  • 美國幹量單位等於脫或(待查表)立方英寸。
    a United States dry measure equal to 8 quarts or 537.605 cubic inches.
  • 能盛波特爾的容器能裝二脫(1。9升)的壺或飲用容器
    A pot or drinking vessel with a capacity of2.0 quarts(1.9 liters).
  • 英國法定容積單位(液態或固態)等於脫或(待查表)升。
    a British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 4 quarts or 4.545 liters.
  • 美國液量單位等於液體英兩;四脫等於一加侖。
    a United States liquid unit equal to 32 fluid ounces; four quarts equal one gallon.
  • 加侖美國使用的液體容量單位,等於4脫(3。785開)
    A unit of volume in the U.S. Customary System, used in liquid measure, equal to4 quarts(3.785 liters).
  • 配剋英國帝制度量衡係統的一種乾燥容積或容量單位,相當於8脫或大約554。8立方英寸
    A unit of dry volume or capacity in the British Imperial System equal to8 quarts or approximately554.8 cubic inches.
  • 配剋美國海關係統的一乾燥容積或容量單位,相當於8脫或大約537。6立方英寸
    A unit of dry volume or capacity in the U.S. Customary System equal to8 quarts or approximately537.6 cubic inches.
  • 英製加侖英國度量衡係統用於液體和幹容量單位,等於4脫(4。546開)
    A unit of volume in the British Imperial System, used in liquid and dry measure, equal to4 quarts(4.546 liters).
  • 愛爾蘭比世界上其他國傢消耗的牛奶都要多,平均每個人每年要喝掉164脫牛奶。
    Ireland consumes more milk than any other country in the world. On average, each person drinks over 164 quarts of milk a year.
  • 脫英國度量體係中的一體積或容量單位,用於測量液體和固體,相當於美製液量中的1。201脫或美製幹量中的1。032脫(1。136升)
    A unit of volume or capacity in the British Imperial System, used in liquid and dry measure, equal to1.201 U.S. liquid quarts or1.032 U.S. dry quarts(1.136 liters).
  • 在傢務事上她們也心存幻想,夢想能重新裝飾客房衛生間,椅子套刺綉,或者“貯藏”脫家庭自製的番茄罐頭。
    They also yearn for a domestic fantasy,and dream about redecorating the guest bathroom,making needlepoint chair-covers, and 'putting up'quarts of home-canned tomatoes.
  • 厄羅伯曾用於西班牙語國傢的測量液體的單位,容量不一,但量酒類時約等於16。2公升(17脫)
    A liquid measure formerly used in Spanish-speaking countries, having varying value but equal to about16.2 liters(17 quarts) when used to measure wine.
  • 德隆有四分之一黑人血統的人
    A person having one-quarter Black ancestry.
  • 這個罐的容量有四脫。
    This can has a capacity of four quarters.
  • “要算是轉彎抹角的自,因為你對於你自己寫信方面的缺點覺得很得意,你認為你思想敏捷,懶得去註意書法,而且你認為你這些方面即使沒有什麽了不起,完全不考慮到做出來的成績是不是完美。
    "The indirect boast; -- for you are really proud of your defects in writing, because you consider them as proceeding from a rapidity of thought and carelessness of execution, which if not estimable, you think at least highly interesting. The power of doing any thing with quickness is always much prized by the possessor, and often without any attention to the imperfection of the performance.
  • 在首都長大使她對她的同胞的弱點和怪癖有着獨特的見解,而且由此也對雞尾酒會、政治和張法了如指掌,儘管她並不想知道那麽多。
    Growing up in the nation's capital has given her a unique perspective on the foibles and quirks of her compatriots and has taught her more than she ever wanted to know about cocktail parties, politics and hyperbole.
  • 你今天早上跟班納特太太說,如果你决定要從尼日斐花園搬走,你五分鐘之內就可以搬走,這種話無非是耀自己,恭維自己。再說,急躁的結果衹會使得應該要做好的事情沒有做好,無論對人對已,都沒有真正的好處,這有什麽值得贊美的呢?”
    When you told Mrs. Bennet this morning that if you ever resolved on quitting Netherfield you should be gone in five minutes, you meant it to be a sort of panegyric, of compliment to yourself -- and yet what is there so very laudable in a precipitance which must leave very necessary business undone, and can be of no real advantage to yourself or any one else?"
  • 他患輕微感冒的時候總是大病情,聽起來好像他要死了似的!
    He always piles on the agony when he has a slight cold and makes it sound as if he's going to die!
  • 他嚮我們敘述他的感冒時,故意大病情,以博取我們的同情。
    When he was telling us about his cold, he really turns on the agony just to gain our sympathy.
  • 他嚮我們敘述他的感冒時,故意大病情,以博取我們的同情。
    When he was telling us about his cold , he really piled on the agony just to gain our sympathy.
  • 吹牛的其談的或說大話的
    Given to ranting or bombast.
  • 我們對他大自己的成就感到厭惡。
    We is tired of his aggrandizement of his own achievements.
  • 我們對他大自己的成就感到厭惡。
    We are tired of his aggrandizement of his own achievements.
  • 張過分地或不合適地大或張;
    To enlarge or amplify unduly or improperly; aggrandize.
  • 大一個論點而貶低另一個
    Aggrandize one argument while belittling another.
  • 大叫大嚷,其談用粗野的,極大的聲音或粗野的態度說話或下結論;大聲責駡
    To speak or declaim in a violent, loud, or vehement manner; rave.
  • 她過分張地談她在法國吃過的食物。
    She raved about the food she had had in France.
  • 他們總是誇大其辭。
    They're always exaggerating things.
  • 通過他對她的奬恢復了信心。
    reassured by her praise he pressed on.
  • 因惡語謾駡而怒火中燒的;荒唐人類的諷刺像;對張的恭維我都給以諷刺的回答。
    afire with annihilating invective; a devastating portrait of human folly; to compliments inflated I've a withering reply- W.S.Gilbert.
  • 報紙上的正確批評的作用應該肯定,但是應當註意不要把個別的現象當作普遍的現象,不要把局部的東西大為整體。
    We should affirm that newspapers can play a useful role by publishing valid criticisms, but we must take care not to regard certain isolated phenomena as universal or to exaggerate limited problems and make them appear to be general ones.
  • 他們如此奬她,她窘得臉都紅了。
    She reddened with embarrassment when they praised her so much.