Chinese English Sentence:
  • 臭氧形成机理与控制途径研;消耗臭氧层物质哈龙替代技术研;北京细粒子扬尘治理技术研及应用;北京热岛效应控制技术研及应用;城市道路交通污染控制对策研;挥发性有机物排放与控制技术研等。
    And we study the ozone formation mechanism and its control approach and Halon substitution technology of consuming the substance of the ozonosphere, and Beijing fine particle airborne dust control technology and its application, and Beijing hot island effect control technology and its application, the countermeasures of pollution control of urban road traffic, and the technology of controlling the discharge of volatile organic substance and others.
  • 在中华人民共和国管辖海域内从事航行、勘探、开发、生产、科学研及其他活动的任何船舶、平台、航空器、潜水器、企业事业单位和个人,都必须遵守本法。
    All vessels, platforms, airborne vehicles and submersibles, as well as all enterprises, institutions and individuals engaged in navigation, exploration, exploitation, production, scientific research or other activities in the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China shall comply with this Law.
  • 城市裸露土地扬尘治理技术研与应用;防沙治沙技术应用示范区建设等。
    We make the study and application of airborne dust control technology on urban bare land, and shall construct the zone of application and demonstration of sand protection and control technology etc.
  • 和开发燃料电池汽车和电动汽车,以改善交通所造成的污染。
    Efforts will be made in research and development of fuel-cell-driven and power-driven vehicles aiming to mitigate the pollution induced by transportation.
  • 但如果这些相同的事情老是烦扰你,你就应该这样问问,“这竟是谁有怪癖?”
    But if the same things are bothering you constantly, it helps to ask, “Whose quirk is this, anyway?
  • 至于整个社会主义社会历史时期是否始终存在某种阶级斗争,这里包括许多理论上和实践上复杂和困难的问题,不是只靠引证前人的书本所能够解决的,大家可以继续研
    The problem of whether or not class struggle of one kind or another always exists throughout the entire historical period of socialism involves many complicated and difficult questions both of theory and practice, and they cannot be answered merely by quoting from books by our predecessors.We should continue to study these questions.
  • 基于优绩的经济资助包括助教、助研、研生资助和奖学金(给予学生的无偿款项)。
    The merit-based financial aid includes TA (teaching assistantship), RA (research assistantship), GA (graduate assistantship), and Scholarship or Fellowship (both are free money for students).
  • 申请入学时,你只需成为一名合格的申请者,但是当你申请资助(助教、助研或研生资助)时,你就得表明你有能力做这项工作。
    When you are applying for admission, you only need to be a quality applicant.But when you are applying for an assistantship (a TA,RA,or GA), you need to show that you have the skills to do the job.
  • 那台新机器竟派什么用场?
    What's that new machine in aid of?
  • 稣馐俏了什麽?这是什麽用意?这竟是什麽意思?这到底是怎麽一回事?
    Hat's this in aid of?
  • 人员推测花生食品比美国心脏学会建议的食品更能减少心脏病的危险。
    Researchers have predicted that the peanut diet could reduce heart disease risk even more than could the AHA diet.
  • 农艺农业研究或科学
    The study or science of agriculture.
  • 农业科学研究
    research in agricultural sciences
  • 国际农业研究中心
    International Agricultural Research Centres
  • 农业节水研究
    agricultural water saving research
  • 放射化学研放射性物质的化学
    The chemistry of radioactive materials.
  • 放射生物学用放射性追踪的使用来研生物进程
    The use of radioactive tracers to study biological processes.
  • 自那时起,无数的科学家致力于放射性研
    From that time onward numerous scientists devoted themselves to the study of radioactivity.
  • 由于新的、更强的放射性物质,特别是镭的发现使放射性研取得了飞速发展。
    Thanks to this discovery of new, very powerful radioactive substances, partic ularly radium, the study of radioactivity progressed with marvellous rapidity.
  • 伽莫夫,乔治1904-1968俄国裔的美国核物理学家,因在射线遗传信息方面的研和有关普及物理理论的书籍而闻名于世
    Russian-born American nuclear physicist known for his work on radioactivity and genetic information as well as his books popularizing theories of physics.
  • 所有这些元素都放出一种射线,我称之为放射性射线,这一在放射性研过程中新发现的物质属性也因此获得了放射性这一名称。
    All the elements emitting such radiation I have termed radioactive, and the new property of matter revealed in this emission has thus received the name radioactivity.
  • 因此,人工制造放射性元素开辟了放射性科学的新天地,使得皮埃尔·居里和玛丽·居里的研成果得到进一步发展。
    The artificial creation of radio-elements opens a new field to the science of radioactivity and so provides an extension of the work of Pierre and Marie Curie.
  • 我们也非常感谢皮埃尔·居里在放射性领域所做的基本研,无论这些研是他独立完成的还是与学生合作完成的。
    We are also indebted to Pierre Curie for basic research in the field of radioactivity, which has been carried out either alone, in collaboration with his pupils.
  • 我想在这里回顾一下放射性研的非同一般的发展情况;这一新兴学科起源于三十多年前贝克勒尔和居里夫妇的研工作。
    I would like here to recall the extraordinary development of radioactivity, this new science which had its origin, less then forty years ago in the work of Henri Becquerel and of Pierre and Marie Curie.
  • x射线一束x光射线,可利用其穿透能力,应用到放射线照相术、放射学和放射疗法以及科学研方面。常用复数形式
    A stream of such photons, used for their penetrating power in radiography, radiology, radiotherapy, and scientific research. Often used in the plural.
  • 放射性生态学对放射性和放射性同位素对生态群落的影响的研
    The study of the effects of radiation and radioisotopes on an ecological population or community.
  • 专门研放射线技术的科学家。
    a scientist trained in radiological technology.
  • 领导该研的放射学家道格拉斯·a·科林斯医生说,在一些病例中,运用b-12比目前采用的其它方法能更容易发现癌症,并且更精确地确定病灶。
    Dr. Douglas A. Collins, the radiologist who's leading the research, says that, in some cases, B-12 may be used to detect cancer much earlier and determine its location more accurately than other methods that are currently available.
  • 神经放射学放射学中研神经系统的分支
    The branch of radiology that deals with the nervous system.
  • 彼得很快将我的普通雨衣和他自己考的外衣取了回来。
    Peter came back soon with my plain raincoat and his own expensive coat.
  • 老人学与年老或老年人有关的生物、心理和社会现象的科学研
    The scientific study of the biological, psychological, and sociological phenomena associated with old age and aging.
  • 根据基因学家的研,她可能易于早衰及感染疾病。
    She may be susceptible to premature aging and disease, according to geneticists.