  • 在這個面上,你所有的工作都被顯示在一個稱為窗口的矩形框裏。
    The desktop displays all your work in rectangular areas called windows.
  • 可訂購200打布若能減價百分之一。
    Can order 200 dozen tablecloth if one percent reduction allowed
  • 將紅木樹瘤製成桌子
    Fashioned a table from a redwood burl.
  • 他衝動地邁出一大步,雙肩左右一晃撲到了邊,急切地翻起書來。
    An impulsive stride, with one lurch to right and left of the shoulders, brought him to the table, where he began affectionately handling the books.
  • 我書抽屜裏的所有東西;噴霧罐的內容物
    The contents of my desk drawer; the contents of an aerosol can.
  • 他在書抽屜中尋找一些有關文件。
    He ferreted about in a desk drawer for some relevant documents.
  • 服務員在收拾子,提醒顧客該走了。
    The waiters were clearing the tables, which served as a reminder that it wastime to leave.
  • 服務員在收拾子,提醒顧客該走了
    The waiter is clearing the table, which serving as a reminder that it is time to leave
  • 服務員在收拾子,提醒顧客該走了.
    The waiters were clearing the tables, which served as a reminder that it was time to leave.
  • 活動子上部有鉸鏈連接或可移動的部分
    A hinged or removable section for a table top.
  • 分區在多層面應用環境中也是有長處的。例如在企業資源計劃或數據倉庫的應用中,應用程序常常按功能劃分到多個面客戶、應用程序服務器和數據庫服務器中。
    Partitioning is also advantageous in multitier application environments, such as enterprise resource planning or data warehousing, where the applications are often functionally divided across multiple desktop clients, application servers and database servers.
  • 她走到桌子。
    She advanced to the table.
  • 她將玻璃杯放回上。
    She replace the glasses on the table.
  • 我預定了桌子。
    I made a reservation.
  • 可是我預訂桌位了。
    But I have a reservation.
  • 您預定桌位了嗎?
    Have you made a reservation?
  • 接受單桌訂座
    1. Accepting A Reservation For A Table
  • 我要訂一桌。
    I'll reserve a table.
  • 我們已預訂了一張
    We've reserved a table.
  • 這張餐已被人預訂了。
    This one is already reserved.
  • 我們已預定了四張子。
    We have four tables reserved.
  • 恐怕已有人預定了。
    I'm afraid that table is reserved.
  • 恐怕這張餐已經被訂了。
    I'm afraid this one is reserved.
  • 很包歉,那張子已預訂了。
    I'm sorry, that table is reserved.
  • 對不起,那張已經有人預訂了。
    Oh, that table has been reserved.
  • 侍者的領班給我們留了一個位。
    The head waiter reserved a table for us.
  • 我在我最中意的餐館訂了餐
    I reserved a table at my favorite restaurant.
  • 有些應用軟件駐留在本地最終用戶的面上,而其他的是一些"瘦客戶"應用軟件,它們打開萬維網的瀏覽器,用戶通過瀏覽器能進入其他的基於服務器的應用軟件,如企業電子郵件係統。
    Some applications reside locally on an end-user's desktop, while others are "thin client" applications that open up a World Wide Web browser through which a user can access other server-based applications, such as enterprise e-mail systems.
  • 調整書桌的傾斜面
    Adjusting the tilt of a writing table.
  • 這些椅可以隨兒童的身高調節。
    These desks and seats can be adjusted to the heihgt of any child.
  • 有可以調節的高度的一種子。
    a table with adjustable top.
  • 這種書的高低可以按照你的需要調節。
    This kind of desk can be adjusted to the height you need.