Asian religion based on the teachings of the N Indian philosopher Gautama Siddartha or Buddha 汉法: 世界上主要宗教之一,相传为公元前六至五世纪古印度的迦毗罗卫国(今尼泊尔 境内)王子释迦牟尼所创,广泛流传于亚洲的许多国家。西汉末年传入我
the greater [lesser] vehicle
Asian religion based on the teachings of the N Indian philosopher Gautama Siddartha or Buddha
The Rus' Khaganate was a polity that flourished during a poorly documented period in the history of Eastern Europe (roughly the late 8th and early to mid-9th centuries AD). A predecessor to the Rurik Dynasty and the Kievan Rus', t...