  • 當前,一提到即將開始的學校生活,許多學生都會興高采烈。然而,對多數年輕人來說,校園開始的日子並不是什麽愉快的經歷。
    Nowadays, many students always go into raptures at the mere mention of the coming life of high school or college they will begin. Unfortunately, for most young people, it is not pleasant experience on their first day on campus.
  • 我還記得90年代初手機在北京出現的那陣子,它還是個稀罕物。
    I remember in the early nineties when mobile phones had just appeared,they were such a rarity in Beijing.
  • 到這兒時他認為他是大材小用了。
    He rated himself above the job when he just arrived here.
  • 羅瑞先生已經悠閑了許久,帶着心滿意足的神情斟上最後一杯。這位因喝完了足足一瓶酒而容光煥發的老年紳士露出了完全滿足的神態。此時那狹窄的街道上卻響起了轔轔的車輪聲,然後隆隆的車聲便響進了院子。
    Mr. Lorry had been idle a lo and had just poured out his last glassful of wine complete an appearance of satisfaction as is ever to be found in an elderly gentleman of a fresh complexion who has got to the end of a bottle, when a rattling of wheels came up the narrow street, and rumbled into the inn-yard.
  • 這位42歲的電視節目主持人在獲悉自己在一個新的bbc壓軸節目中謀得了一個好差事後不久,就被告知,過去20多個月裏在她身上肆虐的癌細胞又進一步擴散了。
    No sooner had the 42-year-old heard that she had landed a plum job on a new BBC flagship programme than she was given the news that the cancer that has ravaged her body for the past 20 months had spread even further.
  • 雷蒙:有,我在街角的藥房買了一些藥品,
    Raymond: Yes, I just picked up some drug at the corner drugstore.
  • 雷蒙:是的,請跟我來,我好也要去那兒。
    Raymond:Yes, please follow me. I happen to be going there,too.
  • 雷蒙:是的,請跟我來,我好也要去那兒。
    Raymond: Yes, please follow me. I happen to be going there, too.
  • 雷蒙:有,我在街角的藥房買了一些香草冰淇淋,我也買發一些哈蜜瓜.竜眼和葡萄。
    Raymond: Yes, I just picked up some vanilla ice cream at the corner drugstore. I also got some cantaloupes,longans and grapes.
  • 雷蒙:有,我在街角的藥房買了一些香草冰淇淋,我也買發一些哈蜜瓜。竜眼和葡萄。
    Raymond: Yes, I just picked up some vanilla ice cream at the corner drugstore. I also got some cantaloupes, longans and grapes.
  • 五、回到纔所提到的一個問題:為什麽還沒有獲奬的作業在中國人的土地上出現?
    5. Back to the aforementioned question: Why hasn't there been any prize-winning work done on Chinese soil?
  • 新信徒不久信仰一種宗教的人;改變宗教信仰的人
    A recent convert to a belief; a proselyte.
  • 一個被徵募的士兵。
    a recently enlisted soldier.
  • 産過卵的雌鮭魚。
    female salmon that has recently spawned.
  • 産過卵的雄鮭魚。
    male salmon that has recently spawned.
  • 當那位褐發、淺黑膚色的美人兒俯身填寫住店登記時,她的男性同伴伸手輕撫看她的脖子,她略微有些不好意思地衝接待員笑了笑。周六的夜晚纔開始,很明顯這一對已經迫不及待地要去他們的房間了。
    As the pretty brunette leans down to sign the hotel register, her m ale companion strokes her neck. She smiles at the receptionist, only half embarr assed, it's early Saturday evening and the couple can obviously hardly wait to get to their room.
  • 這些發現證實,我們的反恐戰爭遠遠沒有結束,開始。
    What we have found in Afghanistan confirms that - far from ending there - our war against terror is only beginning.
  • 這位個頭比平常人小的阿富汗軍事首領十五歲,卻指揮着一支300人的反塔利班民兵隊伍。
    This is the pint - sized Afghan warIord who at just 15 is in command of an army of 300 anti - Taliban militiamen.
  • 得知你遭不幸,謹此深表同情。
    Just hear of your great affliction please accept my heartfelt sympathy
  • 我剛剛大病初愈。
    I have only just recuperated from a severe illness.
  • 他在因為發怒而漲得滿臉通紅時,會找出一些幸運的事,重新樂觀起來,然後恢復常態。
    Then, just when he's getting redder in the face, he counts his blessings, finds his inner optimism and pulls back.
  • 買了新傢具,想重新裝潢房子。
    I just get all new furniture, so I want to completely redecorate the apartment.
  • 買了新傢具,想重新裝潢房子。
    I just got all new furniture, so I want to completely redecorate the apartment.
  • 我們開始了一項改建市中心的工程。
    We are just now taking in hand a large project for the redevelopment of the city centre.
  • 買了新傢具,想重新裝潢房子。
    I want to redo the apartment to go with my new furniture.
  • 裁判罰了市隊一個球。
    The ref 's just give city a penalty.
  • 其他設施包括包兆竜畫廊、包玉畫廊、展覽外堂、以及多間排演室、美術及工藝畫室、音樂練習室和課室。此外,還有最新落成的盛智文媒體中心及渡氏電腦中心。
    Other venues include the Pao Sui Loong and Pao Yue Kong Galleries, the Atrium Gallery, rehearsal rooms, art and craft studios, music practice rooms and classrooms as well as the newly established Zeman Media Centre and Watari Computer Centre.
  • 援軍好及時趕到解救我們並擊潰敵人。
    The reinforcements came in the very nick of time to our rescue and to beat the enemy.
  • 新的貿易統計數字發佈。
    The new trade figures have just been released.
  • 聽說《冷血》發行。
    I'm told Cold Blood has just been released.
  • 雨小了一陣,好夠我去買東西的時間。
    The rain relent just long enough for me to go shopping.
  • 堅韌,毅承受痛苦或逆境的勇氣,不屈不撓的精神
    Strength of mind that allows one to endure pain or adversity with courage.