Chinese English Sentence:
  • 地区间经济和社会发展不平衡现象将长期存在,除贫困的任务依然艰巨;
    with the unbalanced economic and social development among different regions continuing to exist for a long period, it is a most arduous task to eradicate poverty;
  • 世界扶轮社向卫生组织灭小儿麻痹症的工作赠款4亿多美元,世界上的狮子俱乐部为儿童基金会的许多方案提供帮助。
    The world's Rotary Clubs have given more than $400 million to WHO's efforts to eradicate polio, and the world's Lions Clubs support many UNICEF programmes.
  • 此外,世界银行、货币基金组织和农发基金每年还为除贫穷、促进发展和稳定世界经济提供数十亿美元的贷款。
    In addition, the World Bank, the IMF and IFAD provide billions more annually in loans that help to eradicate poverty, foster development and stabilize the world economy.
  • 中国政府主张,国际社会应加强对话和磋商,开展合作,共同防范和打击国际恐怖活动,努力除产生恐怖主义的根源。
    The Chinese government is of the view that the international community should strengthen dialogue and consultation and develop cooperation, join hands in preventing and fighting against international terrorist activities, and make efforts to eradicate the root cause of terrorism.
  • 中国政府正在致力于发展经济,加强法制,除一切歧视或轻视妇女的落后观念,促进中国法律赋予的男女平等权利在社会生活中全面实现,争取本世纪在中国实现《内罗毕战略》的各项发展目标。
    The Chinese government is making every effort to develop the economy, strengthen the legal system, eradicate all backward ideas of discriminating against and looking down on women and promote equal rights for men and women in all spheres of social life as stipulated in Chinese law. This will speed the realization of the various development goals of the Nairobi Strategies in China before the end of this century.
  •  为了保护公民身心健康,维护社会治安秩序,最终除毒品危害,中国政府高度重视并大力开展禁吸戒毒工作,采取强制戒毒与社会帮教相结合的综合戒毒治疗康复措施,努力教育挽救吸毒人员。
    To protect the physical and mental health of Chinese citizens, maintain public order, and wipe out once and for all the scourge of drugs, the Chinese government attaches great importance to and vigorously carries out the work of drug prohibition and the rehabilitation of addicts. To this end, it has adopted comprehensive measures for the rehabilitation of addicts, and their treatment and recovery, integrated with compulsory measures and social help and education, in a concerted effort to eradicate drug abuse and save drug addicts.
  • 能够被根除或者灭。
    able to be eradicated or rooted out.
  • *世界卫生组织(卫生组织)协调的运动在全世界灭了天花。
    * Smallpox was eradicated from the world through a campaign coordinated by the World Health Organization (WHO).
  • 从六十年代起,西藏就灭了天花病,其他一些危害较大的传染并地方病也得到了有效控制或被灭。
    Smallpox was eradicated early in the 1960s, and some other dangerous infectious and endemic diseases have also been effectively controlled or wiped out.
  • 联合国的儿童疾病全面免疫运动已灭天花并使小儿麻痹症病例数目减少99%,目标是到2005年彻底灭小儿麻痹症。
    UN campaigns for universal immunization against childhood diseases have eradicated smallpox and reduced cases of polio by 99 per cent, with the aim of eradicating it entirely by 2005.
  • 随着医疗卫生事业的发展,各种传染并地方病的发病率大幅度下降,麻风、霍乱、鼠疫、天花等烈性传染病基本被灭;
    With the development of medical and public health undertakings, the incidence of infectious and endemic diseases has been drastically reduced. Such highly infectious diseases as leprosy, cholera, the plague, and smallpox have been basically eradicated.
  • 有些工商业资本家也进行封建剥削,我们只取他们的封建剥削部分,对他们的商店和工厂不去触动,所有的东西都不没收,而且加以保护。
    Some industrial and commercial capitalists were practising feudalistic exploitation, which was all eradicated. We did not do anything with regard to their shops or factories and we did not confiscate anything from them; instead we provided protection for their property.
  • 中国发展粮食生产所取得的巨大成就,不仅使人民的温饱问题基本解决,生活水平逐步提高,而且为在全球范围内除饥饿与贫困作出了重大贡献。
    China's significant achievements in developing grain production have not only basically eradicated the problem of people not having enough to eat and wear and gradually raised the living standards of the Chinese people, but also made great contributions to the worldwide efforts to eliminate starvation and poverty.
  • 三.发展与消除贫穷
    III. Development and poverty eradication
  • 我们最关心的事是除文盲
    Our overriding concern is the eradication of illiteracy.
  • -在谋求发展和除贫穷过程中,与私营部门和民间社会组织建立稳固的伙伴关系。
    To develop strong partnerships with the private sector and with civil society organizations in pursuit of development and poverty eradication.
  • 联合国的工作,诸如选举援助、扫盲和除疾病,有助于建设稳定、运作良好和民主的社会。
    UN work – such as electoral assistance, the promotion of literacy and the eradication of disease – helps to build stable, functioning, democratic societies.
  • 彻底除战争惨祸,实现全面、持久的和平,依然是爱好和平的人们所面临的一
    The complete eradication of the disaster of war and the realization of a complete and lasting peace, remain a highly complex and difficult task before the
  • 因此,彻底除战争惨祸,实现全面、持久的和平,依然是爱好和平的人们所面临的一项十分复杂和艰巨的任务。
    The complete eradication of the disaster of war and the realization of a complete and lasting peace, therefore, remain a highly complex and difficult task before the peace-loving people of the world.
  • 27.我们支持巩固非洲的民主,并帮助非洲人为实现持久和平、除贫穷和促进可持续发展而斗争,从而将非洲纳入世界经济的主流。
    27. We will support the consolidation of democracy in Africa and assist Africans in their struggle for lasting peace, poverty eradication and sustainable development, thereby bringing Africa into the mainstream of the world economy.
  • -采取特别措施来应付非洲除贫穷和促进可持续发展的挑战,包括取债务,改善市场准入条件,增加官方发展援助,增加外国直接投资的流入量以及转让技术。
    To take special measures to address the challenges of poverty eradication and sustainable development in Africa, including debt cancellation, improved market access, enhanced Official Development Assistance and increased flows of Foreign Direct Investment, as well as transfers of technology.
  • 国家组织、协调有关部门和群众团体共同实施人口与计划生育方案,将计划生育与发展经济、除贫困、保护生态环境、合理利用资源、普及文化教育、发展卫生事业、完善社会保障、提高妇女地位等紧密结合起来,努力从根本上解决中国的人口与发展问题。
    The Government organizes and coordinates the relevant departments and mass organizations to implement the population and family planning program, striving to integrate the family planning program with economic development, poverty eradication, protection of ecological environment, rational resource utilization, universal education, advancement of public health and social security, and improvement of women's status. This is aimed at seeking a thorough solution to the problem of population and development.
  • 最严重的火灾痕迹可以通过全面的再造林计划予以除;太大了的声音不能通过音磁头一次给抹去。
    the fire's worst scars were effaceable by a comprehensive program of reforestation; a signal too loud to be erasable in a single pass through the erase head.
  • 我们得除这些笔迹。
    I must erase this handwriting.
  • 去(磁)去掉(磁性存储设备)
    To erase(a magnetic storage device).
  • 擦去擦掉或除;抹去
    To rub or wipe out; erase.
  • 1915年土耳其人灭了亚美尼亚人。
    The Turks erased the Armenians in 1915.
  • 他根除了政治中的教条主义,除了政党界限。
    He removed the dogmatism from politics; he erased the party line.
  • 一有息,我会马上通知您。
    I'll call you al soon as I hear anything.
  • 通货膨胀的压力已除,失业人口是历年最低的,人人议论纷纷的预算赤字也取
    Inflationary pressures have vanished, unemployment is at an historical low level, and the much talked-about budget deficit has been erased.
  • 文字处理机像是附有字机、复印机、剪刀和粘胶的打字机。
    A word processor is like a typewriter with a built-in eraser, copier, scissors and glue.
  • 计算机安全学中,用删除或重写存储信息或用寄存器清除等方法除无用数据的过程。
    In computer security, the removal of obsolete data by erasure, by overwriting of storage or by resetting registers.