Chinese English Sentence:
  • 汤比格比河一长约644公里(400英里)的河流,发源于美国密西西比州东北部,大致流向为向南,在阿拉巴马州汇阿拉巴马河形成莫比尔河
    A river, about644 km(400 mi) long, rising in northeast Mississippi and flowing generally southward through western Alabama to join the Alabama River and form the Mobile River.
  • 阿拉巴马州内的一河流,南流形成木比耳河的一支流。
    a river in Alabama that flows southwestward to become a tributary of the Mobile River.
  • 阿拉巴马州西南的一河流;流入木比耳湾。
    a river in southwestern Alabama; flows into Mobile Bay.
  • -采取特别措施来应付非洲消除贫穷和促进可持续发展的挑战,包括取消债务,改善市场准入件,增加官方发展援助,增加外国直接投资的流入量以及转让技术。
    To take special measures to address the challenges of poverty eradication and sustainable development in Africa, including debt cancellation, improved market access, enhanced Official Development Assistance and increased flows of Foreign Direct Investment, as well as transfers of technology.
  • delete退后一格并删除一字符或数字项。
    Delete backspace and erase one character or number entry.
  • 他根除了政治中的教主义,消除了政党界限。
    He removed the dogmatism from politics; he erased the party line.
  • 最近这街上已有四宗驱逐房客事件。
    Ere have been four evictions from this street recently.
  • 高大的金字塔形云杉,原产北欧,墨绿色树叶,外展形树枝,下垂的小枝,长的下垂球果。
    tall pyramidal spruce native to northern Europe having dark green foliage on spreading branches with pendulous branchlets and long pendulous cones.
  • 加龙河位于法国西南部的一河,流程约563公里(350英里),大致源于西班牙比利牛斯山西北部,与波尔多湾北部的多尔多涅河汇集形成吉伦特海湾
    A river of southwest France flowing about563 km(350 mi) generally northwest from the Spanish Pyrenees to join the Dordogne River north of Bordeaux and form the Gironde estuary.
  • 有斜长石结晶结构的在嵌有化石水晶基质的晶体中,由形纹石组成的结构的
    Having a texture composed of lath-shaped plagioclase crystals in a matrix of pyroxene crystals.
  • 这门刚开到一半,那小狗就企图逃跑。
    As soon as the door is left ajar the puppy makes a bid for freedom.
  • 有一只黑寡妇蜘蛛,一巨蟒,一响尾蛇标本,一只猎鹰,一只侏儒兔。
    He brought ... a black widow spider, a python, a stuffed rattler, a falcon, a dwarf rabbit.
  • 以我方的确认为件,现对提洛尔ah22--biff型夏普空调器报价,到伦敦cif价每台530英镑。连同接货订单,信用证五周内装船。
    We qt. subj. cfmn on sharp aircondition tyrol ah22--biff at l530/unit cif len shpt within 5 wks. aft ret dr l.c.
  • 莫罗:从这走道往前走,在隔壁的那间里,待会儿我就带你们去看,还有四台蒸汽熨烫机。
    Down the aisle, in the connecting room, as I'll show you very soon, we have four steam pressing machines.
  • 梯形一个有两平行边的四边形
    A quadrilateral having two parallel sides.
  • 大约在这走道中间,第22排。
    About halfway down this aisle, row 22.
  • 商店的每一通道都引发着情感上的矛盾。
    Controversy looms in every aisle.
  • 三趾鹑的变种,身上有纹。
    a variety of button quail having stripes.
  • 鹑鹌属旧大陆的一种小的短粗尾的鹌鹑(鹌鹑),具有沙色的有纹的羽毛,通常用于实验室的研究工作
    A small, stub-tailed Eurasian quail(Coturnix coturnix) having sandy, streaked plumage and commonly used in laboratory research.
  • 伯麦的神秘主义神学教影响了教友派。
    the mystical theological doctrine of Jakob Boehme that influenced the Quakers.
  •  (三)临时通过中国领陆、领水、领空的外国运输工具,依照其所属国同中国签订的协议或者共同参加的国际约,或者依照互惠原则,为运输工具自身需要而在其装置和设备中使用有关专利的;
    Where any foreign means of transport which temporarily passes through the territory, territorial waters or territorial airspace of China uses the patent concerned, in accordance with any agreement concluded between the country to which the foreign means of transport belongs and China, or in accordance with any international treaty to which both countries are party, or on the basis of the principle of reciprocity, for its own needs, in its devices and installations;
  • 你可以无件地接受他的声明。
    You can accept his statement without qualification.
  • 资格限制或改变其它事件的事件;限定
    One that restricts or modifies another; a qualification.
  • (按照获得某事物的件)被包括在内
    Count towards sthbbe included as a qualification for sth
  • 由于各参与院校均承认学员修读毅进课程所取得的学历,因此,这项计划可以帮助中五离校生和成年学员符合重要的入学件,让他们能够继续修读较高程度的持续教育课程。
    With the agreement of participating institutions to mutually recognise Project Yi Jin qualifications, the programme will provide secondary school leavers and adult learners with an important entry qualification to pursue higher education through the progression ladder of continuing education.
  • 限制性文文件中作为一个限定、件或限制的
    A clause in a document making a qualification, condition, or restriction.
  • 款一种规定或件,尤其是指一个文件或协议中的
    A stipulation or qualification, especially a clause in a document or an agreement.
  • 教育部近日发布了《教师资格件》实施办法。
    The Ministry of Education issued the enforcement measures of the Teachers' Qualification Terms recently.
  • 你有什么样的资格件?
    What qualifications have you get?
  • 你有什么样的资格件?
    What qualifications have you got?
  • 第十九获得《专利代理人资格证书》,五年内未从事专利代理业务或者专利行政管理工作的,其《专利代理人资格证书》自动失效。
    Article 19 In case bearers of "Patent Agent Qualification Certificate" fail to engage in patent commissioning business or patent-related management for 5 years, their "Patent Agent Qualification Certificates" are automatically rendered ineffective.
  • 第十一专利代理机构应当聘任有《专利代理人资格证书》的人员为专利代理人。
    Article 11 Patent agencies shall employ as patent agents persons with "Patent Agent Qualification Certificate".