  • 在把門的把手弄得格格地響。
    Who is rattling the door handle?
  • 他已經老得無法認出他是了。
    he had unrecognizably aged.
  • 由於你那魯莽的做法, 還能喜歡你呢?
    After the impertinent way you acted, who could like you?
  • 受這樣的對待都得反抗.
    Such treatment would make anyone rebel.
  • 再沒有比這位南非白人更有理由信奉這條格言了:篤信上帝,但要保持火藥乾燥。
    No man was ever more fit than the Afrikaner to hold the motto: Have faith in God but keep your powder dry.
  • 觸發了這次反叛?
    Who triggered off the rebellion?
  • 我記不起過去聽說過這個話。
    I could not recall having heard anyone say that before.
  • 她瞟了他一眼,似乎沒有認出他是
    She glances at him with no sort of recognition.
  • 你能認出那個女人是了嗎,瑪麗?
    Can you recognize that woman,Mary?
  • 你能認出那個女人是了嗎,瑪麗?
    Can you recognize that woman, Mary?
  • 都看出了局勢的嚴重性。
    Everybody recognized the seriousness of the situation.
  • 也不能安於落後,落後就不能生存。
    We cannot reconcile ourselves to lagging behind others;if we do, we will not survive.
  • 第三,大勢所趨,都看到國民黨反動統治再也扶不起來了,即便對國民黨曾有幻想的人,都覺得要重新考慮自己的事情了。
    Third, because it was dictated by the general trend of events--everybody had noticed that there was not hope of propping up the reactionary Kuomintang rule again and even those who had cherished illusions about the Kuomintang began to reconsider their positions.
  • 雖然不聽他的話,他就想整一下,但是整到什麽程度,他還是有考慮的。
    Despite the fact that Comrade Mao wanted to "rectify" anyone who disobeyed him, he still gave some consideration to how far he should go.
  • 他咧嘴一樂,"說我需要贖罪?
    he said with a grin. "And who says I need redeeming anyway?"
  • 我應該找辦這件事?
    To whom should I refer the matter?
  • 擔任球賽裁判員呢?
    Who acted as the referee?
  • 誰是國際裁判?
    Who is the international referee?
  • 誰是國傢裁判?
    Who is the national referee?
  • 是這次比賽的主裁判?
    Who is the chief referee of the tournament?
  • 這場籃球賽的裁判是
    Who is the referee of the basketball game?
  • 她這樣說時,我不知道她指的是
    I didn't know whom she was referring to when she said that.
  • 她這樣說時,我不知道她指的是
    I did not know whom she was referring to when she said that.
  • 無論我引用的話,你都堅持你的意見。
    Whoever I quote, you retain your opinion.
  • 無論是做的工作,衹要出色,就不要吝惜贊揚。
    Praise good work done, regardless of who did it.
  • 也知道,在現在這個世界上,拒絶了蘇聯,就是拒絶了和平。
    Everybody knows that in the contemporary world rejection of the Soviet Union means rejection of peace.
  • 又是偷梁換柱,把精工堆滿聖骨盒和聖物盒的那峨特式古老祭壇去掉,換上了刻着天使頭像和雲彩的那口笨重的大理石棺材,仿佛是聖恩𠔌教堂或殘老軍人院的一個零散的樣品?
    And who substituted for the ancient gothic altar, splendidly encumbered with shrines and reliquaries, that heavy marble sarcophagus, with angels' heads and clouds, which seems a specimen pillaged from the Val de Grace e or the Invalides?
  • 對雇你可以有選擇,而且你也不必擔心重新安置的問題。
    You can be choosy about whom you hire, and you don't have to worry about relocation issues.
  • 大傢會相互回憶幾件有關她過去的逸事,然後各人將依然故我,絲毫不受這事的影響,甚至也不會因此而掉一滴眼淚。
    A few reminiscences are exchanged about her, and the lives of all and sundry continue as before without so much as a tear.
  • 大傢都知道,現在“四人幫”的殘餘和一些別有用心的人,打的旗幟?
    You all know what banner is being waved by the remnants of the Gang of Four and others who have ulterior motives.
  • 這優勢分是得到的?
    Whose advantage is it?
  • 他報告說,沒看見進來。
    He reported having seen no one come in.