  • 特定的文化中在臉上刺
    scar (the body) in certain cultures.
  • 左臂上有傷痕
    Bore a scar on the left arm.
  • 它於桌面上留下傷
    It made a scar on the table.
  • 手術疤由於這樣的切割而導致的疤
    The scar resulting from such a cut.
  • 他左臉上有一道很長的疤
    He has a scar running across his left cheek.
  • "很遺憾,這塊疤在她皮膚上造成了缺陷。"
    It's a pity that the scar flawed her skin.
  • 用有標記的卡片進行遊戲;一張有疤的臉;路標明確的道路。
    played with marked cards; a scar-marked face; well-marked roads.
  • 結疤愈合疤組織形成而使愈合或變得愈合
    To heal or become healed by the formation of scar tissue.
  • 在那桌子的表面上有幾條颳傷跡。
    There are several scraping scar marks on the surface of that table.
  • 粘連連接通常分離的解剖結構的疤組織纖維帶
    A fibrous band of scar tissue that binds together normally separate anatomical structures.
  • ,麻子由天花或其他發疹性疾病遺留在皮膚上的窩狀疤
    A pitlike scar left on the skin by smallpox or another eruptive disease.
  • 隕星坑隕石對地表衝擊所造成的
    A scar on the earth's surface left from the impact of a meteorite.
  • 種子上的疤,係胚珠於胚珠柄的跡。
    the scar on certain seeds marking its point of attachment to the funicle.
  • 由這種膿皰在皮膚上留下的標記或疤;痘
    A mark or scar left in the skin by such a pustule; a pockmark.
  • 那傷口給他留下一個一輩子也去不掉的疤
    The wound left a scar that he will carry with him to the grave.
  • 他目光敏銳,一下看到了這人臉上的疤
    With a quick, critical eye, he noted a scar on the man's face.
  • 剛留下的新鮮跡;香味新鮮而且強烈。
    a warm trail; the scent is warm.
  • 動物留下的跡或氣味
    The trail or scent of an animal.
  • 氣味變淡了的跡;狗試圖抓住變淡了的氣味。
    a cold trail; dogs attempting to catch a cold scent.
  • 壁腳板上用鞋蹭出的
    Scuffs on the skirting-board
  • 她的手上留下了傷
    Her hand was seamed with wounds.
  • 那艘船顯示了經受風暴襲擊的跡。
    The ship bore abundant evidence of the severity of the storm.
  • 船抵港時,船上滿是受到暴風雨肆虐的跡。
    When the ship reached port, it bore abundant evidence of the severity of the storm.
  • 攣縮一種異常且常為永久性的縮短,如肌肉或瘢組織,會導致扭麯或變形,特別是身體關節處
    An abnormal, often permanent shortening, as of muscle or scar tissue, that results in distortion or deformity, especially of a joint of the body.
  • 細紋由於壓皺、摺叠或壓縮,在平滑的表面造成的細溝、小脊或摺
    A small furrow, ridge, or crease on a normally smooth surface, caused by crumpling, folding, or shrinking.
  • 臍哺乳動物腹表面的跡,在那兒懷孕期間臍帶附着
    The mark on the surface of the abdomen of mammals where the umbilical cord was attached during gestation.
  • 留下斑斑點點的跡。
    mark with a spot or spots.
  • 如果傷口縫合得好,將不會留下什麽跡。
    If the wound is stitched up skillfully it will hardly leave a mark.
  • 那厚實的桌面,年長日久,被司法宮書記們的鞋跟劃得全是道道跡,現在已搭起一個相當高的木架籠子,上端板面整個大廳都看得見,到時候就作為舞臺。籠子四周圍着帷幕,裏面就作為劇中人的更衣室。
    On the magnificent slab, all scored by the heels of the law-clerks, stood a high wooden erection, the upper floor of which, visible from every part of the Hall, was to serve as the stage, while its interior, hung round with draperies, furnished a dressing-room for the actors.
  • 深的切,如在樹葉上或花瓣上的
    A slash, as in a leaf or petal.
  • 房間的後墻憑空放着兩個怪異的裸體模特,可以看出塑造他們的形體時的審慎的刀
    behind the house lay two nude figures grotesquely bald, with deliberate knife-slashes marking their bodies.
  • 那張床上留有被人睡過的跡。
    The bed bore traces of having been slept in.