Chinese English Sentence:
  • 原来这趟旅行根本不是简单的空中观览,而是要承担寻和拯救使命。
    This excursion was never intended to simply be an aerial tour but,in fact,a search and rescue mission.
  • 到一九四七年重新颁布的三大纪律八项注意,内容上也有修改,“上门板”、“捆铺草”,改为“不打人骂人”、“不损坏庄稼”,“洗澡避女人”、“不俘虏腰包”,改为“不调戏妇女”、“不虐待俘虏”。
    When the Three Main Rules of Discipline and the Eight Points for Attention were reissued in 1947, some revisions were again made in the content."Put back the doors you have taken down for bed-boards" and "put back the straw you have used for bedding" were replaced by "do not hit or swear at people" and "do not damage crops"."Do not bathe within sight of women" was changed to "do no take liberties with women", and "do not search the pockets of captives" became "do not ill-treat captives".
  • 追逐,捕全力追逐以便征服或毁灭
    To pursue relentlessly so as to overcome or destroy.
  • 对那些内部网索公司来说,以向索提供关联性的方式加索引将是成败的关键。
    Indexing in a way that provides relevance to the search is going to be key to these intranet search companies.
  • 那些能将其索引擎配置成具备在索结果中有更佳关联性的公司,将成为内部网索领域中的赢家。
    The companies that can configure their search engines for better relevance in search results will be the winners in the intranet search field.
  • 于是我们集了国内能找到的一切有关技术资料。
    Then we collected all relevant technical data available in the country.
  • 大部分非法入境者是为了找寻工作和获得较佳工资,因此当局经常派员前往建筑地盘、工厂及其他工作地点查,如发现非法入境者在港工作,会先行检控然后予以遣返。
    Most illegal immigrants came to the HKSAR seeking work and higher wages. Frequent checks were conducted on construction sites, factories and other places of employment. Illegal immigrants found working were prosecuted before repatriation.
  • 这名记者正在耐心地寻事实。
    The reporter was patiently digging for facts.
  • 公民的住宅不受侵犯,禁止非法查他人住宅或者非法侵入他人住宅;
    the residences of citizens are inviolable and unlawful search of, or intrusion into, a citizen's residence is prohibited;
  • 由于每种索引擎的蜘蛛、产生的索引和索算法都是不一样的,所以在不同索引擎上的索结果和排列次序是不同的。
    Because the spiders, resulting indexes, and search algorithms of each search engine differ, so do the search results and rankings across the various search engines.
  • 涉及布尔逻辑寻的信息恢复
    Information retrieval involving Boolean searching.
  • 数据库进行快速简便查和检索而组织的数据集合
    A collection of data arranged for ease and speed of search and retrieval.
  • 如果你要寻、检索和管理文档,你就需要元数据,换言之,需要关于数据的数据。
    If you are going to search, retrieve and manage documents, you need metadata -- in other words, data about data.
  • 对整个地区的索,我们发现没有预期的效果。
    scouring the entire area revealed nothing.
  • 这些代理(叫做软件机器人,或简称softbot,或更简单称作bot)是一些计算机程序,它们代表主人在internet上漫游,寻信息。
    These agents (called software robots, softbots or, simply, bots) are computer programs that roam the Internet on behalf of their owners, ferreting information.
  • 他们花了几天的时间在丛林里寻到了那个间谍。
    They spent several days in the jungle , routing out the spies.
  • 对嫌疑犯进行搜身
    Rub down a suspect
  • 他们还说:“我们还可以有系统地指导老鼠在倒塌的水泥碎快堆中进行索,并且命令它们穿过一般情况下它们回避的地方,例如,光线明亮的空旷的环境。”
    "We were also able to guide rats in systematically exploring large, collapsed piles of concrete rubble, and to direct them through environments that they would normally avoid, such as brightly lit, open areas," they say.
  • 这种被命名为“老鼠”机器人的动物将来能够用以挽救埋在碎石下的地震灾民,寻地雷,甚至在微型摄像机的帮助下,监视内部的秘密装置。
    "Ratbot", as the creature has been named, could one day be used to rescue earthquake victims buried under rubble, seek out land mines or even, with the help of miniature video cameras, spy inside secret installations.
  • 翻寻搜寻食物;搜索
    To conduct a search; rummage.
  • 寻觅,求尤指为某种可能或潜在的利益而四处寻或查找
    To rummage or search around, especially for a possible profit.
  • 寻辛苦地挖掘或如挖掘般地寻找;
    To search laboriously by or as if by digging; rummage.
  • 他的集最后无果而返。
    he gave the attic a good rummage but couldn't find his skis.
  • 翻盒子的剩余部分。
    he rummaged through a box of spare parts.
  • 我在囗袋搜寻票。
    I rummaged for the ticket in my pockets.
  • 现在我张开口正要说早安,可又闭上了,敬礼未能完成,因为哈里顿·恩萧正在sottovoce作他的早祷,也就是说他在屋角寻一把铲子或是铁锹去铲除积雪时,他碰到每样东西都要对它发出一串的咒骂。
    and now I opened my mouth for a `good morning', but closed it again, the salutation unachieved; for Hareton Earnshaw was performing his orisons sotto voce, in a series of curses directed against every object he touched, while he rummaged a corner for a spade or shovel to dig through the drifts.
  • 索引擎公司争着提供这种功能。
    Search-engine vendors are rushing to provide that capability.
  • 统计学集、组织、解释数字数语的数字,尤指用样本分析总体的特征者
    The mathematics of the collection, organization, and interpretation of numerical data, especially the analysis of population characteristics by inference from sampling.
  • 位于加尼福尼亚州奥克兰名为savagebeast(野人-野兽)公司正在制作一个功能更加强大的索引擎。
    But Savage Beast in Oakland, Calif., is one of the latest companies to try and build a better music search engine.
  • 警察在乡下寻这些逃犯。
    The police are scouring the countryside for the escaped prisoners.
  • 警察正在索森森,寻找那个丢失的小孩。
    The police are scouring the woods for the missing child.
  • 我们花了整个周末到处罗一些古董来装饰新居。
    We spent all weekend scouring around for same antiques to use in furnishing our new apartment.