  • 知識庫可以裝有戰略計劃研討會的手稿或錄音帶、咨詢人員的文本或多媒體格式的報告、講演錄像帶、市場趨勢分析報告以及數量不等的信息豐富的資源。
    A knowledge repository might house transcripts or audiotapes from strategic planning sessions, consultants' reports in text or multimedia formats, videotaped presentations, market-trend analysis and any number of information-rich resources.
  • 對目錄如何用作與政策相關的數據庫以及政策控製臺如何利用這種數據來定義政策的“租用”(當用戶請求網絡服務時,可以嚮交換硬件提供這種“租用”)正在取得一致意見。
    Consensus is building over how directories can be used as the repository of policy-related data and how policy consoles can utilize that data to define policy "leases" that can be provided to switching hardware when users request network services.
  • 維持這些庫需要(共同)努力和紀律。
    Maintaining the repositories requires effort and discipline.
  • ibm對應的辦法是維持幾十個知識庫,與咨詢人員提供的各種專業服務相對應。
    IBM's response is to maintain dozens of knowledge repositories that correspond to the various specialized services that its consultants provide.
  • 第二類包括那些通過互聯網或內部網從瘦型客戶機上用web瀏覽器訪問公司信息庫的用戶。
    The second category comprises users developing Web browser access from thin clients over the Internet or an intranet to corporate information repositories.
  • 隨着互聯網、內部網和網絡pc機的興起,以及需要訪問公司信息庫的工作人員數量的不斷增加,大規模的網絡計算正在代替舊有的集中式和分佈式計算模型。
    With the emergence of the Internet, intranets, network PCs and an increasing number of workers who need access to repositories of enterprise information, large-scale network computing is replacing old models of centralized and distributed computing.
  • 他們的儲備糧達到18萬斤,存在兩個糧裏。
    Their grian reserves total 180000 jin and are kept in two granaries.
  • 一種新型大如庫的超級商店進入市面以後,傳統式的電腦零售商即受到壓力。
    The entry of a new breed of warehouse-sized superstores is putting the squeeze on traditional computer retailers.
  • 促地叫了一聲,便扳開幾支大口徑短搶的機頭,作好防守準備。
    With this hurried adjuration, he cocked his blunderbuss, and stood on the offensive.
  • 他們把庫裏的老鼠消滅光了。
    They made a complete riddance of the mice in the warehouse.
  • 相對安靜的奧地利人稱除夕為“煙夜”。他們會像舉行儀式般地用焚香和聖水來熏灑房子和庫,能這樣做他們就心滿意足了。
    More sedate Austrians call New Year' s Eve "smoke night," and content themselves with ritually purifying homes and storehouses with incense and holy water.
  • 他與這宗劫案有關。
    He is something to do with the robbery.
  • 守更人沿倉庫巡邏。
    The watchman went the rounds of the storehouse.
  • 使…皇失措,使窘迫
    To upset the self-possession of; ruffle.
  • 該商行决定舉行清大拍賣來推銷掉舊的庫存。
    The firm, decided to have a rummage sale to clear out the collection of old stock.
  • 使一項法案在議會中促通過
    Rush a bill through Parliament
  • 不要倉促完婚。
    Do not rush into marriage.
  • 促輕率地結了婚。
    He rushed headlong into marriage.
  • 議案倉促通過了。
    The bill was rushed through.
  • 他不該促地做那項工作。
    You shouldn't rush at the job.
  • 不要倉促地下結論。
    " now do not start rushing to conclusions ."
  • 核武器庫離這個鎮子很近,一些居民譏諷道他們的鎮子是世界上最安全的地方。
    The nuclear weapons store is very close to the town, and some of the residents, tongue in cheek, are calling their town the safest place on earth.
  • 我們正在廉價出售一個庫,裏面堆滿了打撈的貨物。
    We are selling off a warehouse full of salvage goods.
  • 積聚一倉庫東西
    To accumulate a hoard of.
  • 我聽到大廳裏皇奔跑的腳步聲。
    I heard the scurry of feet in the hall.
  • 那些男孩子看到老師時便皇逃走。
    The boys scuttled away when they saw the teacher.
  • 這些架子是促間搭起來的。
    the shelves were put up slapdash.
  • 他手拿簸箕,要揚淨打𠔌場的𠔌粒,把麥子收進𠔌裏,用永不熄滅之火把糠燒掉。
    His shovel is ready in his hand and he will winnow his threshing-floor; The wheat he will gather into his granary, but he will burn the chaff on a fire that can never go out.
  • 波士頓的aberdeen集團將數據集市叫做“數據庫一種最佳的實踐”。
    Aberdeen Group in Boston called data marts "a kind of best practice of data warehousing".
  • 導彈技術;導彈倉庫
    Missile technology; a missile silo.
  • 武器架,武器庫一個放武器的位置,例如底架或
    A prepared position, such as a mounting or silo, for a military weapon.
  • 換言之,市場莊傢若持有外匯基金票據及債券短,可用這些指定債務工具長來補,反之亦然。
    In other words, a short position of a market maker in Exchange Fund paper can be covered by a long position in SIs, or vice versa.