秘鲁 Peru     国家代码: pe   
  秘鲁共和国(The Republic of Peru,La República del Perú)。
  面积 1285216平方公里
  向日葵 、坎涂花
  新索尔 (New Sol)
  总统阿兰·加西亚·佩雷斯(Alan Garcia Pérez),2006年7月28日就任,任期5年。第一副总统路易斯·詹彼得里·罗哈斯(Luis Giampietri Rojas),第二副总统洛德斯·门多萨·德尔索拉尔(Lourdes Mendoza Del Solar),2006年7月28日就职,任期5年。
  人口: 2794.7万人(2005年),其中印第安人占41%,印欧混血种人占36%,白人占19%,其他人种占4%。西班牙语为官方语言,一些地区通用克丘亚语、阿伊马拉语和其他30多种印第安语。96%的居民信奉天主教。
  ◆ 利马古城 ◆ 马丘比丘古城 ◆ 阿比塞奥河国家公园
  ◆ 昌昌古城 ◆ 阿雷基帕古城 ◆ 纳斯卡巨画、胡马纳大草原
  ◆ 查文古城 ◆ 马努国家公园
  ◆ 库斯科古城 ◆ 瓦斯卡兰国家公园
  古代境内居住着印第安人。公元11世纪,印第安人以库斯科城为首府,在高原地区建立了“印加帝国”,农业和手工业高度发展。15-16世纪初形成美洲的古代文明之一─印加文明。1533年沦为西班牙殖民地。1535年建立利马城,1544年成立秘鲁总督区,成为西班牙在南美殖民统治的中心。1821年7月28日宣布独立,建立秘鲁共和国。1835年玻利维亚和秘鲁合并,称秘鲁—玻利维亚邦联。1839年邦联瓦解。1854年废除奴隶制。1879─1883年,秘鲁联合玻利维亚同智利进行争夺硝石产地的“太平洋战争”。秘鲁战败后,智利夺取了世界最大的硝石产地塔拉帕卡省,并控制了秘鲁的塔克纳、阿利卡两省。1929年双方经过和平谈判,秘鲁收回塔克纳省。1933年与哥伦比亚发生边界战争,秘战败。1948年10月奥德利亚发动军事政变上台。1963年6月人民行动党贝朗德·特里当选总统。1968年10月3日贝拉斯科陆军中将发动政变后出任总统。1975年8月29日莫拉莱斯将军接管政权,1977年宣布“还政于民”。 秘鲁费利佩城堡 皇家费利佩城堡——秘鲁历史的见证 秘鲁高原古都库斯科
  【经济】 传统农矿业国,属拉美中等水平。矿产丰富,石油自给有余。藤森执政期间,实行私有化政策,并在物价、税收等方面进行了一系列改革,经济形势逐步好转。
    货币名称:新索尔(Nuevo Sol)。
     2003 2004 2005
    铜(万吨) 62.53 81.5 100.99
    铁(万吨) 354.1 431.65 456.50
    锌(万吨) 136.9 120.61 120.17
    金(吨) 172.9 175.4 207.82
    银(吨) 2774.77 2907.96 3193.15
    石油(万桶) 3334.26 3444.8 4062.30
    发电量(亿千瓦时) 228.91 226.13 254.35
    天然气(百万立方英尺) 18483 30356 53347
    空运:2004年全国共有飞机 178 架,客运量510.50万人次,机场31个,其中国际机场5个,分别是:利马“豪尔赫·查维斯”国际机场、库斯科国际机场、伊基托斯国际机场、塔克纳国际机场和阿雷基帕国际机场。
     2003 2004 2005
    收入 313.22 353.81 425.66
    支出 354.26 385.47 453.68
    差额 -41.04 -31.66 -28.02
     2003 2004 2005
    出口额 88.63 121.42 168.8
    进口额 84.55 101.06 120.3
    差 额 4.08 20.36 48.5
    【人民生活】 2005年,城市人口占总人口的比例为72.6%,贫困人口比例为48%、赤贫人口比例为18%。全国共有医院139家、医疗中心1233家、卫生所5518个。移动电话和固定电话门数分别为558.34万和225.05万。
    【军事】 秘鲁军队是在19世纪初反对西班牙殖民统治和争取民族独立斗争中诞生和发展起来的。总统为武装力量最高统帅。国防委员会为最高军事决策机构,总统任主席。最高军事指挥机构是武装力量联合指挥部,由三军司令组成,直属总统领导,成员为三军总司令,并轮流担任主席。现任联指司令何塞·威廉姆斯·萨帕塔上将(José Williams Zapata),陆军司令塞萨尔·雷诺索·迪亚斯上将(César A. Reinoso Díaz),海军司令豪尔赫·奥古斯托·安普埃罗·特拉武科上将(Jorge Augusto Ampuero Trabucco),空军司令路易斯·费利佩·孔德·加拉伊上将(Luis Felipe Conde Garay),国民警察局长路易斯·蒙托亚·比利亚努埃瓦少将(Luis Montoya Villanueva)。秘鲁实行义务兵制,服役期两年。
    学校(所) 教师(人) 学生(人)
    学前 33253 46279 1138137
    小学 35276 185829 4164475
    中学 11323 160836 2603091
    大学 78 35455 415465
    非大学高等教育 1046 27880 390734
    职业和特殊教育 2463 15425 302168
    总计 83439 471704 9014070
    中国驻秘鲁大使:殷恒民。馆址:Jirón José Granda 150 San Isidro Lima 27,Perú。信箱:Apartado Postal 375。电话:2220841(办公室、值班),4429466(领事部)。国家地区号:511。电传:(036)25283 PE CHI LIMA。传真:4429467。网址:www.embajadachina.org.pe。商务处地址:Av. Javier Prado Oeste 2496 Magdalena del Mar,Lima 17,Perú。信箱:Apartado Postal 170140。电话:4619536。电传:(036)25625 PE CHIS LIMA。传真:4619855。
    秘鲁驻华使馆临时代办:图里奥·蒙塔卡(Tulio Mundaca)公使。馆址:北京三里屯外交人员办公楼1单元91号。电话:65322494,65323719。电传:22278 LEPRU CN。传真:65322178。网址:www.embperu.cn.net。
    【同欧盟的关系】欧盟是秘鲁重要贸易伙伴和资金来源地。2004年秘欧贸易额达42.08亿美元,占秘外贸总额的18.7%。1996至2004年,欧盟累计在秘投资84.52亿美元,占同期秘吸引外资总额的65%。2005年2月,秘国会主席弗洛雷斯·阿劳斯访问意大利。 3月,秘外长罗德里格斯访问西班牙、意大利。7月,罗德里格斯外长访问意大利和瑞士。10月,托莱多总统对欧盟总部进行为期两天的工作访问,并与比利时国王阿尔韦托二世举行会晤。

  Peru (Spanish: Perú, Quechua: Piruw, Aymara: Piruw), officially the Republic of Peru (Spanish: República del Perú (help·info), IPA: [reˈpuβlika del peˈɾu]), is a country in western South America. It is bordered on the north by Ecuador and Colombia, on the east by Brazil, on the southeast by Bolivia, on the south by Chile, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean.
  Peruvian territory was home to the Norte Chico civilization, one of the oldest in the world, and to the Inca Empire, the largest state in Pre-Columbian America. The Spanish Empire conquered the region in the 16th century and established a Viceroyalty, which included most of its South American colonies. After achieving independence in 1821, Peru has undergone periods of political unrest and fiscal crisis as well as periods of stability and economic upswing.
  Peru is a representative democratic republic divided into 25 regions. Its geography varies from the arid plains of the Pacific coast to the peaks of the Andes mountains and the tropical forests of the Amazon Basin. It is a developing country with a medium Human Development Index score and a poverty level around 40%. Its main economic activities include agriculture, fishing, mining, and manufacturing of products such as textiles.
  The Peruvian population, estimated at 28 million, is multiethnic, including Amerindians, Europeans, Africans and Asians. The main spoken language is Spanish, although a significant number of Peruvians speak Quechua or other native languages. This mixture of cultural traditions has resulted in a wide diversity of expressions in fields such as art, cuisine, literature, and music.
  The word Peru is derived from Birú, the name of a local ruler who lived near the Bay of San Miguel, Panama, in the early 16th century. When his possessions were visited by Spanish explorers in 1522, they were the southernmost part of the New World yet known to Europeans. Thus, when Francisco Pizarro explored the regions farther south, they came to be designated Birú or Peru. The Spanish Crown gave the name legal status with the 1529 Capitulación de Toledo, which designated the newly encountered Inca Empire as the province of Peru. Under Spanish rule, the country adopted the denomination Viceroyalty of Peru, which became Republic of Peru after independence.
  The earliest evidence of human presence in Peruvian territory has been dated to approximately 11,000 years BCE. The oldest known complex society in Peru, the Norte Chico civilization, flourished along the coast of the Pacific Ocean between 3000 and 1800 BCE. These early developments were followed by archaeological cultures such as Chavin, Paracas, Mochica, Nazca, Wari, and Chimu. In the 15th century, the Incas emerged as a powerful state which, in the span of a century, formed the largest empire in pre-Columbian America. Andean societies were based on agriculture, using techniques such as irrigation and terracing; camelid husbandry and fishing were also important. Organization relied on reciprocity and redistribution because these societies had no notion of market or money.
  Machu Picchu, the "Lost City of the Incas"In 1532, a group of conquistadors led by Francisco Pizarro defeated Inca Emperor Atahualpa and imposed Spanish rule. Ten years later, the Spanish Crown established the Viceroyalty of Peru, which included most of its South American colonies. Viceroy Francisco de Toledo reorganized the country in the 1570s with silver mining as its main economic activity and Indian forced labor as its primary workforce. Peruvian bullion provided revenue for the Spanish Crown and fueled a complex trade network that extended as far as Europe and the Philippines. However, by the 18th century, declining silver production and economic diversification greatly diminished royal income. In response, the Crown enacted the Bourbon Reforms, a series of edicts that increased taxes and partitioned the Viceroyalty of Peru. The new laws provoked Túpac Amaru II's rebellion and other revolts, all of which were defeated.
  In the early 19th century, while most of South America was swept by wars of independence, Peru remained a royalist stronghold. As the elite hesitated between emancipation and loyalty to the Spanish Monarchy, independence was achieved only after the military campaigns of José de San Martín and Simón Bolívar. During the early years of the Republic, endemic struggles for power between military leaders caused political instability. National identity was forged during this period, as Bolivarian projects for a Latin American Confederation foundered and a union with Bolivia proved ephemeral. Between the 1840s and 1860s, Peru enjoyed a period of stability under the presidency of Ramón Castilla due to increased state revenues from guano exports. However, by the 1870s, these resources had been squandered, the country was heavily indebted, and political in-fighting was again on the rise.
  Angamos, a decisive battle during the War of the Pacific.Peru was defeated by Chile in the 1879–1883 War of the Pacific, losing the provinces of Arica and Tarapacá in the treaties of Ancón and Lima. Internal struggles after the war were followed by a period of stability under the Civilista Party, which lasted until the onset of the authoritarian regime of Augusto B. Leguía. The Great Depression caused the downfall of Leguía, renewed political turmoil, and the emergence of the American Popular Revolutionary Alliance (APRA). The rivalry between this organization and a coalition of the elite and the military defined Peruvian politics for the following three decades.
  In 1968, the Armed Forces, led by General Juan Velasco Alvarado, staged a coup against president Fernando Belaunde. The new regime undertook radical reforms aimed at fostering development but failed to gain widespread support. In 1975, Velasco was forcefully replaced as president by General Francisco Morales Bermúdez, who paralyzed reforms and oversaw the reestablishment of democracy. During the 1980s, Peru faced a considerable external debt, ever-growing inflation, a surge in drug trafficking, and massive political violence. Under the presidency of Alberto Fujimori (1990–2000), the country started to recover; however, accusations of authoritarianism, corruption, and human rights violations forced his resignation after the controversial 2000 elections. Since the end of the Fujimori regime, Peru has tried to fight corruption while sustaining economic growth; the current president is Alan García.
  Congress sits in the Palacio Legislativo in Lima.Peru is a presidential representative democratic republic with a multi-party system. Under the current constitution, the President is the head of state and government; he or she is elected for five years and may not immediately be re-elected. The President designates the Prime Minister and, with his advice, the rest of the Council of Ministers. There is a unicameral Congress with 120 members elected for a five-year term. Bills may be proposed by either the executive or the legislative branch; they become law after being passed by Congress and promulgated by the President. The judiciary is nominally independent, though political intervention into judicial matters has been common throughout history and arguably continues today.
  The Peruvian government is directly elected, and voting is compulsory for all citizens aged 18 to 70. General elections held in 2006 ended in a second round victory for presidential candidate Alan García of the Peruvian Aprista Party (52.6% of valid votes) over Ollanta Humala of Union for Peru (47.4%). Congress is currently composed of the Peruvian Aprista Party (36 seats), Peruvian Nationalist Party (23 seats), Union for Peru (19 seats), National Unity (15 seats), the Fujimorista Alliance for the Future (13 seats), the Parliamentary Alliance (9 seats) and the Democratic Special Parliamentary Group (5 seats).
  Peruvian foreign relations have been dominated by border conflicts with neighboring countries, most of which were settled during the 20th century. There is still an ongoing dispute with Chile over maritime limits in the Pacific Ocean. Peru is an active member of several regional blocs and one of the founders of the Andean Community of Nations. It is also a participant in international organizations such as the Organization of American States and the United Nations. The Peruvian military is composed of an army, a navy and an air force; its primary mission is to safeguard the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. The armed forces are subordinate to the Ministry of Defense and to the President as Commander-in-Chief. Conscription was abolished in 1999 and replaced by voluntary military service.
  velicaIcaJunínLa LibertadLamba
  ProvinceCallaoLoretoMadre de DiosMoqueguaPascoPiuraPunoTacnaTumbesSan
  infoClickable map of the regions of Peru.Peru is divided into 25 regions and the province of Lima. Each region has an elected government composed of a president and a council, which serves for a four-year term. These governments plan regional development, execute public investment projects, promote economic activities, and manage public property. The province of Lima is administered by a city council.
  La Libertad
  Madre de Dios
  San Martín
  Topographic map of PeruPeru covers 1,285,220 km² (496,193 sq mi), making it approximately two-thirds the size of Mexico. It neighbors Ecuador and Colombia to the north, Brazil to the east, Bolivia to the southeast, Chile to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the west.
  The Andes mountains run parallel to the Pacific Ocean, dividing the country into three geographic regions. The costa (coast), to the west, is a narrow plain, largely arid except for valleys created by seasonal rivers. The sierra (highlands) is the region of the Andes; it includes the Altiplano plateau as well as the highest peak of the country, the 6,768 m (22,205 ft) Huascarán. The third region is the selva (jungle), a wide expanse of flat terrain covered by the Amazon rainforest that extends east. Almost 60% of the country's area is located within this region.
  Most Peruvian rivers originate in the Andes and drain into one of three basins. Those that drain toward the Pacific Ocean are steep and short, flowing only intermittently. Tributaries of the Amazon River are longer, have a much larger flow, and are less steep once they exit the sierra. Rivers that drain into Lake Titicaca are generally short and have a large flow. Peru's longest rivers are the Ucayali, the Marañón, the Putumayo, the Yavarí, the Huallaga, the Urubamba, the Mantaro, and the Amazon.
  The peaks of the Andes are the source of many Peruvian rivers.Peru, unlike other equatorial countries, does not have an exclusively tropical climate; the influence of the Andes and the Humboldt Current causes great climatic diversity within the country. The costa has moderate temperatures, low precipitations, and high humidity, except for its warmer, wetter northern reaches. In the sierra, rain is frequent during summer, and temperature and humidity diminish with altitude up to the frozen peaks of the Andes. The selva is characterized by heavy rainfall and high temperatures, except for its southernmost part, which has cold winters and seasonal rainfall. Because of its varied geography and climate, Peru has a high biodiversity; 21,462 species of plants and animals had been reported as of 2003, 5,855 of them endemic. The Peruvian government has established several protected areas for their preservation.
  The seaport of Callao is the main outlet for Peruvian exports.Peru is a developing country with a 2005 Human Development Index score of 0.773. Its 2006 per capita income was US$3,374; 39.3% of its total population is poor, including 13.7% that is extremely poor. Historically, the country's economic performance has been tied to exports, which provide hard currency to finance imports and external debt payments. Although exports have provided substantial revenue, self-sustained growth and a more egalitarian distribution of income have proven elusive.
  Peruvian economic policy has varied widely over the past decades. The 1968–1975 government of Juan Velasco Alvarado introduced radical reforms, which included agrarian reform, the expropriation of foreign companies, the introduction of an economic planning system, and the creation of a large state-owned sector. These measures failed to achieve their objectives of income redistribution and the end of economic dependence on developed nations. Despite these adverse results, most reforms were not reversed until the 1990s, when the liberalizing government of Alberto Fujimori ended price controls, protectionism, restrictions on foreign direct investment, and most state ownership of companies. Reforms have permitted sustained economic growth since 1993, except for a slump after the 1997 Asian financial crisis.
  Services account for 53% of Peruvian gross domestic product, followed by manufacturing (22.3%), extractive industries (15%), and taxes (9.7%). Recent economic growth has been fueled by macroeconomic stability, improved terms of trade, and rising investment and consumption. Trade is expected to increase further after the implementation of a free trade agreement with the United States, which was signed on April 12, 2006. Peru's main exports are copper, gold, zinc, textiles, and fish meal; its major trade partners are the United States, China, Brazil, and Chile.
  Peruvian woman and child of Amerindian ancestryWith about 28 million inhabitants, Peru is the fourth most populous country in South America as of 2007. Its demographic growth rate declined from 2.6% to 1.6% between 1950 and 2000; population is expected to reach approximately 42 million in 2050. As of 2005, 72.6% lived in urban areas and 27.4% in rural areas. Major cities include Lima, Arequipa, Trujillo, Chiclayo, Piura, Iquitos, Chimbote, Cusco, and Huancayo, all of which reported more than 200,000 inhabitants in the 1993 census.
  Peru is a multiethnic nation formed by the combination of different groups over five centuries. Amerindians inhabited Peruvian territory for several millennia before Spanish Conquest in the 16th century; their population decreased from an estimated 9 million in the 1520s to around 600,000 in 1620 mainly due to infectious diseases. Spaniards and Africans arrived in large numbers under colonial rule, mixing widely with each other and with indigenous peoples. After independence, there has been a gradual European immigration from England, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain. Chinese arrived in the 1850s as a replacement for slave workers and have since become a major influence in Peruvian society. Other immigrant groups include Arabs and Japanese.
  Spanish, the first language of 80.3% of Peruvians age 5 and older in 1993, is the primary language of the country. It coexists with several indigenous languages, the most important of which is Quechua, spoken by 16.5% of the population in 1993. Other native and foreign languages were spoken at that time by 3% and 0.2% of Peruvians, respectively. The 2006 National Continuous Census conducted by the National Statistics Institute (INEI) finds that 85 percent of the population that identified with a religion is Catholic and 11 percent Protestant; the remaining 4 percent includes Adventists, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Israelites of the New Universal Pact. Literacy was estimated at 88.9% in 2005; this rate is lower in rural areas (76.1%) than in urban areas (94.8%). Primary and secondary education are compulsory and free in public schools.
  Anonymous Cuzco School painting, 18th centuryPeruvian culture is primarily rooted in Amerindian and Spanish traditions, though it has also been influenced by various African, Asian, and European ethnic groups. Peruvian artistic traditions date back to the elaborate pottery, textiles, jewelry, and sculpture of Pre-Inca cultures. The Incas maintained these crafts and made architectural achievements including the construction of Machu Picchu. Baroque dominated colonial art, though modified by native traditions. During this period, most art focused on religious subjects; the numerous churches of the era and the paintings of the Cuzco School are representative. Arts stagnated after independence until the emergence of Indigenismo in the early 20th century. Since the 1950s, Peruvian art has been eclectic and shaped by both foreign and local art currents.
  Peruvian literature has its roots in the oral traditions of pre-Columbian civilizations. Spaniards introduced writing in the 16th century; colonial literary expression included chronicles and religious literature. After independence, Costumbrism and Romanticism became the most common literary genres, as exemplified in the works of Ricardo Palma. In the early 20th century, the Indigenismo movement produced such writers as Ciro Alegría, José María Arguedas, and César Vallejo. During the second half of the century, Peruvian literature became more widely known because of authors such as Mario Vargas Llosa, a leading member of the Latin American Boom.
  Ceviche is a citrus marinated seafood dish.Peruvian cuisine is a blend of Amerindian and Spanish food with strong influences from African, Arab, Italian, Chinese, and Japanese cooking. Common dishes include anticuchos, ceviche, humitas, and pachamanca. Because of the variety of climates within Peru, a wide range of plants and animals are available for cooking. Peruvian cuisine has recently received acclaim due to its diversity of ingredients and techniques.
  Peruvian music has Andean, Spanish and African roots. In pre-Hispanic times, musical expressions varied widely from region to region; the quena and the tinya were two common instruments. Spanish conquest brought the introduction of new instruments such as the guitar and the harp, as well as the development of crossbred instruments like the charango. African contributions to Peruvian music include its rhythms and the cajón, a percussion instrument. Peruvian folk dances include marinera, tondero, danza de tijeras and huayno.

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