  • 使他大一驚的是,特德在抽彩中得了頭奬。
    Much to his surprise, Ted won first prize in the raffle.
  • 那工作非常力,一天下來可把我纍壞了。
    The work was so exciting that it ran me ragged by the end of the day.
  • 他們又纍又餓,又想東西又想睡覺;餓極了的小男孩;這個傢饑腸轆轆、衣衫襤褸;落入了饑腸轆轆的捕食者的懷抱。
    they were tired and famished for food and sleep; a ravenous boy; the family was starved and ragged; fell into the esurient embrance of a predatory enemy.
  • 再說到赫斯脫先生,他就坐在伊麗莎白身旁,他天生一副懶骨頭,活在世上就是為了、喝、玩牌,他聽到伊麗莎白寧可一碟普通的菜而不喜歡燴肉,便和她談不上勁了。
    and as for Mr. Hurst, by whom Elizabeth sat, he was an indolent man, who lived only to eat, drink, and play at cards, who, when he found her prefer a plain dish to a ragout, had nothing to say to her.
  • 大型紅色和黑色的歐洲蛾子;幼蟲千裏光屬植物的葉子;為控製千裏光(狗舌草)而引入美國。
    large red-and-black European moth; larvae feed on leaves of ragwort; introduced into United States to control ragwort.
  • 核桃及葡萄幹經常是一起的。
    Nuts and raisins are frequently eaten together.
  • 瑪格麗特着糖漬葡萄不再理我了。
    Marguerite ate her raisins without paying any further attention to me.
  • (英國)扁平的蛋糕,由發酵的面團摻葡萄幹製成,通常烘烤後塗上黃油
    (Britain) flat cake made from a raised dough with raisins usually eaten toasted and buttered.
  • 我避開藥;在齋月期間,穆斯林教徒避開煙草。
    I keep off drugs; During Ramadan, Muslims avoid tobacco during the day.
  • 這份缺少可信的實際數據的報告讓人驚;以令人驚訝的敏捷跳了過去;她掙的錢數量多的驚人。
    the report shows a surprising lack of hard factual data; leaped up with surprising agility; she earned a surprising amount of money.
  • 他狼吞虎咽地把晚飯塞下肚,好象3天沒過東西似的。
    He rammed down his supper as though he had not eaten for three days.
  • 史密斯囫圇吞棗地把晚飯塞下肚,好像三天沒過東西似的。
    Smith rammed down his supper as though he had not eaten for three days.
  • 鮑恩接着說,“熊衝嚮季奚,季奚趕緊跑開,但是跑的時候,他把一個小圓球扔在冰地上,熊停下來嗅嗅,然後把圓球了下去。
    Bawn, the other hunter said, “The bear began to run toward Keesh. Keesh ran away. But as he ran, he dropped a little round ball on the ice. The bear stopped an d smelled the ball, then ate it.
  • 流浪漢攔住農場主,要他給點的和喝的。
    The tramp bailed up the rancher to ask him for some food and drink.
  • 蘭迪好東西,成了個胖墩兒。
    Randy love to eat, he's a butter-ball.
  • 嘿,藍迪,你午飯了嗎?
    Hey, Randy, have you had your lunch yet?
  • 蘭迪好東西,成了個胖墩兒。
    Randy love to eat, he's a butter ball.
  •  讓我驚的是警鈴竟然又響了。
    I was shocked when it rang again.
  • 最初,一傢人可以開着車度周末,然後就在路邊的餐館旁停下買飯,這樣飯時也能呆在他們那輛漂亮的車裏。
    In the beginning, families would go for weekend drives and end the day by going to a drive-in restau- rant so they could eat while still in their wonderful car.
  • 老闆給我們一小時午飯,但倘若我們晚回來五分鐘,他就開始暴跳如雷,責怪我們太懶。
    The boss allows us one hour for lunch, and if we take even five minutes longer he starts ranting and raving about our laziness.
  • 狼吞虎咽的貪婪食肉的;貪婪或貪
    Greedily predacious; voracious or rapacious.
  • 的禿鷲;貪婪的食欲;像狼一樣貪婪;貪婪的鯊魚。
    edacious vultures; a rapacious appetite; ravenous as wolves; voracious sharks.
  • 它們還經常啃麥子、豆子和油菜。”
    They often graze the wheat, beans and oil?seed rape.
  • 有時傢長的兇勁簡直讓人驚。
    In some cases,the aggression is startling.
  • 本周六,拉斐爾先生想請您和他一起在國際飯店飯。
    Mr.Raphael would like to invite you to have dinner with him at the International Hotel this Saturday.
  • 各種小的、可的、多汁水果,單體(葡萄;越桔)或復合體(黑莓;覆盆子)。
    any of numerous small edible pulpy fruits either simple (grape; blueberry) or aggregate (blackberry; raspberry).
  • 個頭大的、甜的、黑色或黑紫色、可的、懸鈎子屬植物的復合果實。
    large sweet black or very dark purple edible aggregate fruit of any of various bushes of the genus Rubus.
  • 紅色或黑色、可的復合漿果,常比黑莓個頭小。
    red or black edible aggregate berries usually smaller than the related blackberries.
  • 我愛煮得嫩的牛肉。
    I like my beef rare.
  • 我愛做得極嫩的雞肉。
    I want my chicken very rare.
  • 他還了三份加味乳酪烤面包片—一頓不平常的晚餐。
    He had also eaten three Welsh rarebits—an unusual supper.
  • 了蝦後,身上出現皮疹。
    He broke out in a rash after eating prawns.