  • 因此,應在各級黨的組織和幹部中詳細討論中指示,實行正確的領導方法和工作方式,糾正錯誤的領導方法和工作方式。
    Therefore, it is necessary for Party organizations and cadres at the various levels to discuss the Central Committee's directives carefully, adopt the correct methods of leadership and work methods and rectify the erroneous ones.
  • 各根據地必須堅决地執行中去年十二月二十五日的指示,加強黨內的策略教育,糾正過左思想,以便長期地不動搖地堅持各抗日民主根據地。
    All base areas must strictly carry out the Central Committee's directive of December 25 last year, intensify inner-Party education on tactics and rectify ultra-Left views, so that we can unfalteringly maintain the anti-Japanese democratic base areas.
  • 因此,在極大部分的區域,包括沒有真正分配土地的控製區及一切遊擊區和嶄新區,都應根據中指示,“充分利用抗日時期的經驗,實行減租減息和酌量調劑種子食糧的社會政策和合理負擔的財政政策,以便聯合或中立一切可能聯合或中立的社會力量,幫助人民解放軍消滅一切國民黨武裝力量和打擊政治上最反動的惡霸分子。
    Therefore, in the great majority of the areas, including those areas under our control where land has not really been redistributed and all the guerrilla zones and the areas unreached by our army, we should follow the Central Committee's directive to "make full use of the experience acquired during the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, and put into effect the social policy of reducing rent and interest and of properly adjusting supplies of seed and food grains". We should also apply "the financial policy of the reasonable distribution of burden, so as to unite with all social forces or persuade them to take a neutral stand, and help the People's Liberation Army to wipe out all the Kuomintang armed forces and strike blows at the local tyrants, who are politically the most reactionary.
  • 從1989年中共十三屆四中全會到1996年底,中共中就國傢大政方針、國傢領導人選以及各項重大决策、法律、法規,同各民主黨派中、全國工商聯和無黨派人士舉行了100多次各種形式的協商活動。
    From the Fourth Plenum of the 13th Chinese Communist Party Central Committee, which was held in 1989, to the end of 1996, the Party Central Committee conducted more than 100 consultative activities of various forms on various fundamental state policies and principles, on the candidates for state leaders, and on various important policy decisions, laws and regulations with the central committees of various non-Communist parties, the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and personages without party affiliation.
  • 地方分權從中心位置分散開來或下放中權力
    To undergo redistribution or dispersal away from a central location or authority.
  • 目前,八個民主黨派中主席、全國工商聯主席和其他13位民主黨派、無黨派及各界黨外人士共有22人分別擔任了全國人大常委會副委員長或全國政協副主席;
    Now the chairmen of the central committees of the eight democratic parties, the chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and 13 other people from the democratic parties, personages without party affiliation and non-Party personages from all walks of life, totaling 22, serve as vice-chairmen of the NPC Standing Committee or vice-chairmen of the CPPCC National Committee.
  • 從這次中機關幹部大會開始,要狠狠地抓。
    We should redouble our efforts, beginning with the current Meeting of Cadres of the Central Organs.
  • 不時,這聲響,這喧嘩,隨着涌嚮中大臺階的人流的折回、混亂或旋轉,益發振耳欲聾了。這是因為府衙的一名弓箭手在推人,或是一名捕頭騎馬橫衝直撞,拼命維持秩序。
    From time to time the uproar redoubled, the current which bore the crowd towards the grand stairs was choked, thrown back, and formed into eddies, when some archer thrust back the crowd, or the horse of one of the provost’s men kicked out to restore order;
  • 他在晚年(1930年)還曾表示,“吾所最希求者,即中國真正和平統一”,“都是中國領土,何分爾我”,“英人對吾確有誘惑之念,但吾知主權不可失”,公開表明“不親英人,不背中”的意旨(摘自劉曼卿著《康藏軺徵》)。
    In his later years (in 1930), he said, "My greatest wish is for the real peace and unification of China." "Since it is all Chinese territory, why distinguish between you and us?" He further elaborated, "The British truly intend to tempt me, but I know that our sovereignty must not be lost." He also publicly expressed his determination "not to affiliate with the British nor forsake the central government" (Liu Manqing: A Mission to Xikang and Tibet).
  • 特指美國聯邦政府的,尤指與美國中政府有關的
    Referring especially to the central government of the United States
  • 戈爾巴喬夫和他剋裏姆林宮改革派盟友們,準備容忍,甚至鼓勵溫和的民族主義分子嚮中控製挑戰並要求獨立。可是莫斯科自有理由覺得:在一個操多種語言,由102個民族組成的國傢裏,族裔之間的暴力則屬過分。
    Mr.Gorbachev and his reformist Kremlin allies are prepared to tolerate, even encourage, moderate nationalists who challenge central control and demand autonomy. But Moscow rightly feels that, in a polyglot country with 102 different nationalities, ethnic violence is beyond the pale.
  • 但是,當時控製西藏地方政府的攝政大紮·阿旺鬆饒等人,在某些外國勢力的支持下,不顧國傢和西藏人民利益,拒不接受中政府進行和平談判的號召。
    However, the then Tibetan Regent Dagzhag Ngawang Sungrab and others who were in control of the Tibetan local government, supported by some foreign forces and disregarding the interests of the country and the Tibetans, rejected the central government's call for negotiation on the peaceful liberation of Tibet.
  • 1940年,當時任中政府首腦的蔣介石,經特派蒙藏委員會委員長吳忠信到拉薩察看後,同意西藏地方攝政熱振關於免於金瓶掣簽的申請,由國民政府主席正式頒布命令,批準拉木登珠為十四世達賴喇嘛。
    After an inspection tour in Lhasa by Wu Zhongxin, chief of the Commission for Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs, in 1940, Chiang Kai-shek, then head of the central government, approved Tibetan Regent Razheng's request to waive the lot-drawing convention, and the chairman of the national government issued an official decree conferring the title of the 14th Dalai Lama on Lhamo Toinzhub.
  • 國民政府派專使入藏致祭,並批準勢振活佛為攝政,代行達賴喇嘛職權,對於尋覓十三世達賴轉世靈童應遵循的辦法,西藏地方政府都按照歷來的規定一一呈報中政府。
    The national government sent a special envoy to Tibet for the memorial ceremony. It also approved the Living Buddha Razheng as the regent to assume the duties and power of the Dalai Lama. The Tibetan local government also followed the age-old system in reporting to the central government all the procedures that should be followed in search for the reincarnation of the late 13th Dalai Lama.
  • 飛機把我們降落在一個大廣場的中
    The aeroplane landed us in the middle of a big square.
  •  中各部門、各省、自治區、直轄市在香港特別行政區設立的一切機構及其人員均須遵守香港特別行政區的法律。
    All offices set up in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region by departments of the Central Government, or by provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government, and the personnel of these offices shall abide by the laws of the Region.
  •  中各部門、各省、自治區、直轄市如需在香港特別行政區設立機構,須徵得香港特別行政區政府同意並經中人民政府批準。
    If there is a need for departments of the Central Government, or for provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government to set up offices in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, they must obtain the consent of the government of the Region and the approval of the Central People's Government.
  •  第一百五十五條中人民政府協助或授權香港特別行政區政府與各國或各地區締結互免簽證協議。
    Article 155 The Central People's Government shall assist or authorize the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to conclude visa abolition agreements with foreign states or regions.
  •  第一百三十二條凡涉及中華人民共和國其他地區同其他國傢和地區的往返並經停香港特別行政區的航班,和涉及香港特別行政區同其他國傢和地區的往返並經停中華人民共和國其他地區航班的民用航空運輸協定,由中人民政府簽訂。
    Article 132 All air service agreements providing air services between other parts of the People's Republic of China and other states and regions with stops at the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and air services between the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and other states and regions with stops at other parts of the People's Republic of China shall be concluded by the Central People's Government.
  • 令人遺憾的是,達賴不僅沒有接受中的好意,反而變本加厲地進行分裂活動。
    Regretfully, the Dalai Lama did not draw on the good will of the central government. Instead, he further intensified his separatist activities.
  • 2002年7月,中軍委頒布施行《中國人民解放軍後勤裝備條例》,促進了後勤裝備的正規化建設。
    In July 2002, the CMC promulgated the Regulations on the Logistical Equipment of the PLA to promote the regularized development of logistical equipment.
  • “食肉動物”偵察機是從中情報局的無人偵察機群中抽調出來的。
    The Predators -- known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) come from the CIA's squadron of remotecontrol drones.
  • 每逢一代達賴喇嘛、班禪額爾德尼和西藏各大轉世活佛的轉世靈童覓到時,即將靈童姓名繕寫在簽上,納入中頒發的金瓶,由駐藏大臣會集有關大活佛,掣簽確定(金瓶和簽現在仍保存在拉薩)。
    When the reincarnate boy has been found, his name will be written on a lot, which shall be put into a gold urn bestowed by the central government. The high commissioners will bring together appropriate high-ranking Living buddhas to determine the authenticity of the reincarnate boy by drawing lots from the gold urn.(Both the gold urn and lots are still preserved in Lhasa.)
  • 每逢一代達賴喇嘛、班禪額爾德尼和西藏各大轉世活佛的轉世靈童覓到時,即將靈童姓名繕寫在簽上,納入中頒發的金瓶,由駐藏大臣會集有關大活佛,掣簽確定(金瓶和簽現在仍保存在拉薩)。
    When the reincarnate boy has been found, his name will be written on a lot, which shall be put into a gold urn bestowed by the central government. The high commissioners will bring together appropriate high-ranking Living buddhas to determine the authenticity of the reincarnate boy by drawing lots from the gold urn. (Both the gold urn and lots are still preserved in Lhasa.)
  • 每逢一代達賴喇嘛、班禪額爾德尼和西藏各大轉世活佛的轉世靈童覓到時,即將靈童姓名繕寫在簽上,納入中頒發的金瓶,由駐藏大臣會集有關大活佛,掣簽確定(金瓶和簽現在仍保存在拉薩)。
    When the reincarnate boy has been found, his name will be written on a lot, which shall be put into a gold urn bestowed by the central government. The high commissioners will bring together appropriate high-ranking Living buddhas to determine the authenticity of the reincarnate boy by drawing lots from the gold urn. (Both the gold urn and the lot are still preserved in Lhasa.)
  • 儘管如此,中政府仍然希望達賴懸崖勒馬,回心轉意。
    Nevertheless, the central government still hopes that the Dalai Lama would rein in at the brink of the precipice and change his mind.
  • 經“金瓶掣簽”認定的活佛轉世靈童須報請中政府批準後,方能正式繼位。
    The ``soul boy'' confirmed through lot-drawing from the golden urn as the reincarnation of a Grand Living Buddha must be reported to the central government for approval prior to his official enthronement.
  • 因此,大活佛轉世經由中政府批準,是藏語係佛教宗教儀軌和歷史定製,是維護藏語係佛教正常秩序的關鍵。
    Therefore, the approval of the reincarnation of the Grand Living Buddhas by the central government is a religious ritual and historical convention of Tibetan Buddhism, and is the key to safeguarding the normal order of Tibetan Buddhism.
  • 從1792年至本世紀,在藏語係佛教大活佛轉世係統中,有70多位轉世靈童是經過“金瓶掣簽”認定後報中政府批準的。
    Since 1792, in the reincarnation system of the Grand Living Buddhas of Tibetan Buddhism over 70 “soul boys'' have been identified by confirmation through lot-drawing from the golden urn and with the approval of the central government.
  • 鑒於歷史上的藏語係佛教大活佛在西藏社會生活中的特殊地位,中國的明代、清代逐步將活佛轉世納入了中政府管理和國傢典章法製範圍內。
    Considering the special place of the Grand Living Buddhas in Tibetan Buddhism of past generations in Tibetan social life, the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties gradually put the identifying of the reincarnation of the Living Buddhas within the jurisdiction of the central government and into the framework of the State's laws and statutes.
  • 他們必須加強中的權威。
    they had to reinforce the center.
  • 當舉行達賴喇嘛、班禪額爾德尼的坐床和親政典禮時,中派大員親臨監視。
    The central government will send high officials to supervise in person the installation ceremony for the new Dalai Lama and the new Bainqen Erdeni and also the ceremony for their taking over reins of government .