  • 飛機衝出跑道的盡頭,沒有空而起,卻在沼澤中着火焚毀了。
    The plane shot off the end of a runway without taking to the air and piled up in flames in a bog.
  • 出洪奔騰而來。
    Torrents of water came rushing down from the mountains.
  • 工作緊俏時,加入勞動大軍的年輕人往往就得給那些能給公司帶來更多效益的有經驗的工人位置。
    When jobs are scarce, young people entering the work force tend to get shouldered aside in favour of experienced workers with more to offer the firm.
  • 格拉爾被這個意外的攻擊吃了一驚,他轉身嚮卡德魯斯,細察他的臉部的表情,看看他是不是故意的,但他在那張醉醉醺醺的臉上看到了嫉妒。
    Danglars shuddered at this unexpected attack, and turned to Caderousse, whose countenance he scrutinized, to try and detect whether the blow was premeditated; but he read nothing but envy in a countenance already rendered brutal and stupid by drunkenness.
  • “而且也是一名一流的海員,是在大海與藍天之間度過一生的——是負責莫雷爾父子公司這種重要的公司的最合適的人才。”格拉爾回答。
    "And a first-rate seaman, one who had seen long and honorable service, as became a man charged with the interests of a house so important as that of Morrel & Son," replied Danglars.
  • 他長得真難看,上一次我看見他的時候,他竟然是西雅圖的圖柱柱頂。
    He is so ugly, the last time I see him he is the top of a totem pole in seattle.
  • 他長得真難看,上一次我看見他的時候,他竟然是西雅圖的圖柱柱頂。
    He is so ugly, the last time I see him he was the top of a totem pole in Seattle.
  • 他長得真難看,上一次我看見他的時候,他竟然是西雅圖的圖柱柱頂。
    He was so ugly, the last time I saw him he was the top of a totem pole in Seattle.
  • 瓊斯在這個涼爽的周五晚上跑了10.83秒,場內110,000名觀衆頓時一片沸
    Jones ran 10.83 sec.on a cool Friday evening, thrilling 110,000 fans.
  • 的或類似沸的;冒泡的
    Boiling or seeming to boil; bubbling.
  • 由於爭辯變得這麽火氣,以至隔壁的婦人着人去叫消防隊。
    The argument becomes so heated that the woman next door sends for the fire brigade.
  • 樹底火的熱量不斷升,使果球幹裂,然後樹種得以傳播。
    The rising heat of a fire beneath a giant sequoia dries the cone and causes the scales to open.And the seeds are able to release.
  • 你就是鬧到夜裏,她也不會開。”
    and shoo'll nut oppen't an ye mak yer flaysome dins till neeght.'
  • “我跟這個傻瓜打交道是搞不出什麽名堂來的,”他默默地自語道,“我竟在這兒夾在了一個是醉鬼,一個是懦夫中間,這真讓我不安,可這個迦太羅尼亞人那閃光的眼睛卻象西班牙人、西西裏人和卡拉布蘭人,而他不僅將要娶到一位漂亮的姑娘,而且又要做船長,他可以嘲笑我們這些人,除非——”格拉爾的嘴邊浮起一個陰險的微笑——“除非我來做點什麽干涉一下。”他加上了一句。
    "I shall get nothing from these fools," he muttered; "and I am very much afraid of being here between a drunkard and a coward. Here's an envious fellow making himself boozy on wine when he ought to be nursing his wrath, and here is a fool who sees the woman he loves stolen from under his nose and takes on like a big baby. Yet this Catalan has eyes that glisten like those of the vengeful Spaniards, Sicilians, and Calabrians, and the other has fists big enough to crush an ox at one blow. Unquestionably, Edmond's star is in the ascendant, and he will marry the splendid girl--he will be captain, too, and laugh at us all, unless"--a sinister smile passed over Danglars' lips--"unless I take a hand in the affair," he added.
  • 我不得不在一大堆報紙中折尋找一片丟失了的文章。
    I had to sift through a pile of papers looking for the lost article.
  • 在將沸的溫度下燉幾個小時。
    the stew remained at a simmer for hours.
  • 把混合物煮至沸,然後再用文火煮十分鐘
    Bring the mixture to the boil, then let it simmer for ten minutes.
  • “嗯,別提了,”卡德魯斯說,他給弗爾南多倒了一杯酒,也給自己倒了一杯,這已是他喝的也不知是第八杯還是第九杯了,而格拉爾始終衹是抿一下酒杯而已。
    "Well, never mind," answered Caderousse, pouring out a glass of wine for Fernand, and filling his own for the eighth or ninth time, while Danglars had merely sipped his.
  • 在過去的兩年間,康柏收購了兩傢相當大的競爭對手:1997年收購了天電腦公司去年夏季收購了dec公司。
    Over the past two years, Compaq has bought two sizable rivals: Tandem Computers in 1997 and Digital Equipment last summer.
  • 他在做第二周翻時,頭撞到了高臺,撞碎了頭蓋骨。
    He slammed his head into the tower on the second somersault, fracturing his skull.
  • 遍及十三州的搜捕法拉塞一事,已遭遇障礙,因兇手可能已獲充分時間逃走。法拉塞涉嫌周二在斯塔島以行刑方式殺死聯邦探員哈徹。
    The 13-state manhunt for Constible Farace, sought in connection with the execution-style slaying of federal agent Hatcher Tuesday on Staten Island, has been hampered by the head start the killer may have gotten.
  • 幹果糖用幹果仁,尤指杏仁或山核桃仁在沸的糖漿裏攪拌直至發焦變脆而製成的蜜餞
    A confection made of nut kernels, especially almonds or pecans, stirred in boiling sugar syrup until crisp and brown.
  • 熱氣的羊排扣在盤子裏端了上來,肉香撲鼻。
    The muttonchops were brought in hot and hot between two plates and smelt very nice.
  • 格拉爾一面說着一面寫了起來,他用左手寫下了幾行歪歪斜斜的根本看不出是他自己的筆跡的文字,然後他把那篇文字交給弗爾南多,弗爾南多低聲讀道:“檢察官先生臺鑒,敝人擁護王室及教會之人士,茲嚮您報告有愛德蒙·唐太斯其人,係法老號之大副,今晨自士麥拿經那不勒斯抵埠,中途曾停靠費拉約港。此人受繆拉之命送信與逆賊,並受逆賊命送信與巴黎拿破侖黨委員會。
    And Danglars, uniting practice with theory, wrote with his left hand, and in a writing reversed from his usual style, and totally unlike it, the following lines, which he handed to Fernand, and which Fernand read in an undertone:--"The honorable, the king's attorney, is informed by a friend of the throne and religion, that one Edmond Dantès, mate of the ship Pharaon, arrived this morning from Smyrna, after having touched at Naples and Porto-Ferrajo, has been intrusted by Murat with a letter for the usurper, and by the usurper with a letter for the Bonapartist committee in Paris.
  • 排放出的氣味就像開胃劑一樣在空氣中流動,對於蚊子來說等同於開飯的鈴聲,提醒它們附近有熱的美餐。
    The appetizing stir is the olfactory equivalent of a dinner bell, alerting mosquitoes that a warm meal is within range.
  • 你知道我指的是什麽,格拉爾,這是我應盡的義務,而且,我去衹要不長的時間就夠了。”
    you know to what I allude, Danglars--it is sacred. Besides, I shall only take the time to go and return."
  • 生於敘利亞和阿拉伯的一種荒漠灌木,開白色的小花;即舊約全書中的杜鬆(羅樹);有時歸入染料木屬。
    desert shrub of Syria and Arabia having small white flowers; constitutes the juniper of the Old Testament; sometimes placed in genus Genista.
  • 格拉爾故意阻止卡德魯斯,後者卻要說下去的樣子帶着醉鬼的拗性,已把頭探出了涼棚。
    said Danglars, pretending to restrain Caderousse, who, with the tenacity of drunkards, leaned out of the arbor.
  • 那青年突然停了下來,環顧四周,看見卡德魯斯和格拉爾在一個涼棚裏對桌而坐。
    The young man stopped suddenly, looked around him, and perceived Caderousse sitting at table with Danglars, under an arbor.
  • 他們大約嚮前走了二十碼左右,格拉爾回過頭來,看見弗爾南多正在彎腰撿起那張揉皺的紙,並塞進他的口袋裏,然後衝出涼棚,嚮皮隆方面奔去。
    When they had advanced about twenty yards, Danglars looked back and saw Fernand stoop, pick up the crumpled paper, and putting it into his pocket then rush out of the arbor towards Pillon.
  • “是的,”格拉爾說,一面把信移開了,使他拿不到,“我剛纔所說所做的不過是開開玩笑而已,假如唐太斯,這位可敬的唐太斯遭到了什麽不幸,我會第一個感到難過的,你看,”他拿起了那封信,把它揉成一團,拋嚮涼棚的一個角落裏。
    "Yes," said Danglars, taking it from beyond his reach; "and as what I say and do is merely in jest, and I, amongst the first and foremost, should be sorry if anything happened to Dantès--the worthy Dantès--look here!" And taking the letter, he squeezed it up in his hands and threw it into a corner of the arbor.
  • 司法宮宏偉的峨特式③正面的中央有一道高大的臺階,兩股人流不停上上下下,這是因為人流在居中的臺階底下碎散後,又以波濤翻之勢,嚮兩側斜坡擴散開來。
    In the centre of the high Gothic facade of the Palais was the great flight of steps, incessantly occupied by a double stream ascending and descending, which, after being broken by the intermediate landing, spread in broad waves over the two lateral flights.