  • 參閱附錄中的搜索飾符部分以及各個findapi消息以獲得更多信息。
    See the Search Qualifiers appendix and the documentation for the individual find API messages for more information.
  • 當多個飾符在一個給定的findxx消息中聯合使用時,優先級順序用於决定對結果的恰當的排序方法。
    The precedence order is used to determine the proper ordering of results when multiple search qualifiers are combined in a given find_xx message.
  • 形容詞飾名詞,副詞飾動詞。
    Adjectives qualify nouns white adverbs qualify verbs.
  • 副詞通常飾動詞和形容詞。
    Adverbs usually qualify verb and adjectives.
  • 將你說的"狗是忠誠的"這句話正一下,加上"通常"二字
    Qualify your statement that " dog is loyal " by adding " usually"
  • (語法)指稱或飾限定另外一個句子成分。
    (grammar) referring to or qualifying another sentence element.
  • 在theopendoor這一詞組中,open是飾door的形容詞.
    In `the open door', `open' is an adjective qualifying `door'.
  • 在"藍鉛筆"中形容詞"藍"飾名詞"鉛筆"。
    In " blue pencil ", the adjective " blue " qualify the noun " pencil.
  • 公衆強烈反對建該機場。
    There was a great outcry about the construction of the new airport.
  • 年內履行的合約包括一份采石合約和三份復石礦場合約。
    In 2001, one quarrying contract and three quarry rehabilitation contracts were in force.
  • 第三條正案在和平時期,未經房主同意,士兵不得在民房駐紮;除依法律規定的方式,戰時也不允許如此。
    Article III.No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
  • 經濟增長率的屬於或有關政府發佈的有待以後改的季度經濟增長數字
    Of or relating to figures of quarterly economic growth released by the government and subject to later revision.
  • 他們還給工人建了生活區。
    They also constructed living quarters for workers.
  • 沿河街道上有五、六座這樣的大廈,諸如與貝爾納丹道院共用小塔旁邊大院墻的洛林公館,再如納勒公館,其主塔正好是巴黎的標界,那黑色三角形的尖形屋頂一年當中有三個月把殷紅的夕陽遮住了一角。
    There were five or six of these mansions on the quay, from the house of Lorraine, which shared with the Bernardins the grand enclosure adjoining the Tournelle, to the Hotel de Nesle,whose principal tower ended Paris, and whose pointed roofs were in a position, during three months of the year, to encroach, with their black triangles, upon the scarlet disk of the setting sun.
  • 那些房子準備拆掉,好騰出地方飛機場。
    Those houses are going to be pulled down to make room for an airfield.
  • 按照中國加入世貿組織的承諾,加快改、製定有關吸收外資的法律法規,完善涉外經濟法律體係;
    According to its commitment to join the WTO, China is quickening the amendments to and formulation of relevant laws and regulations to attract FDI and perfecting its foreign related economic legal system.
  • 一位技術人員曾經告訴她說:"我們在公佈這類照片之前歷來都要去有關ufo的背景。
    “ We always airbrush them out before we release them to the public,” one technician told her.
  • 不少能幹的女性有“手遮半邊天”的好本事,有者戲稱自己是穿長褲的女人,她們本領高超,入水能遊、出水能跳、打球、拿鋸子和電鑽、爬梯子換燈泡安電綫、換水喉馬桶;
    There are a number of capable women who have the ability to create an impact in society. Some of them quip that they are the women in pants. They have outstanding abilities and are versatile - able to swim, jump, play ball games and handle electrical and plumbing works.
  • 他很有修養。
    He is quite cultivated.
  • 外科手術為補傷口、缺陷或畸形等治療疾病的外科手術
    A surgical procedure for remedying an injury, an ailment, a defect, or a dysfunction.
  • 他在那兒教授英文,精武技,贏得了合氣道、空手道、柔道和劍道的黑帶。
    There,he taught English and perfected his martial arts,earning black belts in Aikido,karate,judo,and kendo.
  • 他給我一張繕屋頂的報價單。
    He gave me a quotation for mending the roof.
  • 從那些忠告裏,並依據一些談自我養的書中的觀點,多伊爾形成了“屈服的妻子”這一概念。
    From there, and aided by ideas in other self? help books, Doyle formulated the concept of the surrendered wife.
  • 加油站,理站一場比賽中在汽車跑道後面用來給汽車再加油或服務的地方,與the連用
    An area beside an auto racecourse where cars may be refueled or serviced during a race. Used with the.
  • 安妮:公元前七世紀時羅馬人繼承希臘傳統,就建了賽馬場和露天競技場。
    Annie: In the 7th century BC, Romans inherited the traditions of Greece and built racetracks and unroofed amphitheaters.
  • 警方積極采取多項行動,打擊由三合會控製的娛樂場所、賣淫活動、敲詐裝費用、"收數"、高利貸及其他有關的活動。
    Operations were mounted against triad involvement in public entertainment, prostitution, decoration-racketeering, debt-collection, loan-sharking and other associated activities.
  • 汽車理工不能再挂裸體女人的挂歷;對秘書講下流玩笑的主管可能會毀掉自己的前程。
    Garage mechanics can no longer post calendars with photographs of nude women, and supervisors who tell racy jokes to their secretaries are endangering their careers.
  • 而這種模式並不適於戴爾計算機,一艘邁剋爾.戴爾設計、建造、下水、擔任船長、改變航嚮、四處遊逛、檢,並且一直航行了15年的船,他也一直認為其具有重大的價值。
    This model does not apply to Dell Computer, a ship that Michael Dell designed, built, launched, skippered, re-directed, ran aground a couple times, overhauled, and has kept sailing for 15 years and counting.
  • 屈從於補工作而看起來疲倦的她;由於失眠她的臉憔悴而枯槁;疲憊但高貴的臉;震驚地看到他英俊年輕的臉龐露出疲倦的神情-查爾斯.狄更斯。
    looking careworn as she bent over her mending; her face was drawn and haggard from sleeplessness; that raddled but still noble face; shocked to see the worn look of his handsome young face- Charles Dickens.
  • 但是隨着高速運算超越芯片和機器的局限將試管、承物玻璃片、溶液甚至脫氧核糖核酸(dna)等生物化學和遺傳學工具包括在內,這種想法可能很快就要做出根本性的正了。
    But such thinking may soon have to be radically revised, as high-speed computation moves beyond chips and machines to include the tools of biochemistry and genetics: test tubes, slides, solutions, even DNA.
  • 硅元素與計算機的關係如此密切以至於大多數人可能更容易將它與加利福尼亞的硅𠔌而不是元素周期表聯繫起來。但是隨着高速運算超越芯片和機器的局限將試管、承物玻璃片、溶液甚至脫氧核糖核酸(dna)等生物化學和遺傳學工具包括在內,這種想法可能很快就要做出根本性的正了。
    The element silicon is so closely identified with computers that most people would be likely to associate it more readily with California's high-tech valley than with the periodic table. But such thinking may soon have to be radically revised, as high-speed computation moves beyond chips and machines to include the tools of biochemistry and genetics: test tubes, slides, solutions, even DNA.
  • 每個中心站管理控製半徑在80公裏左右,對行車和維全部負責。
    Each of these stations will be totally responsible for the trains’ running and maintenance in an area within a radius of 80 km.