  • 年內,協會為幾類特定服務對象印備旅遊宣傳刊物,開具發展潛力的遊客市場。
    The HKTA also produced several target-specific brochures in1997 to tap potential market segments.
  • 19世紀來自西北部的荒者發現紅杉樹時,他們被眼前的景象驚呆了。
    The northwest settlers who discovered the sequoias in the 19th century were stunned by what they saw.
  • 引導和鼓勵具有市場開能力的大中型農産品加工企業到貧睏地區建立原料生産基地,為貧睏農戶提供産前、産中、産後係列化服務,形成貿工農一體化、産供銷一條竜的産業化經營。
    Large and medium-sized agricultural products processing enterprises capable of developing new markets should be guided or encouraged to build raw material production bases in the poor areas and provide serialized, pre- production, in-production and post-production services for impoverished peasant households, so as to form an industrialized operation featuring the integration of trade, industry and agriculture and the coordinated management of production, supply and sale.
  • 布拉德福,威廉1590-1657美洲的英國清教徒殖民者。五月花密約的簽署人和普利茅斯種植園的開者,被推選為30個一年任期的總督之一,領導殖民地度過了艱難的早期歲月
    English Puritan colonist in America. A signer of the Mayflower Compact and a settler of Plymouth Plantation, he was elected governor for30 one-year terms and led the colony through its difficult early years.
  • 多年來,早期荒者一直試圖砍伐這種高大的樹木,但結果卻證明那是一種巨大的時間浪費。
    For years early settlers tried to cut these giants down.But that proved to be a giant waste of time.
  • 十七世紀末,赴臺開者超過十萬人。
    Their numbers topped one hundred thousand at the end of seventeenth century.
  • 進入十七世紀之後,中國人民在臺灣的開規模越來越大。
    Since early seventeenth century the Chinese people began to step up the development of Taiwan.
  • 比恩,羅伊1825?-1903美國得剋薩斯州荒者,1881年任命自己為治安法官,以一本法律書和一支六發式左輪手槍作為自己宣判的依據
    American frontiersman in Texas who in1881 appointed himself justice of the peace and handed down judgments based on one law book and one six-shooter.
  • 各地婦聯積極組織婦女參加“庭院經濟賽”、“市場營銷賽”、“竜頭項目賽”、“質量效益賽”以及“桑蠶工程”、“鵝鴨工程”、“菜藍子工程”、“林果工程”、“溫飽工程”等各種農業工程建設,展了競賽活動,推動了區域性經濟的發展。
    Local women's federations organized women to participate in "courtyard economy", "competition for marketing sale", "competition for leading projects", "competition for quality and benefits" as well as various agricultural projects, such as "silkworm project", "goose and duck project," "vegetable basket project," "woods and fruit tree project" and "feeding project" i.e., which further expanded competitions and advanced the regional growth of economy.
  • 懂技術的工商管理碩士現在"最大的就業市場"是《財富》雜志所列"500強":如聯邦特快、gte通訊公司、花旗集團。這些公司正全力展與消費者和供應商這兩方面的電子商務。
    And “ the biggest market” for tech? savvy M.B.A.’ s is now the Fortune 500: companies like FedEx,GTE,and Citibank that are aggressively preparing to deal online with both consumers and suppliers.
  • 阿塞拜疆伊朗西北部地區,在公元前8世紀前米提亞人殖,並在亞歷山大大帝死後成為一個獨立王國
    A region of northwest Iran. It was settled by the Medes before the eighth century b.c. and was a separate kingdom after the death of Alexander the Great.
  • 透射通過撲分類把圖形分為不同種類,從而對幾何圖形的無窮集施加代數結構或層次
    A topologic classification of configurations into distinct types that imposes an algebraic structure or hierarchy on families of geometric figures.
  • 以最低收入人口作為扶貧開發的基本對象和主要目標,重點扶持低收入貧睏人口相對集中的地區,改善生産生活條件。增加農業開發科技含量,寬市場,生産市場需要的産品。
    The poverty alleviation program should focus on helping the people with the lowest income and the poverty-stricken regions with relatively dense population by improving conditions for living and production, increasing the role of science and technology in agricultural development, and expanding the market and producing market-oriented products.
  • 實現廣播電視係統從模擬嚮數字的技術轉變,建立城市數字有綫電視網、數字衛星直播電視係統、數字地面電視係統、數字廣播係統,並大力展服務業務,為奧運會提供豐富的數字廣播電視及其增值服務。
    Bring about the technological change from analogue to digital in broadcast and TV sector. Set up digital cable TV network in cities, digital satellite live TV system, digital TV system on the ground and digital broadcasting system. Services will be expanded in a big way in order to provide the Olympics with diversified digital broadcast and TV programmes as well as their value-added service.
  • 中華人民共和國成立五十多年來,新疆各民族人民團结協作,努力開,共同書寫了開發、建設、保衛邊疆的輝煌篇章,新疆的社會面貌發生了翻天覆地的變化。
    In the more than 50 years since the People’s Republic of China was founded, the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, with concerted and pioneering efforts, have jointly written brilliant pages in the annals of its development, construction and frontier defense, causing earth-shaking changes in the social outlook of the region.
  • 鄧小平同志逝世後,我們高舉鄧小平理論偉大旗幟,開進取,把中國特色社會主義事業全面推嚮二十一世紀。
    China's influence in the world has grown notably, and the cohesion of the nation has increased remarkably. The hard work of our Party and people and their great achievements have attracted worldwide attention and will surely go down as a glorious page in the annals of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
  • 我們會加快闢土地的工作、擴大香港的集體運輸係統和其他基礎設施,並會加快進行建屋工程,把每年建成的住屋單位增至八萬五千個,務使在未來十年,全港市民擁有自置居所的比率達緻百分之七十。
    We will be speeding up land formation, extending our mass transit system and other infrastructure and increasing the pace of home construction to 85,000 units per annum to achieve a home ownership rate of 70 per cent in the next 10 years.
  • 澳大利亞和英國擁有對的地區
    Australia and Great Britain occupy antipodal regions.
  • (一)合理調控貨幣供應量,引導商業銀行開市場,支持經濟有效增長。
    I. Adjust money supply appropriately, guide commercial banks in exploring markets, and support effective growth of the economy.
  • 中區填海計劃第i期將為香港的商業中心區提供發展機會,並闢土地興建機鐵港島總站。
    Phase I of the Central Reclamation will provide opportunities for the development of Hong Kong's central business district, plus a site for the AR's terminus on Hong Kong Island.
  • 為了進一步展公衆服務,歷史檔案館正策劃發展一套綜合資訊係統,可望於二零零三年,嚮查閱歷史檔案和圖書館資料的市民提供高效率的聯機及互聯網檢索服務。
    To further enhance public services, an integrated information access system is being planned to offer efficient on-line and Internet access to archival records and library materials in 2003.
  • 裂殖子親本孢子蟲通過裂殖法産生的原生動物細胞,能開新的無性或有性生命循環
    A protozoan cell that arises from the schizogony of a parent sporozoan and may enter either the asexual or sexual phase of the life cycle.
  • 近幾年來,審計機關根據國傢實施積極財政政策和維護社會穩定的需要,積極開展專項資金審計,不斷寬審計領域,深化審計內容。
    Catering to the needs of active financial policy and social stability, audit institutions have actively carried out audits of earmarked funds, expanded the audit field and deepened the audit probe.
  • 他們把這條馬路寬了不少。
    They have broadened out the avenue considerably.
  • 儘管土地荒蕪,開者們還是在這一帶定居下來。
    The pioneer settled down in the area in spite of the barrenness of the land.
  • 撲定義為所使用的bastion主機或主機和包過濾路由器。
    The topology is defined by the bastion host or host and the packet filter route used.
  • 信息戰擊的重點目標,既有技術資産要素,又有人的行為要素,其最終目標是對方軍隊的戰鬥潛力。
    The emphasis on the object of IW is distributed evenly among technological assets and human behavioral elements. It's ultimate objective is the combat power potential of an opposing force.
  • 通過擴大內需,既加大基礎設施建設投入,又支持企業技術改造;既註重投資啓動,又增加居民收入,引導和鼓勵消費;既努力擴大國內需求,又堅持對外開放,千方百計開國際市場;既不失時機地深化改革,又切實保障社會穩定。
    The boosting of internal demand has increased investment for infrastructure construction and supported technology improvement of enterprises; it has focused on investment start up, increased residents' income, guided and encouraged consumption; it has tried to expand domestic demand and stick to opening to the outside world and tried every means to develop international market; it has deepened reform without losing opportunity and guaranteed social stability.
  • 切爾西美國馬薩諸塞州東部城市,位於波士頓郊區。開於1624年並於1739年從波士頓分離出來。人口28,710
    A city of eastern Massachusetts, a suburb of Boston. It was settled in1624 and set off from Boston in1739. Population,28, 710.
  • 卡特勒,瑪拿西1742-1823美國牧師、植物學家和荒者,以其對新英格蘭植物群的研究而著稱。他作為俄亥俄河河𠔌殖民地的中心人物而聞名
    American cleric, botanist, and pioneer noted for his study of New England flora and as a central figure in the settlement of the Ohio River valley.
  • 芬剋,麥剋1770?-1822以槍法、鬥技和吹牛而出名的美國荒者和民間英雄人物
    American frontiersman and folk hero known for his marksmanship, fighting skills, and braggadocio.
  • 我們需要一個開創新的立意。
    We needed a ground-breaking approach.