  • 瓜葉菊,千日蓮一種菊科雜交的裝飾用植物(千裏光屬自詠恢鄭??稍??詡幽搶?旱旱鈉分址庇??矗?醒蘩齙摹⒃由?姆渥賜紛椿ㄐ蚝鴕?俗⒛康撓幸??庠蟮囊蹲櫻?魑?夷謚參鍩蚧ㄌ持參鋃?惴旱卦災
    Any of several hybrid ornamental plants(Senecio hybridus) in the composite family, derived from species native to the Canary Islands and widely grown as indoor or bedding plants for their showy, variously colored radiate flower heads and attractive silvery foliage.
  • 在瑞士,共産黨人支持激進,但是並不忽略這個政黨是由互相矛盾的分子組成的,其中一部分是法國式的民主社會主義者,一部分是激進的資産者。
    In Switzerland they support the Radicals, without losing sight of the fact that this party consists of antagonistic elements, partly of Democratic Socialists, in the French sense, partly of radical bourgeois.
  • 激進激進或極端的左分子
    A radical or extreme leftist.
  • 這人從激進變成了保守
    The man turned from Radical to Conservative.
  • 在納粹全盛時期被雀為“運動首都”的慕尼黑當時是民主主義、右翼激進主義和納粹主義各勢力聚集的中心。
    Munich, which in the heyday of Nazi period was to be honoured as the "Capital of the Movement", was then the focal point of all the forces if nationalism, right-wing radicalism and Nazism.
  • 看過第二章之後,就可以瞭解共産黨人同已經形成的工人政黨的關係,因而也就可以瞭解他們同英國憲章和北美土地改革的關係。
    Section II has made clear the relations of the Communists to the existing working-class parties, such as the Chartists in England and the Agrarian Reformers in America.
  • 他們遣情報人員煽動當地的民衆。
    They sent agents to agitate the local people.
  • "那麽,在這樣的精神下,我對當選總統布什說,我們一定要將黨之爭結下的仇恨拋諸腦後,願主保佑他好好管理這個國傢。
    Well,in that same spirit,I say to president? elect Bush that what remains of partisan rancor must now be put aside,and may God bless his stewardship of this country.
  • 她還介紹說:"來參加孩子們的對的還有一位護林員。他把許多野生的動物帶到了垃圾場。
    "In addition to that we had a ranger bring live animals native to the landfill.
  • 韋羅內塞,保羅1528-1588意大利威尼斯畫的畫傢。他的大型的色彩華麗而調和的作品包括有歐羅巴的受辱(1576年)
    Italian painter of the Venetian school. His large, richly colored, harmonious works include Rape of Europa(1576).
  • 拉斐爾前畫傢或作傢屬於拉斐爾前兄弟會(建於1848年的英國團體),提倡拉斐爾之前的意大利油畫的風格和精神的,或受其影響的畫傢、作傢
    A painter or writer belonging to or influenced by the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, a society founded in England in1848 to advance the style and spirit of Italian painting before Raphael.
  • 敵占區中日矛盾的發展,有利於兩面的爭取和革命兩面的建立,更有利於遊擊戰爭的開展,甚至隱蔽的小塊抗日遊擊根據地的創造。
    The aggravation of the contradiction between the Chinese people and the Japanese invaders in enemy-occupied areas contributes to winning over double-dealers, fostering revolutionary double-dealers, and, even more so, to conducting guerrilla operations and setting up small, concealed anti-Japanese guerrilla base areas.
  • 哲學史上有所謂“唯理論”一,就是衹承認理性的實在性,不承認經驗的實在性,以為衹有理性靠得住,而感覺的經驗是靠不住的,這一的錯誤在於顛倒了事實。
    In the history of philosophy there is the "rationalist" school that admits the reality only of reason and not of experience, believing that reason alone is reliable while perceptual experience is not; this school errs by turning things upside down.
  • 他們委他去捉拿哈墨林的所有變節者。
    They appointed him to catch all the rats in Hamelin.
  • 是的。我的車發生故障了。能不能一部拖車到第三大道與第十三街的地方來?
    Yes. My car has broken down. Can you send a tow truck to 3 rd avenue and 13 th street?
  • 是的。我的車發生故障了。能不能一部拖車到第三大道與第十三街的地方來?
    Yes, my car have break down. Can you send a tow truck to 3 rd avenue and 13th street?
  • 我並不是作為任何一個黨的擁護者站在這裏講話的,因為這些問題至關重要,超越了黨的界綫。
    I do not stand here as advocate of any partisan cause, for the issues are fundamental and reach quite beyond the realm of partisan consideration.
  • 重新分重新分配的行為或處於被重新分配的狀態
    The act of reapportioning or the state of being reapportioned.
  • 在文藝隊伍內部,在各種類、各流的文藝工作者之間,在從事創作與從事文藝批評的同志之間,在文藝傢與廣大讀者之間,都要提倡同志式的、友好的討論,提倡擺事實、講道理。
    In literary and art circles we should encourage comradely, friendly discussions in which facts are presented and things are reasoned out.Such discussions should take place between creators who belong to different schools or work in different forms, between creators and critics, and between creators and their audiences.
  • 在文藝隊伍內部,在各種類、各流的文藝工作者之間,在從事創作與從事文藝批評的同志之間,在文藝傢與廣大讀者之間,都要提倡同志式的、友好的討論,提倡擺事實、講道理。
    In literary and art circles we should encourage comradely, friendly discussions in which facts are presented and things are reasoned out. Such discussions should take place between creators who belong to different schools or work in different forms, between creators and critics, and between creators and their audiences.
  • 將大使重新分配到一個新的職位上;將這項工作重新指給更有經驗的工人們
    Reassigned the ambassador to a new post; reassigned the job to more experienced workers.
  • 臨時工在某一項工作中被指做不固定的工作或臨時當班的雇員
    An employee who is reassigned from job to job or shift to shift within an operation.
  • 我們不清楚專傢調查組是否已去過發現證據的地方,我們從媒體報道得知,雖然李文皓早已參與了w88的設計工作,1994年他還是再一次被指去參與“arehiving”計劃,顯然,那就是warp(weaponsarchiringandretrievalproject)或與之相關的工作。?
    We don't know if the Panel of Experts had access to what was found there. We know from media reports that, although Wen Ho Lee had been associated with the W-88 design, by 1994 he had been reassigned to work on an 'archiving' project, apparently the Weapons Archiving and Retrieval Project [WARP] or something related to it.
  • 提倡復興福音的教
    an attempt to reawaken the evangelical faith.
  • 反叛固執地拒絶投降
    Rebel die-hards who refused to surrender.
  • 造反的納稅人已占領了市政大廳。
    Rebel ratepayers have occupied the town hall.
  • 造反領袖與警察首領秘密會見。
    The rebel leader meet the chief of police in secret.
  • 組織秘書給造反下院議員施加壓力要求他們和政府一同選舉。
    The whip applied pressure on the rebel mps to vote with the government.
  • 總統主動要求造反的領導來參加會見
    The president took the initiative in asking the rebel leader to come for a meeting
  • 造反派占領了郵局。
    The rebels occupied the post office.
  • 兵到發生叛亂的那個島上是值得的冒險行動。
    The sending of soldiers to the rebellious island was a calculated risk.
  • 中國政府分兩批共遣800名赴柬維和官兵,在18個月內完成了機場、公路、橋梁等多項工程建設和維修任務,其中修復和擴建機場4個,修復公路4條共640公裏,新架設或修復橋梁47座,並完成了其他大量的勤務工程,為保障聯柬維和部隊行動的順利實施作出了貢獻。
    A total of 800 men were sent in two batches, who, in 18 months, repaired or extended four airports, repaired four highways totaling 640 kilometers, built or rebuilt 47 bridges and completed many other service projects, making useful contributions to the successful operations of the United Nations peace-keeping forces in Cambodia.