  • 曼斯菲爾德美國俄亥俄州中北部一城市,位於阿剋倫的西南偏南方,於1808年首次被查勘。該城出産多種産品。人50,627
    A city of north-central Ohio west-southwest of Akron. First surveyed in1808, it manufactures a wide variety of products. Population,50, 627.
  • 坎頓美國俄亥俄州東北部一城市,位於阿卡倫東南偏南。是威廉·麥金利總統的故鄉。人84,161
    A city of northeast Ohio south-southeast of Akron. It was the home of President William McKinley. Population,84, 161.
  • 麥地那美國俄亥俄東北部一城市,位於阿剋隆西北偏西處。它是一個産品加工和銷售中心。人19,231
    A city of northeast Ohio west-northwest of Akron. It is a processing and marketing center. Population,19, 231.
  • 不倫瑞剋俄亥俄州東北部一城市,剋利夫蘭和阿剋隆的一近郊住宅區。人28,230
    A city of northeast Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland and Akron. Population,28, 230.
  • 兩旁有塔形建築的門道以一對平頭金字塔形式出現的紀念性的通,用來作通往古埃及廟宇的入
    A monumental gateway in the form of a pair of truncated pyramids serving as the entrance to an ancient Egyptian temple.
  • 吉薩埃及北部的一個城市,位於尼羅河上開羅的一個工業區。雄偉的金字塔和獅身人面像就在附近。人1,608,400
    A city of northern Egypt, an industrial suburb of Cairo on the Nile River. The Great Pyramids and the Sphinx are nearby. Population,1, 608, 400.
  • 盧爾德法國西南部比利牛斯山腳下的一個城鎮,以羅馬天主教的聖地而聞名。這個聖地傳統是1858年聖母瑪利亞出現在聖伯納前的地方。人17,425
    A town of southwest France at the foot of the Pyrenees. It is noted for its Roman Catholic shrine marking the site where the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to Saint Bernadette in1858. Population,17, 425.
  • 安道爾歐洲西南部的一個小國,位於法國和比利牛斯山東段的西班牙之間。儘管它每年對其在法國和西班牙的宗主國舉行效忠儀式,卻是一個獨立國傢。首都安道爾拉維拉(人14,928)。全國人為38,051
    A tiny country of southwest Europe between France and Spain in the eastern Pyrenees. Although it pays nominal yearly homage to its suzerains in France and Spain, it is an independent republic. Andorra la Vella(population,14, 928) is the capital. The country's population is38, 051.
  • 店主笑了,吹了一聲哨,從窩裏出來一隻母狗,它沿着小店的過道跑過來,後面跟着5個小毛球。
    The store owner smiled and whistled and out of the kennel came Lady, who ran down the aisle of his store followed by five teeny tiny balls of fur.
  • 卡塔爾首都和主要港
    the capital and chief port of Qatar.
  • 多哈卡塔爾首都,臨波斯灣。在1949年生産石油以前係小村莊。城市人190,000
    The capital of Qatar, on the Persian Gulf. It was a tiny village before oil production began in1949. Population,190, 000.
  • 這麽一點進出,就能實現翻兩番呀?
    How can we quadruple the GNP with such meagre imports and exports?
  • 目前,中國正在製定國民經濟和社會發展“九五”計劃和2010年遠景目標,計劃到2000年,在中國人將比1980年增長3億左右的情況下,實現人均國民生産總值比1980年翻兩番;基本消除貧睏現象,人民生活達到小康水平。
    At present, China is drawing up the Ninth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and a longrange objective for 2010. It plans to quadruple the 1980 per capita GNP and ensure that people have enough food and clothing and live a comparatively comfortable life by 2000, even though China's population will by then have increased by about 300 million over that of 1980.
  • 大口大口地喝泉水
    Quaffed from the spring.
  • 罐頭一種不透氣容器,常用馬鐵製成,可將食物或飲料放於其中保存
    An airtight container, usually made of tin-coated iron, in which foods or beverages are preserved.
  • 無懈可擊的藉口
    An airtight excuse.
  • 可憐的朱庇特驚慌失措,魂不附體,塗滿脂粉的紅臉蛋煞白,丟下霹靂,拿下頭盔,頻頻鞠躬,戰戰兢兢,裏吶吶道:“紅衣主教大人……御使們……弗朗德勒的瑪格麗特公主……”語無倫次,連他自己都不知道說什麽。
    Poor Jupiter, quaking, bewildered, pale beneath his rouge, dropped his thunder-bolt and took his helmet in his hand; then bowing and trembling: “His Eminence,” he stammered, “the Ambassadors—Madame Marguerite of Flanders—” he could get no farther.
  • 阿萊恩斯美國俄亥俄州東北部一城市,位於揚斯敦西南部,1805年教友派教徒定居此地,人23,376
    A city of northeast Ohio southwest of Youngstown. It was settled by Quakers in1805. Population,23, 376.
  • 裏士滿印第安納東部的一個城市,位於印第安納波利斯以東。奎剋人於1806年在此殖民,主要是一個工業中心。人38,705
    A city of eastern Indiana east of Indianapolis. Settled in1806 by Quakers, it is primarily an industrial center. Population,38, 705.
  • 大力支持西安交大等5個高校科技産業園、生物工程園的建設,加快發展西安軟件園、留學人員創業園、西安醫藥工業園、西飛航空航天科技園、高新技術産業出工業園。
    We will strongly support 5 hi-tech parks of higher institutions, such as Xi'an Jiaotong University, the construction of the biotechnology park, so as to speed up the development of software park, park for the oversea students, Xi'an airspace and airspace and airplane garden, the exportation of hi-tech products garden.
  • 操作入站點(operatorsite)可以定義更多的搜索修飾符,但同時所有的操作入站點和兼容的實現必須完整支持在前面定義的這些修飾符及其行為。
    Operator Sites may define more search qualifier values than these – but all Operator Sites and fully compatible software must support these qualifiers and behaviors.
  • 這些鍵總是按照由uddi操作入站點委員會的算法所約定的統一格式編碼的,衹有tmodel的鍵值是例外的,它的格式是帶有一個"uuid:"格式的urn修飾符前綴,之後纔是uuid的值。
    These keys are always formatted according to an algorithm that is agreed upon by the UDDI Operator Council with the one exception being tModelKey values, which are prefixed with a URN qualifier in the format "uuid:" followed by the UUID value.
  • 語體語化或語用法
    Colloquial style or quality.
  • 因霧而關閉的機場、港
    A fog-bound airport, harbour
  • 美國人純粹衹是頭上說要使用公制度量。不論計量什麽,他們幾乎都是沿用法國大革命前的行之有效的度量單位。
    Americans give the merest mumbling lip service to the metric system, while continuing to quantify almost everything with the tried-and-true units of measure-ment they have used since before the French Revolu-tion.
  • 沒有數量限製的小麥出;數量分析决定了一種物質或混合物的化學成分的數量和比例。
    export wheat without quantitative limitations; quantitative analysis determines the amounts and proportions of the chemical constituents of a substance or mixture.
  • 中國方面,雖然在力量的強度上是劣勢,因此造成了戰略上的某種被動姿態,但是在地理、人和兵員的數量上,並且又在人民和軍隊的敵愾心和士氣上,卻處於優勢,這種優勢再加上其他的有利因素,便減殺了自己軍力、經濟力等的劣勢的程度,使之變為戰略上的相對的劣勢。
    As for China, though placed in a somewhat passive position strategically because of her inferior strength, she is nevertheless quantitatively superior in territory, population and troops, and also superior in the morale of her people and army and their patriotic hatred of the enemy; This superiority, together with other advantages, reduces the extent of her inferiority in military, economic and other power, and changes it into a relative strategic inferiority.
  • 衛生處根據《檢疫及防疫條例》和《國際衛生規例》執行管製措施,防止疫癥經海陸空傳入本港。
    The Port Health Office enforces measures in the Quarantine and Prevention of Disease Ordinance and the International Health Regulations to prevent the introduction of quarantinable diseases into Hong Kong by air, land or sea.
  • 口角;爭吵
    A petty quarrel; a squabble.
  • 此口角由誤會而起。
    The quarrel originate in misunderstanding.
  • 煽動一次打鬥或者角。
    pick a fight or a quarrel.
  • 無謂的爭吵不重要的爭吵或爭論;
    A petty quarrel or argument; a tiff.