  • 人當中的網際網絡使用者比例到底多大,則是個有待探討的問題。
    However, it remains questionable how many among those Chinese-speakers are Internet-users.
  • 一大人在扣除以進入展覽館。
    Crowd of people is queue to get into the exhibition.
  • 沼穴充滿泥漿或流沙的地方,可對牛構成威脅
    A place filled with mud or quicksand that is a hazard to cattle.
  • 女孩子的行為真叫人費解,她們的目的是什麽?
    Those girls' behaviour is difficult to understand. What are they aiming at?
  • 全場引頸以待,情鼎沸.
    A quiver of expectancy ran through the audience.
  • 專門小組聚在一起策劃或討論一個問題、裁判一場比賽或在無綫電臺或電視臺小測驗節目中充當一個隊的一
    A group of people gathered to plan or discuss an issue, judge a contest, or act as a team on a radio or television quiz program.
  • 隨後的幾天,幾個星期我都和別人在一起:一好不管理的童子軍,出席教師和傢長聯席會,照顧生活的母親。
    The days and weeks that followed belonged to others: a group of unruly Boy Scouts, PTA meetings, an ailing mother.
  • 在中國的貧睏人口中,婦女是貧睏程度最深、承受壓力最大、最需要幫助的體,以代表和維護婦女利益為已任的婦聯組織,挑起了配合政府帶領婦女治窮致富的重任。
    Among the poor population in the country, women are the most impoverished, bearing biggest pressure and most in need of aiding. As organizations always taking safeguarding women's rights and interests as their duty, women's federations take up the responsibility of pulling women out of poverty in close coordination with the government.
  • 他因為教唆這些打架的孩子而受到責備。
    He was scolded for aiding and abetting those boys who were fighting.
  • 一群狗在追兔子。
    A pack of dogs took after the rabbit.
  • 憤怒的暴徒衝擊了大使館。
    A rabble of angry citizens stormed the embassy.
  • 那心甘情願的服從;如果沒有它,你們的軍隊將是一卑鄙的烏合之衆;獲取卑鄙的利益;被那種狹窄的野心憋得透不過氣來-莎士比亞;一些政治上庸俗而卑鄙的事情。
    that liberal obedience without which your army would be a base rabble- Edmund Burke; taking a mean advantage; chok'd with ambition of the meaner sort- Shakespeare; something essentially vulgar and meanspirited in politics.
  • 狗把那衹浣熊逼上了樹
    Dogs treed the raccoon.
  • 東印度島喬木,黃白色花,總狀花序;因觀賞而大量栽培。
    East Indian tree with racemes of yellow-white flowers; cultivated as an ornamental.
  • 當切爾西·剋林頓和白宮實習生談戀愛的消息傳出後,很多人說這和電視連續劇《白宮英》故事相似。電視劇中的總統女兒和一位白宮助手墜入情網。
    When news broke of Chelsea Clinton's romance with a White House intern, there were many who noted that life appeared to be imitating The West Wing, in which a fictional First Daughter goes out with a young White House aide.
  • 整體殺害一個民族或文化體。
    systematic killing of a racial or cultural group.
  • 不被認為是白人的落的一員
    A person of a racial group not regarded as white.
  • 這無疑可以加強族的和諧與團结。
    This will no doubt help to promote racial harmony and solidarity.
  • 一部分從人種或政治上不同於大團體的體。
    a group of people who differ racially or politically from a larger group of which it is a part.
  • 憲法雖然允許單一族的政黨成立,但絶不允許鼓吹種族主義,排斥其他族和歧視移民。
    Besides, while the constitution allows the formation of a political group by people from the same race, advocacy of racism, discrimination against other ethnic groups, and prejudice against immigrants are prohibited.
  • 前面的路上擠滿了牛
    The road ahead was full of cattle.
  • 珊瑚蟲一種(珊瑚綱)海洋生物,如珊瑚和海葵,有輻射狀體節,單獨或在落中生長
    Any of a class(Anthozoa) of marine organisms, such as the corals and sea anemones, that have radial segments and grow singly or in colonies.
  • 此時我軍衹有一個團在永新,在廣大衆的掩護之下,用四面遊擊的方式,將此十一團敵軍睏在永新縣城附近三十裏內至二十五天之久。
    At that point we had only 1 regiment in Yunghsin which, under the cover provided by the broad masses of the people, pinned down these 11 regiments within a radius of thirty li of Yunghsin county town for as long as twenty-five days by means of guerrilla attacks from every direction.
  • 聯盟不同體間的政治約定(如一個國傢或地區內部的民族或種族),根據一個一致同意的方案或機構共享權力
    A political arrangement in which various groups, such as ethnic or racial populations within a country or region, share power according to an agreed formula or mechanism.
  • 放射性生態學對放射性和放射性同位素對生態落的影響的研究
    The study of the effects of radiation and radioisotopes on an ecological population or community.
  • 從土地鬥爭、經濟鬥爭、革命戰爭中鍛煉出來的衆,涌出來了無數的幹部,怎麽好說沒有幹部呢?
    Innumerable cadres have come to the fore from among the masses who have been steeled in the agrarian struggles, the economic struggles and the revolutionary war. How can we say there is a shortage of cadres?
  • 學生談論着要進行抗議,並組成了一個抗議委員會。
    A group of students chewed the rag and formed a protest committee.
  • 富農一般地在農民衆反對帝國主義的鬥爭中可能參加一分力量,在反對地主的土地革命鬥爭中也可能保持中立。
    Generally speaking, they might make some contribution to the anti-imperialist struggle of the peasant masses and stay neutral in the agrarian revolutionary struggle against the landlords.
  • 右邊空白不整齊的文章;牧趕得不整齊。
    text set with ragged right margins; herded the class into a ragged line.
  • 這一小人發出了刺耳的喊叫。
    A ragged shout went up from the small crowd.
  • 在某些分類中認為是豚草屬中菊科小中的一科。
    in some classifications considered a separate family comprising a subgroup of the Compositae including the ragweeds.
  • 熱帶雨林和亞熱帶森林動物
    tropical rainforest and subtropical forest fauna