  • 在经历了三十年的婚姻後,他们然决定终止婚姻关系
    After thirty years of marriage, they suddenly decided to call it quits
  • 震动,颤动或摇动;没有控制的情况下然发生强有力的震颤。
    shake, quiver, or throb; move mack and forth rapidly, usually in an uncontrolled manner.
  • 老鼠一听这话,然跳出水面,吓得浑身发抖,爱丽丝怕伤害了这个可怜的小动物的感情,赶快说:“请原谅我!
    The Mouse gave a sudden leap out of the water, and seemed to quiver all over with fright. `Oh, I beg your pardon!' cried Alice hastily, afraid that she had hurt the poor animal's feelings.
  • 在他那肌肉鼓的身体下面是一堆颤颤巍巍的敏感神经。
    Under that muscled body of his he was a mass of quivering sensibilities.
  • 搞一些鼓舞人心的大会、然袭击的测验、班级里的舞会。
    Pep rallies. Pop quizzes.Proms.
  • 搞一些鼓舞人心的大会、然袭击的测验、班级里的舞会。
    Pep rallies. Pop quizzes. Proms.
  • 他们给我们留一大堆作业,或搞击测试,对此他们觉得没有什么。
    They think nothing of piling on our homework or giving surprise quizzes.
  • 狐狸然扑向那只兔子。
    The fox pounced on the rabbit.
  • 兔子然从树丛里窜出来。
    The rabbit darted from the bushes.
  • 然跑开追兔子去了。
    The dog took off after a rabbit.
  • 种族冲突;种族歧视
    Racial conflict; racial discrimination.
  • 分离主义和种族冲一直困扰著後冷战时代的国际社会。
    Separatism and racial conflict has been haunting the post- cold war community.
  • 分离主义和种族冲一直困扰著後冷战时代的国际社会
    Separatism and racial conflicts have been haunting the post - cold war community
  • 守望的人然大喊:"前面有危险!"
    The man on the watch cried out: "Dangers ahead!"
  • 我们快要赢得这次赛艇比赛时,然我们的船搁浅了。
    We were winning the boat race until our boat went aground(on an sand bank).
  • 我们就要赢得这次赛艇比赛时,我们的船然撞到水下的沙洲,搁浅了。
    We were winning the boat race until our boat went aground on a sand bank.
  • 耶稣的变容在山上出现的从耶稣身上然发出的光芒
    The sudden emanation of radiance from the person of Jesus that occurred on the mountain.
  • 好奇心难以满足的学生为数不多,这些人的特征极为出,他们洋溢着为求知而学习的激情,对任何学科都能提出问题,把每一次经历都看成发展智力的机会。
    Those students whose curiosity cannot be satiated are few, but relatively easy to identify in person. They radiate excitement as they learn for the sake of learning, ask questions on any subject and view each experience as an opportunity for a mental adventure.
  • 犬牙饰,四叶饰四片叶状出物由一凸起中心向四周辐射的中世纪建筑装饰
    A medieval ornament consisting of four leaflike projections radiating from a raised center.
  • 踝状肱骨下端与桡骨相连处的圆形
    The rounded protuberance at the lower end of the humerus that articulates with the radius.
  • 如三反、五反、镇反、土改等,都是击运动。又如现在要解决水害问题,也要搞击。
    For example, the movement against the three evils, the movement against the five evils, the suppression of the counter-revolutionaries and the agrarian reform are shock movements. For another example, now it is our shock work to check floods.
  • 起,齿担一种生理构造,位于大多数软体动物的嘴底部,在这之上齿舌来回收缩以击碎食物
    A structure at the base of the mouth of most mollusks over which the radula is drawn back and forth in breaking up food.
  • 突然发怒
    An access of rage.
  • 我弯下身去捡那两便士的硬币,然间腰直不起来了,我觉得痛苦万分。
    I bent over to pick up a twopenny piece and my back seized up-couldn't straighten it properly and I was in agony.
  • 袭队员在拂晓时分发动袭击
    The raiders hit at dawn.
  • 一时突发的怀疑
    An agony of doubt.
  • 布什总统说:"从受害双方母亲的脸上(巴勒斯坦母亲和以色列母亲),全世界都可以看到这场冲给双方带来的令人痛心的代价。"
    "In the stricken faces of mothers -- Palestinian mothers and Israeli mothers -- the entire world is witnessing the agonizing cost of this conflict,"President Bush said.
  • 在令人坐卧不安的一瞬间,馅饼盘悬悬乎乎地停在运河岸边,然而它然失去了平衡,滑回水中。
    For one agonizing moment, the dish was perched precariously on the bank of the canal, but it suddenly overbalanced and slid back into the water.
  • 雨突然停了。
    The rain stopped suddenly.
  • 观光者被如其来的大雨淋透了。
    The sightseers got drenched with the sudden rainfall.
  • 骤雨,大暴雨然的大暴雨;倾盆大雨
    A sudden, heavy rainstorm; a downpour.
  • 然来临的暴风雨把屋顶刮塌了。
    The unexpected rainstorm caused the collapse of the roof.