  • 你總可聽到佩服得五體投地的華生祝賀福爾摩斯得出明的結論。
    You can almost hear the admiring Watson congratulating Holmes on his clever conclusion.
  • 足智多謀的人才有能力對付睏難的局勢;一個有能力的、足智多謀的政治傢;城裏最明的廚師。
    someone who is resourceful is capable of dealing with difficult situations; an able and resourceful politician; the most resourceful cook in town.
  • 錢特利·錢(chantelleqian)明、機敏而且討人喜歡。
    Chantelle Qian is bright, personable and resourceful.
  • 明的,精明的顯示出明的洞察力和智慧的;精明的
    Showing clever awareness and resourcefulness; shrewd.
  • 欺他指揮笨拙,遊擊隊就可以放手發揮自己的明。
    and taking advantage of the stupidities in the enemy's command, the guerrilla units can give full scope to their resourcefulness.
  • 他的明和技藝博得我們的贊賞。
    His cleverness and skill compel our admiration.
  • 約翰明有禮,又知分寸,總之,他值得誇奬。
    John is smart, polite, and well-behaved. In a word, he is admirable.
  • 這並不是說上帝造了個漂亮的或明的女人,或可用任何形容詞形容的女人。
    It doesn't say that he made a pretty or a witty woman, or an any kind of adjective woman.
  • 有美貌忠誠的妻子,兩個明健康的孩子,還有一份待遇優厚的稱心工作;此外還錦上添花——他又剛繼承了在法國裏維埃拉的一座別墅。
    A beautiful, devoted wife; two intelligent, healthy children; a wellpaid, interesting job: all this and heaven too--he's just inherited a villa on the French Riviera.
  • 我們要趕搭中國的順風車,除了要曉得去哪裏買車票之外,也應該知道這部車是從哪裏開來的,要開到什麽地方去。否則,我們就是既不明、精明,也不高明。
    Besides knowing how to “hitch a ride” from China, we need to be more knowledgeable than what we are now about the roaring economy - we need to know both where the juggernaut comes from and where it is heading.
  • 使朱莉婭.羅伯茨成名的她所飾演的那些銀幕女性形象都是藍領麗人,她們既明又風趣,就像她這位在父母離異後與其母和妹妹在佐治亞州的斯米爾納長大的姑娘一樣。
    The young women that Julia Roberts became famous playing were all working-class women who were smart and funny, like the girl who grew up in Smyrna, Georgia, with her mother and sister, after her parents divorced.
  • 流浪漢的明的無賴或冒險者的,或涉及這些人的
    Of or involving clever rogues or adventurers.
  •  中國婦女的明才智在文化藝術領域得到充分的發揮。
    Chinese women have exhibited their acumen and talents in the arts and culture.
  • 學習或者理解得慢;缺少明、敏銳。
    slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity.
  • 缺少明、敏銳,或者以缺少明、敏銳為特點。
    lacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuity.
  • 他在打第二墩牌時將吃梅花,這很明。
    He's clever to ruff a club at trick two.
  • 隨着歲月的流逝我變得既明又憂傷。
    As the years go on, I grow both wiser and sadder.
  • 隨着歲月的流逝,我們變明了,也變得多愁善感了。
    As the years go on, we grow both wiser and sadder.
  • “性情明溫順的當地人”(塞繆爾·巴特勒)
    "The natives... being... of an intelligent tractable disposition"(Samuel Butler).
  • 數個月前,非常受歡迎的國際性電視節目“百萬大贏傢”在本地啓播。不久,一分外國報章帶着嘲笑的口吻,譏諷所謂的明新加坡人,表現和人們的期待相差太遠了。因為,在前幾期被抽中參加節目的人,連相當簡單的選擇題都答錯了。
    When the popular international TV show, “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire”, was launched here several months ago, a foreign newspaper commented sarcastically that Singapore's much publicised intelligent population did not measure up to expectations, as a good number of the pioneer participants, picked by luck of the draw, failed to answer correctly the relatively simple multiple-choice questions.
  • 美國媒體一嚮對別的事情喜歡雞蛋裏挑骨頭,但對自詡“明的武器”卻三枚居然都那麽準地“誤擊”,連最起碼的懷疑精神都告失去,寧不使人嘖嘖稱奇。
    The American media has always love nitpicking where other things are concerned, but as to how three "intelligent weapons" could have hit a target "by mistake" and with such accuracy, the most basic media scepticism was not to be found. This is indeed an eye-opener.
  • 美國媒體一嚮對別的事情喜歡雞蛋裏挑骨頭,但對自詡“明的武器”卻三枚居然都那麽準地“誤擊”,連最起碼的懷疑精神都告失去,寧不使人嘖嘖稱奇。
    The merican media has always love nitpicking where other things are concerned, but as to how three "intelligent weapons" could have hit a target "by mistake" and with such accuracy, the most basic media scepticism was not to be found. This is indeed an eye-opener.
  • 這是西雅圖一所管製最嚴的學校,它以嚴格的課程要求而著稱,是個"連啞童都明的"地方。
    It was Seattle's most exclusive school and was noted for its rigorous academic demands, a place where "even the dumb kids were smart."
  • 好像能夠洞悉另一個人的思想(經常通過他助手的明信號)的魔術師。
    a magician who seems to discern the thoughts of another person (usually by clever signals from an accomplice).
  • 貌似明、有興趣、氣憤
    Seeming intelligence, interest, anger
  • 她的穎是不言而喻的。
    Her intelligence is self-evident.
  • 之後,我意外發現了一些上不了臺面的教學技巧,我不再批評那些總不成功的學生,而是相反把本學期對學生的評估成績提高,我的檔案表明,我是一名明、關心和鼓勵學生的教師。
    Then I stumbled upon some dubious teaching techniques, reversed the criticisms of these chronically unhappy students and improved my student evaluations for the semester.My record would reflect a smart, attentive,encouraging teacher.
  • 詹姆斯·剋萊頓(科林·法雷爾飾)也許和一般新兵的心態不同,但他卻是美國最明的大學畢業生之一--而且他正是沃爾特·伯剋(艾爾·帕西諾飾)在中情局需要的人。
    James Clayton(Colin Farrell) might not have the attitude of a typical recruit,but he is one of the smartest graduating seniors in the country? and he's just the person that Walter Burke(Al Pacino)wants in the Agency.
  • 這個小男孩年齡尚幼,但十分明,儘管他的父母從未當着他的面爭吵過,但他已感覺到了他們之間存有不和。
    Young though he was, the child was as sharp as a needle and sensed the disharmony between his parents in spite of the fact that they never quarreled in front of him.
  • 一個明的二傳手能通過變換進攻戰術使對手摸不着頭腦。
    A smart setter can constantly keep the opponents guessing by varying the attack tactics.
  • 因為甚至最驕傲的人,也甘願在情人面前自輕自賤。所以古人說得好:“就是神在愛情中也難保持明。”
    For there was never proud man thought so absurdly well of himself, as the lover doth of the person loved; and therefore it was well said, That it is impossible to love, and to be wise.
  • 希拉很明,然而在表達思想時卻有些靦腆。
    Sheila is very clever but rather backward in express her idea.