  • 總統企圖掩蓋他的顧問謊這一事實。
    The President tried to hush up the fact that his adviser had lied.
  • 宗教上比較保守的父母每年都竭力要在學校裏禁止雕萬聖節前夜南瓜,或穿鬼怪服裝,他們宣稱這會教孩子們崇拜旦。
    Religiously conservative parents make annual attempts to ban Halloween pumpkins and ghost costumes from schools because, they claim,it teaches the children to worship Satan.
  • 在愷則有代西瑪斯·布魯塔斯,其影響之巨,竟使愷在遺囑中立他為次承繼人,僅次於愷的孫外甥。
    With Julius Caesar, Decimus Brutus had obtained that interest as he set him down in his testament, for heir in remainder, after his nephew.
  • 旦上帝和人類邪惡的敵人,通常被認為是墮落天使的領袖;惡魔
    The profoundly evil adversary of God and humanity, often identified with the leader of the fallen angels; the Devil.
  • 的東西應當歸還凱
    Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's.
  • 已經謊或經常謊的人。
    a person who has lied or who lies repeatedly.
  • 那用來表示贊美或敬愛上帝
    Used to express praise or adoration to God.
  • 最近俄羅斯情報機構公佈的一些以前屬絶密檔案的資料表明,當年剋格勃為防止希特勒的遣骸成為新納粹分子的膜拜物而將他的骨灰在東德一條不知名的小河裏。
    Previously closed files released recently by the Russian secret service reveal that the ashes of Adolf Hitler were scattered secretly by KGB agents in a narrow East German river to prevent his remains becoming an object of neo Nazi pilgrimage.
  • 要讓傢姐知道,她又要說,我犯了十誡了,上帝要人不要謊,他就不該創造這虛偽的世界。”
    If elder sister should ever find out, she will again admonish me, 'You have broken the Ten Commandments!' If God does not want people to lie, he should never have created a world which is full of hypocrisy."
  • “我不能把你算作一名仰慕者”(納尼爾·霍桑)
    "I cannot reckon you as an admirer?Nathaniel Hawthorne).
  • 約翰看到許多法利賽人和都該人也來受洗,便對他們說:“你們這一夥毒蛇!誰教你們去逃避未來的報應呢?”
    When he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming for baptism he said to them:"You vipers'brood! Who warned you to escape from the coming retribution?"
  • 模擬表演在15和16世紀盛行的對已有名的作品所做的重大的加工工作,尤指經文歌和牧歌等從其它作品藉入的彌材料加以混合
    The practice, popular in the15th and16th centuries, of significantly reworking an already established composition, especially the incorporation into the Mass of material borrowed from other works, such as motets or madrigals.
  • 切爾夫人是否被成功所寵壞?她自信極強。自稱“政界最具信心的人”,至於是否會損傷別人的信心,卻完全不顧。
    Has success spoiled Mrs.Thatcher? She has never lacked salf-confidence. A self-described "conviction politician," she has long ridden roughshod over the convictions of others.
  • 我還以為他已不再嚮他母親謊了。
    I thought he had risen above lying to his mother.
  • 有些人如此嗜誇張成癮,致使他們不謊就說不出真話來。
    There are people so addicted to exaggeration that they can not tell the truth without lying.
  • 有些人如此嗜誇張成癮,至使他們不謊就說不出真話來。
    There are people so addicted to exaggeration that they can't tell the truth without lying.
  • 裏維埃拉滿陽光的海灘。
    sun-drenched beaches along the Riviera.
  • 路旁的袋子裏裝滿了沙和????,以便用來在結冰的路面上使之較為安全。
    The bags beside the road are stowed with sand and salt for putting on icy roads to make them safer.
  • 白長袍牧師做彌時穿的袖子漸細的白色亞麻長袍
    A long, white linen robe with tapered sleeves worn by a priest at Mass.
  • 你要是想抓住那衹知更鳥,設法一點????在鳥尾巴上,這樣就能逮住它。
    If you wish to catch that robin, try putting a pinch of salt on its tail.
  • 不列顛在前羅馬、羅馬以及艾弗烈大帝統治(871-899年)前的早期盎格魯-剋遜人統治時期的大不列顛島。名字來源於布列塔尼亞,羅馬人用它來指他們占領的那部分島嶼
    The island of Great Britain during pre-Roman, Roman, and early Anglo-Saxon times before the reign of Alfred the Great(871-899). The name is derived from Brittania, which the Romans used for the portion of the island that they occupied.
  • 在現代羅曼語族中,意大利語、法語、西班牙語、葡萄牙語和羅馬尼亞語分別是各自整個民族的語言,而加泰羅尼亞語、普羅旺斯語、拉蒂亞羅曼斯方言、丁語和摩爾達維亞語則僅僅是各別國傢中較小區域的語言。
    Of the modern Romance languages, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Rumanian are each the language of an entire nation, while Catalan, Provencal, Rhaeto-Romanic, Sardinian, and Moldavian are confined to smaller areas within individual countries.
  • 撒尿的動作
    An act of urination.
  • 後院撒滿了垃圾。
    The back yard was strewn with rubbish.
  • 這衹貓又在這塊昂貴的地毯上尿。
    Again, the cat had made on the expensive rug.
  • 她衣冠不整;凌亂的了粉的;弄皺的沒有整理的床;床上的床單亂成一團;他褐色的頭髮又亂,又厚,又捲-al.斯皮爾。
    her clothing was disheveled; powder-smeared and frowzled; a rumpled unmade bed; a bed with tousled sheets; his brown hair was tousled, thick, and curly- Al Spiers.
  • 經念過以後,作為早餐,他吃一塊黑麥面包,蘸着自傢的牛的乳汁。
    His mass said, he broke his fast on rye bread dipped in the milk of his own cows.
  • 哈拉沙漠的大部份地區都不適於居住。
    Most of the Sahara is uninhabitable.
  • 哈拉大沙漠的東邊部分。
    the eastern part of the Sahara Desert.
  • 哈拉沙漠的大部分地區無一絲降雨。
    Most of the Sahara receives no rain at all.
  • 哈拉南部的非洲地區。
    the region of Africa south of the Sahara Desert.
  • 一個哈拉沙漠遊牧的柏柏爾民族成員。
    a member of a nomadic Berber people of the Sahara.