  • 母雞所窩了。
    The hen is sitting.
  • 不如自傢草
    East or west,home is the best.
  • 不如咱的狗
    There is no place like home.
  • 兔子不吃窩邊草。
    The fox preys farthest from home.
  • 根據公式計算,那雌火雞是純種,沒有沾上一絲傢養火雞品種不良的成分。為了拍照和保護那個不受捕食動物的侵擾,鳥類學家們在樹林裏紮營露宿。
    According to the formula, the hen was pure-strain wild--not a taint of the sluggish domestic bird in her blood--and the ornithologists were camping in the woods, protecting her nest from predators and taking pictures.
  • 笑的時候臉上出現酒
    produce dimples while smiling.
  • ,銀,不如自傢的草。(美國劇作傢、演員佩恩. J. H.)
    Be it ever so humble , there is no place like home. (John Howard Payne, Averican drmatist and actor)
  • 微笑形成酒窩
    To form dimples by smiling.
  • 他給我講了在索科奇科一個咖啡館的故事。那是丹吉爾市的賊。正是在這裏,騙子,走私犯,毒品販子聚集在一起,他們真是一夥十惡不赦的傢夥。
    He told me the story in a cafe in the Socco Chico, which is the "thieves' kitchen" of Tangier. It is here that crooks and smugglers and dope-pedlars congregate, and a pretty villainous gang they are.
  • 或者衹是看到貧窮、骯髒、零亂、犯罪率種種不如新加坡的地方,回來後於是便更安然地躺在幹淨整潔的小小的安樂裏。
    Or, they may keep their eyes open for whatever is inferior to Singapore, such as dirty and poor places infested with crime, and then return to their little clean and tidy homes, lying down in comfort and smugness.
  • 腋部類似於腋的身體部位,比如鳥翅下面的空隙
    A body part analogous to the armpit, such as the hollow under a bird's wing.
  • gsm網絡使用數綫傳輸和先進的無綫越區切換算法,可以得到比模擬蜂係統好得多的頻率利用,因而增加了服務的用戶數。
    The use of digital radio transmission and the advanced handover algorithms between radio cells in GSM networks allows for significantly better frequency usage than in analogue cellular systems,thus increasing the number of subscribers that can be served.
  • (解剖學)屬於或與腋有關。
    (anatomy) of or relating to the armpit.
  • ,蜂巢小或小泡,如蜂房的巢室
    A small angular cavity or pit, such as a honeycomb cell.
  • 蟻巢蟻窩,蟻山
    A nest of ants; an anthill.
  • (笑)通常被作為美的象徵。
    His dimple appeared whenever he smiled.
  • 一達到適當的年齡,孩子們就被鼓勵,而不是被強迫,"離開老"。
    Upon reaching an appropriate age, children are encouraged, but not forced, to "leave the nest".
  • 薩拉熱南斯拉夫中部一城市,位於貝爾格萊德西南部。1914年6月28日的刺殺奧地利大公佛朗西科·費迪南大公及其妻子事件引發了第一次世界大戰。人口374,500
    A city of central Yugoslavia southwest of Belgrade. The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife on June28,1914, triggered the outbreak of World War I. Population,374, 500.
  • 的有關腋或在腋裏的
    Of, relating to, or located in an axil.
  • 的與腋有關的;腋的
    Concerned with the armpit; axillary.
  • 我們一起躡手躡腳地回到新屋,關掉燈,擠在被裏咯咯地笑成一團,我們互相講鬼故事,講到一半又嚇得彼此告饒,不敢再聽了。
    Togeth er, we tiptoed back to the new room, turned off the lights and huddled under the covers giggling. We told each other ghost stories, each begging the other halfw ay through to stop.
  • 他獨自一人闖了土匪
    He went to the bandits' lair all by himself!
  • 肥料用於使土壤肥沃的材料,尤指𠔌場或馬廄中的肥類,常含有廢棄的動物墊草
    Material, especially barnyard or stable dung, often with discarded animal bedding, used to fertilize soil.
  • 妹妹晚上比我睡得早,而她上床就得關燈,如果我還想看書話就衹得藉助手電筒子,而且還得藏在被裏。
    She went to bed earlier than I did, and the light was turned off at her bedtime, I had to resort to flashlight under the covers if I wanted to r ead.
  • 幼蟲生活在蜂中並以蜂為食的蛾子。
    moth whose larvae live in and feed on bee honeycombs.
  • 東京是個像蜂般人囗集而熱鬧的都市。
    Tokyo is a human beehive of a city.
  • 狀細胞結構;動植物組織的細胞狀特性
    The cellular construction of a beehive; the cellular nature of plant and animal tissue.
  • 的單元式建築;任何對極權政體的有效反抗都必須是秘密的和分成單元的;蜂電話使用位於單元交叉部位的短程傳輸網絡。
    the cellular construction of a beehive; any effective opposition to a totalitarian regime must be secretive and cellular; a cellular phone uses a network of shortrange transmitters located in overlapping cells.
  • 蜜蜂用蜂蠟築成的六角形薄壁蜂房所組成的結構,用於存放蜂蜜和幼蟲
    A structure of hexagonal, thin-walled cells constructed from beeswax by honeybees to hold honey and larvae.
  • 歐洲甲蟲;在蜂中滋生。
    European beetle; infests beehives.
  • 那衹鳥抓住一隻特別大的甲蟲把它帶進
    The bird seized an unusually big beetle and bore it off to its nest.
  • 大概她先瞧了一眼,看看有沒有情書藏在花束裏面,不幸什麽也沒有找着。奧斯本笑着問道:“塞德利,在卜剋雷·拉他們是不是也用花朵兒傳情達意啊?”
    Perhaps she just looked first into the bouquet to see whether there was a billet-doux hidden among the flowers; but there was no letter. “Do they talk the language of flowers at Boggley Wollah, Sedley?” asked Osborne laughing. (W. Thackeray, Vanity Fair).