  • 據分析股票行情的專業人士說,穩定在那個水平對市場是個好徵兆。自那個水平落將會再度引起[股票]拋售。
    Stability at that level augurs well for the market, analysts say, while a plunge through it could spark renewed selling [of stocks].
  • 芭蕾舞演員泰格利歐尼準備晚會演出時,在跟着父親上了兩小時非常嚴格的芭蕾課程之後,她會精疲力盡倒在地,不得不讓別人幫她脫下衣服,用濕海綿擦身,使她從完全失去知覺中蘇醒過來。
    When the ballet dancer Taglioni was preparing herself for her evening exhibition, she would, after a severe two hours' lesson from her father, fall down exhausted, and had to be undressed, sponged, and resuscitated from being totally unconscious.
  • 由於貨源充足,下個星期市場行情可能下
    As the goods are in plenty supply, the market will probably fall ret week.
  •  第八點,人才的價值一直嚮上升,資本的價值一直嚮下。財富的追求,我相信比舊經濟時代要厲害。
    Eighth, talent is highly valued whereas capital funds are less important, though the pursuit for personal richness is all the more intense than in the old economy.
  • (升或之後)呈平穩狀態
    Become level after rising or falling
  • 喬心中驚恐萬分,下山時踩到了一塊挺邪門的石頭,崴了腳踝,那裏本來就帶有踢球的舊傷,這讓他更疼痛難忍,一下倒在地。
    Panic was rising and falling in Jon's throat. It was a rogue stone on his downward descent that had wrenched his dodgy ankle, weakened from an old football injury, and sent him crashing to the ground.
  • 節假日期間誘人的食品很多,諸如糖果、麯奇餅、酒等,控製不住的話你的精力就會像乘過山車那樣,一下子升至頂峰又一下子入低𠔌。
    The holiday season is full of temp tations--candy, cookies, alcohol-- that send your body on a roller coaste r ride of energy peaks and crashes.
  • 在一九九九年最後一個交易日,由於銀行大致上都安排了充裕的流動資金,部分銀行更開始把過剩的流動資金拆出,因此各種期限的銀行同業拆息均下
    On the last trading day of 1999, the whole spectrum of interbank interest rates fell as banks had largely arranged for adequate funding and some started to place out surplus liquidity in anticipation of a safe rollover into Year 2000.
  • 此次股市“滑鐵盧”使他從全世界首富位置上了下來。
    The rout eventually dislodged him from his status as the wrold's richest man.
  • 謠傳利率上升之後,股票市場價格猛
    Stock market price tumble after rumor of a rise in interest rate.
  • 在瑞士洛桑國際管理學院的競爭力年報上,香港的競爭力更到第七位。
    It has fallen further to the seventh rung in the World Competitiveness Yearbook published by the Lausanne International Institute for Management Development.
  • 他無力地跌進椅子。
    He sagged into the chair.
  • 他臉朝下到沙子裏。
    He fell face downwards in the sand.
  • 他救了他的朋友,使他沒有下去。
    He saved his friend from falling.
  • 物價隨需求變化而反覆漲
    Prices see-saw according to demand.
  • 葛:世界各地通貨膨脹率每年為3-9%,而曾脂價格和去年成交價相比,衹上漲了5%。我們的報盤表面上漲了15%,乃是美元急劇下造成的。
    The rate of inflation around the world is from 3-9% while the rise in price for tallow is only 5% compared with our last transaction. The seeming 15% rise in our offer is caused by the precipitous slide of the dollar.
  • 眩暈的感覺:好象要到。
    a reeling sensation; feeling about to fall.
  • 股票交易所的股票下
    The share have a setback on the stock exchange.
  • 在這座山上一失足便會入萬丈深淵。
    One slip on this mountain and you will fall into the abyss.
  •  今年初,紐約自動報價股市指數大,致使挂牌於其中以及在各地上市的科技股價格猛瀉,衆多帳面上的百萬富翁先前手持的網絡公司股票選購權實際上已分文不值。
    However, with the collapse of the US Nasdag share index earlier this year resulting in the plunge in prices of technology shares listed on it and elsewhere, the hitherto valuable share options held by numerous paper dot.com millionaires have become virtually worthless in these changed circumstances.
  • 如果你要在公司股價下中賺取利潤,一個方式是賣空股票。
    What about the situation where you want to profit from a possible fall in the share price of a company? One way is to sell short its shares.
  • 金融顧問喬恩·弗朗西斯講,股價落使現在成為一個投資的好時機,股市位於低𠔌的時候,你的資金會比在相反情況下購得更多的股份。
    Financial adviser, Jon Francis, says falling share values make now a good time to invest. “You get more shares for your money when markets are at the bottom rather than the top.
  •  如果股價真的下,你就購買股票,行使沽出期權,然後取得轉換價。這個情況和你賣空股票一樣。
    If the price indeed falls, you would buy a share, tender it with the put and receive the exercise price, placing you in a similar situation had you sold short the shares.
  • 他從臺階上下來,擦破了小腿上的皮。
    He fell down the steps and barked his shins.
  • 儘管去年可口可樂公司的營業收入和股票價格因國外經濟動蕩的到來之際而大,依萬斯特着重支持公司的市場推廣和長期合作的客戶關係。
    Even when Coke's earnings and stock price dropped precipitously last year in the wake of economic turmoil abroad, Ivester kept the company focused on shoring up its marketing and infrastructure for the long term.
  • 第二個缺點是,不像股票,指數期貨是有到期日的,而且到期日多半很短,近的就在當月月底,遠的也不過就是一年又兩個月以後。(當然,如果此合約受到市場歡迎,衹要有這方面的需求,交易所可推出更遠的合約。)當我們自資買進股票、股價卻不斷下時,“不服輸”(因此,不肯放手)的人可以把股票“收”起來,衹要公司不倒,價格反彈的機會總是在的。期貨就不同了,到期日一到,就得來個輸贏總算帳。
    Compared with an actual investment in a basket of shares, taking a long position in SIF has another shortcoming. When the market drops, both shares and the long position in SIF will lose value. However, shares do not "expire" (unless the company goes bankrupt and is liquidated) and if an investor with the holding power decides to hold on to the shares, he can always do so. This however does not apply to SIF. Each SIF has a "maturity date" when any outstanding position in that contract must be closed. In other words, one can choose not to realise paper losses when one invests in shares; but, one will be forced to realise such losses with SIF contracts.
  • 有一個人穿着拳擊褲撞撞地走了出來。
    One man stumbled out in boxer shorts.
  • 倒而使肩部脫臼。
    He fell and dislocated his shoulder.
  • 剩餘貨物將會迫使價格從一美元到六十美分。
    The surplus will shove the price down from a dollar to 60 cents.
  • 提供予金融機構的貸款顯着下
    Loans for financial concerns shrank notably.
  • 另一方面,製造業占的比率則明顯縮減,由一九八零年的42%下至一九九零年的28%,到一九九九年更進一步下至衹有8%左右。
    On the other hand, the share of the manufacturing sector in total employment shrank visibly, from 42 per cent in 1980 to 28 per cent in 1990, and further to only about 8 per cent in 1999.
  • 他在那打滑的人行道上得很慘。
    He took a nasty flop on that slippery sidewalk.