  • 如晋代陆机《平复帖》、王珣《伯远帖》、顾恺之《洛神赋图卷》,隋代展子虔《游春图卷》,唐代韩滉《五牛图卷》、杜牧《张好好诗卷》,五代顾闳中《韩熙载夜宴图卷》,宋代李公麟《临韦偃牧放图卷》、熙《窠石平远图》、张择端《清明上河图卷》等,均是人间瑰宝。
    These included, from the Jin Dynasty, Lu Ji's "Ping fu tie", Wang Xun's "Bo yuan tie" and Gu Kai Zhi's "Luo shen fu tu juan"; from the Sui Dynasty, Zhan Zi Qian's "You chun tu juan"; from the Tang Dynasty, Han Huang's "Wu niu tu juan", Du Mu's "Zhang hao hao shi juan"; from the Five Dynasties, Gu Hong Zhong's "Han xi zai ye yan tu juan"; from the Song Dynasty, Li Gong Lin's "Lin wei yan mu fang tu juan", Guo Xi's "Ke shi ping yuan tu", Zhang Ze Duan's "Qing ming shang he tu juan" and so on-all gems of art without exception.
  • 师败后,郝师星夜逃回永丰,得免于难。
    After Kuo Hua-tsung's division was defeated, Hao Meng-ling's division fled by night back to Yungfeng, and so avoided disaster.
  • “对中国人来说这是一个划时代的创举,”萃达先生被记者访问时说。“我们在中国并没有专卖权,可是我们的确占有了大部分中国市场。我们需要增加每人平均消耗量。”
    "This is a monumental step for the Chinese to have taken, " Mr.Goizueta said in an interview. "We don't have exclusivity in China, but we do have the lion's share of the market and we need to increase the percapita."
  • 极大地促进了就业人口的增加,仅巴音楞蒙古自治州从1994年以来,随塔里木油田开发,每年新增职工人数超过18%;
    As a result, there has been a great increase in the numbers of people employed.Since 1994, with the operation of the Tarim Oilfield, the annual increase of employment in the Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture of Bayingolin alone has exceeded 18%.
  • 公元608年,隋军进驻伊吾,建筑城,设鄯善(今若羌)、且末(今且末西南)、伊吾(今哈密境内)三郡。
    In 608, troops of the Sui Dynasty occupied Yiwu (Aratürük), built a city wall there, and established the three prefectures of Shanshan (modern Ruoqiang, or Qarkilik), Qiemo (southwest of modern Qiemo) and Yiwu (within the territory of modern Hami).
  • 宝崑是一个有思想家气质的艺术家。
    Kuo Pao Kun was an artist blessed with the qualities of a thinker.
  • 当打王金钰时,处于蔡廷锴、华宗两敌之间,距十余里,距蔡四十余里,有人谓我们“钻牛角”,但终究钻通了。
    When fighting Wang Chin-yu, we were between the two enemy forces under Tsai Ting-kai and Kuo Hua-tsung, some ten li from the latter and forty li from the former, and some people said we were "getting into a blind alley", but we got through all the same.
  • 只身上路重新出发的宝崑,又从哪里获得新的精神资源,将当年的精神追求升华为超意识形态的追求,走出另一种理想主义的价值取向?
    What process of reflection did Kuo Pao Kun go through to make him cut the umbilical cord and rise from the ashes? Where did he get his new source of mental strength to set off again all alone? How did he raise the old struggle into the pursuit of a new ideal that transcends ideology?