  • 除了政治中的教條主義,消除了政黨界限。
    He removed the dogmatism from politics; he erased the party line.
  • 直立的加州灌木,在部有心形的圓裂片。
    erect California shrub having leaves with heart-shaped lobes at the base.
  • 中國多年生有巨大的總狀花序,開有玫瑰色脈絡的白花,辛辣,藥用或作調味品。
    Chinese perennial with pyramidal racemes of rose-veined white flowers and pungent aromatic roots used medicinally and as flavoring.
  • 再說說我們的人文教育,其所以不很成功,固然跟學生少學歷史、地理、文藝(廣義的文藝是包括各種藝術)有關,但本原因是我們構建了一座巨大的“教育金字塔”,按照既定的標準,通過層層篩選、淘汰,選拔出符合既定標準的精英。
    One reason we have not been very successful with the humanities is that our students are not keen on subjects such as history, geography and the arts in various forms. The root cause, however, is that we have built a gigantic “education pyramid” to eliminate and select students at different levels, based on criteria already agreed upon, to pick the cream of the crop.
  • 雙麯面兩個二次麯面的任何一個,通過使一個雙麯綫繞其任何一中軸旋轉而成,而且旋轉時有一個有一定雙麯綫平面切面的中心,而其他切面是橢圓或圓周
    Either of two quadric surfaces generated by rotating a hyperbola about either of its main axes and having a finite center with certain plane sections that are hyperbolas and others that are ellipses or circles.
  • 雙桅橫帆船有兩桅桿的帆船,每個桅桿上都有橫帆,載有兩個或更多的前帆和一個四邊形的斜桁帆或在後桅的尾部裝有後檣縱帆
    A two-masted sailing ship, square-rigged on both masts, carrying two or more headsails and a quadrilateral gaff sail or spanker aft of the mizzenmast.
  • 到目前為止,聰格斯先生[爭取選民支持]相當成功——這些選民多半與他背景相同——因為他的沉重,不上鏡頭的相貌,以及淳樸的言詞投合很多選民的心意。他們覺得在裏與布什當政數年的浪費與浮誇之後,應該臥薪嚐膽。
    So far, Mr.Tsongas has succeeded—mostly with voters whose background is similar to his own—because his dour, untelegenic visage and unvarnished rhetoric suits the mood of many voters who feel they have to take their medicine, after the airy excesses and inflated promises of the Reagan-Bush years.
  • 我們對刑事犯罪活動的打擊是必要的,今後還要繼續打擊下去,但是衹靠打擊並不能解决本的問題,翻兩番、把經濟搞上去纔是真正治本的途徑。
    It is necessary for us to crack down on criminals and we should continue to do so. But the ultimate solution does not lie in bringing criminals to justice. The real, permanent solution is to quadruple the GNP and develop the economy.
  • 在我們這個國傢,人們本不懂佛教是怎麽回事,衹是把它看成一種離奇的東西、好像一種過時的宗教。
    Buddhism in this country is not really understood; it's regarded as sort of quaint, it seems to be an old-fashioned religion.
  • 凡1994年1月1日以後進入教師隊伍的人員和符合教師資格認定條件的中國公民將可據法定的教師資格認定程序獲得教師資格。
    People who have been engaged in teaching since January 1st, 1994 and Chinese citizen who are up to the standard of qualification confirmation will get a teacher's qualification through the legal teacher's qualification confirmation process.
  • 我們現在所做的,和尚穆先生所敘述的可能發生的極端情況有着很大的不同,在量和質兩方面都大不相同。
    Between what we are doing and the extreme possibility that Mr. Shanmugam has presented, there is a considerable difference which is not just quantitative but becomes qualitative.
  • 我們現在所做的,和尚穆先生所敘述的可能發生的極端情況有着很大的不同,在量和質兩方面都大不相同。
    Between what we are doing and the extreme possibility which Mr Shanmugam has presented, I think there is a considerable difference which is not just quantitative but becomes qualitative.
  • 第三,儘管扶貧開發已使廣大農村貧睏地區的貧窮落後狀況明顯改變,但貧睏農戶的基本生産生活條件還沒有質的變化,貧睏地區社會、經濟、文化落後的狀況還沒有本改觀。
    Third, although the development-oriented poverty reduction drive has greatly changed the poverty and backwardness of the vast impoverished rural areas, there has been no qualitative change either in the basic production and living conditions of the poverty-stricken peasant households, or in the social, economic and cultural backwardness in those areas.
  • 然而這種流動是有限製的,即流動於執行這一方針的各種不同的戰爭行動的範圍中,而不是這一方針的本性質的流動,即是說,是數的流動,不是質的流動。
    But it is fluid within limits, fluid within the bounds of the various war operations undertaken for carrying it out, but not fluid as to its essence; In other words, it is quantitatively but not qualitatively fluid.
  • 有的是在流域內幾個工程徐滿足的總水利任務已定的前提下,據定量的環境指標,利用動態規劃幾排優劣矩陣法以投資少、環境影響小為目標函數,分配、確定各工程規模的方法。
    A method is based on the quantified indices of environmental impacts, subject to satisfying of the multipurpose of development as its constraints and the minimum of total adverse impact (as people displaced) as objectives, by the dynamic programming technique and the matrix approach etc., to layout the plan and determine the scale of each water project.
  • 應用回歸法據一個變量的值對另一個變量的值進行定量預測。
    the use of regression to make quantitative predictions of one variable from the values of another.
  • 今日之量子論;量子力學schrodinger方程的衍生;以粒子波解釋原子事件。
    the modern form of quantum theory; an extension of of quantum mechanics based on Schrodinger's equation; atomic events are explained as interactions between particle waves.
  • 港口衛生處據《檢疫及防疫條例》和《國際衛生規例》執行管製措施,防止疫癥經海陸空傳入本港。
    The Port Health Office enforces measures in the Quarantine and Prevention of Disease Ordinance and the International Health Regulations to prevent the introduction of quarantinable diseases into Hong Kong by air, land or sea.
  • 為了建築物的基或采石而開鑿挖掘的工人。
    a worker who excavates for foundations of buildings or for quarrying.
  • 這個選定的時候就是該期貨合約的“到期日”,交易所會將期貨的到期日標準化,摩新加坡指數期貨的到期日是3、6、9、12月份以及其他最近兩個月份的最後一個股市交易日。如此,這個指數期貨會有6個到期日各異的不同期貨合約。
    The "specified point in time" is the maturity date of the futures contract. Futures are standardised contracts. The standardised maturities of the SiMSCI Futures will be the last Stock Exchange of Singapore (SES) trading day of the contract months, being the two nearest serial months and the nearest March quarterly months(meaning, in August 98, the following four months: September98, December 98, March 99, June 99).
  • 約4500個舊的員佐級已婚人員宿舍單位,陸續據一項翻新計劃獲得改善。
    Older quarters continued to be upgraded under a programme to refurbish some 4500 married quarters for Junior Police Officers.
  • 所以,敵人縮小據地的計劃,也是能夠破壞的。
    Hence it is possible to wreck an enemy plan for reducing the size of a base area.
  • 巴塔哥尼亞野兔任一種生活在阿廷中部和南部灌木沙漠和草原上豚鼠屬的,生有長耳長腿的豚鼠
    Any of various long-eared and long-legged cavies of the genus Dolichotis, inhabiting the scrub desert and grasslands of central and southern Argentina.
  • 戰或不戰的問題,如今改成了戰或和的問題,但性質還是一樣,這是一切問題中的第一個大問題,最本的問題。
    What was once a question of whether or not to fight has now become a question of whether to continue the war or to make peace, but essentially it is the same question, the most important and fundamental of all questions.
  • 過去有些同志間的爭論、分歧、對立和不團结,並不是在這個本的原則的問題上,而是在一些比較次要的甚至是無原則的問題上。
    The controversies and divergences, the opposition and disunity arising among some comrades in the past were not on this fundamental question of principle but on secondary questions, or even on issues involving no principle.
  • 他的理論是以不可靠的假定為據的。
    His theory is bottomed on questionable assumptions.
  • 數月前剋林頓州長同意與布什先生交手三次,由兩黨組成的總統辯論委員會主辦。布什助選團巧妙地拖延,然後對辯論形式提出異議。委員會據過去經驗,合情合理地提議由一人主持辯論。但是布什先生堅持由一組記者來發問的笨拙形式。這種方式在過去辯論時曾窒礙難行。
    Gov.Bill Clinton agreed months ago to three encounters with Mr.Bush, sponsored by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates. The Bush campaign artfully dawdled, then took issue with the debate format. The commission, reacting to past experience, sensibly proposed a single moderator. But Mr.Bush is holding out for the cumbersome format of a panel of journalist questioners that has clotted past debates.
  • 建築物據變化了的藝術而平平靜靜地延續下去。
    they proceed quietly in accordance with the transformed art.
  • 水韭一種水韭屬的、有維管的、含孢子的水生或沼生的植物,長有短莖和羽管狀的葉子
    Any of several vascular, spore-bearing, aquatic or marsh plants of the genus Isoetes having short rhizomes and quill-like leaves.
  • 超越的不能表示為整數或整數的或商的,用指來數字,尤其是無限不循環小數
    Not expressible as an integer or as the root or quotient of integers. Used of numbers, especially nonrepeating infinite decimals.
  • 以他獨特的方式,他描述了撒切爾夫人、、喜歡引用詩句的中國國傢主席江澤民、已故中共領袖毛澤東(李光耀將他比作中國第一位皇帝秦始皇)、正直廉潔的朱(金容)基和中國改革開放的總設計師鄧小平(在李光耀的記憶中,儘管鄧衹有五英尺高,卻是人中之傑)。
    In acerbic Lee Kuan Yew style, he describes Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, China's poetry-quoting Jiang Zemin, the late Mao Zedong (whom he likened to first Chinese emperor Qinshihuang), the incorruptible Zhu Rongji to the bold reformer Deng Xiaoping (whom he remembers as "a five-footer but a giant among men").
  • 從1986年開始,中國政府有關部門據國傢扶貧開發的總體戰略和要求,適時提出科技扶貧的目標、措施和實施辦法,並於1996年提出《1996—2000年全國科技扶貧規劃綱要》,加強對科技扶貧的政策指導。
    In 1986, in accordance with the state's general strategy and requirements in poverty relief, relevant authorities of the Chinese Government proposed the aim, measures and implementation methods of aiding the poor with technology. In 1996, they formulated an Outline of the National Plan for Aiding the Poor with Technology (1996-2000), strengthening the policy guidance for aid along this line.