  • 目下我們有他在一本四開本書的邊上所寫的註,書名是《貴人日耳曼和剋林東、柯恩華立斯兩將軍以及美洲海域海軍上將們的往來信札》,凡爾賽盤索書店及巴黎奧古斯河沿畢索書店印行。
    We now have under our eyes a note written by him on the margin of a quarto entitled Correspondence of Lord Germain with Generals Clinton, Cornwallis, and the Admirals on the American station. Versailles, Poincot, book-seller; and Paris, Pissot, bookseller, Quai des Augustins.
  • 紫水晶紫色或紫香色的透明石英,用作寶石
    A purple or violet form of transparent quartz used as a gemstone.
  • 我嚮您推薦魚香肉絲、宮保雞、回鍋肉和豆瓣鯽魚。
    I would recommend the Shredded Pork with Garlic Sauce, the Sauted Chicken Cubes with Chili and Peanuts, Twice-Cooked Pork Slices and the Crucian Carp with Chili Bean Sauce.
  • 魚類的一個科;包含鯉魚;鯛;蟑螂;赤睛魚;雅羅魚。
    a family of fish including: carp; tench; roach; rudd; dace.
  • 並非婚姻全都沒有愛。1517年對牧師是否應禁欲都表示懷疑的馬·路德,卻對婚姻改變了態度。
    Not all marriages were without love, but it was Martin Luther, who in 1517 quest ioned whether it was necessary for a priest to be celibate, who changed attitude s to wedlock.
  • 在飛機場上形狀像字的風嚮標。
    shaped like a T and located at an airfield.
  • 奎尼一種無色的晶體狀生物鹼,c20h24n2o2,類似於奎寧,用於治療瘧疾和某些心髒疾病
    A colorless crystalline alkaloid, C20H24N2O2, resembling quinine and used in treating malaria and certain heart disorders.
  • 王平:東歐還有環行公路賽、直綫公路賽、場地賽、駕駛技巧賽、交通車競速賽、節油賽、爬坡賽、卡車賽、多項賽等。
    Wang Ping: In east Europe, it prevails round racing cycle, drag- racers, track race, driving skill race, traffic vehicle race, saving oil race, chmbing slopes race, go-kart race and multi-event race.
  • 路德金試圖中止種族歧視。
    Martin Luther King tried to break down racial discrimination.
  • 我們要用我們所有人的努力證實馬·路德·金的話是正確的。他說,人類再也不能悲慘地走嚮種族歧視和戰爭的黑暗之夜。
    Let the strivings of us all, prove Martin Luther King Jr. to have been correct, when he said that humanity can no longer be tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war.
  • 拉丁美洲土地改革
    agrarian reform in Latin America
  • 俯下身子,看到他的臉這樣腫,非常難過。
    Martin bent over him, agonized to see how swollen his face was.
  • 葡萄幹加到布或蛋糕裏的葡萄幹
    A raisin, when added to a pudding or cake.
  • 花園園使用的耙子。
    a rake used by gardeners.
  • 隨着這些動作,拉爾夫·斯賓塞消失了,取而代之的是基米·範林
    With that act Ralph D.Spencer passed away and Jimmy Valentine took his place.
  • 拉爾夫·斯賓塞先生,這衹由基米·範林的灰燼中再生的鳳凰——灰燼是由突然襲來的愛情之火燃成的——在愛爾摩定居下來了,並且取得了成功。
    Mr. Ralph Spencer, the phoenix that arose from Jimmy Valentine’s ashes—ashes left by the flame of a sudden attack of love—remained in Elmore and prospered.
  • 聖德尼大街和聖馬大街,岔道難以勝數,就像兩棵大樹,枝椏交錯,緊挨着往上猛長。
    The Rues Saint-Denis and Saint-Martin, with their innumerable ramifications, rose one after the other, like trees intertwining their branches;
  • 馬丁太盛氣凌人。
    Martin is too aggressive.
  • 馬丁太盛氣凌人。
    Martin is too aggressive .
  • 洛佩茲對這位歌唱傢異乎導常的刻畫為她在評論界贏得一片贊譽(她曾獲金球奬最佳女演員提名),另有據傳100萬美元的薪金,使其成為歷史上片酬最高的拉女演員。
    The film made a respectable showing at the box office,and Lopez's uncanny portrayal of the singer won her critical raves (she scored a Golden Globe Best Actress nomination) and a reported $ 1 million salary,a paycheck that made her the highest paid Latin actress in history.
  • 我們的目光繼續朝這伸嚮遠處的圓形行宮一層層往上攀登,視綫越過新城聖安東街那條在鱗次櫛比的屋頂之間的峽𠔌,便可以看到——我們總是衹談主要的文物——昂古萊姆府邸,一座經過好幾個時期纔告成的龐大建築物。其中有些部分簇新雪白,在整體中顯得有些格格不入,就好比一件藍色短外套補了一塊紅補
    Continuing to mount the stories of this amphitheatre of palaces spread out afar upon the ground, after crossing a deep ravine hollowed out of the roofs in the Town, which marked the passage of the Rue Saint-Antoine, the eye reached the house of Angoul阭e, a vast construction of many epochs,where there were perfectly new and very white parts, which melted no better into the whole than a red patch on a blue doublet.
  • “過去,媒介計劃者不把離婚者看成是一個有可支配收入的市場,而今女人離婚後在她們自己身上的花費增加了。”一年兩期的時尚雜志《觀點》的編輯馬·雷蒙說。
    " In the past, media planners did not see divorcees as a market with disposable income, but now the amount of money women spend on themselves goes up after divorce," says Martin Raymond, editor of the bi - annual trends magazine Viewpoint.
  • 一再發火,特利就一再平息他的怒氣。
    Again Martin got Tread, again Terry calmed him.
  • 第三盤中國上升的新星鬆僅用15分鐘擊敗卡爾鬆將比分變為2比1。
    In the 3 rd match, Chinese up-and-coming star Ding Song put China 1 up in only 15 minutes with his victory over Karlsson.
  • “我從未哭過,也沒出現過呼喊‘天哪,我的希望破滅了’的時候。”33歲的馬尼奧說道。她現在芝加哥一傢廣告部門做廣告編寫人,對自己的選擇毫不後悔。
    “I never burst into tears or had the ‘Oh my God, my hopes have been dashed’ moment,” says Martineau, 33, now a copywriter at a Chicago ad ag ency with no regrets.
  • 然而,補救工作即補已能用於合理地堵住操作係統中的漏洞。
    However, workarounds or patches are available to plug these holes reasonably well in the operating systems.
  • 爵士有時也被稱作為非洲-古巴爵士,這是mariobauza和raybarretto更愛使用的稱呼。
    Latin jazz is also sometimes called Afro-Cuban jazz, a term preferred by Mario Bauza and Ray Barretto
  • 美洲和非洲人民成功地進行了反對殖民統治的戰鬥。
    The Latin American and African people have successfully fought against colonial rule.
  • 君士坦阿爾及利亞東北部一城市,位於阿爾及爾以東,為迦太基所建,曾是努比亞國的首都和商業中心,公元311年毀於戰爭,後被君士坦一世重建,為紀念他而以他的名字命名。人口344,454
    A city of northeast Algeria east of Algiers. It was founded by Carthaginians and was the capital and commercial center of Numidia. Destroyed in warfare in a.d.311, it was rebuilt by Constantine I and named in his honor. Population,344, 454.
  • 1202年到1204年轉嚮為君士坦堡而戰的東侵,結果沒有奪回耶路撒冷。
    a Crusade from 1202 to 1204 that was diverted into a battle for Constantinople and failed to recapture Jerusalem.
  • 愛瑪認為羅伯特·馬不配取哈裏特為妻,便鼓勵這位姑娘追求年輕的牧師埃爾頓先生。
    Instead of thinking of Robert Martin as a husband for Harriet, Emma influenced the girl to aspire to Mr. Elton, the young, rector.
  • 政府化驗所繼續負起監測香煙焦油和尼古含量的任務,每年刊登報告供公衆查閱,並核實煙草商所標示的焦油和尼古含量。
    Year-round surveillance of tar and nicotine yield in cigarettes continued, with results published for public information and affirmation of the data declared by tobacco traders.