  • 和同樣是黃皮膚的觀衆坐在一起觀看球賽,大傢心裏同樣切期待韓國隊再昂首步入下一圈。我想大概沒有別的情況可以讓人們更深切感覺到我們大傢都是亞洲人。
    One could probably never feel more Asian then when sitting amongst fellow yellow-skin audience and hoping in the heart that South Korea will make it through yet another match.
  • 對女性勤的男子對女性關愛、勤備至的男人
    A man who is amorously and gallantly attentive to women.
  • 切地盼望早日來電。
    We anticipate a prompt reply from you.
  • 我們切地期待著他們來訪
    We are looking forward to their visit with eager anticipation
  • 我們切地期待著他們來訪。
    We is look forward to their visit with eager anticipation.
  • 我們切地期待你早日光臨。
    We eagerly await your early arrival.
  • 一大群求婚者嚮漂亮的姑娘們獻勤。
    A swarm of would-be suitors danced attendance on the bestlooking girls.
  • 過分勤的主人;過分註意
    An officious host; officious attention.
  • 對婦女獻勤的;騎士的
    Courteously attentive especially to women; chivalrous.
  • 他以玫瑰花和夾心糖扮演了一個勤的求婚者
    He played the attentive suitor, complete with roses and bonbons.
  • 這給她留下了深刻的印象:以前嚮她獻勤的男人中沒有一個掏得出這麽一個皮夾。
    It impressed her deeply. Such a purse had never been carried by any one attentive to her.
  • 在他看來,這兒每個人都極其和善,極其勤,不拘禮,不局促,他一下子就覺得和全場的人都相處得很熟;
    every body had been most kind and attentive to him, there had been no formality, no stiffness; he had soon felt acquainted with all the room;
  • 殷切的體育愛好者
    An avid sports fan.
  • 無名氏走近柵欄,勤地問道:“小姐,您們叫我有何貴幹?”
    The stranger approached the balustrade.“What can I do for you, mesdemoiselles?” he asked eagerly.
  • 聖誕是這樣美好的時光:爐火熊熊,花兒芬芳,醇酒飄香,祝福,美好回憶,恩愛日新。即便沒有一切,衹要有愛便足矣。
    Christmas should be a time of banked-up fines, the scent of flowers and wine, good talk, good memories and loyalties renewed. But if all else is lacking- love will do.
  • 然而她的希望遇到挫折,因為羅切斯特開始去鄰里參加聚會,並嚮漂亮輕浮的布蘭奇·英格蘭姆獻勤。
    But her hopes are thwarted when Rochester begins going to parties in the neighborhood where he is courting the beautiful, frivolous Blanche Ingram.
  • 殷墟甲骨
    Oracle Bones from the Yin Ruins
  • 香港地處重要位置,是主要的貿易中心和自由港,在這裏,實商人衹需辦理一些基本的手續;在某種程度上,我們可說因為在這方面的成就而受到負纍。
    To some extent, we are probably victims of our own success as a major, strategically-positioned trading centre and free port, with a minimum of bureaucratic red-tape for the honest trader.
  • 一個好事的女人;自以為是的發佈令人討厭的命令;對他人的事過分勤。
    an interfering old woman; bustling about self-importantly making an officious nuisance of himself; busy about other people's business.
  • 在伊麗莎白照料她姐姐期間,達西更是對她大獻勤,卡羅琳爭風吃醋,大發脾氣。
    While Elizabeth is nursing her sister, Darcy pays her more attention, and Caroline's jealousy rages.
  • 在泊車位需求切的地區,停車收費表於星期日和公衆假期也會收費,讓更多駕車人士有機會使用這些泊車位。
    Meter charging in areas of high demand has been extended to include Sundays and public holidays to facilitate a better turnover of parking spaces.
  • 嚮可愛的姑娘獻殷勤
    Fawn on a charming girl
  • 勤的表現出取悅別人意願的;樂於順從的
    Exhibiting a desire or willingness to please; cheerfully obliging.
  • 韋斯頓夫婦首先想到的是愛瑪。他們擔心邱吉爾對愛瑪的勤舉動可能已使愛瑪陷入情網。
    The Westons' first thought was for Emma, for they feared that Churchill's attentions to her mighthave had their effect.
  • 的確,她們這傢人裏面衹有她們的兄弟能使她稱心滿意,你一眼便可以看出他是真的在為吉英擔憂,再說他對於伊麗莎白也勤和悅到極點。伊麗莎白本以為人傢會把她看作一個不速之客,可是有了這份勤,她就不這麽想了。
    Their brother, indeed, was the only one of the party whom she could regard with any complacency. His anxiety for Jane was evident, and his attentions to herself most pleasing, and they prevented her feeling herself so much an intruder as she believed she was considered by the others.
  • 期望取悅的;殷勤的
    Eager to please; complaisant.
  • 像一個妻子有了情人但還是很勤的丈夫一樣閉上了自己的眼睛;那個有禮貌的服務員並不急於讓我們離開。
    to close one's eyes like a complaisant husband whose wife has taken a lover; the obliging waiter was in no hurry for us to leave.
  • 他以非常恭維的話嚮她獻勤。
    He addressed her with high compliment.
  • 先生對我的工作極為贊賞。
    Mr. Yin was most complimentary about my work.
  • 謙恭的,有禮的對別人照顧周全的,有禮貌的,勤的
    Characterized by gracious consideration toward others.
  • 親切的,和藹的以和善和勤為特徵的
    Characterized by kindness and warm courtesy.
  • 勤尤指求婚者禮貌,體諒,英武的行為
    Acts of courtesy, consideration, or gallantry, especially by a suitor.