  • 啊,他假裝死了。
    Ah, he pretends to be dead.
  • 把嘴張開,說“”。
    Open your mouth and say "ah".
  • 把嘴張開,說“”。
    Open your mouth and say"Ah".
  • !是的,我認識他;
    'Ah, yes, I know him;
  • 這可真是個謎啊!”
    Ah, THAT'S the great puzzle!'
  • ,太好了,公共汽車來了。
    Ah, good, here's the bus.
  • 啊,是奎剋太太嗎?
    Ah. Yes. Mrs. Quick.
  • !看那兒,喏!”
    "Ah, see there, now!"
  • 剋婁石—剋完說,“!”
    And Klosh?Kwan said, “Ah!
  • 啊,多可愛的小孩兒!
    Ah, what a lovely baby!
  • 啊!上北京烤鴨了!
    Ah, here comes Peking duck!
  • 啊,好啦,沒什麽。
    Ah well, never mind.
  • 啊,原來你在這兒。
    Ah, 5there you are.
  • 啊,在這裏。
    Ah, here we are.
  • 啊,就在哪兒。
    Ah, there it is.
  • 啊!他在那邊!
    Ah, there he is!
  • ,上半場時間到了。
    Ah, half - time.
  • ,原來這襯衫是收在這地方。
    Ah! This is where I put away this shirt.
  • !我的孩子,我知道他倆都遭不幸。他們嘗到了人世的悲痛。
    Ah! My child, I know they have both suffered grief. They have has the black ox tread on their feet.
  • ,原來經理最喜歡的是日本清酒。
    Ah, so what the manager likes beating is sake!
  • 啊,你在這裏呀!
    Ah, there you are!
  • 切莉先於布萊爾到達德剋薩斯,4月4日她在德州東北部城市達拉斯參加公益活動時對觀衆們說道:"我們的乳房在哺乳和性生活中都有很重要的作用,所以如果發現乳房中有了腫塊,女性魅力大打折扣,該會是多麽痛苦!"
    Cherie, who arrived in Texas before her husband, told the audience in Dallas on Thursday: "We associate our breasts with our nurturing, our sexuality. To find a lump and to think of having that femininity removed is agonising."
  •  鄰居的小孩子們做遊戲的時候總是跑過來跑過去,毫無疑問小瓊尼看到他們玩就會馬上加進去跑鬧的。
    The children in our neighborhood ran around as most children do during play. Joey would watch them play and, of course, would jump right in and run and play too.
  • 售貨員:沒問題,您看這是翡翠,比瑪瑙和紫水晶更值錢,緑色多賞心悅目。而且質地好,沒有瑕疵。
    Shop No preblem. Here is jadeite which is nore valuable than agate and amethyst. The green color is pleasant and amethyst. The green color is pleasant and they're flawless and of good quality.
  • 我多麽希望他早日康復
    How I hoped for his speedy recovery!
  • ,不過呢,就把它留在這兒吧!
    However, let it remain!
  • 多麽荒唐的話啊!
    What a fatuous remark!
  • 啊,我記起來了。
    Oh, I remember now.
  • 在你禱告時,可要把我銘記在心
    remember me in your prayers.
  • 那將會是一次多麽驚險的旅行
    What an adventure that would be!
  • 上帝,求你為我造一顆純潔的心,使我重新具有正直的靈魂。
    Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
  • 要是能走遍北京所有的名勝該多少
    How wonderful it would be that we could see all places of renown in Beijing.