无偿援助2.54亿美元。到位资金为17.8亿美元。2006年12月援越咨商会议上,各国政府和国际组织承诺2007年度向越提供ODA援助44.45亿美元,创历史最高纪录。 人民生活 2006年,越居民生活稳定。随着经济持续增长,城市居民 的生活水平有所提高。由于农产品和食品价格提高,农村居民的生活也有所改善。全年物价上涨指数为6.6%。2006年全国贫困户和贫困地区的数量继续减少,贫困人口下降到18.1%。但是不同行业、不同地方的劳动者收入差距较大。2006年城市失业率为4.4%。截至2005年底,越全国电话用户为1584.5万部;2006年人口增长率为1.21%,人口出生率为17.4‰,人口死亡率为5.3‰。2005年共有各级医院13243所,病床197200张。 军事 【军事】 越南人民军于1944年12月22日建军。实行主力部队、地方部队和民兵自卫队组成的三结合“全民国防”体制。国家国防与安全委员会主席由国家主席阮明哲兼任。目前总兵力约为50万,其中陆军35万,海军近3万,防空-空军5万。年均国防预算约10亿美元。 科教文化 【教育】 目前越南已形成包括幼儿教育、初等教育、中等教育、高等教育、师范教育、职业教育及成人教育在内的教育体系。普通教育学制为12年,分为三个阶段:第一阶段为5年小学,第二阶段为4年初中,第三阶段为3年高中。2000年越宣布已基本实现普及小学义务教育目标。2001年开始普及9年义务教育。2005年,越全国在校大、中、小学学生约2200万名。全国共有27227所三级普通学校,255所高等院校。2005年高校在校学生约140万人。著名高校有河内国家大学、胡志明市国家大学、顺化大学、太原大学、岘港大学等。 2005-2006年度各级学校、学生及教师情况如下: 学前教育 中小学教育 高等教育 学校 10927(所) 27227(所) 255(所) 教师(人) 117226 780500 48600 学生(人) 2426876 16649200 1404700 (资料来源:越南统计总局) 【新闻出版】 越南新闻出版法规定报纸由国家控制。中央及地方新闻单位共450家。主要出版社有政治出版社、文化出版社、文学出版社、科技出版社、教育出版社和世界出版社等。2005年,各种出版物17800种,年发行量2.52亿册。报社约150家,其余为行业小报。 主要报刊有:《人民报》,越共中央机关报,1951年创刊,在国外设有3个分支机构,1998年5月开设电子版;《人民军队报》,越南人民军总政治局机关报;《大团结报》,祖国阵线中央机关报;《西贡解放报》(越文和中文版),越共胡志明市委机关报;《共产主义》月刊,越共中央政治理论刊物,1956年创刊,2001年设电子版;《全民国防》月刊。 越南通讯社:国家通讯社,1945年创立,1976年越南南方解放通讯社与之合并。在全国各省市均设有分社,驻外分社有16个。1998年8月开设互联网(越、英、法、西班牙文)。 “越南之声”广播电台:成立于1954年,有四套对内节目,用越南语及数种少数民族语言播音,每天广播98小时;对外广播用中国普通话、广东话、俄语、英语、法语、西班牙语、日语、泰语、老挝语、柬埔寨语、印尼语、马来语等。每日播音时数为26小时。 越南中央电视台:成立于1971年,可同时播送四套节目,每天播出约21小时。 主要网址: 越南通讯社:; 越南人民报:; 越南共产党:; 越南国会:; 越南外交部:。 外交 对外关系 奉行全方位、多样化的独立自主外交路线,对外工作重点是“融入国际社会、搞好周边关系、妥善处理大国关系”。2006年积极开展对外交往,地区和国际地位日益提高。越成功举办APEC领导人非正式会议,被世贸组织接纳为第150个成员,被亚洲国家推举为2008-2009年任期联合国安理会非常任理事国亚洲唯一候选国。2006年,共有12位外国元首,17位正、副总理,12位国会正、副议长访问越南。现已与169个国家建交,并同20个国际组织及480多个非政府组织建立合作关系。 【对当前重大国际问题的态度】 国际形势:和平、合作与发展仍是时代的主流。世界和区域经济形势继续好转,但也存在不确定因素。经济全球化为发展中国家提供了机遇,也带来了挑战。越将继续奉行独立自主、和平、合作与发展的对外路线,实行开放、全方位、多样化的外交政策,积极参与国际地区合作进程,主动和积极融入世界经济,努力为国内经济建设营造和平、有利的国际环境。 反恐问题:谴责和反对一切形式的恐怖活动,愿与美国以及国际社会进行反恐合作。反对借反恐干涉别国内政,强调国际社会必须在尊重联合国宪章、国际法、民族独立和国家主权的基础上进行努力,把恐怖主义从人类生活中彻底铲除。同时呼吁美国及其它国家同越合作,严厉打击反越恐怖阴谋和活动。 联合国改革:认为联合国改革应有助于提高联合国的作用、权威和效率,维护世界和平与安全以及应对新挑战和新威胁的能力,推动各成员国的共同发展,为落实千年发展目标服务。安理会改革应从联合国长远利益出发,根据国际关系民主化原则,在广泛协商的基础上增加发展中国家的代表性,寻求兼顾各方利益的解决办法。 【同中国的关系】中越两国于1950年1月18日建交。 2006年中越关系继续保持良好发展势头,各个领域的友好交往与合作进一步深化。两国高层保持频繁接触,两党总书记成功实现互访,两国总理在多边场合两度正式会晤,政治关系不断加强;外交、公安、国防、安全等部门合作进一步深化;双边贸易额大幅增长,大型经济合作项目有序开展;两党理论交流和青少年交往进展良好。 重要交往(2006年): 中方访越的有:3月,中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席贾庆林对越南进行正式友好访问。11月,国务委员唐家璇赴河内出席中越双边合作指导委员会首次会议。11月,胡锦涛总书记、国家主席对越南进行国事访问,并出席在河内举行的亚太经合组织(APEC)第十四次领导人非正式会议。 越方访华的有:8月,越共中央总书记农德孟对华进行正式友好访问。10月,越南政府总理阮晋勇应邀出席在南宁举行的中国-东盟建立对话关系15周年纪念峰会和第三届中国-东盟博览会暨商务与投资峰会并顺访广西。11月,越南祖国阵线中央委员会主席范世阅访华。 中越边界勘界谈判 2006年中越两国举行了第11轮(7月)海上问题专家小组谈判,第17(8月底9月初)、18轮(10月)陆地边界联合勘界委员会首席代表会晤和多次专家会议,两轮中越北部湾湾口外海域划界和共同开发谈判联合工作组会谈(1月、9月)。8月,中越北部湾渔业联合委员会第三届年会第二次筹备会和第三届年会正式会议在河内召开。10月10日,中国、越南和老挝三国在北京签署了《中华人民共和国、越南社会主义共和国和老挝人民民主共和国关于确定三国国界交界点的条约》。 中越军事安全合作 4月,中央军委副主席、国务委员兼国防部长曹刚川访越。5月,中越边境地区合作打击犯罪和维护社会治安第二次会议在北京举行。11月,两国国防部举行第二次中越防务安全磋商。12月,两国海军在北部湾海域进行第二次联合巡逻。 中越经贸合作(不含港澳台对越合作) 2006年中越双边贸易额99.5亿美元,同比增长21.4%。中国对越投资增长势头良好,2006年中国对越投资3.27亿美元,列当年越外资排行榜第7位。截至2006年底,中国累计对越直接投资有效项目407个,合同总额10.69亿美元,列越外资排行榜第14位。截至2006年底,我在越累计签订承包工程合同总额56亿美元,完成营业额19.2亿美元;其中2006年新签合同额26.2亿美元,完成营业额5.5亿美元。 现任中国驻越大使胡乾文,2006年3月17日递交国书。 现任越南驻华大使陈文律,2003年1月27日递交国书。 中越联合新闻公报 一、应中华人民共和国主席胡锦涛邀请,越南社会主义共和国主席阮明哲于2007年5月15日至18日对中国进行国事访问。访问期间,胡锦涛主席与阮明哲主席举行会谈,全国人民代表大会常务委员会委员长吴邦国、国务院总理温家宝、中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会主席贾庆林分别会见了阮明哲主席。双方就双边关系及共同关心的国际和地区问题深入交换意见,达成广泛共识。双方一致认为,访问取得了圆满成功,有力地推动了中越睦邻友好与全面合作关系向前发展。 二、双方对中越关系不断巩固和发展表示满意,一致认为,中越友好是两国和两国人民的宝贵财富,双方应共同维护并不断发扬光大。双方同意,继续遵照长期稳定、面向未来、睦邻友好、全面合作的方针,加强高层往来,深化治党理政和社会主义理论与实践的交流,充分发挥中越双边合作指导委员会的作用,统筹规划和全面推进两国各领域合作,推动外交、国防、公安、安全等各部门合作机制有效运转,扩大经贸、科技、文化、教育、促进跨界河流水资源可持续利用等领域的务实合作,加强中越传统友好的教育,大力开展青少年友好交往,努力使两国和两国人民永做好邻居、好朋友、好同志、好伙伴,使中越友谊世代相传。 三、双方对两国经贸合作取得的长足进展表示满意,同意落实好《关于扩大和深化双边经贸合作的协定》,制订双边经贸合作发展规划,确定重点合作领域和项目,进一步提升经贸合作的规模和水平。双方同意本着优势互补、互利共赢的精神,积极开拓新的贸易增长点,保持双边贸易额快速增长,实现到2010年双边年贸易额150亿美元的目标,同时逐步改善贸易结构,努力实现双边贸易的平衡发展。双方将积极支持和推动双方企业在基础设施、制造业、人力资源开发、能源、矿产加工及其他重要领域开展长期互利合作。积极落实多农铝矿等大型项目。做好对具体合作项目的联合考察研究,以落实“两廊一圈”建设事宜。双方承诺加强在世界贸易组织等地区、跨地区及国际经济机制中的合作。中方重申承认越南市场经济地位。 四、双方认为,两国陆地边界勘界立碑工作取得明显进展。双方将进一步密切配合,确保2007年内完成实地勘界立碑工作,2008年完成全线勘界立碑任务并签署新的边界管理制度文件。继续落实好《北部湾划界协定》和《北部湾渔业合作协定》,做好两国海军联合巡逻及共同渔区资源联合调查和联合检查工作,加快落实《北部湾协议区油气合作框架协议》,力争油气勘采合作早出成果,维护正常的渔业生产秩序,积极开展北部湾渔业、环保、海上搜救、海洋科研等其他领域的合作。稳步推进北部湾湾口外海域的划界谈判并积极商谈该海域的共同开发问题。 双方同意,恪守双方已达成的有关共识,继续保持海上问题谈判机制,坚持通过和平谈判寻求双方均能接受的基本和长久的解决办法。双方愿共同努力保持南海局势稳定,均不采取使争端复杂化、扩大化的行动。积极研究和商谈共同开发问题,以便找到适合的模式和区域。 五、越方重申坚定奉行一个中国政策,支持中国统一大业,支持《反分裂国家法》,坚决反对任何形式的“台独”分裂活动。希望中国早日实现国家统一。越南不同台湾发展任何官方关系。中方对越方的上述立场表示赞赏。 六、双方对两国在国际和地区事务中的合作表示满意。重申将继续加强在联合国、亚太经合组织、亚欧会议、中国━东盟、东盟━中日韩、东亚峰会、东盟地区论坛、大湄公河次区域等多边框架下的协调与配合,共同致力于维护和促进本地区和世界的和平、稳定与发展。 双方一致认为,联合国应加强在应对新挑战和威胁,维护国际和平与安全,推动各会员国共同发展,实现千年发展目标等方面的作用及效果。中国重申支持越南成为2008━2009年度联合国安理会非常任理事国。 七、阮明哲主席对胡锦涛主席和中国人民所给予的隆重、热情、友好的接待表示衷心感谢,郑重邀请胡锦涛主席方便时访越,胡锦涛主席对此表示感谢并愉快地接受了邀请。 【同美国的关系】 1995年7月建立外交关系。1997年5月双方首任大使抵任。2006年越美关系得到重要发展。5月,越美就越加入WTO达成协议,结束双边市场准入谈判。11月,美国不再把越南列入“宗教特别关注国家”。12月,美国国会表决通过法案,给予越南永久正常贸易关系待遇。越美经济、贸易、投资关系继续迅速发展,2006年越美双边贸易额达97亿美元。 4月,美国众议院议长访越。6月,美国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德访越。9月,美国财政部长鲍尔森访越。10月,美国参议院代表团访越。11月,美国国务卿赖斯访越。11月,美国总统布什出席河内APEC第十四次领导人非正式会议并访问越南。6月,越南国会代表团访美。7月,越国会财政和经济代表团访美。 【同俄罗斯的关系】 越同前苏联于1950年1月建交。苏联解体后,俄罗斯联邦继承了苏越外交关系。1994年两国签署《友好关系基本原则条约》。2006年,越俄战略伙伴关系进一步深化。9月,越国家副主席张美华访俄。11月,俄罗斯总统普京出席河内APEC第十四次领导人非正式会议并访越。2006年,越俄双边贸易额约11亿美元。 【同东盟的关系】 1995年7月,越南加入东盟。近年来,越同东盟关系日益密切。2006年9月,越国会主席阮富仲出席在菲律宾举行的第27届东南亚国家议会联盟会议,分别与菲律宾、老挝和新加坡国会领导人举行会晤。 【同老挝的关系】 1975年8月12日建交。2006年越老全面合作和“特殊传统友谊”关系进一步深化。截至2006年底,越在老投资协议资金总额6亿美元。3月,越政府总理潘文凯访老。10月,农德孟总书记访老,双方发表联合公报。12月,新任总理阮晋勇访老。4月,老挝副总理通伦·西苏里访越。6月,老挝党总书记、国家主席访越,双方发表联合公报。8月,老挝总理波松·布帕万访越。 【同柬埔寨的关系】 1967年6月24日,越南民主共和国与柬埔寨王国建交。2006年,越柬关系有了新发展。双方就加强各领域合作的办法达成共识,并决心到2010年把双边贸易额提高到20亿美元。3月,越政府总理潘文凯访柬。8月,越政府副总理阮生雄访柬。12月,新任总理阮晋勇访问柬埔寨。3月,柬埔寨国王西哈莫尼访越。7月,柬埔寨国会主席韩桑林访越。2005年,越柬双边贸易额达7亿美元,同比增长34%。 【同东盟其他国家的关系】 2006年,越南与东盟其他国家的关系也得到进一步发展。3月,马来西亚外长赛义德·哈米德访越。同月,文莱王储穆赫塔迪·比拉访越。10月,泰国总理素拉育访越。11月,菲律宾外长罗慕洛访越。3月,越国防部长范文茶访问马来西亚。12月,马来西亚国防力量司令访越。10月,越国家副主席张美华访问文莱。12月,越政府总理阮晋勇访问泰国。 【同东亚国家的关系】 1950年1月越同朝鲜建交。1973年9月越同日本建交。1992年12月越同韩国建交。2006年,越南与日本关系发展顺利。5月,越副外长阮富平访日。10月,越政府总理阮晋勇访日,双方签署了5项经贸合作协议,同意到2010年把双边贸易额提高到150亿美元。7月,日本国会众议院副议长横路孝弘访越。8月,越日签署科技合作协定。11月,日本首相安倍晋三出席河内APEC第十四次领导人非正式会议。同月,日本外相麻生太郎出席APEC部长会议。1992-2005年,日本共向越提供官方发展援助12147亿日元(相当于110亿美元),其中优惠贷款96亿美元,无偿援助14亿美元。2005年财政年度,日本向越提供优惠贷款883.2亿日元。韩国是越重要贸易伙伴。2006年越韩关系进一步深化。2005年,越韩双边贸易额达42亿美元。2006年韩国在越投资27亿美元,居第一位。截至2006年9月,韩国在越总投资为53亿美元,向越提供官方发展援助2.6亿美元,其中6000万美元为无偿援助。1月,韩国国会主席访越。5月,韩国国防部长访越。7月,韩国第一副外长访越。11月,韩国总统卢武铉出席河内APEC第十四次领导人非正式会议。 【同南亚国家的关系】 2006年越同南亚国家的关系稳步发展。2月,斯里兰卡议会主席访越。11月,斯里兰卡总理维克拉马纳亚克出席河内APEC第十四次领导人非正式会议。 【同欧盟的关系】2006年越与欧盟关系继续发展。双边经贸、金融、文化、教育、科技合作关系不断发展。欧盟是越重要贸易伙伴,2005年双边贸易额74亿美元,在越实际投资额40亿美元。2004年、2005年欧盟向越提供的无偿援助最多。越主要向越出口皮鞋、纺织品等。2006年欧盟正式取消越南纺织品出口配额限制。5月,欧洲议会代表团访越。 2006年欧洲委员会及欧盟成员国承诺在2007-2013年期间每年向越南提供援助1.6亿欧元;法国在2006-2010年期间援助14亿欧元;在未来五年内,英国援助5亿美元,丹麦每年援助6700万欧元;荷兰在2006-2008年期间每年援助6000万欧元。2007年欧盟承诺向越南提供9.482亿欧元官方发展援助(ODA)。 9月,阮晋勇总理出席在赫尔辛基举行的第六届亚欧首脑会议。 【同欧洲国家的关系】2006年越与欧洲国家关系进一步密切。1月,越总理特使黎文鹏副外长访问比利时和欧洲委员会。9月,越南、瑞士签订遣返越非法移民的协定。 2月,西班牙国王卡洛斯访越,双方签署了《两国政府鼓励和保护投资协定》等文件。5月,梵蒂冈教廷任命越公民周玉知牧师为岘港教区主教。6月,英国约克公爵安德鲁王子访越。9月,越南与英国签署《两国发展伙伴关系协议》,英承诺在未来五年内向越南提供4.5亿美元无偿援助。9月,捷克总统克劳斯访问越南。5月和9月,奥地利联邦委员会主席和外长先后访越。9月,丹麦副总理访越。10月,斯洛伐克总统加什帕罗维奇访越。11月,保加利亚总理塞尔盖伊·斯塔尼舍夫访越,两国总理发表联合公报。 【同其他国家的关系】 2006年越与古巴继续保持友好关系。3月,越共中央政治局委员、国会主席阮文安访问巴西、古巴、委内瑞拉。9月,越南副总理兼外长范家谦出席在哈瓦那举行的第十四次不结盟运动会议。越古政府联委会召开第24次会议。 5月,越国防部长范文茶访问南非。6月,越国家副主席张美华出席在埃及举行的妇女峰会。7月底8月初,委内瑞拉总统访越。7月,越副外长武勇访问阿尔及利亚。10月,越国家副主席张美华访问新西兰、澳大利亚。2月,秘鲁外交部长访越。5月,沙特外长访越。8月,莫桑比克外交与合作部长阿布雷乌访越。9月,坦桑尼亚总理爱德华·洛瓦萨访越。11月,贝宁共和国总统博尼·亚伊访越。同月,加拿大总理和外长、智利总统和外长出席在河内举行的APEC第十四次领导人非正式会议。12月,尼日利亚总统奥巴桑乔访越。 越南旅游注意事项(官方) 一. 中国海关规定,中国公民出境每人携带的现金不超过人民币6000元(美金1000元) 二. 越南海关规定,中国公民入境不允许携带手机和其它通讯器材,否则将被罚款或没收。 三. 严禁携带黄色书刊、影碟、枪支、炸药、毒药等违禁物品出入境; 四. 未经检疫的动、植物和水果不能携带出入境,大件越南红木工艺品、家电产品等不能携带入境; 五. 国家公务人员(如公、检、法、司等)、军人不能穿制服出境,也不能将有代表国家主权的徽章、证件(如工作证、持枪证),致使该游客不能出入境旅游的,旅行社不承担赔偿责任; 六. 旅行社为游客办理出入境证件时,如果遇到电脑报警(即与公安、边防部门不允许出入境的姓名相同时)而公安、边防部门拒绝办证,致使该游客不能出境旅游的,旅行社不承担赔偿责任; 七. 摄影机、进口相机(价值1000元以上)出境时必须报关,在口岸验证大厅内禁止拍照; 八. 在越南旅游期间,不得有危害祖国安全,荣誉合格利益的行为; 九. 赌博属违法行为,游客在越南旅游期间不能参加赌博(其在芒街玉器店内,经常有诱赌现象,请各游客不要靠近赌桌,不要抱侥幸心理参赌,更不要替赌者压牌,压注等,避免中人圈套);否则后果自负; 十.游客在旅游期间的购物及各种自费活动属游客个人行为,由此产生的纠纷或连带关系游客自负,即买卖自由、风险自担,尤其在芒街,经常发生以认“老乡”的形式诱骗游客购买玉器珠宝等,切勿上当受骗。 十一、游客在越南旅游期间不能单独活动,在自由活动时间必须结伴同行。 十二、游客必须妥善保管自己的随身行李及贵重物品,因游客自身原因造成行李物品丢失的,责任自负。 主要去越南的途径有几条? 目前可以从广西的东兴口岸、北海口岸(海上航线)、南宁凭祥口岸出境、也可以办理护照从我国各大口岸出境。但从旅游和观赏的行程来看,一般的团队和散客主要从抵北海参加海上航线(舒适性较强)或从北海至东兴过境。 去越南旅游通常要几天?(北越常规行程) 常规的行程(河内、海防、下龙湾)在越南需要4天左右,加上您往返北海/南宁的时间,还有一天的北海市内行程,六天的时间足够了。当然你可以灵活的安排您的行程,可以选择越南芒街一日游、下龙湾三日游等线路。 从北海上越南旅游需要办什么手续? 从北海去越南属于国家特批的边境游项目,中越两国根据外交协议,在两国边境地区(包括越南芒街、下龙、海防、河内)旅游、进行边贸活动可以使用边境通行证,无须办理护照。通过本站办理越南旅游只要提前2天将身份证地址及号码传来即可。办理中越海上油轮航线需提前将身份证复印件和4张2寸红底彩照用 EMS邮过来即可(如果提前一天抵达则可以随身带过来) 越南的吃住行条件通常都很差吗? 越南1986年开始实行改革开放,经济情况有了很大的发展、人民的生活水平也日益改善。但与国内的发展水平有一定的距离,有人说越南的情况是国贫民富,国家的一些公共的设施建设还相当落后,比如桥梁、公路等市政设施。在越南中国游客都是在专门接待旅游者的餐馆用餐,口味一般的中国游客都可以适应,一般的团队是六人一桌用餐,7-8菜一汤,饭后水果,早餐有稀饭、馒头、还有越南特色的鸡丝米粉等。酒店各种档次都有,特别是河内和下龙湾酒店林立,越南的酒店大多装修没有国内豪华,而且规模比较小,但中国的客人大多反映卫生条件良好,甚至比国内要好,一般的酒店陪有浴室用品、拖鞋等。服务员友善热情,大多旅游者常住的酒店,都有会汉语的接待员。越南的交通状况不是很好,特别是芒街到下龙的这段山路崎岖、城市中的交通状况比较乱,摩托车车速很快,国内的游客在市区活动要注意安全。 越南人对中国人友好吗? 越南中国山连山、水连水..这是当年同志加兄弟的写照,如今两国都实行改革开放的政策,是商品经济唱主角。越南人现在对中国游客大多很友好。但中国游客去到越南,应避免谈及有关中越战争的话题。 什么季节上越南最好? 越南的北方的一年四季气候都可以,夏季比国内的南方稍热,主要是湿度大。冬季的最低气温大约为6-7度。 边境是否还有地雷? 中越两国交恶两国装过近几百万可地雷,边境地区还有地雷是无可质疑的,但游客常去的东兴、凭祥地区早已排完地雷。这一点不用担心。 Vietnam was under Chinese control for a thousand years before regaining independence. Successive dynasties flourished until it was colonized by the French in the mid-19th century. Efforts to resist the French eventually led to their expulsion from the country in the mid-20th century, leaving a nation divided politically into two countries. Bitter fighting between the two sides continued during the Vietnam War, ending with a communist victory in 1975. Emerging from a long and bitter war, the war-ravaged nation was politically isolated. The government's centrally-planned economic decisions hindered post-war reconstruction and its treatment of the losing side engendered more resentment than reconciliation. In 1986, it instituted economic and political reforms and began a path towards international reintegration. By 2000, it had established diplomatic relations with most nations. Its economic growth had been among the highest in the world in the past decade. These efforts culminated in Vietnam joining the World Trade Organization in 2007 and its successful bid to become a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council in 2008. Through the centuries, Vietnam has been called by many different names: Văn Lang during the Hùng Vương Dynasty, Âu Lạc during the An Dương Vương dynasty, Van Xuan during the Anterior Lý Dynasty, Đại Cồ Việt during the Đinh dynasty and Anterior Lê Dynasty. Starting in 1054, Vietnam was called Đại Việt (Great Viet). During the Hồ Dynasty, Vietnam was called Đại Ngu. Then, in 1804, King Gia Long planned to use the name of Nam Việt for Vietnam then changed it to Việt Nam. In English, the two syllables were written into one: Vietnam. From 1839 to 1945, Emperor Minh Mạng renamed Việt Nam to Đại Nam (literally "Great South"). The name Việt Nam had been used for this country before it became the official name in "Dư địa chí" of Nguyễn Trãi written in 1435 and perhaps even before. "Việt" is the name of the largest ethnic group in Vietnam: the Kinh (người Kinh) and "Nam" means "the South", affirming Vietnam's sovereignty from China (usually called "North country" by the Vietnamese). History Pre-Dynastic era The area now known as Vietnam has been inhabited since Paleolithic times, and some archaeological sites in Thanh Hoa Province purportedly date back several thousand years. Archaeologists link the beginnings of Vietnamese civilization to the late Neolithic, Early Bronze Age, Phung-nguyen culture, which was centered in Vinh Phu Province of contemporary Vietnam from about 2000 to 1400 BCE. By about 1200 BCE, the development of wet-rice cultivation and bronze casting in the Ma River and Red River plains led to the development of the Dong Son culture, notable for its elaborate bronze drums. The bronze weapons, tools, and drums of Dongsonian sites show a Southeast Asian influence that indicates an indigenous origin for the bronze-casting technology. Many small, ancient copper mine sites have been found in northern Vietnam. Some of the similarities between the Dong Sonian sites and other Southeast Asian sites include the presence of boat-shaped coffins and burial jars, stilt dwellings, and evidence of the customs of betel-nut-chewing and teeth-blackening. The legendary Hồng Bàng Dynasty of the Hùng kings is considered by many Vietnamese as the first Vietnamese state, known as Văn Lang. In 257 BCE, the last Hùng king lost to Thục Phán, who consolidated the Lạc Việt tribes with his Âu Việt tribes, forming Âu Lạc and proclaiming himself An Dương Vương. In 207 BCE, a Chinese general named Zhao Tuo defeated An Dương Vương and consolidated Âu Lạc into Nanyue. In 111 BCE, the Chinese Han Dynasty consolidated Nanyue into their empire. For the next thousand years, Vietnam was mostly under Chinese rule. Early independence movements such as those of the Trưng Sisters and of Lady Triệu were only briefly successful. It was independent as Vạn Xuân under the Anterior Ly Dynasty between 544 and 602. By the early 10th century, Vietnam had gained autonomy, but not independence, under the Khúc family. Dynastic era In 938 CE, a Vietnamese lord named Ngô Quyền defeated Chinese forces at the Bạch Đằng River and gained independence after 10 centuries under Chinese control. Renamed as Đại Việt, the nation went through a golden era during the Lý and Trần Dynasties. During the rule of the Trần Dynasty, Đại Việt repelled three Mongol invasions. Buddhism flourished and became the state religion. Following the brief Hồ Dynasty, Vietnamese independence was momentarily interrupted by the Chinese Ming Dynasty, but was restored by Lê Lợi, the founder of the Lê Dynasty. Feudalism in Vietnam reached its zenith in the Lê Dynasty of the 15th century, especially during the reign of Emperor Lê Thánh Tông. Between the 11th and 18th centuries, the Vietnamese expanded southward in a process known as nam tiến (southward expansion). They eventually conquered the kingdom of Champa and part of the Khmer Empire. Towards the end of the Lê Dynasty, civil strife engulfed much of Vietnam. First, the Chinese-supported Mạc Dynasty challenged the Lê Dynasty's power. After the Mạc Dynasty was defeated, the Lê Dynasty was reinstalled, but with no actual power. Power was divided between the Trịnh Lords in the North and the Nguyễn Lords in the South, who engaged in a civil war for more than a hundred years. During this time, the Nguyễn expanded southern Vietnam into the Mekong Delta, annexing the Champa in the central highlands and the Khmer land in the Mekong. The civil war ended when the Tây Sơn brothers defeated both and established their new dynasty. However, their rule did not last long and they were defeated by the remnants of the Nguyễn Lords led by Nguyen Anh with the help of the French. Nguyen Anh unified Vietnam, and established the Nguyễn Dynasty, ruling under the name Gia Long. Western Colonial era Vietnam's independence ended in the mid-1800s, when the country was colonized by the French. The French administration imposed significant political and cultural changes on Vietnamese society. A Western-style system of modern education was developed, and Christianity was introduced into Vietnamese society. Developing a plantation economy to promote the exports of tobacco, indigo, tea and coffee, the French largely ignored increasing calls for self-government and civil rights. A nationalist political movement soon emerged, with leaders such as Phan Boi Chau, Phan Chu Trinh, Emperor Ham Nghi and Ho Chi Minh calling for independence. However, the French maintained control of their colonies until World War II, when the Japanese war in the Pacific triggered the invasion of French Indochina in 1941. This event was preceded by the establishment of the Vichy French administration, a puppet state of Nazi Germany then ally of the Japanese Empire. The natural resources of Vietnam were exploited for the purposes of the Japanese Empire's military campaigns into the British Indochinese colonies of Burma, the Malay Peninsula and India. First Indochina War In 1941, the Viet Minh — a communist and nationalist liberation movement — emerged under Ho Chi Minh, to seek independence for Vietnam from France as well as to oppose the Japanese occupation. Following the military defeat of Japan and the fall of its Vietnamese colony in August 1945, Viet Minh occupied Hanoi and proclaimed a provisional government, which asserted independence on September 2. In the same year the Provisional French Republic sent the French Far East Expeditionary Corps, which was originally created to fight the Japanese occupation forces, in order to pacify the liberation movement and to restore French rule. On November 20 1946, triggered by the Haiphong Incident the First Indochina War between Viet Minh and the French forces ensued, lasting until July 20 1954. Despite fewer losses—Expeditionary Corps suffered 1/3 the casualties of the China and Soviet-backed Viet Minh—during the course of the war, the U.S.-backed French and Vietnamese loyalists eventually suffered a major strategic setback at the Siege of Dien Bien Phu, which allowed Ho Chi Minh to negotiate a ceasefire with a favorable position at the ongoing Geneva conference of 1954. Colonial administration ended as French Indochina was dissolved, and the contested State of Vietnam ceased to exist. According to the Geneva Agreements the country was divided at the 17th parallel into Ho Chi Minh's North Vietnam and Ngo Dinh Diem's South Vietnam after the example of Korea. This was intended to be temporary, pending an election in 1956, which never took place. Vietnam War The Communist-held Democratic Republic of Vietnam was opposed by the US-supported Republic of Vietnam. Disagreements soon emerged over the organizing of elections and reunification, and the U.S. began increasing its contribution of military advisers. U.S. forces were soon embroiled in a guerrilla war with the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam (NLF), the insurgents who were indigenous to South Vietnam. North Vietnamese forces unsuccessfully attempted to overrun the South during the 1968 Tet Offensive and the war soon spread into neighboring Laos and Cambodia, in both of which the United States bombed Communist forces supplying the North Vietnamese Army. With its own casualties mounting, the U.S. began transferring combat roles to the South Vietnamese military in a process the U.S. called Vietnamization. The effort had mixed results. The Paris Peace Accords of January 27, 1973, formally recognized the sovereignty of both sides. Under the terms of the accords all American combat troops were withdrawn by March 29, 1973. Limited fighting continued, but all major fighting ended until the North once again sent troops to the South during the Spring of 1975, culminating in the Fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975. South Vietnam briefly became the Republic of South Vietnam, under military occupation by North Vietnam, before being officially integrated with the North under communist rule as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on July 2, 1976. Postwar Upon taking control, the Vietnamese communists banned all other political parties, arrested public servants and military personnel of the Republic of Vietnam and sent them to reeducation camps. The government also embarked on a mass campaign of collectivization of farms and factories. Reconstruction of the war-ravaged country was slow, and serious humanitarian and economic problems confronted the communist regime. Millions of people fled the country in crudely-built boats, creating an international humanitarian crisis. In 1978, the Vietnamese army invaded Cambodia (sparking the Cambodian-Vietnamese War) to remove the Khmer Rouge from power. This action worsened relations with China, which launched a brief incursion into northern Vietnam (the Sino-Vietnamese War) in 1979. This conflict caused Vietnam to rely even more heavily on Soviet economic and military aid. Đổi Mới In a historic shift in 1986, the Communist Party of Vietnam implemented free-market reforms known as Đổi Mới (renovation). With the authority of the state remaining unchallenged, private ownership of farms and companies, deregulation and foreign investment were encouraged. The economy of Vietnam has achieved rapid growth in agricultural and industrial production, construction and housing, exports, and foreign investment. It is now one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Government and politics Vietnam National Convention CenterThe Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a single-party state. A new state constitution was approved in April 1992, replacing the 1975 version. The central role of the Communist Party was reasserted in all organs of government, politics and society. Only political organizations affiliated with or endorsed by the Communist Party are permitted to contest elections. These include the Vietnamese Fatherland Front, worker and trade unionist parties. Although the state remains officially committed to socialism as its defining creed, the ideology's importance has substantially diminished since the 1990s. The President of Vietnam is the titular head of state and the nominal commander in chief of the military of Vietnam, chairing the Council on National Defense and Security. The Prime Minister of Vietnam Nguyen Tan Dung is the head of government, presiding over a council of ministers composed of 3 deputy prime ministers and the heads of 26 ministries and commissions. The National Assembly of Vietnam is the unicameral legislature of the government, composed of 498 members. It is superior to both the executive and judicial branches. All members of the council of ministers are derived from the National Assembly. The Supreme People's Court of Vietnam, which is the highest court of appeal in the nation, is also answerable to the National Assembly. Beneath the Supreme People's Court stand the provincial municipal courts and the local courts. Military courts are also a powerful branch of the judiciary with special jurisdiction in matters of national security. All organs of Vietnam's government are controlled by the Communist Party. Most government appointees are members of the party. The General Secretary of the Communist Party is perhaps one of the most important political leaders in the nation, controlling the party's national organization and state appointments, as well as setting policy. The Vietnam People's Army is the official name for the combined military services of Vietnam, which is organized along the lines of China's People's Liberation Army. The VPA is further subdivided into the Vietnamese People's Ground Forces (including Strategic Rear Forces and Border Defense Forces), the Vietnam People's Navy, the Vietnam People's Air Force and the coast guard. Through Vietnam's recent history, the VPA has actively been involved in Vietnam's workforce to develop the economy of Vietnam, in order to coordinate national defense and the economy. The VPA is involved in such areas as industry, agriculture, forestry, fishery and telecommunications. The total strength of the VPA is close to 500,000 officers and enlisted members. The government also organizes and maintains provincial militias and police forces. The role of the military in public life has steadily been reduced since the 1980s. Provinces Provinces of VietnamVietnam is divided into 59 provinces (known in Vietnamese as tỉnh, from the Chinese 省, shěng). There are also 5 centrally-controlled municipalities existing at the same level as provinces (thành phố trực thuộc trung ương). The provinces are further subdivided into provincial municipalities (thành phố trực thuộc tỉnh), townships (thị xã) and counties (huyện), and then, subdivided into towns (thị trấn) or communes (xã). The centrally-controlled municipalities are subdivided into districts (quận) and counties, and then, subdivided into wards (phường). Geography and climate Vietnam is approximately 331,688 km² (128,066 sq mi) in area (not including Hoang Sa and Truong Sa islands), larger than Italy and almost the size of Germany. The perimeter of the country running along its international boundaries is 4,639 km (2,883 mi). The topography consists of hills and densely forested mountains, with level land covering no more than 20%. Mountains account for 40% of the area, with smaller hills accounting for 40% and tropical forests 42%. The northern part of the country consists mostly of highlands and the Red River Delta. Phan Xi Păng, located in Lào Cai province, is the highest mountain in Vietnam at 3,143 m (10,312 ft). The south is divided into coastal lowlands, Annamite Chain peaks, extensive forests, and poor soil. Comprising five relatively flat plateaus of basalt soil, the highlands account for 16% of the country's arable land and 22% of its total forested land. Ha Long Bay, a World Heritage SiteThe delta of the Red River (also known as the Sông Hồng), a flat, triangular region of 15,000 square kilometers, is smaller but more intensely developed and more densely populated than the Mekong River Delta. Once an inlet of the Gulf of Tonkin, it has been filled in by the enormous alluvial deposits of the rivers over a period of millennia, and it advances one hundred meters into the Gulf annually. The Mekong delta, covering about 40,000 square kilometers, is a low-level plain not more than three meters above sea level at any point and criss-crossed by a maze of canals and rivers. So much sediment is carried by the Mekong's various branches and tributaries that the delta advances sixty to eighty meters into the sea every year. Because of differences in latitude and the marked variety of topographical relief, the climate tends to vary considerably from place to place. During the winter or dry season, extending roughly from November to April, the monsoon winds usually blow from the northeast along the China coast and across the Gulf of Tonkin, picking up considerable moisture; consequently the winter season in most parts of the country is dry only by comparison with the rainy or summer season. The average annual temperature is generally higher in the plains than in the mountains and plateaus and in the south than in the north. Temperatures in the southern plains (Ho Chi Minh City and the Mekong Delta) varies less, going between 21 and 28 degree Celsius (70 and 82.5 °F) over the course of a year. The seasons in the mountains and plateaus and in the north are much more dramatic, and temperatures may vary from 5 degree Celsius (41 °F) in December and January to 37 degree Celsius (98.6 °F) in July and August. Nature Sunset in the fishing village of Mui Ne on the south-east coastVietnam has two World's Natural Heritage sites: Halong Bay and Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park and 6 World's biosphere reserves including: Can Gio Mangrove Forest, Cat Tien, Cat Ba, Kien Giang, Red River Delta, Western Nghe An. Biodiversity According to chapter 1 in National Environmental Present Condition Report 2005- Biodiversity Subject of Vietnam Environment Protection Agency, in species diversity, Vietnam is one of 25 countries having high level in biodiversity all over the world, is ranked 16th of biologically diverse level (having 16% world's species) (page 9). 15,986 flora was identified of which 10% was endemic (p9). Statistic says that there are 307 nematodes, 200 oligochaeta, 145 acarina, 113 springtails, 7750 insects, 260 reptiles, 120 amphibians, 840 birds and 310 mammals of which 100 birds and 78 mammals are endemic (p9,10). Vietnam also have 1438 fresh water microalgae (9,6% species in the world) (Table 1.2, p9). It is defined that there are 794 aquatic invertebrate and 2458 sea fish (p10,11). In recent years, there have been 13 genera, 222 species, 30 taxa of flora newly described and 6 mammals have been discovered such as the saola, giant muntjac, Edwards's Pheasant, Tonkin Snub-nosed Langur, livistona halongensis, geothelphusa vietnamica, etc (frame 1.4, p11,12). In agricultural genetic diversity, Vietnam is one of 12 world's original cultivar centers (p13). Vietnam National Cultivar Gene Bank is preserving 12,300 cultivars of 115 species (p14). In chapter 4 of that report, it is said that Vietnam government spent 49.07 million USD for biodiversity in 2004 (p71) and have established 126 conservation areas including 28 national parks (p73). Economy Vietnamese currency: 500 000 VNDThe Vietnam War destroyed much of the economy of Vietnam. Upon taking power, the Government created a planned economy for the nation. Collectivization of farms, factories and economic capital was implemented, and millions of people were put to work in government programs. For many decades, Vietnam's economy was plagued with inefficiency and corruption in state programs, poor quality and underproduction and restrictions on economic activities and trade. It also suffered from the trade embargo from the United States and most of Europe after the Vietnam War. Subsequently, the trade partners of the Communist blocs began to erode. In 1986, the Sixth Party Congress introduced significant economic reforms with market economy elements as part of a broad economic reform package called "đổi mới" (Renovation). Private ownership was encouraged in industries, commerce and agriculture. Vietnam achieved around 8% annual GDP growth from 1990 to 1997 and continued at around 7% from 2000 to 2005, making it the world's second-fastest growing economy. Simultaneously, foreign investment grew threefold and domestic savings quintupled. Rice farming in Ninh Binh ProvinceManufacturing, information technology and high-tech industries form a large and fast-growing part of the national economy. Vietnam is a relative new-comer to the oil business, but today it is the third-largest oil producer in Southeast Asia with output of 400,000 barrels per day (64,000 m³/d). Vietnam is one of Asia's most open economies: two-way trade is around 160% of GDP, more than twice the ratio for China and over four times India's. Vietnam is still a relatively poor country with an annual GDP of US$280.2 billion at purchasing power parity (2006 estimate). This translates to a purchasing power of about US$3,300 per capita (or US$726 per capita at the market exchange rate). Inflation rate was estimated at 7.5% per year in 2006. Deep poverty, defined as a percent of the population living under $1 per day, has declined significantly and is now smaller than that of China, India, and the Philippines. As a result of several land reform measures, Vietnam is now the largest producer of cashew nuts with a one-third global share and second largest rice exporter in the world after Thailand. Vietnam has the highest percent of land use for permanent crops, 6.93%, of any nation in the Greater Mekong Subregion. Besides rice, key exports are coffee, tea, rubber, and fishery products. However, agriculture's share of economic output has declined, falling as a share of GDP from 42% in 1989 to 20% in 2006, as production in other sectors of the economy has risen. According to the CIA World Fact Book, the unemployment rate in Vietnam is one of the lowest in the world at 2%, trailing behind only Azerbaijan, Cuba, Iceland, Andorra and Liechtenstein. Among other steps taken in the process of transitioning to a market economy, Vietnam in July 2006 updated its intellectual property legislation to comply with TRIPS. Vietnam was accepted into the WTO on November 7, 2006. Vietnam's chief trading partners include Japan, Australia, ASEAN countries, the U.S. and Western European countries. Military Quân Đội Nhân Dân Việt Nam, The Vietnam People's Army (VPA), is the official collective term for the armed forces of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The VPA consists of the Vietnam People's Ground Forces, Vietnam People's Navy, Vietnam People's Air Force, and Vietnam People's Coast Guard. Transport The modern transport network of Vietnam was originally developed under French rule for the purpose of raw materials harvesting, and reconstructed and extensively modernized following the Vietnam War. The road system is the most popular form of transportation in the country. Vietnam’s road system includes national roads administered by the central level; provincial roads managed by the provincial level; district roads managed by the district level; urban roads managed by cities and towns; and commune roads managed by the commune level. Bicycles, motor scooters and motorcycles remain the most popular forms of road transport in Vietnam's cities, towns, and villages although the number of privately-owned automobiles is also on the rise, especially in the larger cities. Public bus operated by private companies is the main long distance travel means for many people. Traffic congestion is a serious problem in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City as the cities' roads struggle to cope with the booming numbers of automobiles. There are also more than 17,000 kilometers of navigable waterways, which play a significant role in rural life owing to the extensive network of rivers in Vietnam. The nation has seven developed ports and harbors at Cam Ranh, Da Nang, Hai Phong, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Gai (Halong City), Qui Nhon, and Nha Trang. Demography Population Recent census estimates the population of Vietnam at beyond 84 million. Vietnamese people, also called "Viet" or "Kinh", account for 86.2 percent of the population. Their population is concentrated in the alluvial deltas and coastal plains of the country. A homogeneous social and ethnic majority group, the Kinh exert political and economic control. There are more than 54 ethnic minorities throughout the country, but the Kinh are purveyors of the dominant culture. Most ethnic minorities, such as the Muong, a closely related ethnic of the Kinh, are found mostly in the highlands covering two-thirds of the territory. The Hoa (ethnic Chinese) and Khmer Krom are mainly lowlanders. The largest ethnic minority groups include the Hmong, Dao, Tay, Thai, and Nung. Languages The people of Vietnam speak Vietnamese as a native language. In its early history, Vietnamese writing used Chinese characters. In the 13th century, the Vietnamese developed their own set of characters called Chữ nôm. The celebrated epic Đoạn trường tân thanh (Truyện Kiều or The Tale of Kieu) by Nguyễn Du was written in Chữ nôm. During the French colonial period, Quốc ngữ, the romanized Vietnamese alphabet used for spoken Vietnamese, which was developed in 17th century by Jesuit Alexandre De Rhodes and several other Catholic missionaries, became popular and brought literacy to the masses. Various other languages are spoken by several minority groups in Vietnam. The most common of these are Tày, Mường, Khmer, Chinese, Nùng, and H'Mông. The French language, a legacy of colonial rule, is still spoken by some older Vietnamese as a second language, but is losing its popularity. Vietnam is also a full member of the Francophonie. Russian — and to a much lesser extent German, Czech, or Polish — is sometimes known among those whose families had ties with the Soviet bloc. In recent years, English is becoming more popular as a second language. English study is obligatory in most schools. Chinese and Japanese have also become more popular. Religions Vietnam religiosity religion percent Buddhism 85% Christianity 8% Caodaism 3% Others 4% "One pillar" pagoda, Hanoi capital. Cao Dai temple in My ThoFor much of Vietnamese history, Mahayana Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism have strongly influenced the religious and cultural life of the people. About 85% of Vietnamese identify with Buddhism even though they do not practice on a regular basis. About 8% of the population are Christians (about 6 million Roman Catholics and less than 1 million Protestants, census of 2007). Christianity was introduced first by the Portuguese and the Dutch traders in the 16th and 17th centuries, then further propagated under the French colonists in the 19th and 20th centuries, and to a lesser extent, by American Protestant missionaries during the presence of American forces during the 1960s and early 70's. The largest Protestant churches are the Evangelical Church of Vietnam and the Montagnard Evangelical Church. Vietnam has great reservation towards Roman Catholicism. This mistrust originated during the French colonial time when some Catholics collaborated with the French colonists as espionage agents and militiamen to suppress the Vietnamese independence movement. Furthermore, the Church's teaching regarding communism made it an unwelcome counterforce to communist rule. Relationship with the Vatican, however, has improved in recent years. Membership of Sunni and Bashi Islam is usually accredited to the ethnic Cham minority, but there are also a few ethnic Vietnamese adherents of Islam in the southwest. The total number of Muslims remains very small nevertheless. The communist government has from time to time been criticized for its religious restrictions although it has categorically denied that such restrictions exist today. The vast majority of Vietnamese people of Asian religions practice Ancestor Worship, although this may not be strictly considered a religion. From the articles of Religions by country, Religion in Vietnam and Demographics of Vietnam; 85% is nominal/secular Buddhists including predominant 83% East Asian Buddhist or "Triple religion" (80% of people are worship the mixture of Mahayana Buddhism mainly, Taoism, Confucianism with Ancestor Worship; 2% Hòa Hảo with 1% of some new Vietnamese-Buddhist sects as Tứ Ân Hiếu Nghĩa, Pure Land Buddhist, etc) and 2% Theravada Buddhism, mainly among Khmer people but the census of Government showed that only over 10 million people have taken refuge in the Three Jewels; 8% Christians (7% Catholics and 1% Protestants); 3% Caodaism; 2.5% Tribal animism; less than 70 thousand Muslims; small Hindu communities (over 50 thousand people) and a small numbers of Baha'is. Education Vietnam has an extensive state-controlled network of schools, colleges and universities but the number of privately-run and mixed public and private institutions is also growing. General education in Vietnam is imparted in 5 categories: Kindergarten, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and college / university. Courses are taught mainly in Vietnamese. A large number of public schools have been organized across cities, towns and villages with the purpose of raising the national literacy rate which is already among the highest in the world. There are a large number of specialist colleges, established to develop a diverse and skilled national workforce. A large number of Vietnam's most acclaimed universities are based in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Facing serious crises, Vietnam's education system is under a holistic reform launched by the government. In Vietnam, education from age 6 to 11 is free and mandatory. Education above these ages is not free, therefore some poor families may find it hard to come up with the tuition for their children without some forms of public or private assistance. Regardless, school enrollment is among the highest in the world and the number of colleges and universities increased quite dramatically in recent years, from 178 in 2000 to 299 in 2005. Health service Science In the past, Vietnam did not have "science" in its generally accepted meaning, but many fields were well developed, especially social science and humanities. It has at least ten centuries of commentary and analytic writings. Among the best known works are those of "Đại Việt sử ký toàn thư" of Ngô Sĩ Liên. Writings that deal with geography, nature, customs and people were written by "Dư địa chí" of Nguyễn Trãi. In mathematics, operations (including power and extract the root) of primary arithmetics and surveying, measurement (length, area, volume...) of primary geometry were taught in schools using the famous textbook: "Đại thành toán pháp" of Lương Thế Vinh. Lương Thế Vinh had notion of zero and Mạc Hiển Tích used the term "số ẩn" (unknown/secret/hidden number) to refer to negative numbers. Much knowledge was collected into encyclopedia: "Vân đài loại ngữ" of Lê Quý Đôn and "Lịch triều hiến chương loại chí" of Phan Huy Chú. Culture The Hanoi Opera House is an example of French Colonial architecture in Vietnam.The official spoken and written language of Vietnam is Vietnamese. The culture of Vietnam has been influenced by neighboring China. Due to Vietnam's long association with the south of China, one characteristic of Vietnamese culture is financial duty. Education and self-betterment are highly valued. Historically, passing the imperial Mandarin exams was the only means for Vietnamese people to socially advance themselves. In the socialist era, the cultural life of Vietnam has been deeply influenced by government-controlled media and the cultural influences of socialist programs. For many decades, foreign cultural influences were shunned and emphasis placed on appreciating and sharing the culture of communist nations such as the Soviet Union, China, Cuba and others. Since the 1990s, Vietnam has seen a greater exposure to Southeast Asian, European and American culture and media. One of the most popular Vietnamese traditional garments is the "Áo Dài", worn often for special occasions such as weddings or festivals. White Áo dài is the required uniform for girls in many high schools across Vietnam. Áo Dài was once worn by both genders but today it is worn mainly by females, except for certain important traditional culture-related occasions where some men do wear it. Vietnamese cuisine uses very little oil and many vegetables. The main dishes are often based on rice, soy sauce, and fish sauce. Its characteristic flavors are sweet (sugar), spicy (serrano peppers), sour (lime), nuoc mam (fish sauce), and flavored by a variety of mint and basil. Vietnamese music varies slightly in the three regions: Bắc or North, Trung or Central, and Nam or South. Northern classical music is Vietnam's oldest and is traditionally more formal. Vietnamese classical music can be traced to the Mongol invasions, when the Vietnamese captured a Chinese opera troupe. Central classical music shows the influences of Champa culture with its melancholic melodies. Southern music exudes a lively laissez-faire attitude. My Dinh National Stadium in Western HanoiFootball (soccer) is the most popular sport in Vietnam. Sports and games such as badminton, tennis, ping pong, and chess are also popular with large segments of the population. Volleyball, especially women's volleyball, is watched by a fairly large number of Vietnamese. The (expatriate Vietnamese) community forms a prominent part of Vietnamese cultural life, introducing Western sports, films, music and other cultural activities in the nation. Vietnam is home to a small film industry. Among countless other traditional Vietnamese occasions, the traditional Vietnamese wedding is one of the most important. Regardless of westernization, many of the age-old customs in a Vietnamese wedding continue to be celebrated by both Vietnamese in Vietnam and overseas, often combining both western and eastern elements. Media Vietnam's media sector is controlled by the government to follow the official communist party line. The Voice of Vietnam is the official state-run radio broadcasting service that covers the nation. It also broadcasts internationally via shortwave, renting transmitters in other countries and provides broadcasts from its website. Vietnam Television is the national television broadcasting company. As Vietnam moved toward a free-market economy with its Đổi mới measures, the government has relied on the print media to keep the public informed about its policies. The measure has had the effect of almost doubling the numbers of newspapers and magazines since 1996 . Vietnam is putting considerable effort into modernization and expansion of its telecommunication system, but its performance continues to lag behind that of its more modern neighbors. Tourism Vietnam's number of visitors for tourism and vacation has increased steadily over the past ten years. About 3.56 million international guests visited Vietnam in 2006, an increase of 3.7% from 2005. The country is investing capital into the coastal regions that are already popular for their beaches and boat tours. Hotel staff and tourism guides in these regions speak a good amount of English. Sports and games International rankings Organization Survey Ranking Heritage Foundation/The Wall Street Journal Index of Economic Freedom 142 out of 157 The Economist Worldwide Quality-of-life Index, 2005 61 out of 111 Reporters Without Borders Worldwide Press Freedom Index 155 out of 167 Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index 111 out of 163 United Nations Development Programme Human Development Index 109 out of 177 World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report 77 out of 125 |