Chinese English Sentence:
  • 新闻家和政治家的自传常常充满着过去事迹的回忆,而文人的自传则应该用大部分的幅去追忆一个欢乐之夜或与友人同游某山谷的情景。
    Autobiographies of journalists and statesmen are usually full of reminiscences of past events, while the autobiographies of literary men should mainly concern themselves with reminiscences of a happy night, or a visit with some of their friends to some valley.
  • 冒险经历的故事。
    a story of an adventure.
  • 美国麻省理工学院教授及著名的经济学家克鲁格曼(paulkrugman),曾于1994年在《外交事务》发表一名为《亚洲奇迹的神话》的文章。
    MIT Professor and renown economist Paul Krugman wrote an article "The Myth of Asia's Miracle" published in" Foreign Affairs" in 1994.
  • 关于真理标准问题,《光明日报》登了一文章,一下子引起那么大的反应,说是“砍旗”,这倒进一步引起我的兴趣和注意。
    The article on the criterion of truth in the daily Guangming Ribao had immediate and strong repercussions.When some people said that its author was "chopping down the banner" [of Mao Zedong Thought], my interest and attention were further aroused.
  • 追踪报道一文章或报导,用来给先前报道过的新闻提供进一步的信息
    An article or a report giving further information on a previously reported item of news.
  • 记者从政治角度写了这报道。
    The reporter wrote the story from the political angle.
  • 这大概不是共产党“造谣”吧,这宣言的通过,我和很多的国民党员都是亲眼看见的。
    Presumably this is no Communist fabrication, for many Kuomintang members and I myself personally witnessed the adoption of the manifesto.
  • 蒋介石氏十二月二十六日在洛阳发表了一个声明,即所谓《对张杨的训词》,内容含含糊糊,曲曲折折,实为中国政治文献中一有趣的文章。
    On December 26 Chiang Kai-shek issued a statement in Loyang, the so-called "Admonition to Chang Hsueh-liang and Yang Hu-cheng", which is so ambiguous and evasive as to be an interesting specimen among China's political documents.
  • 在中国的长小说《红楼梦》里,那个柔弱多情的男主角很喜欢和女人混在一起,深深崇拜他那两个美丽的表姊妹,常以自己生为男孩子为憾。他说“女人是水做的,男人是泥做的”。因为他觉得他的表姊妹是可爱的,纯洁的,聪明的,而他自己和他的男同伴是丑陋的,糊涂的,脾性暴戾的。
    In the Chinese novel Red Chamber Dream, the boy hero, a sentimental mollycoddle very fond of female company and admiring his beautiful female cousins intensely and all but sorry for himself for being a boy, says that, "Woman is made of water and man is made of clay, " the reason being that he thinks his female cousins are sweet and pure and clever, while he himself and his boy companions are ugly and muddle-headed and bad-tempered.
  • 我坚决要完成这论文。
    I am firmly resolved to complete this article.
  • 就内容而言,这文章很好,但其它方面不够令人满意。
    With respect to the content, this essay is admirable, but it is unsatisfactory in other respects.
  • 然而在一万份竞赛文章中她的文章被认为是最优秀的10文章之一。一位竞赛评委写了这样一段话:“她的成就值得受到那些对移民问题持不同观点的人们的尊重和重视。”
    Yet out of 10,000 submissions, hers was deemed one of the 10 best, and a contest judge wrote, "Her achievement seems worthy of respectful attention by persons who have views on either side of the immigrant question."
  • 文章展示了政府的政策。
    The article revealed the policies of the government.
  • 我计划重写这论文。
    It is my intention to rewrite this thesis.
  • 韵律诗中韵或节奏的结构
    The rhythmical or metrical structure of a poetic composition.
  • 补遗,补,附录加上或被加上的物品,特别是书本的补充
    Something added or to be added, especially a supplement to a book.
  • 哈特,(弗朗西斯)布雷特1836-1902美国作家,因其关于加利福尼亚矿业城镇的小说而著名,最著名的小说集是咆哮营的幸运儿及其他短(1870年)
    American writer noted for his stories about California mining towns. The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Sketches(1870) is his best-known collection.
  • 文章是从一首歌改写而成的。
    That article is adapted from a song.
  • 翻开历史的章就不难发现,很多战争都源于“一个国家去抢劫另一个国家”开始,继而“群起效尤”者不乏人在。
    History shows us that many wars have been waged because "one country was robbing another country", and there have certainly been no lack of subsequent imitators.
  • 但他又重振旗鼓,在《新娘百分百》中与朱莉娅·罗伯茨演对手戏,这只是他最成功影片的续之一。
    Then he was back, in Notting Hill where he starred alongside Julia Roberts in the"sequel"to his biggest hit.
  • 这部戏剧是一部短小说的改编本
    The play is an adaptation of a short novel.
  • 1995年,她进入罗德岛布里斯托尔的罗杰·威廉斯大学法学院,在她三年级的时候,写了一关于dna检验的新科学论文,并且很快意识到这或许可以用于解救她哥哥。
    In 1995 she entered Roger Williams University law school in Bristol, R.I. There, in her third year, she did a research paper on the new science of DNA testing and quickly realized that it might be what she needed to free her brother.
  • 传记中传奇色彩太浓。
    The biography relishes too much of romance.
  • 我读过的两莎士比亚剧是《罗米欧》与《朱丽叶》。
    The two shakespearean plays I read are romeo and juliet.
  • 你这叙述文太短,需要充实有趣的细节,使其更加完善。
    Your narrative is rather thin, it needs rounding out filling with interesting detail.
  • 每天千一律的工作真让我讨厌。
    All the routine work really browns me off.
  • 每天千一律的工作真让我讨厌。
    All this routine work really browns me off.
  • 这是一关于橡胶的史话。
    Here is a story about rubber.
  • 那本书废话连篇。
    That book is a load of rubbish.
  • 鲁思的婆婆她的故事在《旧约全书》中的鲁思中有讲述。
    the mother-in-law of Ruth whose story is told in the Book of Ruth in the Old Testament.
  • 希伯来圣经中的第三部分希伯来圣经三个分支的第三部分,常由《诗》、《箴言》、《约伯记》、《雅歌》、《路得记》、《耶利米哀歌》、《传道书》、《以斯帖记》,《但以理书》、《以斯拉记》、《尼希米记》及《历代志》组成
    The third of the three divisions of the Hebrew Bible, usually composed of Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Song of Solomon, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Chronicles.
  • 文章对她过去的行为进行了恶毒的攻击。
    The article is a savage attack on her past action.