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韩国 Korea (South)   首都:首尔  国家代码: kr   
  国名:大韩民国 Republic of Korea
  简称:韩国 Korea
  就其幅员而言,韩国拥有相对多的河流。最长的河流分别是洛东江和汉江,是半岛南部地区两条主要河流。洛东江长525千米,流入日本海;汉江长514千米,流入黄海,是中部地区的重要水系。其他河流还有:锦江、蟾津江、临津江等。韩国湖泊较少,最大的天然湖是位于济州岛汉拿山顶火山口的白鹿潭,海拔1850 米,湖面直径约30 米,周长1 公里,深约6 米。最大的人工湖是昭阳湖,位于江原道春川市东北13 公里处,1973 年建成,面积6930 万平方米。此外还有一些面积较小的湖,如插桥湖、木津湖等。
  1882年,朝鲜使臣朴泳孝和金玉筠即将出使日本,临行前向中国清朝北洋政府请求将中国的龙旗作为国旗使用,北洋政府回复称藩属国不能用五爪龙旗只能用四爪龙旗。由于当时朝鲜当局对日渐没落的清廷已经有些不买账了,所以不接受清廷的要求。其时奉李鸿章之命出使朝鲜的中国使节马建忠(中国近代大语言学家,当时和其兄复旦大学创始人马相伯一起出使朝鲜)建议朝鲜政府采用中国传统的太极八卦旗作为国旗使用,这个建议得到了朝鲜政府的采纳 ,所以,最早的朝鲜国旗是一面不折不扣的白底黑色图案的太极八卦旗。后来,一名英国驻朝鲜的使节用西方美学 的角度为这面太极八卦旗做了修改,去掉了八卦中的四卦,把剩下的四卦斜向对称拉伸,使整个国旗图案呈长方形 ,把阴阳鱼图案改为红蓝两色,这样才有了现在我们看到的韩国太极旗。
  木槿花是韩国的国花。花开时节,木槿树枝会生出许多花苞, 一朵花凋落后,其它的花苞会连续不断地
  开,开得春意盎然,春光 灿烂。因此,韩国人也叫它“无穷花”。
  3月1日 独立运动纪念日
  4月5日 植树节
  5月5日 儿童节
  8月15日 光复节
  阴历8月15日 中秋节(或称丰收节)
  阴历10月3日 开天节
  12月25日 圣诞节
  总理:韩升洙(Han Seung-soo)。2008年2月任职。
  韩国宪法法院 修宪草案未来17年基本国防政策 韩国将建立适应现代战争的新型军队组建“无所不在”部队。
  韩国总统官邸青瓦台 (Chong Wa Dae)位于首尔钟路区世宗路一号。这里原来是高丽王朝的离宫,1426年朝鲜王朝建都汉城后,把它做为景福宫后园,修建了隆武堂、庆农斋和练武场等一些建筑物,并开了一块国王的亲耕地。1927年日本入侵后毁掉五云阁以外的所有建筑,建立了朝鲜总督官邸。1945年日本投降后变为军政长官官邸。1948年8月大韩民国成立的同时,它成为总统官邸并改名为景武台 (Kyung Mu Dae)。1960年4月19日推翻李承晚政权后,尹谱善当选总统并入主景武台。不久,因为尹谱善忌“武”字并为了同美国白宫相对应,给白墙蓝瓦的这群建筑起名为青瓦台,所以也有人称其为“蓝宫”(Blue House)。现在,青瓦台主楼为总统官邸,有总统办公室、接见厅、会议室、居室,配楼有秘书室、警护室和迎宾楼等。
  到80年代,韩国一改贫穷与落后的面貌,呈现出繁荣和富裕的景象,成为国际市场上一个具有竞争力的国家。并于1988年举办了汉城奥运会。如今,韩国经济实力雄厚,钢铁、汽车、造船、电子、纺织等已成为韩国的支柱产业,其中造船和汽车制造等行业更是享誉世界。韩国的电子工业发展迅速,为世界十大电子工业国之一。近年来,韩国重视IT产业,不断加大投入,IT技术水平和产量均居世界前列。韩国曾是个传统的农业国。随着工业化的进程, 农业在韩国经济中所占的比例越来越小, 地位日见低下。韩国是农产品主要进口国家,进口量趋于增长,但其农业市场对外国的参与极为敏感,是个对外开放程度较小的经济部门。 韩国耕地面积为195万公顷,主要分布在西部和南部平原、丘陵地区,约占国土总面积的22%。韩国矿产资源较少,已发现的矿物有280多种,有经济价值的50多种。有开采利用价值的矿物有铁、无烟煤、铅、锌、钨等,但储藏量不大。由于自然资源匮乏,主要工业原料均依赖进口。工业主要部门有钢铁、汽车、造船、电子、化学、纺织等。浦项钢铁厂是世界第二大钢铁联合企业。2002年汽车产量320万辆,居世界第6位。造船订单标准货船吨数759万吨,重新成为世界第一。电子工业以高技术密集型产品为主,为世界十大电子工业国之一。半导体集成电路发展迅速。近年来韩国重视IT产业,不断加大投入。 由于受1997年亚洲金融危机的影响,韩国近年来的经济一直处于低靡的萧条。也就是俗称的“经济不景气”。
  韩服是韩国的传统服装,起源于中国明朝的服装,优雅且有品位。近代被洋服替代,只有在节日和有特殊意义的日子里穿。女性的传统服装是短上衣和宽长的裙子,看上去很优雅;男性以裤子、短上衣、背心、马甲显出独特的品位。白色为基本色,根据季节、身份,所选用的材料和色彩都不同。在结婚等特别的仪式中, 一般平民也穿戴华丽的衣裳和首饰。最近,增加实用性的生活韩服很受欢迎。
  远东广播电台(FEBC)1956年12月开办,每周播送100小时的韩、英、汉、俄语节目。 大韩民国军队广播电台建于1954年,专门为军队播音。 驻韩美军广播电台1950年10月开始播音。同其电视台一起,专为驻韩美军及其家属服务,用英语全天播音。 交通广播电台和电视台1990年6月成立。 教育广播电台和电视台1990年12月成立。 韩国共有39个电视台,其中20个是商业电视台。 韩国自1995年起开播有线电视,发展迅速。因特网普及率较高,截至2002年底,上网人数达2627万名,占全国人口的55.1%。 出版业发达,注册出版社共有12700多家。杂志种类繁多,创停刊频繁。
  联合通信,1980年12月由合同通信社和东洋通信社合并而成,1999年再合并内外通信,是韩国新闻媒体共办的一个合作性通讯社。该通讯社在华盛顿、纽约、洛杉矶、东京、巴黎、伦敦、曼谷、布宜诺斯艾利斯、布鲁塞尔、开罗、香港、莫斯科和北京设有分社。 韩国有10家全国性广播公司,另有地方广播公司59家,有线广播公司81家。 韩国广播公司(KBS)1927年开始试播,自1953年开始对外广播,政府控股广播公司,拥有全国性广播网,目前用韩、英、汉、法、日等11种语言播音。电视台成立于1961年12月,自1996年7月起开通两个频道的卫星电视节目,主要以数字信号播放。 文化广播公司(MBC)1961年12月开办,拥有全国性广播网,电视台成立于1969年8月,在各大城市有卫星转播站。首尔(旧译“汉城”)广播公司电视台1991年12月开播。 基督教广播公司(CBS)1954年开办,私营,主要播送新闻、娱乐以及教育和宗教节目。其电视节目也有一定影响。 远东广播电台(FEBC)1956年12月开办,每周播送100小时的韩、英、汉、俄语节目。 大韩民国军队广播电台建于1954年,专门为军队播音。 驻韩美军广播电台1950年10月开始播音。同其电视台一起,专为驻韩美军及其家属服务,用英语全天播音。 交通广播电台和电视台1990年6月成立。 教育广播电台和电视台1990年12月成立。 韩国共有39个电视台,其中20个是商业电视台。 韩国自1995年起开播有线电视,发展迅速。因特网普及率较高,截至2002年底,上网人数达2627万名,占全国人口的55.1%。 出版业发达,注册出版社共有12700多家。杂志种类繁多,创停刊频繁。
  李舜臣(1545-1598):民族英雄。出身于没落士大夫家庭,幼时家境贫寒。他颇有学问,能骑善射,32岁时武举登科,从此开始军旅生涯。他刚直不阿、一生忧国忧民,追求正义,几处逆境而无悔无怨。47岁任全罗左道水军节度使后,积极操练水军,构筑防御阵地,并创建了铁甲战舰龟船,防范倭寇的进犯。当时日本丰臣秀吉已经完成了国内四岛的统一,妄图以武力征服朝鲜和中国。1592年,他率领20多万大军进犯朝鲜并攻陷汉城(现译“[font id=Mark style="COLOR: #ee6600; BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow"]首尔[/font]”),占领了大半个朝鲜半岛,韩国称这一段历史为“壬辰倭乱”。应朝鲜王朝之请,明朝派兵出援,从此开始了长达7年的中朝两国军民共同抗击日寇的战争,史称“壬辰卫国战争”。李舜臣将军和中国水军并肩作战,多次击败日军,屡立奇功。1598年12月,他与明朝水军重创敌寇,在激战中不幸中弹身亡。两年后,朝廷为表彰他的功绩,封他为一级宣武功臣。1643年即他死后的45年,赠谥“忠武”。从此,朝鲜半岛人民为了纪念他,称他为“忠武公”。供奉着李舜臣将军灵位的显忠祠建于1706年,位于芳华山脚下,周围群山环抱,祠内松柏成荫。显忠祠占地50多万平方米,除了“本殿”之外,还有“号”、“古宅”、“家庙”以及李氏家族使用过的水井等古式建筑。有关李舜臣将军的历史资料和当年他与倭寇海战时使用过的武器等实物,明朝皇帝赐与他的都督印、令牌和斩刀等8件赐品的复制件,则被精心地保存在“遗物馆”里。每逢4月28日,即李舜臣诞生的日子,显忠祠都要举行祭祀活动。显忠祠在日本帝国主义的残酷镇压下一度荒颓,1945年日本投降后,纪念忠武公的活动得以恢复。1966年,韩国政府将此地辟为“圣域”,重建显忠祠,园区的综合景观工程一直持续到1974年。
  第二次世界大战后,由于冷战需要,韩国以对美、日外交为主。20世纪70年代初开始推行门户开放政策。1998年2月,金大中就任总统后,继续致力于巩固与美、日的同盟关系,同时加强与中、俄的友好关系。在对朝政策上,金大中推行“阳光政策”,提出互不使用武力、不搞吸收统一、加强南北交流与合作的“对北三原则”,主张以结束朝鲜半岛冷战结构的“一揽子方案”根本解决朝鲜半岛问题。 韩国向朝鲜提供大量大米、小麦、化肥、水泥、重油等援助。韩国于1991年9月17日同朝鲜一起加入联合国。2003年2月,卢武铉总统就任后,强调发展韩美互惠平等关系,促进韩中日东北亚区域合作,同时加强同俄、东盟、欧盟等其他国家的关系,积极参与地区和国际事务。2007年10月,韩国总统卢武铉访问朝鲜,宣布对朝鲜提供17亿美元援助,以加强南北经济合作。
  独岛(Dokdo或Tokdo)是韩国方面的称谓,日本方面称竹岛(Take shima)。独岛位于郁陵岛东南角,是韩国最东端。1417年,朝鲜太宗实录记载了于山岛(于山岛是否是竹岛仍有争议,也可能是郁陵岛),安抚使金麟雨从于山岛回来的时候,连同大竹子、芋头、水牛皮,连同住民带回三人,并报告了岛上的情况,有住家15户男女共计86人,竹岛面积0.2km。

  ★ ★ Republic of Korea
  Official Name: Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea
  Abbreviations: South Korea Korea
  〕 〔Korea South Korea is the one in the southern tip of the Korean peninsula in Northeast Asia countries. Southwest near the Yellow Sea, southeast of the Korean Strait and Tsushima Strait, the east surrounded by the Sea of Japan. North Korea across the military demarcation line and adjacent to the demilitarized zone. Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea in 1948, the original founding of the Provisional Government of National Assembly Speaker Syngman Rhee, the country continue to use the Japanese colonial rule before the Joseon Dynasty (that of Korean, to change the country for the 1897 "Great Korean Empire").
  State Name Origin:
  "Han" call originated from the Korean / Korean ancestors: Sam Han
  "Korea" and "North Korea" the two names in the history of ever mix.
  Chinese Qing government in Sino (1894--1895) after the defeat, in the "Treaty of Shimonoseki" in the case of the Korean peninsula to give up sovereignty, recognition of independence of the Korean peninsula. In 1897, King announced that formed the Korean emperor, a "Korean Empire", "Han" became the first Korean peninsula of the country.
  The Korean Peninsula in 1910 became a colony of Japan.
  April 11, 1919, "Korean Provisional Government" in Shanghai in 1945, after Japan surrendered to move back into today's South Korea.
  Geography】 【Korea
  South Korea is located south of the Korean peninsula. The Korean Peninsula is located in the northeast Asian continent, from north to south length of 1,100 km. South Korea's territorial waters and the waters of the westernmost intersection of the Pacific. South Korea's area of 99,000 square kilometers.
  Geological structure
  Plain, mainly in the south and west, more than 200 meters above sea level. Plain of the Yellow Sea Han River along the coast, Hunan plains plains, the South China Sea along the coast Jin Haiping the original, full-South Plains and other small plains.
  Rivers and lakes
  In terms of its link with South Korea has a relatively large number of rivers. The longest river is the Nakdong River and Han River, respectively, are the two major rivers in southern peninsula. Nakdong River 525 kilometers long, into the Sea of Japan; the Han River 514 kilometers long, into the Yellow Sea, is a major river systems in central region. Other rivers include: Jin Jiang, Seomjin River, Imjin River and so on. South Korea smaller lakes, the largest natural lake is located in Jeju Island, Halla summit crater White Deer Lake, elevation 1850 meters, the lake is about 30 meters in diameter, the circumference of 1 km, about 6 meters deep. Largest artificial lake is Zhaoyang Lake, located in Chuncheon City, Gangwon Province, 13 kilometers northeast, built in 1973, an area of 69,300,000 square meters. There are also some smaller lakes, such as plug Bridge Lake, Lake Kizu.
  Fewer mineral resources have been discovered 280 kinds of minerals, of which about 50 kinds of economic value. Exploitation of valuable minerals are iron, coal, lead, zinc, tungsten, etc., but not reserves. As natural resources, mainly of industrial raw materials are imported.
  A temperate monsoon climate, maritime significant features. Long and cold winter, hot and humid in summer, spring and fall quite short. Winter minimum temperature of -12 ℃, the highest temperature in summer can reach 37 ℃. Average annual rainfall of 1500 mm, of which the larger rainfall from June to August, June to August rainfall for the whole year of 70%. Average annual precipitation is about 1,500 mm of precipitation from south to north gradually decreased.
  South Korea four seasons, spring and autumn short; summer hot and humid; winter cold, dry, and sometimes snow.
  Large temperature difference between regions of South Korea, the average temperature is 6 degrees Celsius (43 degrees Fahrenheit) to 16 degrees Celsius (61 degrees Fahrenheit). The hottest August in the year, the average temperature is 19 degrees Celsius (66 degrees Fahrenheit) to 27 degrees Celsius (81 degrees Fahrenheit). In January the coldest year round average temperature of minus 8 in degrees Celsius (17 Fahrenheit) 7 degrees Celsius (43 degrees Fahrenheit).
  Often windy early spring rains, high winds inland deserts in Asia brings the "yellow sand", commonly known as dust storms, there is a growing trend in recent years. To mid-April, the weather gets warmer, South Korean farmers formed each year at this time for planting rice seedling. More typhoons in summer and autumn, summer is the rainy season.
  【Brief Introduction】
  In 1882, the Korean envoy Pak Yong Xiao and Jin Yujun be ambassador to Japan, before leaving the Northern Chinese Qing government to request the dragon flag as the national flag of China to use, the Northern vassal state government responded that the flag can not be noted that dragons can only use four Claw Dragon flag. At that time, the declining North Korean authorities to the Qing court had some not buy, so do not accept the request of the Qing court. The order of the time Feng Li of the Chinese ambassador to DPRK envoys Ma Jianzhong (China Modern Great linguists, Fudan University, was the founder and his brother Peter with the mission to North Korea Ma) recommended the DPRK government in the traditional Chinese Tai Chi Bagua flag as the national flag to use, This proposal was adopted by the DPRK government, therefore, the first Korean national flag is white with black side of the letter patterns of Tai Chi Bagua flag. Later, a British envoy in North Korea's point of view of Western aesthetics Bagua Tai Chi for this side flag was revised to remove the gossip in the hexagrams, the remaining hexagrams diagonal symmetric stretch, the entire flag design was rectangular, the yin and yang into red and blue fish patterns, so that now we see only the South Korean national flag.
  National emblem
  Last revised in 1948, officially only use 1950. Central is a national emblem of roses in full bloom. The background color of white roses symbolizes peace and purity, yellow symbol of prosperity and prosperity. Flowers, red and blue yin and yang, the central figure is a place, it is not only South Korea and the whole a traditional symbol of Korean culture, and in behalf of the state administration and the harmony laws of Nature. A white ribbon around the hibiscus, ribbons stitched on the four-character country name Republic of Korea. This design features the same with North Korea's national emblem.
  Althea is South Korea's national flower. Blooming season, will give birth to many branches of Hibiscus bud, a flower litter, the other buds will be continuously
  Open, bloom spring, spring brilliant. Therefore, the Koreans call it "endless flowers."
  】 【Important festivals
  Mid-South Korean people and the most important Christmas.
  January 1
  ─ New Year New Year's Day, January 1, 2, as the state's public holiday. First day solar calendar / Folk ─ also known as the Gregorian calendar New Year's Day to worship the family ceremony, special food, traditional games to celebrate. Family reunion, family and friends to celebrate each other New Year celebrations.
  March 1 Independence Movement Day
  Memorial March 1, 1919 against Japanese colonial rule of the independence movement.
  April 5 Arbor Day
  On this day, government officials, teachers, students, and hundreds of thousands of Koreans around the country according to government reforestation program to plant trees.
  May 5 Children's Day
  This day, held a variety of celebration activities for children so that they enjoy with their parents play.
  August 15 Independence Day
  On this day in 1945, South Korea from Japan's colonial rule 35 years of the liberation and independence.
  Lunar August 15 Mid-Autumn Festival (or Harvest Festival)
  This is year one of the important national holiday. To this day a feast, each to hold the ceremony in the family cemetery, at night with the moon.
  Lunar October 3rd Foundation Day
  This day is the legendary Dangun established in 2333 BC the day South Korea.
  December 25 Christmas Day
  Like the West, Christians and other people are celebrating this holiday, commemorating the birth of Jesus.
  State leaders】 【
  Current president: Lee Myung-bak, elected in December 2007, at the February 25, 2008 sworn in;
  Prime Minister: Han Seung-soo (Han Seung-soo). Office in February 2008.
  Population and Language】 【
  Korea's total population of 49,053,000 (2007), a single Korean nation 〔South Korea, said: Korean National〕, is a "three Korean descent", General Korean national dress as a "hanbok."
  Elaborate here:
  Korean and Korean is slightly different. South and North Korea because of the long-term post-war division, making the North-South language also appears slightly different. Generally the preferred way of expression in South Korea as "Korean", the usual expression of North Korea as "Korean."
  】 【Religion
  Buddhism in the 4th century from China into the Korean peninsula. You as the Korean history of Buddhism into the religious denominations, has been South Korea's political, economic, and cultural have a huge impact. Now there are 26 Korean Buddhist sect, more than 9,200 temples and 1,100 million adherents, most religious believers.
  6th century BC, Confucianism was founded by the Chinese Confucian ethics and religious beliefs. Confucian ethics as the basic benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, is for an ethical rule regulating the family system.
  Introduced to the Korean peninsula early AD Confucianism. Thousands of years, Confucian ethical thought and philosophy of life has affected South Korea. Today, Confucian thought has permeated, rooted in Korean society, This is especially true in education, etiquette and so on. Meanwhile, in Korea it is economic development, social modernization process also played an important role.
  【Introduction】 capital
  Korea Capital: Seoul (Seoul, the old translation of "Seoul"), population 10,500,000 (2007).
  December 2003, South Korean National Assembly passed the "new administrative capital special law" to determine the administrative capital from Seoul (the old translation of "Seoul") to move to the central region. August 2004, the South Korean government officially announced the end to identify and address the new administrative capital, is located in the central region Yan Qi Han - the public will become the new state administrative capital. South Korean government is scheduled for July 2007 in Yan Qi - Gongju start building a new administrative capital, in 2020 and 2030 were formed with 30 million and 50 million people in the city. From 2012 to 2014, South Korea's major national executive will be relocated to the new administrative capital.
  October 2004, the Constitutional Court of Korea ruled that South Korean National Assembly in December 2003 adopted the "new administrative capital of the special law" unconstitutional. South Korean government established the administrative capital from the "Seoul" (that is, "Seoul"), plans to move to the central region will therefore be forced to stop the execution.
  January 2005, former Seoul (which is now the "Seoul"), the municipal government in Seoul Mayor Lee Myung-bak held a press conference to announce the "Seoul" Chinese translation of the name "Seoul." Seoul has a long history in ancient times due to the north of the Han River, the name "Hanyang." The late 14th century Joseon Dynasty capital in Hanyang, the renamed "Seoul." Modern Korea by Japanese colonial rule, Seoul was renamed the "capital." After the retrocession of the Korean Peninsula in 1945, changed its name to the inherent Korean words, Roman letters marked "SEOUL", seoul is a transliteration of the name in Korean capital.
  【Administrative division
  Present a special city: "Seoul" (that is, "Seoul") Special City;
  9 Road (equivalent to provinces): Gyeonggi, Gangwon, Chungbuk, Chungnam, Jeonbuk, South Jeolla Province, Gyeongbuk, Gyeongnam, Jeju;
  6 Metropolitan City (equivalent to municipalities): Busan, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju, Daejeon, Ulsan.
  Political】 【
  South Korea current constitution was in October 1987 a new constitution adopted by referendum, February 25, 1988 come into effect. The new Constitution, South Korea, the implementation of three powers, the rule of law system. According to the new constitution, the president is head of state and the nation's armed forces commander in the government system and the external relations on behalf of the entire country, 5-year presidential term, non-renewable. The formulation of domestic and foreign policy the president is, could such legislative proposals to Congress; the same time, the president is the highest of the Chief Executive, responsible for the implementation of various laws and regulations. Composed of the President through the 15-30 cabinet meeting chaired by the exercise of its administrative functions. Assistant chief executive as president the Prime Minister appointed by the President, subject to congressional approval. Prime Minister right to participate in development of important national policies. President no power to dissolve Congress, but Congress start impeachment proceedings can be a way to constrain the president, to end the country constitutionally responsible. Korean unicameral. Congress is the national legislature, for 4 years, Speaker of the House term of 2 years. In addition to the functions of the Constitution gives Congress to make laws, but also including the approval of the national budget, foreign policy, declare war and other national affairs, and the impeachment of the president's powers. South Korean court is divided into three levels: the Supreme Court, High Court and District Court. The Supreme Court is the highest court, hears of the lower court's ruling and said the military court refuses to accept the appeals. Judges appointed by the President, Congress for approval. Justice for a term of 6 years shall not be re-elected, at least 70 years of age must step down.
  The draft constitution Constitutional Court of Korea the next 17 years, Korea will establish a basic national defense policy to adapt to modern warfare, the new military formation of the "ubiquitous" force.
  South Korean GDP in 2007 exceeded one trillion U.S. dollars, per capita GDP exceeded 20,000 U.S. dollars, the world's 11th largest economy.
  60's from the 20th century, the Korean government has successfully pursued a growth-oriented economic policies, 70 years after the official took the track of economic development, creating a world-famous "Han River Miracle."
  To 80 years, Korea has changed the face of poverty and backwardness, showing a scene of prosperity and wealth, the international market, a competitive country. Held at the Seoul Olympics in 1988. Today, the Korean economy strong, steel, automobiles, shipbuilding, electronics, textiles, etc., have become the pillar industry of South Korea, where shipbuilding and automotive industries is world-renowned. South Korea's electronics industry has developed rapidly, as one of the world's top ten electronics industry. In recent years, emphasis Korea IT industry, increasing investment, IT technology and production rank in the world. South Korea had been a traditional agricultural country. With the industrialization process of agriculture in the Korean economy getting smaller and smaller proportion, position, an increasing low. South Korea is the main importing countries of agricultural products, imports tend to increase, but its agricultural market to foreign participation is extremely sensitive to a lesser extent, opening up sectors of the economy. South Korea land area of 195 million hectares, mainly in the western and southern plains, hilly areas, accounting for about 22% of the total land area. Fewer mineral resources Korea has 280 kinds of minerals are found, there are 50 kinds of economic value. Exploitation of valuable minerals are iron, coal, lead, zinc, tungsten, etc., but not reserves. As natural resources, mainly of industrial raw materials are imported. Main sectors of industrial steel, automobile, shipbuilding, electronics, chemical, textile and so on. Pohang Iron and Steel Plant is the world's second largest steel company. Production of 3.2 million vehicles in 2002, ranking first in the world 6. Standard orders ship tonnage of 7.59 million tons cargo, once again become the world. Intensive products with high-tech electronics industry mainly for one of the world's top ten electronics industry. The rapid development of semiconductor integrated circuits. Attention in recent years, South Korean IT industry, increasing investment. Due to the 1997 Asian financial crisis, Korea's recent economic slump has been in malaise. Also known as "the economic downturn."
  Korean culture by the Chinese influence is very obvious, as early as the Tang Dynasty, the Korean Peninsula, the new economic States dedicated staff to study in China China's culture and strategy of governing the country, and even a direct copy copy some things to get back, the Chinese culture economic impact of the new country is very old, the new economy because China's culture absorbed stronger so reunification of the Korean peninsula.
  South Korea is a long history and splendid culture of the country, in literature and art have their own characteristics. Korean art including painting, calligraphy, prints, crafts, decoration, while carrying the national tradition, but also absorbed the strong points of foreign art. Korea Oriental art of painting and Western painting sub, like the Chinese painting Oriental paintings, pen, ink, paper, ink performance of a variety of topics. There are also various types of beautiful custom painting. With China, Japan, the calligraphy in Korea is an elegant art form. Koreans are known for known for love of music and dance. Korean modern music can be divided into "folk music" and "Western music" two. Folk music can be divided into "elegant music" and "folk music" two. South Korean court music is held in feudal dynasties in court ritual, ceremony, banquet and other music played by a professional orchestra, known as "being happy" or "court music." Miscellaneous songs in folk music, folk, music and other farmers. Xuan Qin commonly used instrument, Gaya piano, stick drums, flute and so on. One of the characteristics of Korean folk music is accompanied by dance. South Korea attached great importance to the dancers dance the shoulder, arm of the rhythm. Road with a fan, Corolla, drums. South Korean court dance and folk dance to the center, colorful. Korean drama originated in prehistoric religious ceremonies, including a mask, puppet show, singing, singing opera, drama, Category 5. One mask, also known as "Mask Dance", as a symbol of Korean culture in Korean traditional drama occupies a very important position.
  Korean food with kimchi and cultural features, three meals a day can not do without kimchi. Korean traditional dishes of roasted pork, pickles, cold has become a world famous dish.
  Korea is a great emphasis on education of the country. Thousands of types of colleges and universities nationwide. Yonsei University and Korea University, world renowned, addition, Sungkyunkwan University, Sogang University, Central University and Kyung Hee University, Hanyang University, Dankook University, Konkuk University, Chung National University, Sejong University, Ewha Women's University, Gyeongbuk University, Chungbuk National University, Pohang University, Pusan University, Pusan University of Foreign Studies, Inha University, Inje University, etc. have reputation.
  Korean traditional clothing
  Hanbok is traditional Korean clothing, originated in the Ming Dynasty costumes, elegant and tasteful. Modern alternatives are tailor only in festivals and days of special significance to wear. Women's traditional costume is a long jacket and wide skirt, looks very elegant; men with pants, jacket, vest, waistcoat showing a unique taste. White as the basic color, according to the season, identity, the choice of materials and colors are different. Marriage and other special ceremony, usually civilians wearing gorgeous clothes and jewelry. Recently, the increasing availability of life hanbok is very popular.
  Press 【】
  Journalism developed. As of 2002, a total of 260 news organizations. 60 newspapers, including 10 comprehensive national newspapers, 38 local comprehensive newspapers, 7 economic class newspapers, two newspapers and three foreign language sports newspaper. "Chosun Ilbo", "Central Daily", "Dong-a Ilbo", "Korea Daily", "Korea Daily" and "Kung Hyabg Daily News" for six major national Korean newspaper, in addition to "Korea Daily", the Other newspapers are private. "Chosun Ilbo," the largest circulation in March 5, 1920 founding. "East Asia Journal" in April 1, 1920 Publication. "Central Daily" on September 22, 1965 founding.
  News agency
  Yonhap News Agency, December 1980 and Japan by the Contract Agency of Agency of the merger in 1999, then combined internal and external communications, is run by South Korean news media were a cooperative news agency. The agency in Washington, New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Paris, London, Bangkok, Buenos Aires, Brussels, Cairo, Hong Kong, Moscow and Beijing bureaus.
  South Korea has 10 national broadcasting company, and another 59 local broadcasters, cable broadcasting company 81.
  Korean Broadcasting System (KBS) 1927 began test broadcasts of foreign radio since 1953, the government controlled radio company, with a national broadcast network, now with the Korean, English, Chinese, French, Japanese and other broadcasts in 11 languages. Television was established in December 1961, starting from July 1996 opening of two channels of satellite TV programs, mainly in the digital signal playback.
  Cultural Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) 1961 年 12 月 run, with a national broadcast network and television stations was established in August 1969, in the major cities have satellite relay station.
  Seoul Broadcasting Corporation Television (SB) 1991 年 12 月 air.
  Christian Broadcasting Company (CBS) 1954 年 run, private, mainly broadcast news, entertainment and educational and religious programs. The TV program also have some impact.
  News agency
  Yonhap News Agency, December 1980 and Japan by the Contract Agency of Agency of the merger in 1999, then combined internal and external communications, is run by South Korean news media were a cooperative news agency. The agency in Washington, New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Paris, London, Bangkok, Buenos Aires, Brussels, Cairo, Hong Kong, Moscow and Beijing bureaus. South Korea has 10 national broadcasting company, and another 59 local broadcasters, cable broadcasting company 81. Korean Broadcasting System (KBS) 1927 began test broadcasts of foreign radio since 1953, the government controlled radio company, with a national broadcast network, now with the Korean, English, Chinese, French, Japanese and other broadcasts in 11 languages. Television was established in December 1961, starting from July 1996 opening of two channels of satellite TV programs, mainly in the digital signal playback. Cultural Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) 1961 年 12 月 run, with a national broadcast network and television stations was established in August 1969, in the major cities have satellite relay station. Seoul (the old translation of "Seoul"), ABC Television began broadcasting in December 1991. Christian Broadcasting Company (CBS) 1954 年 run, private, mainly broadcast news, entertainment and educational and religious programs. The TV program also have some impact. Far East Radio (FEBC) 1956 年 12 月 run, broadcasting 100 hours per week of Korean, English, Chinese and Russian programs. Republic of Korea armed forces radio station was built in 1954 specifically for the military broadcasting. USFK radio station began broadcasting in October 1950. Together with its television stations, U.S. troops and their families for services, broadcasting in English all day. Traffic Radio and Television was established in June 1990. Educational radio and television stations _set_ up in December 1990. A total of 39 South Korean television stations, of which 20 are commercial television stations. South Korean cable television broadcasting since 1995, has developed rapidly. Higher Internet penetration, the end of 2002 reached 26.27 million online population, accounting for 55.1% of the population. Publishing industry developed, more than 12,700 total registered publishers. A wide range of magazines, a frequent ceased publication.
  Celebrity】 【History
  Yi Sun-sin (1545-1598): a national hero. Decline of literati born in the family, childhood family was poor. He is quite learned, can ride and shooting, 32 years old Martial Davydenko, began his military career. His outspoken, and his concern for the fate, the pursuit of justice, several adversity no regrets no regrets. Any 47-year-old navy Jiedushi Cholla sect, the active naval exercises, to build defensive positions, and created the turtle ship armored warships to guard against pirates of the invasion. At that time Japan has completed the domestic Toyotomi Hideyoshi unified the four islands in an attempt to use force to conquer Korea and China. In 1592, he led more than 20 million troops to invade North Korea and captured Seoul (now translated "[font id = Mark style =" COLOR: # ee6600; BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow "] Seoul [/ font]"), occupying more than half the Korean peninsula, South Korea, said this piece of history as the "Japanese invasion chaos." The request of the Korean dynasty, the Ming Dynasty sent troops to the aid, thus beginning the 7 years of the common fight against the Japanese and Korean War soldiers and civilians, known as the "Imjin Patriotic War." General Yi Sun-sin and the Chinese army fought alongside the water, repeatedly beat the Japanese, repeated Li Qigong. December 1598, he was hit with the Ming navy invaders, shot and killed in the tragic battle. Two years later, the court in recognition of his achievements, Xuanwu him as a hero. 1643 that 45 years after his death, presented posthumous "Admiral." Since then, the people of the Korean Peninsula to commemorate him, called him "Admiral." Dedicated to the souls of General Yi Sun-sin's Memorial Temple was built in 1706, is located at the foot of Fang Shan, surrounded by mountains, Temple Neisong Bo trees. Hyeonchungsa an area of 50 million square meters, in addition to the "Temple", there are "No", "Mansion", "Family Temple" and the Lee family used wells and other ancient architecture. Information about the history of General Yi Sun-sin, and when he was a sea battle with pirates and other kind of weapons used by the Ming emperor to bestow his captaincy India, tokens, and the chopper, give products such as eight copies were carefully stored in "Legacy Museum" in. Every April 28, the day of the birth of Yi Sun-sin, Hyeonchungsa festival to be held. Hyeonchungsa brutal suppression of the Japanese imperialists in the next Duhuang decadent, after the Japanese surrender in 1945, Ji Nianzhong force to restore the public's activities. In 1966, the South Korean government this land turned into "sacred" to rebuild Memorial Temple, the park's integrated landscape works continued until 1974.
  History】 【Korea
  Ancient Korea Times
  China's history books in the "East Yi", which means east of the national (Yi derogatory.) Dong Yi is the Chinese nation called the nation of the East, not only refers to a group. Also will change the scope of their finds. From the Yellow Emperor during the Shandong, Henan area, northeast China, to the future of the Qin and Han Dynasty Korean Peninsula and Japan Islands. North and South Korea that: modern North Korea may be the one Dongyi. On the Korean Peninsula are said to have five thousand years of history, but because of the lack of direct evidence, the Chinese and Japanese history scholars not to be recognized. According to legend, as far as Korean history can be traced to the founding of Tangun. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, on the Korean Peninsula have been the original human habitation. Paleolithic beginning in the Korean Peninsula 70 million years BC to the 10th century into the Bronze Age. To the 4th century BC into the Iron Age. North and South Korea Korean historians conjecture turned out to be living in the north of mainland Asia, Altaic nations, and gradually migrated to the north and the Evolution of the Korean Peninsula come from the 4th century BC, in the north to form a slavery, known to history as the ancient North Korea. The southern part of the peninsula formed by the several tribes of indigenous tribal alliance, Wal-ju, dirt, Mahan, Han Chen, Bian Han. Later, Mahan III unified Korea, said Chen country.
  Chi-tzu Times
  Recorded in Chinese history, North Korea, after the first commercial off the Western Zhou Dynasty, Shang Chen Chi-tzu left the Korean Peninsula was established with the local indigenous "Kei's Hou." The late 3rd century BC, the first time North Korea has been documented. In the Han Dynasty and the writings of the historian Sima Qian, "Historical Records" in the records, the last king of Shang King Zhou's brother, King Wu Chi-tzu in the weeks after the liturgy and the system with the Shang Dynasty to the north of the Korean Peninsula, where people are elected as monarch, and became recognized by the Chou princes. Known as "Ji Zi Korea."
  Wei's age
  According to "Historical Records", Yan Wei generals full rate of immigration into the Korean peninsula, and became North Korea's Ji Zi Gong phase. 194 BC established in the vicinity of Pyongyang's health regime, overthrew the regime of North Korean Ji Zi. This is the second dynasty, Korean history, "the Guardian's era." Archaeological research is not currently able to North Korea's founding on the health process.
  Four counties and three times the Han Han
  108 BC Emperor Wu Wei's power off North Korea, in the northern part of the establishment of the Korean Peninsula, music waves Xuantu, temporary Tuen, true fan four counties, known as "Han-four counties."
  BC 82, because the ancient Korean people and the resistance of the local tribes, repealed the Provisional Tuen and true fan of the two counties. BC Xuantu County for 75 years moved to Liaodong. Le Long County, northern migration in the Korean peninsula many times, when Wang Mang power of the new music wave toward independence 30 years of Eastern Han Dynasty in the year (after Chinese) county court to recover music wave.
  In the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Kung-sun's Liaodong ("Three Kingdoms" in Gongsun Yuan) County in the southern sub-wave music with a side county located in the south of the Korean Peninsula to establish indigenous Korean chen South Korea, Malaysia and South Korea as the center of Byeonhan Chen States, while small countries such as the existence of Gaya.
  Three Kingdoms Period
  After BC ("Three Kingdoms" written in the first century BC), appeared on the Korean peninsula three regimes: the new Law (the former 57 years -935 years), Koguryo (37 years -668 years ago), Baekje ( The first 18 years -660 years). Southern tip of the peninsula there is Gaya and other regime. Each attack the country, there has also been the history of the Korean Peninsula, a relatively prosperous period. Baiji is a blog developed Mahan, Chen Silla Korea and the formation of a small tribe. Baiji relies on behalf of the Chinese imperial emissary Southern tributary of the way to Japan from China in absorption of cultural transmission.
  Gaya that the Japanese government with any
  In Japan, some scholars believe that at the southern tip of the Korean Peninsula Byeonhan (now Gyeongnam) and other areas of Gaya was the Yamato regime on the Korean peninsula, the colonial court, "either that the Japanese government." Peninsula, in the three countries to resist the Goguryeo and Baekje Silla Qingong and close to Japan, would like to take from Japan to contain China. Japan is attempting to take advantage of this situation on the Korean Peninsula and to establish their own forces. Which led to a four-century Japanese imperial court sent troops to Silla, occupying Byeonhan, _set_ting the Japanese government to rule.
  512, Baekje sent envoys asked Congress and the court to cede any of the four counties to compensate for Koguryo occupied the northern territories. Congress and the court then ruled North Korea due to their inability to continue to the southern region, had agreed to the request of Baekje. 562, he was that the Japanese government was destroyed by Silla.
  In North and South Korea, many scholars deny the existence in the Korean Peninsula was a Japanese colony of any that. Instead, they believe that there are many on the Japanese archipelago was Baekje, Gaya and Shilla ruled the small country, with each other for hegemony in the peninsula when the country also are competing in the Japanese archipelago, the country of its strength.
  In Japan, under the "high days of the original myth" (credited century mythology), there have been any rule Woguo that view. From the 1960s, North Korea and then in South Korea on the verification Jiji myth that the Japanese government on account of any results deny the myth of the reliability of Jiji, the history of Japan since the 1970s scholars have been about the same conclusion.
  The same three countries on the Koguryo "too good King Stele" there are many controversial interpretation, and even the king is too good Korean scholars that the old monument inscription Japanese Army General Staff who have been tampered with.
  Silla allegiance to the Tang Dynasty Tang Dynasty, the conditions and the emerging alliance, the reign of Emperor Tang Dynasty 660 AD, the joint force in the power off Baekje Silla, and in 668 years and the route through the old haunt Silla and Baekje South attack and destroy Goguryeo power by general Xue Rengui Baekje in Korea and established the old Anton Dohobu. As a result of defense against the Turks, and even then the threat of the Tang Dynasty, 676 years old haunt Tangjun retreat from the Baekje and Silla the way forward, Silla unified the Korean Peninsula and finally most of capital in Gyeongju, follow the example of countries Tang system rule.
  9th century, around the peasant uprising, military generals 900 years kings Chen Xuan, built after the Baekje capital in Gwangju; 903 monks in golden bow-American uprising king, in the North and Northwest built Silla Taebong country (the first number Morocco earthquake country), the original capital in iron, 918 Wang established the Koryo dynasty, then _set_ the country, "Korea", and the original Shilla and known as the "post-Three Kingdoms period."
  935 die in Silla Korea, Silla end.
  Korea Times
  918 years after the king of Goguryeo's arch-born Wang Department will be crowned as the king of the Ministry, moved the capital to open their home city (Songak), changing the country as "Korea." 935 off Silla, Baekje out after 936 years, the establishment of the Koryo dynasty. Liao 993 was defeated, and the Song Dynasty was forced to sever relations, allegiance to the Liao, Jin in 1127 was forced to surrender. Khitan and the Jurchen in the period against the military forces in surge, 1170 and 1173, led by generals Zhengzhong Fu, the occurrence of two coup, military coup dethronement king, nobles big kill civilian, the eventual establishment of a military officer held hostage by the King Cui Zhong Xian " all rooms "regime.
  1231 Mongol offensive Korea, Cui regime collapse in 1258, the king surrendered Mongolia. Against surrender of the three other sand Mongolia launched the war against Mongolia, the Mongolian occupation of Jeju Island in 1273, ending the war against Mongolia. In order to attack Japan in 1280 the Yuan Dynasty _set_ in the Korean Peninsula levy East province, the capital deployed in Korea, "Daru flower red" control state affairs of Korea, Korea king can only live in Ganghwa island. With the failure of 1281 once the dissolution of the Japanese attack symptoms Eastern Province, and 1287 re-established the East province of levy, and the king of Korea and red flowers Daru Renzheng Dong province, a Yuan vassal state until the 1356 Gong Min Wang reply only to regain control when the Koryo court the right to rule.
  Joseon era
  1368 Ming Dynasty overthrew the Yuan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty tribute Korea in 1370, 1387 Northeast Yuan emperor to attack the original colony, but the country still supports Mongolia Korea remnants.
  1388 reunification of Korea are the king sent to Lichenggui attack Liaodong Lichenggui allegiance to the Ming dynasty is already determined, so he returned from the Yalu River to open the capital city of the occupation soldiers staged a coup in 1392 deposed king of self-reliance and allegiance to the Ming envoy, in accordance with Ming too ancestral emperor's will, changing the country as the DPRK, which means "Asahi clear," meaning capital in Hanyang. This time by the Japanese as "Lee Korea", the name in most of the history profession has been in use ever since.
  1401, began to receive from the Ming Taizong canonized as "the Korean king." Formally established with China to the modern vassal relationship.
  1469 to complete the "ceremony by the country," established a new political system.
  Respected practice of Korean Confucianism, Buddhism, the policy exclusion.
  1591 Japan 20 million off white Toyotomi Hideyoshi invaded Korea shuaibing, was occupied Pyongyang. Chinese Ming Dynasty sent troops to Support Korea, 1598 allied forces defeated the Japanese by North Korea, the Korean generals generals Dengzi Long Yi Sun-sin and China support each other, eventually died a heroic death. This section of history known as the "Japanese invasion chaos" of modern China as "Wanli Korea War."
  After the Ming Dynasty and the 1618 gold operations, North Korea sent troops to aid the Ming dynasty, the Qing in 1636 North Korea captured the king to surrender, the tribute to the Qing dynasty, the Qing Dynasty became canonized country.
  1894, North Korea large-scale peasant uprising broke out, unable to suppress the Korean court, and for help to the Qing Dynasty. Then, on June 6 at the Asan landing reinforcements Qing Dynasty, and the Japanese armed forces are an inferior race as an excuse to take the opportunity on July 6 in the Inchon landing, and launched the Horse Incident, the occupation of Hanyang, forcing North Korea signed the unequal "economic matter Pu Treaty "(ie Jemulpo Incheon today.) And organized pro-Japanese government suppressed the peasant uprising.
  1894 Japanese attack on the garrison stationed in Korea, provoked the Sino-Japanese War.
  April 1895, the Qing defeat, signed the "Sino-Japanese Treaty of Shimonoseki," agreed to give up sovereignty of the DPRK's case, then under Japanese control of Korea and the Qing court announced the termination of relations between canonized. In the same year, the Japanese assassinated the Empress has anti-Japanese tendencies.
  1896 Emperor Tang emperor in the support of most of Russia, the establishment of the Korean Empire, from North Korea to South Korea. After the Russo-Japanese War in 1904, Russia defeated Japan's North Korean regime has been completely controlled.
  Japanese rule
  Japan in August 1910 forced the South Korean government signed with the "Japan-North Korea Annexation Treaty", the official annexation of the Korean Peninsula, became a colony of Japan, and the establishment of the Korean Government House, the colonial rule. Japan, Korea, Japan crowned royal nobles, so that Emperor abdicated, Yong Li Shun cases.
  Korean Provisional Government
  May 15, 1942, the Chinese Military Commission decided to merge the two armed Korean Independence Army, by the interim government to rule directly. November 23, 1945, the Korean Provisional Government to move back home, Guangfu Army the following year to return.
  Armed North Korean Communist Party
  From 1932 onwards, the North Korean communist leader Kim Il Sung's guerrillas in northeast China to carry out anti-Japanese guerrilla activities. Kim Il Sung in 1937, Japanese troops occupied the northern part of Prudential Town of North Korea, was forced to withdraw to the Soviet Union in 1941.
  Korean War
  1945, Japan surrendered to the boundary line of latitude 38 degrees, respectively, received from the Soviet Union and the United States armed forces. In support of the Soviet Union in their respective August 1948 the establishment of the Republic of Korea, Democratic People's Republic was established in September 1948. June 25, 1950 the Korean Fatherland Liberation War, the Korean People's Army at the beginning all the way to victory, the ROK armed forces to suppress the Pusan area, so the U.S. decided to intervene, sending troops on 15 September at Inchon, South Korea Korean People's Army in danger of being cut down the middle of the military situation, forced to retreat. Suppressed by the U.S. military all the way to the Yalu River area. War to the Yalu River, a serious threat to the peace of Northeast Frontier, which makes more than a year before the establishment of new China was forced to intervene. October 19th Chinese People's Volunteers crossed the Yalu River, started the Korean War. October 25, volunteers to wipe out the first battle in South Korea six divisions. After repeated after the tug of war, both sides finally decided July 27, 1953 a temporary demarcation line (military demarcation line) for the sector, North Korea under the US-led coalition with the signing of the Armistice Agreement UN forces by the United Nations appointed a permanent neutral Switzerland and Swedish troops in the Joint Security Area, to monitor military operations on the border between the two countries. October 26, 1958, the Chinese People's Volunteers withdraw from the Korean peninsula, while the U.S. still has troops stationed in South Korea.
  Foreign】 【
  After World War II, the Cold War needs, South Korea to the United States and Foreign-based. In the early 20th century, 70 open door policy was introduced. February 1998, Kim Dae-jung became president, continue to work to consolidate the United States and Japan alliance, while strengthening and in friendly relations with Russia. Policy toward the DPRK, Kim implementation of the "sunshine policy" to bring non-use of force and avoid absorbing unity, strengthen North-South exchanges and cooperation of the "Three Principles of the North" and advocated an end to the Cold War structure on the Korean Peninsula, "package" fundamental solution to the Korean Peninsula issue. North Korea to provide a lot of rice, wheat, fertilizer, cement, heavy oil and other aid. South Korea on September 17, 1991 with North Korea to join the United Nations. February 2003, President Roh Moo-hyun took office, emphasizing the development of ROK-US relationship of mutual equality, and promote cooperation in Northeast Asia, Japan and Korea, while strengthening cooperation with Russia, ASEAN, EU relations with other countries to actively participate in regional and international affairs. October 2007, South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun visited the DPRK, the DPRK announced 1.7 billion U.S. dollars to provide assistance to strengthen North-South economic cooperation.
  Relationship with China
  At present, China is South Korea's largest trading partner, largest export market and largest investment destination, South Korea is China's third largest trading partner and fourth largest source of foreign direct investment. In 2006, China and South Korea bilateral trade reached 134 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 20%.
  】 【Territorial disputes
  Dokdo (Dokdo, or Tokdo) is the title of South Korea, Japan called Takeshima (Take shima). Dokdo is located in the southeast corner Ulleungdo, South Korea is the eastern end. 1417, North Korea Taizong recorded at Island Records (whether in the Island Bamboo Island is still controversial, it may be Ulleungdo), An Fushi Yu Jin Lin came back from the Island, when, together with a large bamboo, taro , buffalo, together with the residents back to three, and report the case of the island, there are a total of 86 houses 15 men and women who, Bamboo Island area of 0.2km.
  Su reef issues
  Su sacred rocks is an inalienable part of the PRC, but is now illegal military occupation of Korea.

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