  • 解剖學專著
    A treatise on anatomic science.
  • 局部解學對某一解後的局部或部分的研究或描述
    The study or description of an anatomical region or part.
  • 局部解身體某特定區域或部分的解後的結構
    The anatomical structure of a specific area or part of the body.
  • 扇形器官扇形的解結構
    A fan-shaped anatomical structure.
  • 舞蹈解剖生理學
    anatomical physiology in dancing
  • 可拆開的解剖模型
    A clastic anatomical model.
  • 迷路一群復雜相連的解
    A group of complex interconnecting anatomical cavities.
  • 內翻的器官能夠被內翻的解結構
    An anatomical structure that is capable of being introverted.
  • ,把東西切開把組織切割或分成(小塊),尤指為瞭解研究
    To cut apart or separate(tissue), especially for anatomical study.
  • 員為解教學或病理檢查而解屍體的人
    One who dissects cadavers for anatomical instruction or pathological examination.
  • 人體模型用於教學的人體解模型
    An anatomical model of the human body for use in teaching.
  • 從墳墓裏盜屍賣給搞解的人的人。
    someone who takes bodies from graves and sells them for anatomical dissection.
  • 組織學對動植物組織的微以構的解研究
    The anatomical study of the microscopic structure of animal and plant tissues.
  • 轉節解學上用作支點或轉節的結構
    An anatomical structure that acts as a hinge or a point of support.
  • 臂的同源結構臂或同源的解結構,如鰭狀肢或翅膀
    An arm or a homologous anatomical structure, such as a flipper or wing.
  • 仿生替代增強通過電子或機械部件取代或增強的解學結構或生理過程的
    Having anatomical structures or physiological processes that are replaced or enhanced by electronic or mechanical components.
  • 滑車類似滑車的解結構,尤指與尺骨以關節相連的肱骨遠側末端部分
    An anatomical structure that resembles a pulley, especially the part of the distal end of the humerus that articulates with the ulna.
  • 小柱植物和動物中的一種小的柱狀結構,通常構成有機體發展或解架的中軸
    Any small columnlike structure in various plants and animals, often forming the central axis of development for the organism or an anatomical structure.
  • 末梢的,末端的解上遠離參照點的,如起點或可縛的一點
    Anatomically located far from a point of reference, such as an origin or a point of attachment.
  • 骨頭在解學上構成脊椎動物骨架的大多相互區別的結構。人體上有200多塊不同的骨頭
    Any of numerous anatomically distinct structures making up the skeleton of a vertebrate animal. There are more than200 different bones in the human body.
  • 這些(遭受)前所未有疾病的受害者的屍體。
    anatomize the bodies of the victims of this strange disease.
  • 你還記得我們解青蛙的那堂課嗎?
    Do you remember the lesson on the anatomy of a frog?
  • 骨骼學研究骨的結構和功能的解學的分支
    The branch of anatomy that deals with the structure and function of bones.
  • 傢畜解剖學
    anatomy of domestic animal
  • 傢禽解剖和生理
    avian anatomy and physiology
  • 動物解剖學
    The anatomy of animals.
  • (解學)毛細管網。
    (anatomy) a capillary network.
  • (解學)類似於囊。
    (anatomy) resembling a capsule.
  • 和解學相關的詞語。
    an expression that relates to anatomy.
  • (解學)橫嚮或在橫的位置上。
    (anatomy) in a lateral direction or location.
  • (解學)屬於或與交叉有關。
    (anatomy) of or relating to a chiasm.
  • (解學)踝骨,或與踝骨有關。
    (anatomy) of or relating to the anklebone.