  • 利點了一客半熟的牛排。
    Harry ordered a medium rare steak.
  • 羅德對他兄弟的某些創作的評價並不是太恭維。
    Harold's rating of some of his brother's creations are not very flattering.
  • 羅德對他兄弟的某些創作的評價並不是太恭維。
    Harold's rating of some of his brother's creations is not very flattering.
  • 他們委派他去捉拿墨林的所有變節者。
    They appointed him to catch all the rats in Hamelin.
  • 雷蒙:有,我剛剛在街角的藥房買了一些香草冰淇淋,我也買發一些蜜瓜.竜眼和葡萄。
    Raymond: Yes, I just picked up some vanilla ice cream at the corner drugstore. I also got some cantaloupes,longans and grapes.
  • 雷蒙:有,我剛剛在街角的藥房買了一些香草冰淇淋,我也買發一些蜜瓜。竜眼和葡萄。
    Raymond: Yes, I just picked up some vanilla ice cream at the corner drugstore. I also got some cantaloupes, longans and grapes.
  • 他們正在演《姆雷特》。
    They're giving the Hamlet.
  • 巴迪是一隻漂亮聰明的海豚——但也是一個會改變動作破壞演出的叛逆者。伯德不喜歡它,不得不給它點顔色看。
    Buddy was a beautiful, clever dolpin-but also a rebel who would change the cat and wreck the show. Hubbard hated him and had to show him who was boss.
  • 土耳其西北部一城市;原是一座色雷斯的小城,為羅馬皇帝德裏安重建並重新命名。
    a city in northwestern Turkey; a Thracian town that was rebuilt and renamed by the Roman emperor Hadrian.
  • 在《舊約全書》中反對偶像崇拜的希伯來人預言傢;因斥責亞和翟澤拜爾(以色列的國王和王後)而被迫害;他被一倆烈火戰車帶到了天堂。
    a Hebrew prophet in the Old Testament who opposed the worship of idols; he was persecuted for rebuking Ahab and Jezebel (king and queen of Israel); he was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire.
  • 賽義德則被逮捕入獄,直到1999年12月賽義德又被作為交換被劫持到阿富汗坎大的一架印度客機上的乘客,被印度當局釋放。
    Saeed was arrested and held until Dec.1999, when India exchanged him for passengers on an Indian Airlines jet hijacked to Afghanistan.
  • 美國和阿富汗在反對恐怖主義的戰爭中結成了盟友。在阿富汗重建階段,我們仍將是合作夥伴。今晚,讓我們歡迎來自解放了的阿富汗的臨時政府領導人:尊敬的米德·卡爾紮伊主席!
    America and Afghanistan are now allies against terror... we will be partners in rebuilding that country... and this evening we welcome the distinguished interim leader of a liberated Afghanistan: Chairman Hamid Karzai.
  • 姆雷特假裝自己不認得普婁尼亞斯。
    Hamlet feigned himself unable to recognize Polonius.
  • 姆雷特裝出不認得普婁尼亞斯的樣子。
    Hamlet feigned that he couldn't recognize Polonius.
  • 它們現在是從第一次的撞擊中撤退了回來,這就是勃觀察到的它們的狀態。
    They are now recoiling from that first pass, and this is the state in which Flubble spotted them.
  • 愛瑪認為羅伯特·馬丁不配取裏特為妻,便鼓勵這位姑娘追求年輕的牧師埃爾頓先生。
    Instead of thinking of Robert Martin as a husband for Harriet, Emma influenced the girl to aspire to Mr. Elton, the young, rector.
  • 津巴布韋津巴布韋東南部一城市遺址,位於拉雷南部,公元3世紀首次被鐵器時代的人占領,1870年被再次發現,一些人相信它是所羅門國王寶庫的所在地
    A ruined city of southeast Zimbabwe south of Harare. First occupied by Iron Age peoples in the third century a.d., it was rediscovered c.1870 and is believed by some to be the site of King Solomon's mines.
  • 我不明白裏為什麽辭去上次的一份工作,不過當我提到自願裁員,那就觸到了他痛處。
    I don't know why Harry left his last job but it touched him on the raw when I mentioned voluntary redundancy.
  • 儘管許多早期的畢業生成為新英格蘭清教教會的高級官員,佛大學從沒有正式與任何一種宗教信仰建立聯繫。
    Although many of its early graduates became ministers in Puritan congregations throughout New England,the college never formally affiliated with a specific religious denomination.
  • 順潮駛離暗礁;順潮駛嚮得遜河上遊
    Tided off the reef; tiding up the Hudson.
  • 盧考特角美國北卡羅萊那州東海岸附近一塊多沙暗礁上的一個岬,位於特勒斯角西南。1859年在那裏建了一座燈塔
    A point on a sandy reef off eastern North Carolina southwest of Cape Hatteras. A lighthouse was built here in1859.
  • 裏能在不到1分鐘內把美國歷屆總統的名字都背出來。
    Harry can reel off the names of all the Presidents of the United States in less than a minute.
  • 自1990年首次嚮聯合國維和行動派遣軍事觀察員以來,中國已先後嚮“聯合國中東停戰監督組織”(untso)、“聯合國伊拉剋--科威特觀察團(unikom)、“聯合國柬埔寨臨時權力機構”(untac)、“聯合國西撒拉公民投票特派團”(minurso)、“聯合國莫桑比剋行動”(onumoz)和“聯合國利比裏亞觀察團”(unomil)等6項聯合國維和行動,派出軍事觀察員32批437人次。
    In 1990, China began to assign military observers to UN peace-keeping operations; since then it has sent 437 military observers in 32 groups to join six UN peace-keeping operations, viz, the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) in the Middle East, United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission (UNIKOM), Un ited Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC), United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), United Nations Operation in Mozambique (ONUMOZ) and United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia (UNOMIL).
  • 至今為止,中國已先後嚮"聯合國停戰監督組織"(untso)、"聯合國伊拉剋-科威特觀察團"(unikom)、"聯合國柬埔寨臨時權力機構"(untac)、"聯合國西撒拉公民投票特派團"(minurso)、"聯合國莫桑比剋行動"(onumoz)、"聯合國利比裏亞觀察團"(unomil)、"聯合國塞拉利昂觀察團"(unomsil)和"聯合國塞拉利昂特派團"(unamsil)等多項聯合國維和行動派出軍事觀察員、軍事聯絡官和軍事顧問共522人次,派出工程兵部隊兩批800人次。
    So far China has sent 522 military observers, liaison officers or advisers and 800 men in two batches from engineering units to the UN peace-keeping operations, including the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO), United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission (UNIKOM), United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC), United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), United Nations Operation in Mozambique (ONUMOZ), United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia (UNOMIL), United Nations Observer Mission in Sierra Leone (UNOMSIL) and United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL).
  • 裏已經完全改過自新了。
    Harry has completely reformed.
  • 北美空間防禦司令部和美軍航天司令部司令官埃德·埃伯特將軍說,太空飛機也能用來"攻擊目標"。
    And,says Gen.Ed Eberhart,commander in chief of the North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S.Space Command,a space plane could also be useful for"putting steel on target."
  • 特費爾德·普芬是一架時髦的飛機,但設計這架飛機的人約翰·溫佩尼先生感到很難使它飛離地面。
    The Hatfield Puffin is a modern aeroplane, but its designer, Mr. John Wimpenny, is finding it difficult to get it off the ground.
  • 本頓,托馬斯·特1889-1975美國藝術傢,其繪畫和壁畫,如密蘇裏歷史以被稱為宗教主義的平板的、現實主義的風格,表現美國中西部和南部的生活
    American artist whose paintings and murals, such as The History of Missouri, were executed in a flat, realistic style known as regionalism and portrayed life in the Midwest and South.
  • 碰巧裏遜教授現在正在那所大學贊助下着手研究他早先的材料,也許用不了多久就能發表一些東西了。
    Incidentally, Professor Harrison is now working on his original material under the aegis of that university and may before long be publishing some of it.
  • 昨天,丁勤時市長在一次記者招待會中,對幾位商界領袖們說:“曼頓南部是推動本市經濟的發動機,”並宣佈研究改善此一地區的計劃,設法使其復蘇,並研擬本地的長期發展。
    "Lower Manhattan is the economic engine which drives our city," Mayor David N.Dinkins said yesterday during a news conference with several corporate executives where he announced plans to study changes in the area, find ways to reinvigorate it and map out its long-term development.
  • (作者是佛大學教授、佛燕京學社主任、《聯合早報》國際文化咨詢團成員。)
    (The author is a professor at Harvard University and a member of International Advisory Panel on Culture)
  • 剋西曾米裏建議“歇一會兒,”讓自己有機會調整充實一下。
    “ Take a break for a while,” Csikszentmihalyi advises, and give yourself a chance to rejuvenate.