  • 他們又纍又餓,又想吃東西又想睡覺;餓極了的小男孩;這個傢饑腸轆轆、衣衫襤褸;落入了饑腸轆轆的捕食者的抱。
    they were tired and famished for food and sleep; a ravenous boy; the family was starved and ragged; fell into the esurient embrance of a predatory enemy.
  • 她從來都不喜歡爵士音樂,儘管偶爾出於舊的心情也聽聽。
    She had never cared for jazz music, though she occasionally permitted herself a little ragtime for old times' sake.
  • 一時突發的懷疑
    An agony of doubt.
  • 與社會隔離的學生相互之間抱着很大成見,他們結成小團體,為了誰人緣最好、誰最漂亮、誰最酷之類的問題耿耿於
    Segregated from the rest of society, students turn obsessively toward each other, forming cliques and agonizing over who is most popular or beautiful or cool.
  • 愛德蒙於是拿回手,仔細看了看這邊正在焦急為難的美塞苔絲,又看了看那邊着陰鬱敵意的弗爾南多。
    Edmond then cast his eyes scrutinizingly at the agitated and embarrassed Mercédès, and then again on the gloomy and menacing Fernand.
  •  不要再為車資漲價、公積金繳交率削減、公路電子收費和消費稅提高耿耿於
    Forget about transport hikes, CPF cuts, ERP and GST raises.
  • 在一大片死氣沉沉的荒地上,她找到了最低下的、最艱苦的活。雇主是一個苛刻粗暴的鄉下佬,他着舊有的怨恨,對苔絲非常憎惡,這給苔絲更增添了十倍的睏難。
    In a great drab field of desolation, she finds the meanest, most arduous of tasks rendered tenfold difficult by a churlish boor of an employer in all the rancor of an ancient grudge against her.
  • 疑犯了強姦罪的人。
    someone who is suspected of committing rape.
  • 有敵意的侵略性行為;有敵意的批評者。
    an unfriendly act of aggression; an inimical critic.
  • 俄明市美國密歇根中西部一城市,是大拉皮茲的製造業郊區。人口63,891
    A city of west-central Michigan, a manufacturing suburb of Grand Rapids. Population,63, 891.
  • 托摩魯米諾薩(luminosa)探險公司會帶領你在黑暗中乘坐橡皮艇,穿過地下河那湍急的水流。
    Adventure company Waitomo Luminosa leads groups through the underground rivers riding dark rapids on inner tyres.
  • 衹聽見一片埋怨聲和咒駡聲,把弗朗德勒人、府尹大人、波旁紅衣主教、司法宮典吏、奧地利的瑪格麗特公主、執棒的捕役、天冷、天熱、颳風下雨、巴黎主教、狂人教皇、柱子、塑像、這扇關着的門、那扇開着的窗,總之,把一切的一切全駡遍了。散布在人群中的一堆堆學子和僕役聽後暢快極了,遂在心不滿的人群中攪亂,挑逗促狹,挖苦諷刺,簡直是火上加油,更加激起普遍的惡劣情緒。
    Nothing was to be heard but grumbling and imprecations against the Flemings, the Cardinal de Bourbon, the Chief Magistrate, Madame Marguerite of Austria, the beadles, the cold, the heat, the bad weather, the Bishop of Paris, the Fools’ Pope, the pillars, the statues, this closed door, yonder open window—to the huge diversion of the bands of scholars and lackeys distributed through the crowd, who mingled their gibes and pranks with this seething mass of dissatisfaction, aggravating the general ill-humour by perpetual pin-pricks.
  • 他主動幫起忙來,我疑其中另有文章!
    I smelt a rat when he started being so helpful!
  • 我對此頗有懷疑。
    I rather doubt that.
  • 合理的疑;對響尾蛇的有理由的恐懼;對法國法律清醒的態度。
    healthy scepticism; a healthy fear of rattlesnakes; the healthy attitude of French laws; healthy relations between labor and management; an intelligent solution; a sound approach to the problem;sound advice; no reasonable explanation for his decision.
  • 阿佳莎的母親衝進了地下室,抱起孩子。孩子在她的裏非常虛弱,但安然無恙。
    Agatha’s mother rushed into the vault and took the child, who was very weak, but safe, into her arms.
  • 有人疑他是由於人事上的原因而被解職的。
    One suspects he was dismissed for political reasons.
  • 他變得令人討厭、易發怒,有惡意;我發現他的奉承令人厭惡。
    he became rebarbative and prickly and spiteful; I find his obsequiousness repellent.
  • 我得經常跳舞[愛娃是個探戈的舞迷]一直到孕四個半月的時候纔不跳了。
    I had lot of dancing to do [Eva was a tango aficionado] until I was about four and a half months.
  • 他因自己的諾言受到疑而感到難堪。
    He felt affronted at having his word doubted.
  • 但我對僅僅植樹造林就能解决問題表示疑。
    But I doubt whether afforestation alone will solve the problem.
  • 草率的婚姻很少是幸福的——莎士比亞;草率的權宜之計代替了周密的計劃——亞瑟·格迪斯;拒絶被認為是關於恢復原狀的草率計劃;疑他們廢了國王是否有些過於草率。
    hasty marriage seldom proveth well- Shakespeare; hasty makeshifts take the place of planning- Arthur Geddes; rejected what was regarded as an overhasty plan for reconversion; wondered whether they had been rather precipitate in deposing the king.
  • 彭德同志說:沒有自身參加整風的人,是不會認識整風的重要的。
    Comrade Peng Dehuai said that anyone who does not take part in the rectification movement will not understand its importance.
  • 要自己抱有高度的革命熱情和對黨負責的精神,纔會胸坦白,纔會有“脫褲子”的精神,也纔會把思想作風整好。
    Only when one has unbounded revolutionary enthusiasm and a sense of responsibility to the Party can one be open-minded and possess the mettle to reveal one's weaknesses and rectify one's way of thinking.
  • 持肯定態度的人在態度上滿信心贊同的人
    One who is confidently affirmative in attitude.
  • 缺乏給老人們的設備,這使人對整個重新發展計劃産生疑。
    The lack of facilities for elderly people has cast doubts on the whole of the redevelopment scheme.
  • 對這本引起人回憶的文學筆記愛不釋手-爾德·霍布森;一場有強烈政治領導意味的競爭。
    cannot forbear to close on this redolent literary note- Wilder Hobson; a campaign redolent of machine politics.
  • 這是因為,中國青年不僅有中國共産黨的領導,有各民主黨派和無黨派的愛國人士的關,而且有自己的光榮的革命傳統。
    This is because the youth of China have not only the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and the support of the democratic parties and patriots without party affiliation, but also their own glorious revolutionary tradition.
  • 她親切地將她兒子摟在裏。
    She hold her son to her in an affectionate embrace.
  • 他疼愛得把孩子緊緊摟在裏。
    He enfolded the child in an affectionate embrace.
  • 受偏見影響或有偏見。
    affect with, or as if with, jaundice.
  • 我不想疑你的誠實。
    I don't want to reflect on your honesty.