唐代 杜甫 Du Fu  唐代   (712~770)
广州段功曹到得杨五长史谭书功曹却归聊寄此诗 aide Tan Books Gongcao Send this poem is owned by chat
得广州张判官叔卿书,使还,以诗代意 gain Canton sheet Official Shuqing book of poetry, so also on behalf of Italy
送段功曹归广州 accompany Duan gong Cao return canton
绝句漫兴九首之二 Man Jue Ju Xing 9 bis
江畔独步寻花七绝句 The river bank Have no rival Find flower A four-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme sentence
三绝句 Three quatrains
戏为六绝句 Play six quatrains
江头四咏。丁香 Jiang first four Wing cloves
江头四咏。花鸭 Jiang first four wing Flower duck
畏人 Fear of people
远游 pilgrimage
野望 Wildness
官池春雁二首 Chi Chun-Yan 2 official
水槛遣心二首(其一) Water threshold Removal heart 2 first or firstly
奉酬严公寄题野亭之作 Feng pay Yan Ting of public opposition to send title
中丞严公雨中垂寄见忆一绝,奉答二绝 An official's name Kung Yu Yan Sagging Send See Yi A special skill Bong a 2 must
谢严中丞送青城山道士乳酒一瓶 Xie Yan An official's name accompany Black cheng shan Taoist koumis jarful
严公仲夏枉驾草堂,兼携酒馔(得寒字) severe Kongzhong Summer I am honoured by your visit Thatched cottage And Xiejiu Zhuandehanzi
严公厅宴,同咏蜀道画图(得空字) Yong Yan Shu Road with the Public Chamber Banquet Draw a picture Was empty word
奉送严公入朝十韵 Hand sb. sth. on a plate Yan Yun Kung Korea to 10
送严侍郎到绵州,同登杜使君江楼(得心字) Get serious Assistant minister To Mianzhou with tanduri Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china River House was the word heart
古诗 ancient style poetry




【资料来源】 卷227_3
