  • “你真是個好心腸的人,我的好老
    "How good it was in you, my dear Mr. Bennet!
  • ──農莊上正要馬用,我的好老,是不是?”
    They are wanted in the farm, Mr. Bennet, are not they?"
  • “我的好老,你怎麽捨得這樣糟蹋自己的新生親生女兒?
    "Mr. Bennet, how can you abuse your own children in such way?
  • “辦不到,我的好老,辦不到,我自己還不認識他呢;
    "Impossible, Mr. Bennet, impossible, when I am not acquainted with him myself;
  • “我的好老,”太太回答道,“你怎麽這樣叫人討厭!
    "My dear Mr. Bennet," replied his wife, "how can you be so tiresome!
  • “我的好老,你可不能指望這些女孩都跟她們爹媽一樣的見識呀。
    "My dear Mr. Bennet, you must not expect such girls to have the sense of their father and mother.
  • 我的好老,”她一走進房間就這麽說,“我們這一個晚上過得太快活了,舞會太好了。
    my dear Mr. Bennet," as she entered the room, "we have had a most delightful evening, a most excellent ball.
  • 如今想起,我不禁感到驚奇,一個大老們把自己置於如此屈辱和壓力之下該需要多大勇氣,他究竟是怎樣做到的呀——沒有痛苦,也沒有埋怨。
    When I think of it now, I marvel at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to subject himself to such indignity and stress. And at how he did it---without bitterness or complaint.
  • 你這輛老車給你帶來許多麻煩。
    Your bucket of bolts brings you a lot of trouble.
  • 你什麽時候把那輛老車賣掉?
    When are you going to get rid of that old bucket of bolts?
  • 路德維格··貝多芬1770年12月16日出生在德國波恩,12月17日受洗。他父親和都是音樂傢。
    Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn ' Germany, on December 16, 1770,and was baptized on December 17. His father and grandfather were both musicians.
  • 小莉氣喘籲籲地告訴我:“病了。”
    "Grandpa's taken ill," Xiao Li told me breathlessly.
  • 滿面笑容地說:“我把鬆鼠皮送來了。”
    "I've brought you the squirrel skins," said grandad, smiling broadly.
  • 不要“做官當老”,要反對“衙門作風”,這是毛澤東同志的一些根本的思想觀點,現在我們還是應該按照這些思想觀點去辦事。
    We should not be overlords and should guard against the arbitrary and bureaucratic ways of high officials in the yamen [government offices in feudal China].These are some of the fundamental views of Comrade Mao Zedong, and we should still act in accordance with them.
  • 出去散步時總要帶根手杖
    Grandpa take along a cane when he go out for a walk
  • 出去散步時總要帶根手杖
    Grandpa takes along a cane when he goes out for a walk
  • 負責喂豬,感到很自豪。
    The grandfather takes great pride in caring for the pigs.
  • 我們的牧師大叫,‘少,快來呀!
    shouted our chaplain. "Maister, coom hither!
  • 夏安回憶說:"我給我買了些高爾夫球棒,於是我就開始練打球了。"
    "My grandpa bought me some clubs and then I just started hitting," Cheyenne recalls.
  • 我們厭煩那些官老把我們支來支去。
    We were tired of being pushed around by officious civil servants.
  • 於是一個念頭在我心上一閃,“在我胳臂肘旁邊的那個傻瓜,用盆喝茶,用沒洗過的手拿面包吃,也許就是她的丈夫:希刺剋厲夫少,當然是羅。
    Then it flashed upon me--`The clown at my elbow, who is drinking his tea out of a basin and eating his bread with unwashed hands, may be her husband: Heathcliff, junior, of course.
  • 是位鶴發童顔的矍鑠老人。
    Having white hair and ruddy complexion, my grandfather is hale and hearty.
  • 吃過午飯往往要睡一個小時左右.
    Grandad usually conks out (ie sleeps) for an hour or so after lunch.
  • 秋天裏暗淡而寒冷的清晨會籠罩我的腦海,我會看到在終於幹完活之後,鑽進那輛老拖拉機的駕駛艙,往傢開去。
    The chill autumn morning darkness envelopes my mind and I see my grandpa, his work finally done, crawling into the seat of the old tractor and making his way home.
  • 69歲的丹·卡彭特也詼諧地說,“是的,前幾天我似乎看見他走路了。”
    “ Yeah,” cracks Dan Carpenter, 69, the baby's paternal grandfather, “ I think I saw him walking the other day.
  • 他們的輪船去見竜王了(沉沒了).
    Their ship was sent to Davy Jones's locker, ie was sunk.
  • “我的好老,你太捧我啦。
    "My dear, you flatter me.
  • 他們所能背誦的書,也沒有和五孫捨兩樣,大舅還把後妃不妒忌子孫衆多的螽斯一篇詩,替妹子講解,他舉起右手五個指頭,攢簇的蠕動,形容那子孫蟄蟄的意思,這時候,五孫捨也不由得笑了,真正同情她的,還是四孫捨和六孫捨。
    The maxim was something which they had chanted so often and they were therefore not any different from their brother 5th Sun-she. 4th Sun-she then explained the poem about the queen : how, by not being jealous of the king's concubines, Zhong-si was blessed with innumerable children in the end. In making the point to his sister-in-law, 4th Sun-she held out his right hand and started to wriggle his cluster of five fingers to depict the swarms of children. By this time, even 5th Sun-she was amused into laughter. When all is said and done, it was still 4th Sun-she and 6th Sun-she who sympathized with her.
  • 好些革命軍軍官傢裏的年尊老太,煙癮極重,靠一桿“槍”救命的,都被“萬歲”(劣紳譏誚農民之稱)們繳了去。
    Quite a number of venerable fathers of officers in the revolutionary army, old men who were opium-addicts and inseparable from their pipes, have been disarmed by the "emperors" (as the peasants are called derisively by the evil gentry).
  • 爵爺夫人不依。
    But even this did not deter the Lady.
  • 我那輛雪佛蘭老車需要不少零零星星的修理。
    I have to make some nickel-and-dime repair on my old Chevy.
  • 每個星期修我那部雪佛蘭老車一點一滴地把我榨窮了。
    Weekly repair on my old Chevy is nickel-and-dime me to death.