  • 別用刷子使勁地,不然會把油漆掉的。
    Don't rub too hard with your cleaning brush or you could scrub the paint ways.
  • 我使勁這個污跡,看能不能將它去掉。
    I scrub hard at the stain to see if I can get it off.
  • 當你地板時至少能表現出努力的樣子
    At least put forth a semblance of effort when you scrub the floor.
  • 他設法把桌上的污跡掉了。
    He managed to scrub out the dirty marks on the table.
  • 他雙手沾了油漆,洗不掉。
    He got paint on his hands and it won't scrub off.
  • 我得把這些油污都洗掉。
    I'll have to scrub off all the oil muck.
  • 傭人跪下來擦地板。
    The servant knelt down to scrub the floor.
  • 在油漆前先把墻幹淨。
    Scrub the walls down well before painting them.
  • 潑出的墨水不容易洗掉。
    The spilt ink won't scrub out easily.
  • 他奉命擦地。
    He was ordered to scrub the floor.
  • 他奉令擦地板。
    He is ordered to scrub the floor.
  • 洗衣服的波紋麯面的板子。
    corrugated surface to scrub clothes on.
  • 把桌面擦洗乾淨.
    Scrub the table top clean.
  • 請把浴池擦洗幹淨。
    Please scrub me bath out.
  • 我擦洗浴缸。
    I scrub the bathtub.
  • 要使勁擦洗那地板。
    Give that floor a good hard scrub.
  • 雖然她徹底地用力洗那衹舊壺,但她無法把它完全洗幹淨。
    Although she scrubbed the old pot thoroughly, she could not make it look completely clean.
  • 當清洗光盤時,用戶應由內嚮外,直到邊緣,以放射狀拭。
    When cleaning a disc, users should wipe from the inside radically out to the edge.
  • 這些論據支持了一個對流地慢的概念,板塊在其摩拖曳下沿地慢表面類似於船浮在水上一樣移動。
    These arguments support the notion of a convective mantle, with the plates being rafted along on its surface, propelled by frictional drag on their undersides.
  • 我用沾滿油污的碎布我的自行車。
    I use an oily rag to clean my bike with.
  • 醫生替他洗傷口時,他痛得攥緊拳頭。
    He clenched his fists in agony as the doctor cleaned the wound.
  • 而出聲通過或類似通過颳削或磨發出吱吱的,刺耳的聲音
    To make a harsh rasping sound by or as if by scraping or grinding.
  • 中國一貫主張,對於雙邊和多邊經濟貿易關係中出現的摩和爭端,有關方面應當本着相互尊重的原則,通過友好協商謀求合理解决。
    China has always advocated that parties involved should adhere to the principle of mutual respect and settle bilateral or multilateral trade disputes, reasonably, through friendly discussions.
  • 也許是他的上衣袖口摩話筒的聲音。
    The cuff of his jacket maybe,brushing the receiver.
  • 從一個簡單的阻塞音變成一個塞音。
    the conversion of a simple stop consonant into an affricate.
  • 音的屬於、關於或形成塞音的
    Of, relating to, or forming an affricate.
  • 錄音機被颳聲破壞了。
    The recording was spoiled by scratches.
  • 在口述記錄設備上,從記錄媒體上除記錄的處理過程。
    On dictation equipment, the process of removing the recording from a recording medium.
  • 他和妻子並沒有責備女兒,而是把水漬得幹幹淨淨。女兒擡起頭看着他們說:“謝謝爸爸媽媽!
    After the water was cleaned up without any recriminating remarks from her parents, she looked up and said, " You know, I really want to thank you guys for not being like other parents.
  • 用於汗或拭用的矩形的吸水的布。
    a rectangular piece of absorbent cloth (or paper) for drying or wiping.
  • 我們能用減少摩來增加機器的效率。
    We can increase the efficienty of machines by reducing friction.
  • 燒蝕,熔蝕宇宙飛船或導彈重新進入大氣層時,通過熔化熱防護外殼來抵消與大氣摩所産生的高熱
    The dissipation of heat generated by atmospheric friction, especially in the atmospheric reentry of a spacecraft or missile, by means of a melting heat shield.