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祖乙 Zu Yi
商代  (?~前1364年)
网笔号: 中宗祖乙

  祖乙,姓子名祖乙,一名滕,河亶甲的儿子。在位19年,即位后迁都于庇,商朝的社会经济得到了恢复和发展,商朝又兴盛起来。当时,天气风云的不测,使他很苦恼。一个名叫阿衡的大臣,为讨好祖乙,奏称要设天台敬祭天神。祖乙认为有理,便带领百官去祭天,却无济于事。万年知道后,忍不住就带着日晷和漏壶去见皇上,对祖乙讲清了日月运行的道理。祖乙听后龙颜大悦,感到有道理。于是把万年留下,在天坛前修建日月阁,筑起日晷台和漏壶亭。并派了十二个童子服侍万年。祖乙对万年说:"希望你能测准日月规律,推算出准确的晨夕时间,创建历法,为天下的黎民百姓造福。" 有一次,祖乙传旨要阿衡去了解万年测试历法的进展情况。当他登上日月坛时,看见天坛边的石壁上刻着:日出日落三百六,周而复始从头来。草木枯荣分四时,一岁月有十二圆。
  阿衡见此,知道万年的历法已研究成功,心中忐忑不安。他万分惧怕万年因创建历法而得宠,国君会怪罪自己提出祭祀天神的主意。于是,他阴谋策划,派了一个刺客去除掉万年。刺客攀上日月阁,见万年正在阁上观察星斗,便张弓搭箭,准备射死他。谁知,刺客被卫士发现,被当场缉拿。祖乙知后,惩处了阿衡,亲自登上日月阁看望万年。万年指着天象,对祖乙说:"现在正是十二个月满,旧岁已完,新春复始,祈请国君定个节吧。"祖乙说:"春为岁首,就叫春节吧。" 冬去春来,年复一年。后来,万年经过长期观察,精心推算,制定出了准确的太阳历。当他把太阳历呈奉给继任的国君时,已是满面银须。国君深为感动,为纪念万年的功绩,便将太阳历命名为"万年历",封万年为日月寿星。以后,人们在过年时挂上寿星图,据说就是为了纪念德高望重的万年的。春节由此而来。

  Zu Yi, Shang kings, Shang River Chan six decades, River Dan died a successor position, moved the capital in the shelter, after ascending the throne, the Shang Dynasty have been restored and the socio-economic development, Shang has flourished. Reigned 19 years (some say 75 years). Zu Yi reign, moved the capital to Xing (now in Xingtai, Hebei Province). He served several times to send troops Ping Lan Yi, class parties and other countries, south-east of Yizu lifted the threat of the business, fortune again ZTE. Oracle said that he was in Zongzu B, and Tai-yi, Taijia collectively referred to as the "three said" (meaning the three virtuous ancestors). Dead, buried Di spring. Came to the throne by his son, Zu Xin.
  Zu Yi, name sub name Zu Yi, 1 Teng, a son of Dan River. Reigned 19 years, came to the throne moved the capital to shelter, the Shang Dynasty have been restored and the socio-economic development, Shang has flourished. At that time, the weather situation in the mishap, so he was very upset. A name Jiao Aheng the minister to please Zu Yi, Zou Cheng King to Heaven God designed the roof. Zu Yi think it plausible, Baiguan led to Heaven, but of no avail. Years after that, could not help but to see the emperor with a sundial and Lou Hu, Zu Yi clarifying the sun and the moon on the truth. Zu Yi Long Yantai Yue hear, feel justified. So leave the years, built before the sun and the moon in the Temple of Heaven House, build a sundial and Lou Hu Taiwan Pavilion. And sent a boy serving 12 years. Zu Yi of the years, said: "I hope you can quasi sun and the moon rules, calculate the precise time of morning, evening, create a calendar, for the world to benefit the people of Lebanon." Once, Zu Yi edicts have come to understand the value to A years test the progress of the calendar. When he boarded the sun and the moon altar, he saw the cliff edge inscribed the Temple of Heaven: sunrise and sunset 360, again and again to start from scratch. Coorong vegetation sub 4:00, round one twelve years.
  A balance Seeing this, know that the calendar has years of successful research, mind uneasy. Because of his extreme fear of years to create calendars and died, the monarch will blame themselves worship god idea. So he conspired to send an assassin to get rid of years. Assassin climbing moon Court, see House years are observed star will miss the target bow, ready to shoot him. Who knows, the assassins were guards, have been found on the spot catch. Zu Yi know, the punishment of the A value, personally boarded the Sun and the Moon House visit of years. Years pointed to Sky, and Zu Yi said: "Now is the full twelve months, the old age has been completed, everything starts with New Year, set a section of Prayer monarch it." Zu Yi said: "Spring for the beginning of the year, on it is called the Spring Festival. "winter to spring, year after year. Later, years after long-term observations, carefully calculated, and work out an accurate solar calendar. When he gave it to the solar calendar was the monarch when his successor, has been sounded to silver. Deeply moved by the monarch, to commemorate the years of achievements, they put a solar calendar named "calendar" years for the sun and the moon god of longevity closure. After the New Year when people hang birthday plans, said that in honor of highly respected of years. Spring Festival from this.
  Personal Evaluation
  Is said to "Spring Festival" and "calendar" is the invention of Zu Yi years when the woodcutter, and said years also invented the "sundial apparatus" and "Lou Hu" for the time. This is only a legend it is unfounded. Because our country on "sundial apparatus" in literature was first seen in "Book of Astronomy Sui Zhi", which refers to filling in Suikai Huang Yuan fourteen years (AD 595) invented the short film Ping-yee, that horizon sundial. The "Lou Hu," The use, according to "Zhou" records, the Xia Dynasty, there was the time.
  Arowana Teng Xing
  A long time ago, in the beautiful setting Yangshan, there is a modest village. End of the village hill, there are small stone house, there lived a man named years of youth. His family is poor, dig drug living with firewood. At that time Seasonal confused confused farmer can not farm. Years is a young shenanigans, trying to determined the seasons, but I do not know where to start.
  One day, years mountain firewood, sitting under a tree to rest, shade movement inspired him, he system, a sundial, measuring the length of the day calculate the sun's shadow. However, the days of overcast cloud fog rain impact test in mind. When he wanted to do a record apparatus, good enough to make up for sundial. That day he dug up the mountain medicine, to the fountain water, spring water on the Cliff ticked rhythmically ringing, caught his attention. He watched with springs of God. Thinking for a while, back home, he painted a painting, tried, Lou Hu made a five. Since then, he measured the sun's shadow, hope leaking hard Fen Qin. Slowly, he found every more than 360 days, the length of day will be repeated from scratch again. The shortest day of the winter solstice. Then the emperor called Zu Yi, Seasonal disorder, so he was anxious to call Baiguan, get help towards meeting Seasonal disorders. Seasonal official Jiaoa Heng, sun and the moon do not know the law, said that people do whatever inadvertently offended the gods. Only devout kneel Festival, to get on God's forgiveness. Zu Yi Su bath on the fast, leading to the Temple of Heaven Baiguan sacrifice, and Chuanyu the country, to establish the station Heaven. But the sacrifice as an offering to go, it was not effective, seasonal usual mess; around the altar is again the people to build service, they come to donate, really mixed berberine bile, bitter sufferings and Canada. Years, could not, he took his audience with the emperor sundial and Lou Hu. Years met with the emperor, that the winter solstice point, about the sun and moon run cycle. Zu Yi listening to the heart rejoicing of turning in massive construction projects built before the sun and the moon in the Temple Court, building on the sundial Taiwan, made the Louhu Pavilion. Has allocated 12 million years serving boy, boy six years to keep sundial, six young boys keep Lou Hu, meticulously recorded, the report on time.
  One day, Zu Yi to go to Sun Moon House Ah Heng asked about the situation the system calendar, pointing to grass years experience said: "The sun rises and sets 360, again and again to start from scratch. Coorong vegetation sub 4:00, round one twelve years. "Ah Heng 1, and were convinced that reason, the hearts are uneasy. He thought: If the seasons determined the years, the emperor is happy, reuse of years, who listen to me A balanced? A value like ah think ah, tried to get rid of years. One day Ah Heng Shan She inquire about the benefits a customer and send people to go home, put Jiu Yan, shows why, promise to re-gift. Night agreed to go assassinate assassin. Days pay two drums, while drinking joy assassin left the A scale, ran to the sun and the moon Court. Persevering, around the Temple of Heaven, sun, moon and you, there are strict guard, assassin can not be near to, to bow to the Sun and Moon Nock Court on being star-gazing in years to shoot. Who knows Assassin drink too much, the eyes grew faint, Arrows only shot of years of arm. Oh soon as years down to the ground in agony and Nazei public boy. Guards heard the commotion, turned out to, catch the assassin, twisted see the Son of Heaven. Zu Yi questioning the truth, heralds the A value for closing the prison, but also established print boarding house to visit Sun Moon House years. Years was very moved, pointing to apply star said: "The Star caught up with silkworm 100 applications star, astrology recovery, night cross the hour of midnight, the old year has been completed, Shi You start the spring, hope the emperor set a section of it." Zu Yi said : "Spring for the beginning of the year, it is called the Spring Festival. Aiqing cabinet, three contained no, Piganlidan, subject to full moon a lunar calendar system is really successful high moral weight. Now Ai Qing was crafty plot, and with me nursed back to health right to the palace. "years, said:" Although the grassroots lunar calendar, but not very accurate, the end of every hour left in a bit. if not the end of this end of the year when the profit go, Riyuerusuo, will come in the past wrong calendar. Morrison expectations of negative beings, well the emperor's grace, we would like to Suixin moon Court, carefully calculated, the calendar determined the grass. "
  In this way, years in the sun and the moon Court, the careful observation of vegetation growth and decay of wheat beans, carefully calculated, the end of the year last month when the product into a profit on the inside. That year in May, Zu Yi to the Temple of Heaven-line offering, offering strike god, they boarded the sun and the moon Court, the ritual of the May peaches give years. Years presented lunar calendar, Zu Yi worked hard day and night looking at years, eyebrows and white, to white, too, was deeply moved, put lunar calendar named calendar, also closed years for the sun and the moon god of longevity. So, then it is also called the Spring Festival, the New Year when the house often hung birthday chart, a symbol of new life-year-old Tim, is also a function of years of high moral weight sent to nostalgia.
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