在一個曾用來盛番茄醬的大罐子裏,積攢在那兒的用過的牙膏皮正在慢慢變多。 In a brown cardboard box that one time held catsup bottles, our little pile of used toothpaste tubes began to grow.
在接下來的幾星期裏,邁剋和我跑遍了鄰近各傢,敲開他們的門問他們是否願意把用過的牙膏皮攢下來給我們。 For the next several weeks, Mike and I ran around our neighborhood, knocking on doors and asking our neighbors if they would save their toothpaste tubes for us.
邁剋和我苦苦哀求,說我們已經快攢夠了,衹等一對鄰居夫婦用完他們的牙膏後,我們就可以馬上開始生産了。 Mike and I pleaded and begged, explaining that we would soon have enough and then we would begin production. We informed her that we were waiting on a couple of neighbors to finish using up their toothpaste so we could have their tubes.
你不覺得在東京能攢更多的錢嗎? Don't you think you can save more money in Tokyo?